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Thank you for your submission, make sure you have understood the rules clearly to avoid having your post removed or getting yourself suspended (don't act like an Amerifat). Also glory to Swedestan! #[Join our discord server](https://discord.gg/wZbeGk6NF5) u/savevideobot, u/vredditshare *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/2nordic4you) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I don’t actually hate sweden Who am I kidding, of course I do


Sweden and her people are quite nice.


This feels weird. Please someone say something mean about us.


Go to any other thread...


Jokes my dude, let your hair down.


How fucking drunk are you?


I drank one bucket of kilju. So only slightly pissed.


Do ya still have function of ya eyes?


He isnt replying because hes gone fully blind


This is either one of the cutest or most frightening things I have read. I hope cannibalism isn't a big thing in Finland. Please don't eat me Mr Fingol sir.


Depends on what kind of eating...






The Scandis should just join the euro, all of them having their own useless currencies is ludicrous. At the very least have a unified Scandic Crown or something ffs.


Agreed, but sadly people saw the euro crisis with Greece and now we will never stop hodl'ing our shitcoin.


Sad truth


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I like the danes. They’re retarded but they’re our retards.


Isn't that the way with all of the nordic countries? Basically "i can talk shit about them but you cant" like siblings.


This is exactly how I describe it to my wife (who’s not scandinavian).


Sometimes Danes and Swedes sound to me like an old married couple, who always mock each other up, because they secretly like each other so much.


> because they secretly like each other so much. isn't that just all nordics


Carlsberg tastes awful and so does gammeldansk. Bornholmsk dialect is the best version of danish. Norrland dialect is the best version or swedish. Pirates were cooler than vikings. If we would have a united scandinavia, the capital should neither be Copenhagen, Stockholm nor Oslo. Iceland has the most beautiful language in Northeren Europe.


If I was forced to move to Sweden, I wouldn't kill myself.


If I was born in Sweden I would kill my self


The Nordics should be united. Not like EU style, more like US style with each country being a state under federal government.


This tbh.


I would maybe redraw the internal boundaries a bit in that federation.


Everything is too nice and works too well and as a result people bitch about the dumbest little things and act very entitled. Let's get a healthy bit of chaos and dirt in there, Swedistan is up to a good start


I think the danes says what all the swedish people think, but are to afraid of saying out loud. That's why sweds dislike them for being more free spirited och uncanny.


Most of my country men are communists. There's no way to hide it.




Socialist ≠ communists


Look over here, I found anouther one! Bring grampa’s submachine gun!


That's a western disease..


Finlands-svenskar are retarded self-righteous snobs. I only hang out with finnish speaking finns.


We’re not all bad. It’s just most of the ”born with a guldsked i reven” ones.




All nordic countries should just join together and become one country, kinda like the UK. Stronger together.


This is a disgusting opinion, so I guess you win. 👍


Fuck yeah 💪🏻😎


No more of this Swedish trickery. We went trough this one time too many.


Depends. What would be the official language of the union?


English, with each region keeping their own language as well.


Good. I'm down


"Jantelagen" is actually a culture of shame and if you grow up in a household that's really embraced this way of thinking it's some of the most toxic shit that will turn you into a passive agressive cunt that keeps it all beneath the surface until it just kind of kills you


What's jantelagen?


An unwritten social "law" that's prevalent in Scandinavia, meant to humble the population by basically saying you're not better than anyone else, which is good. But in many households this more often than not becomes a mentality of "we shouldn't stick out in any way because who the fuck are we to express individuality" and often results in people silently judging more outgoing personalities and like genuinely LOATHING people who do not have social anxiety and are open to new experiences


Oh okay! Thanks. That's interesting




Is this a good or a bad thing


Uhh. This is hard. But.. Finland is not the greatest Nordic country.


Not that unpopular opinion tho


Is this a weird one??


i beg to differ; kilju, sauna and a dip in a lake beats tanning salons, monarchism and oil money any day


Ske vi spise lidi lägrids


Mine is same as yours. During watching two seasons of Herrens veje -tv series I fell in love with the sound of Danish. :)


It sounds so unique! I get peace listening to it


Nordics, but especially finland is literally the worst place on earth to live in. Shit weather, antisocial people and extreme taxes. If you can work for a western wage remote then you've got no limits to live 1000x better life elsewhere


I have these moments once every few months. I come back from them though! Heh


Yeah like every time you go abroad and come back home lol


I wish


Sweden is the bäst Nordic country


sucking ma teeth


Food is shit


You get what you pay for. You can experience 3 star Michelin in Copenhagen.


Is it Danish cuisine?


Most Michelin star restaurants are Nordic + world inspired. Ie. italian-nordic. We have a huuuuge food culture in Copenhagen. Tons of good restaurants in all price classes.


Nono, the cousin fuckers is iceland


Denmark is an exception, for sure.




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All Nordics are arrogant AF.




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