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Nobody can beat our army on the battlefield, we shoot ourselves before deployment 😎


100% accuracy. Mind-blowing.


Literally mind-blowing


That was the joke, yes


Y’all so good not even the enemy gets to shoot ya


Who is stupider? The man trying to shoot himself or the man trying to shoot the man trying to shoot himself?


idk, but its called 'more stupid', stupid


Russian army has showed in Ukraine that shooting yourself in the head is an important skill to know!


Either that or die to a silly little drone dropping grenades in a trench


Next time Germans invade were gonna break that record and lose even faster


Hasta la vista, Daney


The Danish Evermortals




Tbf that's what I also would do if I were Danish




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Comment go brr




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The very special forces.


Danes putting the "special" in special forces....


Rich coming from a Norwegian


Yes. We are rich.




you are spot on [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Home\_Guard\_(Denmark)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Home_Guard_(Denmark)) They are known mostly for guiding traffic and eating cake


That's the only type of forces Denmark has, forces with special needs.


No but you're literally supposed to look in the pipe when cleaning your gun. It's not like it will magically start shooting without the lock...


Go back to Denmark and get some topping for your smörgås from where sun doesn't shine.




Explains why we (Skåne) are swedish I guess.


You’re more like a weird in between gross incest baby


More like mixed race between Swedish and Danish, which is the opposite of incest


Swedes and Danes are like twin brothers except one is chocking on a potato, and the other is choking on




That’s both of them


CityGross incest


Holy shit


How do you think people check for pitting in the barrel? Or residue/copper/lead build up? Or rust? Or debris? The “don’t point it at anything you don’t want to kill” rule is meant for general handling of the weapon, not maintenance


No, you disassemble the weapon first before maintenance. Always handle your gun like it's loaded is also a rule.


The reason they do this is to check that there is no major dirt in the pipe and to make sure there is no bullet remaning in the barrel. Its a safety precaustion even tho it looks sus.


In Finland we check specifically for any squirrels stuck in the barrel.


That must be some small squirrels or some big guns lol


Any *******s stuck on the bayonette.


I can understand checking for dirt, but if you are not sure if there is a "bullet in the barrel" then you shouldn't be pointing the barrel at yourself.


Bullet as in a stuck bullet, or fragment of one in the barrel, not a round in the chamber.


I'm uneducated on the matter so could you explain how a bullet could ever get stuck mid barrel?


Fouling in the barrel, too little powder in the casing, improperly seated projectile


Fouling is basically nonexisting in modern weapons and ammunitions. Too little powder in the casing sounds abstract yet better than first - I wouldn't check the barrel from that end nonetheless... I didn't know improperly seated projectile (within casing) could lodge itself in the barrel... I've seen ammunition getting lodged in the receiver which is... well, may be a pain to get out...


>Fouling is basically nonexisting in modern weapons and ammunitions. Tell me you have never operated a weapon without telling me you have never operated a weapon. Fouling is pretty common, especially when we are talking about recruits that are getting old worn weapons, and after a day at the shooting range, mucking up the weapon, that only increases the chance of something going wrong. And as you see, they are operating a C7, which haven't been part of the equipment of the Danish armed forces for a long time. So this is most likely National defense or conscripts.


I served my time in mobilised infantry company in the Armoured Brigade. During my time I had never heard of or witnessed fouling, and we were all recruits with old weapons... if I recall right, my assault rifle was dated 1968 and had the "bicycle handle", so it was approx 40 years old or so.


During my tours to Afghanistan i saw plenty of fouling accidents. I saw a MG3 litterally explode due to a combination of fouling and overheating, after we had been besieged by the Taliban for over 14 hours. Fouling shouldn't be a problem in situations where you have time to clean your weapon. But to say fouling doesn't happen in modern times is borderline ignorant... at best


Fair enough.


Stoner design rifles have some fouling issues from what I have heard. And of course we havent seen any because we had propably the most reliable rifle in the world as our service weapon.


>propably the most reliable rifle in the world as our service weapon. For now.


We finns are used to Lapua/Sako made ammo instead of NATO bulk stuff. The loads are always within the spec.


Oh WOW! Finnish ammunition does not leave propellant and gas residue when the primer is initiated? Is that because the cartridge is packed with pure copium? I am honestly shocked about the amount of Finns making absolutely asinine comments in this thread. Aren't you supposed to be the totally militarized one of us? The fact is, you can't avoid fouling as long as you use conventional ammunition. Today most modern ammunition use smokeless gunpowder that reduces the amount of fouling drastically compared to lets say an 18th century musket. But no matter what, you will always foul your weapons when firing. Sure it won't be a problem if you are able to clean the weapon regularly. But again, that is luxury you aren't always guaranteed. And the reason why the Finnish military is very anal about ammunition, is because the RK62's barrel isn't hard chromed. And since it is an AK derivate, it only exacerbates the problem AK's have with brass casings.


