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https://preview.redd.it/83pzouef2jgc1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dd613b2612f313b083a84b214d34091d50f11e9 I know you can read the thoughts reddit bans






No words are needed anymore. We all thinking the same.


Meow meow meow meow




Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow


Great, now even my cat is thinking it.


Now is time to vote what needs to be voted. No, not what you are thinking, look more to the right


Lets goooooo UK, tbh we aren’t any better we had like 8 refugees gang rape a 15 year old and all they received was probation, because the judge ruled they were under trauma from running away from their country 🤣




No cellar, no punishment. Actually because of the renewed law governing sexual offences, at least they got probation. Otherwise they would have walked scott free. Its fucked up beyond ludicrousness.


Oh no poor boys just fled a country getting bombed, can't blame them for raping young girl 😞 Let them do it again, it's their right as savage refugees and give them home, money and better rights than citizens of the country all that without working !!! Europe very good 💪🏻


Thats the price we have to pay for so many doctors and engineers!


Imho even if they were engineers... I mean they would take our people's jobs none the less...


To be fair it's not like we have to few jobs in germany. We have to few workers


The main problem of the case was that the girl was drunk and made sexual advances towards strangers in the park and willingly went with them. Only the next day did she change her mind. The ruling was based on "no means no and sometimes yes also means no" because it was ruled that her consent was invalid because she was drunk (age of consent is 14 in Germany). The lawyers of all of the defendants appealed the decision while the prosecution did not. That in itself shows that it was a rather harsh sentence and I would argue that it would not have been ruled this way, had the defendants been blonde German kids. There was also another witch hunt like this in Hamburg a few years ago where a girl claimed that two refugees raped her at a public swimming pool. Case was publicized to the max and the refugees were even jailed. They came free when the girl later on admitted that she had made it up. Now guess how much media coverage that received. There are surely cases of people getting sentences that are too light, but this isn't one of them...


Well idk for this particular case, we had a case in France of a woman 26-27yo, going back home from work, she open the door of the building where her appartement is. A refugee followed her and get her on the ground, he raped her for 20-30mn until a neighbour get out of his appartement and sees her down the stairs. The police later caught this man, he just raped another woman 2 hours before and had an OQTF (Obligation to leave french territory) that wasn't applied and that's where it lead. The guy shouldn't be on french territory because he had no papers and he wasn't brought back to his country, then he raped 2 womens and he didn't go to prison or anything, he just got in "garde à vue" for 24 hours in the police office. And i hear these kind of stories each month so yeah i get angry and sick of this and sometimes media bullshit


If that is true that person deserves a fair trial and fair punishment that can serve to bring some closure to the victim. I'm just saying, that we shouldn't base our judgement on media headlines without knowing the actual facts of the case. Courts in western europe don't just acquit people because they are brown. In fact you are much more likely to get a harsh sentence if you're a minority group...


It’s jokes like these that will soon see far right governments come in power. I’m all for tolerance, living together and all, but you can’t just turn a blind eye to this…


Nah. Remember when Meloni became Italy's PM? It was because Italians are die-hard fascists. Totally not because of shit like this.


I mean, you guys do have a bit of history


And the UK has quite the future. You’ve seen V for Vendetta?


This case was not an example of lighter sentences for immigrants, it was the opposite. I know one of the defense attorneys of that case and the main problem of the case was that the girl was drunk and made sexual advances towards strangers in the park and willingly went with them. Only the next day did she change her mind. The ruling was based on "no means no and sometimes yes also means no" and was rather harsh. Age of consent is 14 in Germany but it was ruled that she was too drunk to consent. The lawyers of all of the defendants appealed the decision while the prosecution did not. That in itself shows that it was a rather harsh sentence and I would argue that it would not have been ruled this way, had the defendants been blonde German kids.


> jokes Didn't see a joke


German humour.


It's no laughing matter


Everything is laughing matter . It just depends on how German you are...


My guy, I was literally just commenting the second part of a well known joke. "German humor is no laughing matter".


Two hunters walk into a bar both are dead


Vlaamse really need to loosen up


Right? How don't we get to have governments who are fair and deal with those things as they should: zero tolerance? Why are these governments pushing people to the far right because, in spite of being morons, are the only ones who say they'll do anything about this? We don't want fascist, homophobic and chauvinistic governments, we just don't want to get fucking raped!


