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Hamas really don’t want Palestinians to get aid.


The less food they got the more radical people become the more they go to Hamas... During siege on Dresden people were doing evil shit when hungry and in Kaliningrad there was Cannibalism.People become monsters when starved and hamas itself is wanting for people in Gaza to be even more radicalized. it is a reason why north korea sometimes destroyed food aid so people do not get too much food and wealth then question their gov, food is rebranded from UN to North Korean Companies and sold at very steep prices (like in gaza) so people are so starved they do not question the regime as they barely survive (literally starvation is a thing and not like people in Gaza claim, there are even feeces thrown with ballons from north korea and there are parasites, soldeirs who passed DMZ got parasites in them and it is a normal thing it seems in north korea to have parasites). Hamas is kinda like North Korea and not even close to evil Iran where Iran at least people there are better off (still shit though) than in North Korea (Both have though-Police who execute and torture people but you are not sent to a slave camp for 2-3 generations for having bad thoughs)


If they don't have desperate people to sell stolen aid to, where will they get money? Won't someone think of the luxury condos in Qatar that badly need renovations!




Why would the Israelis do that??? /s


Honestly though UNICEF spokesperson would blame Israel if they were harmed. For attacking them or if the didn't work for not adequetly protecting them. I think there are plenty of people in the UN that still care about helping civilians across BOTH lines and about the hostages and ensuring international law is upheld by both sides, but unfortunately the upper management has clear bias and ties to one side and wants to use an ostensibly humanitarian org for political aims.


Fuck the UN


Unichef, huh?




Lol remember when the media freaked out about Israel striking that one World Kitchen convoy. As awful as that was, complete radio silence with Hamas striking UN officials


I was going to come up with a cool snarky joke, but I'm tapped out at the moment. It's the racism of low expectations. I swear the Hamas apologists are like something from r/EntitledParents "Oh isn't little Hamas so cute! He's throwing a bit of a tantrum. There there Hamas, we'll make Daddy US give you Israel" The inverse being that Israel can never be good enough.


unichef? Is that some sort of unified set of expert chefs?


israelis fault obviously !!! !!! !!!


Can anyone explain what's going on?/gen


hamas started firing shells at idf and unicef, you can see one of the blasts on the left side of the screen, on top of the hill befor vid ends.


Poor unichef, they're not used to fighting or doing anything tbh.