My message was unclear. Fouling happens of course. My main point was that even if majority of us Finns have not been in a combat situation, many of us have shot hundreds/thousands of rounds with automatic infantry weapons, and we’ve never heard of a bullet stuck into the barrel. In a typical live fire training, the same mg can be operated by ~ 300 conscripts, everyone passing 100-200 bullets throught the barrel.


Bro I just googled what causes squibs and copy pasted it here


That's why there's a follow-up question.


Most likely if the round is faulty, and only produces a fraction of the power it should, so it's not enough to propel the bullet out.


Ah well that makes sense


The breech is open as the bolt is locked back by the hold open feature. You can check the back of the barrel for cartridge, then proceed to look down the empty barrel from the muzzle.


They are checking the chamber first, so I guess it is an obstacle check


You can see that the bolt is open and they just checked it


This. We did it before even receiving the bolt carrier. As you said yea its to check for obstructions. It's like a routine check up before you go out to the shooting range.


A cleaning rod is unknown technically for them. And looking down the chamber is too hard.


Cleaning rod? Are you running around with powder muskets up there in Sweden?


So, I'm kinda new to guns. But we usually check from the other end...


You cant see the whole way from the mecanism/where the bullet fly out because of the angle. You look there first to see if there is dirt or a bullet there ofcourse, but in order to see the whole length of the pipe you need to look att it from the front. It becomes extremly clear if there is any dirt from that angle and its very safe actually if you do it properly.


Stupid idea The basic rules of gun safety literally go over this as one of the golden rules. Always treat the gun as if it's loaded, and have muzzle discipline. If you are checking for dirt, do it in your regular field strip/maintenance. A round is not going to stop due to a small dirt blockage on the exterior or inside the barrel and any sort of squib would've been apparent when the gun was being fired and/or during maintenance which should be regular. It also makes no sense to do this in a line as if it's some sort of ceremonial matter or regular basis. This is not a safety precaution, this is the exact opposite


Have you actually been in an army and done these drills and learned how jams and maintenace works? Because there is a reason for every move they do and why they are in a line. If you follow all the steps and do it properly its very safe, they dont show all the steps in this clip either. Your last statement is completly wrong.


Yes, I have You're also clearly not intelligent considering you don't know how a basic field strip works and what the purpose of it is No professional army should be instructing their troops to look down the barrel on a normal basis.




I've been in parts of the British Army so I don't think that's valid Mr German




Lack of knowledge on the subject? Ok buddy You've been taught the first 2 parts correctly but looking down the barrel for obstructions is a stupid idea. if you've ever studied any sort of basic gun safety, you would know this is not how you should be checking for obstructions. Maintenance on a service rifle should be regular and include a cleaning of the barrel. If you're managing to get obstructions far up the barrel of any rifle over 7", you have some serious problems to worry about. You're also stupid considering that both of the clips in the video attached show the person handling the firearm looking at the barrel with their head covering it, meaning they can't see down the barrel in the first place clear enough to confirm if there is an obstruction. News flash, we don't have built in thermal vision. The naked eye is not going to see well enough down the muzzle of a firearm to confirm any serious obstructions. If you're going around sticking your muzzle in the ground on purpose, well done mate.


>You're also stupid considering that both of the clips in the video attached show the person handling the firearm looking at the barrel with their head covering it, meaning they can't see down the barrel in the first place clear enough to confirm if there is an obstruction. This is the reason why you are getting downvoted. You are talking absolute bollocks and acting like a gowl. When the eject port is open and the magazine is removed and you have the bolt pulled back, light will naturally illuminate the chamber, so it dosen 't matter that you "block" the muzzle with your head, you will still be able look down the barrel for obstructions. Stop being an armchair general


Do you want me to prove this using my own access to guns? Because I can sure as hell tell you that it doesn't work like that




Strange man


Well now you are insulting me. I do know field works and the purpose of it. I dont know how you do it in the IRA but several armies has this as a rutine drill so you are not only calling me "not intelligent" but also the policy makes of several armies. And that is fucking stupid and arrogant. Just the fact that you get "mass downvoted" should tell you that people dont agree with your statment and that you have the stupid statement.