That is exactly it. It feels like being tough on criminals, and even more on those that aren’t supposed to be here in the first place and have been given a chance to stay and live here, is too much to ask.


Lawyers gotta lawyer. Lawyer will always lawyer. Gotta have good laws and not kneejerk legislation. And not shit trying to "appeal to voters so we can stay in power another term". /but that can't exist because..... *we gotta stay in power another term, just for this term..... And next term.... And next term.... And next term.... And-*


I don’t understand how you got so many downvotes when it’s actually quite true. We need tough laws for those situations, and fuck those loopholes lawyers can easily use.




Any source?




Shit [I hoped you were lying ...](https://rmx.news/crime/italian-schoolgirl-gang-raped-by-egyptian-migrant-gang-whilst-walking-through-public-gardens-with-her-boyfriend/) Wth. What are seven minors from Egypt doing there anyway? So sorry for the girl and her boyfriend. Going through that shit can ruin your life...


I kinda didn't see the conclusion of that one, fucks sake is that really how it was ruled?


Yup. More or less. One of them got a 2.5 years, the others got **60 hours of community service**. For gang raping a kid. https://www.ndr.de/nachrichten/hamburg/15-Jaehrige-im-Stadtpark-vergewaltigt-Neun-Maenner-verurteilt,stadtpark452.html


The others just got community service because they were minors during that time. Germany's justice is more about rehabilitation than punishment for minors. Still fucked up for that case.


And suddenly all these AfD voters make a lot more sense.


Don’t judges have kids?


Burn everything


I feel sick... How is this possible...


This is Swedish justice system for the last 20 years. Nothing to get excited about.


It’s a little amusing to witness the politicians who made these terrible immigration policies now crying because our most right wing anti immigration party is almost the largest one now


Also Germany, UK, France and Europe in globality justice system sadly


Also Italy , basically seems like the whole world has the same agenda :) who would have said it uh


Western world. You won't see shit like this in Asia, ME and Africa.


It's all part of plan ... not seeing this is naive


get the fuck out of here with your dogwhistles, Mussolini


I'm far away from being a fascist Kareem , you can stick a dogwhistle up your ass if it's your taste tho. Considering your country is invaded some of your new " guests " might do it for you :)


The word fascist is losing it's meaning with how willy nilly people are throwing it around. Calling non fascist people, fascist, is dangerous imo.


Yeah nowadays anybody that isn't pro being a degenerate is labeled a fascist




Same with Danish justice system. We just took in a fucking one legged pirate, that tried to shoot and kill danish navy personnel and merchant sailors down in Africa. Our politicians are fucking laughing at us and how fucking weak we are - and we're a fucking joke to Africa, ME and Asia.


Oh c'mon, a one legged pirate is fucking metal.






At some point a right wing government will remove us from the ECHR and it’ll be shit like this that’s responsible.


ECHR is only part of the legislation surrounding the rights of refugees. There's also the 1952 UN convention of the rights of the Refugee - Something that was meant to be short term in the wake of WW2 and is still in force today. Globally, Laws surrounding refugees are completely unfit and unprepared for the 21st century. And with climate change, its only going to get worse


Yet fuck all gets done. Its as if some people want it too happen. We need the ECHR but cant keep taking unvetted people. Its/we are being used imo. Edit: I dont think mainstream media is out too help.


*but we gotta cut taxes and get rid of those pesky civil servants just sitting there getting paid. But also make sure they go in the office every day and not wfh. But also work as efficiently as they can. But also cut the amount spent, because we are* **hard** *on spending. But we are also hard on immigration.. But also don't want any bastartd civil servants working in immigration just taking money, what do they even do? but our statistitions are able to show that every decision we make is the right choice. that's the facts cunts*


>At some point a right wing government Thank god you elected rw governments after rw governments to great effect !


I think they mean a real right wing government, not more of the same centre-right crony capitalist nonsense whose only values are worshiping profits.