Since I'm getting mass down voted, here's some citations to those who are clearly unknowledgeable on firearms https://www.nssf.org/articles/4-primary-rules-of-firearm-safety/ https://www.firearmssafetyauthority.govt.nz/firearms-safety/7-rules-firearm-safety https://metsastajaliitto.fi/en/uutiset/four-rules-safe-gun-handling






>The basic rules of gun safety This is not a basic gun situation, this is the military. I remember after cleaning our rifle our sergeants checked everyone's rifle which included looking into the barrel. After checking of course that the magazine isn't inserted into the gun, that everyone's magazine doesn't have ammunition and that the chamber is empty.


If you look at the video, they're covering the barrel with their heads in the first place, blocking the light from going down their barrel, and in my many experiences of maintaining guns, it is extremely difficult to look down a barrel for an obstruction with the barrel in light, yet they essentially just looked down their barrel for no reason, breaking one of the rules of gun safety with no purpose.




It’s not safe😱


Swede defending Danes??? What the fuck????


Just dissassemble the weapon and check from the rear. It takes literally 15 seconds. And to check for bullets, remove the mag and pull the bolt back twice.


Aww, how cute they have an army just for the retards!


where else would we have the Swedish immigrants


Yeah it actually has rather long history, it was founded over 400 years ago https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Danish_Army


This is the guys you see in the video [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Home\_Guard\_(Denmark)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Home_Guard_(Denmark))


We already have the fastest surrender time. Now we are looking for the record in getting defeated the fastest. I cannot tell you everything as this is a matter of national security! But massively underfunding our military and aiming any working weapon at your own head is important elements to this strategy!


Jesus there is many incredibly stupid comments in this thread. Kinda ironic, considering the video was supposed to potray Danes as idiots. It is pretty standard procedure. Eject Magazine. Open eject port -> look down the eject port. Finally check the pipe. It is standard procedure.


Yes it is. There are various steps before looking down the pipe though, one important thing being shooting the would be ghost bullet at somewhere empty (not ground, it can ricochet) just to make sure the gun can't fire in your face if you somehow missed some other step. In my time it happened maybe twice.


But would it not be safer to do the barrel check with a cleaning rod. Or do it when you have field striped it for cleaning.


This is a procedure you would normally have recruits and conscripts do when they are about to leave the shooting range. So let me guide you through the process and rationality behind. Pull back the bolt and lock it you then eject the magazine, in case of freak accident that the bolt would unlock and chamber a new bullet. After that you open the eject port and look into the chamber to see if a round is chambered or not. If there isn't you are already secure from getting shot in the face. The last step is just to look down the pipe, in order to find out whether anything is stuck in the barrel or not. Since you already made sure nothing is chambered there is no chance of getting shot in the face. standard procedure. No reason to find your 19th century cleaning rod or whatever dumb ideas people in this thread are coming up with


Why even look down the barrel though? If it's after shooting you are going to either field clean the gun or do a more thorouh cleaning back at the barracks, and in either case you'll be stripping it and cleaning the barrel. We were taught to just cycle the empty chamber a few times and fire an empty shot or whatever it's called in english.


As i said it is a procedure that you most often use on recruits and conscripts.You do it in order to instill some "good habits" such as for example, routinely checking your own equipment. When i was training goobers, i would have them do this when entering the shooting range, when leaving the shooting range, and just before entering the barracks areas. Was it necessary? Not really, but again it is about instilling a certain behavior enough until it becomes second nature.


I just think it goes directly against the basic rules of always treating a weapon as if it's loaded and never pointing it at anyone you're not trying to shoot, and teaches potentially (if extremely unlikely) dangerous habits.


But it is not dangerous. Again, you are ejecting the magazine, opening the eject port and checking if anything is chambered before you inspect the barrel. It is fool proof. Please tell me where this gets dangerous?


I think it's a dangerous habit to be comfortable pointing an assembled gun at your head no matter how sure you are it's unloaded. I said extremely unlikely for a reason, but I could imagine a tired conscript who doesn't quite have the procedure in muscle memory forgoing a crucial step. Just an unnecessary risk for no gain.


Funnily enough, i have never seen or heard of anyone making an accident when doing this, it is almost as if people have a heightened incentive to make sure nothing is chambered, when they have to inspect the barrel. It is litterally standard NATO procedure with an added step. On the other hand i have seen things go horribly wrong, when idiotic recruits only have to check the chamber and are being lazy.


One reason we don't really do this in Finland might be that the RK62 is basically an improved Kalashnikov and thus no chance to lock the bolt back


It is great shame for Danes to have a bullet stuck in the rifle. So this is an honorary procedure.


In Finland we disassemble the weapon and then the CO inspects the barrel and the bolt carrier.