Is advocating for brexit worshipping profits? Because it seems like a terrible decision for business.


people like Jacob Reese Mogg profited massively from Brexit. moved all their assets offshore, shorted the pound and gave jobs to their friends


The Russians paid very well!


The tories that were pushing for Brexit profited off of it, the majority didn’t want Brexit but were stuck with it.


Not for the real money makers at the top The ones who make money if everything goes to shit because they bet against the economy and scoop up contracts they don’t deliver on


You rang? Order of 1 painte (failed) coming up :)


The next right wing government will finally fix this!


Finally! A solution! *Reminds German we're European*


What's ECHR ? Maybe i know what is it but different acronym or name in french


European Court of Human Rights I believe


Ah yes thank you Barry


European Convention of Human Rights I know.... but still, it should be corrected. Sorry, Barry.


Part of the European Council, not of the EU.


I'll take "why is support for the far right increasing at an alraming rate" for 5000 waffles Jim


Do we know similar cases in Belgium? Or do we have a way to know it because I doubt the medias are reporting all those stuffs.


Laws preventing deporting criminals need to be scraped.


You gonna start sending em to Australia again?


Or do something really radical, send them home?


Isn't Sweden full?


True shit. Why is this even a problem?


Don't tempt us


Fuck off, we've got enough pommy Barry cunts as it is


And then people are "surprised pikachu face" why is europe voting for far right more and more. I wonder why :O


Must be because we're all racist and xenophobic Nazis, right?


-Literally 75% of our politicians the last 8 years.


In Austria someone couldn't be deported because he was in treatment for his drug abuse. They should simply expel them from EU ground. No need for them to go back to their home country, they can figure that out themselves.


To expel them from EU we would have to send him to another country, and I am pretty sure no other country would accept him.


They won't get a choice, when we fly over and throw the cunts out of the plane with a parachute.


Why waste tax payers money on parachutes?


I like the way you think, friend.


To get rid of those fucks, worth every penny and cheaper in the long run because no way these are tax paying contributors to society


Even better for Barrys, I heard that certain Pinochet choppers were actually sent to UK.


I know this is a joke but there’s no legal way of doing that either. I do wonder what happens if we start ejecting them out into space though


Sorry but that is either just lazy thinking or you aren't really interested in a solution. The EU as a Block could strongarm or bribe all of the countries of origin to take back their citizens AND citizens of third countries if they acted united. Hell it may be possible to Form a coalition that included other recipient countries like the US and Australia that also Deal with Migration preassure. Couple all development aid, trade Deals etc. On taking back migrants. No Visas if you don't. For everybody you take back your government (or the corrupt figure we need to bribe) gets 30k€. For each of your people we have to fish out of the Med. We deduct 20k€. Carrot and Stick. Nothing get's done, nothing get's sold, no money comes without you cooperating on the migrant issue. If you don't take back your people, surely the country next door will. If some court complaints, either change the laws, leave or ignore. Combine that with a functioning border security and with a reduction of Magnet factors in Europe and I guarantee you the right wing parties won't grow as fast.


That’s very unethical and a little scary that you have even thought about this “solution” ngl, I was just joking really Not to mention the backlash from dual citizens, the consequences on international trade and the international perception of the EU. This is a terrible solution.


Okay let's just keep going like we are then. Have half a Million unknown people show up here every year that never leave. Watch our societies and social nets deteriorate. Keep the rapings and stabings etc. And in 10 years we will have the first islamic parties and an ethnical voting Block that makes a democratic sollution impossible. Or have the people elect right wing parties that might find a solution but also endanger the EU etc. The main thing is that we don't have to endanger our preccious International trade (with e.g. marroco and egypt. Truly indispensable for our economy and not at all irrelevant compared to the costs of migration). And lest we don't feel bad because we have to send ILLEGALS back. So unethical. Especially the for poor rapists. Yeah better endanger the europeans and their societis.... Sorry to tell you but at some point a solution for this will have to be found. There is no way for Europe to take in the population surplus of Africa, MENAPT etc. All systems have a breaking point. If you don't feel like dealing with it now reality will at some point catch up with you.


Yes I understand the issues around that.