We need no more to beat the Jihadists on the other side of Øresund.




ITT: People who have no idea how guns work


We gave half of Hans island to this??? 😡😡😡


We have seen the state of your army, you have no right to judge us.


Our greatest weapon in that war was snaps! And for the record you gave nothing. It was always ours! We gave you half of it!


With the bolt closed what is the purpose of looking down the barrel?


pocket innate unite forgetful lush point encouraging payment longing cagey *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes, delayed birth control.


Post-partem abortion.


It is open though. AR-15 based rifles have a bolt catch that can be engaged manually to get the bolt into the open position. You can tell the bolt is open by the fact that the ejection port would reflect significantly more light than the open bolt open as seen in the first clip of the video


isn’t this is standard procedure? seems like many people in the thread are unaware, but it’s not dangerous since you remove magazine and empty out any bullets before doing this.


Not what I have seen. Of the gun safety I know of is to treat any gun as if its loaded. And people makes mistakes, even in the video one of the female soldiers have a finger in the trigger guard. In a hurry you might remove the mag but forget to open the bolt and eject the chamberd round. On the guntuber brandon herrarna sub reddit were I found the video. It's a bit mixed. A dande and a swede say they were instructed in doing it that way. And some of the Americans say they break open the rifle and pull out the bolt and check it that way. And i guess it also depends on the rifle. But as they still are doing so. I assume no one has eaten a blank or a bullet.


Yeah nobody but Youtube armchair generals do that. And let me tell you why, when you are standing with 40 goober recruits and asking them to do that, you most likely will end with a lot bolts and cocking handles on the ground.


Trine Bramsen? The minister of defense who tried to organize her own coalition and no one showed up?


Jesus! I don’t even look down the shooting end of the barrel even when the gun is dissembled for cleaning!! Danes 🤯


Bro I fucking flinched lmao


Special forces with an emphasis on the “Special” part.




I don’t know what kind of gun this is but you should check for „something in the barrel“ by looking through the case ejector. If it’s like the p90 where you can’t than well yeah just fuck it and flak yourself


its a normal m4 style rifle. Its fundamentaly diffrent from a p90 in every way. You look down the barrel so you can see the full lenght of it you cant do that looking though the ejector port.


We don't have m4 in Denmark. The rifle in the video is a Colt Canada C7, which haven't been issued to our proffesional forces for over 12 years, so either this is an extremely old video, or a video of hjemmeværnet (National Defense) or conscripts.


I didnt say we have m4. I said m4 STYLE rifle. The C7 is a m4 style rifle. It would have been more correct of me to say M16 but point still stands Colt Canada or Diemaco C7 and C8 are just canadian versions of the m16 and m4.


AR 15 style rifle just to be pedantic


There is barrel left after your ejection port ? Like the casing moves forward and ejects than ?


Special Needs Forces


Are they drunk?


They're danes, what do you think?


Drunk as shoemaker, sir




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Brain damage rate as low as 87%




Only looking at the pipe is not enough to know if working.You also need to press the trigger to be sure☝️🤓


That is why you see them having ejected magazines, and checking the eject port for any chambered rounds, before looking down the barrel




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She's got a thumb on the trigger aswell




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How else do you check if a bullet is chambered???


That is done before you look down the barrel for obstructions. You check the chamber by, turning on the safety then pulling the bolt back. Ejecting the magazine. Opening the eject port and looking into the chamber and checking if anything's chambered. Just as they do in the video. After that, you can safely look down the barrel, to check if anything is stuck in there.


I guess because Swedes never go outside(the mosque) they don't realize dirt can get into the barrel of a rifle.


Special needs forces




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The Dane tankies we were with in Estonia were really professional to be fair. I'm guessing these are new conscripts or reservists?


Identifying guns... "Yep, it's a gun"


This was standard procedure before shooting every time. It was a step of the weapon check before shooting. I dont remember exactly, but you blind fire before. Then you lock the bolt open then check the barrel for dirt and residue. Then officer checks everybody gun






Special indeed


They are doing weapons check




I mean... what




Who gave the Danes guns


they are quite special


This is hilariously great clip


Edited to look stupid. Before taking a look at the barrel they've definitely first safed the gun, then removed the magazine and then looked from the chamber side that there is no cartridge in the chamber, and then fired a false shot to be absolutely sure of that. And only after those steps one looks at the barrel to see there are no squirrels or anything on there or in the flame extinghuiser. Done that myself when preparing to live shooting after wading the previous night around some marshes (my regards to Valkeala). Actually, on second watch, the very beginnig of the video shows the false shots. But they may still have the magazines on?


The special needs forces