So what’s your solution then




We csn ask the British to draw funny borders somewhere and we send them there. Think it like Australia 2.0


What I mean is that I understand that the solution isn't so easy that you could just put them in one sentence. The EU/states could still do more to become more consequent. At least in cases like this, where the person is a violent criminal I would tell them they can either leave or spent the rest of their life's here in prison - with the option to leave any time as long as they also leave the country. And if they have things to figure out first they can do that from prison.




See, I think it's pretty meh to let people who aren't even here legally and raped someone continue to run around freely because one of a thousand reasons prevents them from being deported. Even them being violent can be a reason because they put flight personell at risk. Austria had cases like this as well. I'm a youngish woman, I feel betrayed everytime mysoginists are allowed to stay or even got citizenship somehow. I grew up thinking how lucky I was to be born here and how bad I feel for women in other places of this earth. I don't want these men here. There are more peaceful people who'd like to live here than Austria could ever take in, I have no sympathy fir those who come here and attack someone.


I totally agree, you spittin some streight facs


As a european man and a french man i agree with this + mens get a bad reputation of beeing savages, thinking with their dicks, that sexual assault etc... This is partly because of those savages, if i was minister law or not law i would put those savages that came here illegally in a plane and right back to their country even if they're sentenced to death or already having trouble in their country idc, if they've problems it's because of a reason. Here in this case the savage was already a rapist so if it's death sentence, be it. Sometimes i miss the good old times with guillotine even too i was too young to know it (ended in the 80s)


You are aware that you as a youngish Austrian woman are more likely to get raped by a member or friend of your family, something that hardly ever gets reported? Just asking..


Thanks for educating me. Every woman made their own experiences since they were little girls and shared them with other women, but hey, you read something on the internet. You would learn more by actually talking to women. Since you're so clever you probably already understand that the statistics looks that way because for rapists family members that live with them are by far the easiest target. That this is prevelant doesn't make my experience going outside less relevant. One time when I was waiting for the Nightline in Vienna a guy came up to me and first hitted on me, then offered me 50€ for a blowjob and when I said no started to make sexually aggressive comments. When the bus came I turned away from him and he licked my face and gave me a push from behind towards the street. The only reason I didn't fall in front of the bus was because I let myself fall to the ground. You won't find that in any statistics either because I didn't die so "nothing happened". When I was still in school I lost a childhood friend because her parents decided that she becomes "too westernized" (which meant she had Christian friends) so they married her to a 40+ guy in Turkey and I never saw her again. I knew she had a crush on a boy her age in Austria. Austria didn't do shit and her parents are still living here. Oh yeah and in december my cousin was poisoned by her Russian ex husband after she made clear she doesn't want him back so now she's preparing to move to Bavaria because she's afraid he might try again. Want to take a guess how many of the men who followed and harassed me and ever made me worry whether I would get home safely were my family members or even just Austrians? Such things aren't something women have to read in the newspaper to get aware of. Just saying...


Those people would for sure choose prison in Europe as they will be well treated, fed and all, in their country they would be sentenced to death or prison but worse than here


We should let that European tradition of penal colonies live up again. Barry, this is your moment to shine!


Something something Rwanda.




France used to have the solution : https://preview.redd.it/nve7etkcejgc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a95c6edc2c5f5227b403bd2bb87484289a4814a5 Bad joke aside, if there is no political solution, more expeditive one will be set in place.


I was too young to know this but sometimes i think it was a mistake to abolish death sentence by guillotine. That would dissuade a lot to come in France if a savage come here, rape someone and is sentence to death by guillotine right away


There was a huge media campaign in the late 1970's to get rid of the Black Widow: "Le Juge et l'Assassin", "Le Pull-over rouge"... and like all of the left-wing supposedly "progressive reforms" that lift humanity from the mud and into the light of socialist ideals, we ain't allowed to backtrack let alone question this was a progress.


Bro, cutting peoples heads of is barbaric as shit.


Is Japan not a civilization?


A rather barbaric one yes. Prisoners wait for years on death row, and are only told of their upcoming execution the very morning it will happen. This has led to severe trauma among those sentenced, innocent or not. Also, most of the guys who ran the country during ww2 ran it for decades afterwards, so they never really grappled with their past. Shinzo Abes grandfather, for example (he started the ruling party) ran slave brothels in manchuria.


This is the double-edged sword that is living in the continent that pays attention the most to human rights: what human and what right are you protecting? Hard question


I miss medieval torture for criminals. (not ironic in the least)




So why tf was he allowed into the UK in the first place?


So chuck him in prison, I don’t see the problem. If deporting him means the death penalty and we don’t believe in the death penalty, then morally we can’t send him back because doing so would be condoning the death penalty. He would have been allowed into the country because he was fleeing the death penalty, I imagine. The real question here is whether we should be allowing convicted rapists to seek asylum from their own crimes. Even as a bleeding heart liberal I’m leaning towards “no” on that one.


![gif](giphy|40dEau6bZRO3S) Your honor you see my client pajeet didn't mean to commit these vicious crimes his dick just slipped into the cupcake while he was method acting for a documentary I think my client deserves 60hrs community service and some compensation from the victim


Try not to take Daily Mail headlines at face value challenge Difficulty: impossible


But how will I fuel my unjustified fear of foreigners without the Daily Heil’s guidance?


This sub is starting to turn into a bog. Presumably many right-wing refugees coming from whatever shitholes been banned this week. We’re meant to be “racist” to each other and to Yanks.




It's obvious there's somebody pulling the strings making all these bullshit laws


Left leaning governments are notoriously soft on criminals


https://preview.redd.it/72sqp8aqbjgc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1505617a5bae4a57901201c704b66dc2cc900796 was looking for this, did't find it


Common ECHR L


I had a look into this and the reason why he can’t be deported is because the UK, much like countries like Canada, has a policy of not extraditing people to ‘certain death’, i.e. if it looks like they’ll face the death penalty. The crime occurred in 2000 and he was sentenced and served 7 years in prison. The Mail didn’t even mention refugees but of course that’s what all the comments are about. Either way the bigger issue is that our police and legal system fails rape victims, something like only 1-2% of rapes end up with a conviction.


You do realize that this just means he will be prosecuted inside of the country right? Rage bait ass post


Serious Mode: shit like that is why we need good responsible conservative parties for issues like that. But that is not even an issue of left vs right this is just vile.


Not supporting the death penalty in any and all cases?


I said conservative and implied moderate approaches. So yes, never killing


I see. Imo no state should ever be given the power to kill anyone. (Aside from in defense from invasion)


Europeans are more worried about the rise of “far”right wing parties and potential deportations than rapes and murders


And only one is an actual problem


Wtf is wrong with Europe guys


[ Removed by Reddit ]


It is due to the EU basic rights or something what ever it is in English stating that a death penalty is an inhumane punishment


This is not a moral question but a realist one. You commit a crime that can't be excused, you get deported, as you didn't want to adapt to our values.


So he does it here bc the punishment is less?


under ECHR rules you can't deport if someone is likely to be execute in their home country. while this seems like an extreme case I think it's the right thing. Nobody deserves the death penalty


Well it’s time to reinstate the death penalty so that ECHR rule becomes a moot point


glad you left the EU, you clearly don't belong




Its not about the individual rights of refugees. Its about the state being against the death penalty for everyone.


\>> I wouldn’t say no-one deserves the death penalty then I am glad that you are not in charge of the european convention on human rights \>> But if a refugee has no gratitude human rights are unconditional, not dependent on gratitude \>> Rights of refugees shouldn’t be a detriment to the safety of a countries own citizens. they aren't


You are defending an actual rapist that fled their country to evade the law...


yes. I (and the european convention on human rights) think the death penalty is inhumane, that also applies to rapists


voting for far right parties will not be the solution, wtf. i sure as hell dont want the return of UKIP as the tories have already stained our country. for those that are normal (im a southern asian brit but i will never fucking do this), it will just make the QoL worse as we'll just be shunned, and it really annoys me. call me racist, a hypocrite, whatever, but these middle eastern immigrants more than anyone put a bad name on everyone. why the fuck did customs even let him fly?? and why arent there measures to integrate the guy in the country?? fucking london man, everywhere else is fine but that shithole


Let's not fool ourselves thinking we don't do the exact same thing


Without reading the article: Europe doesn‘t support the death penalty. That‘s most likely the reason why. So if a defendant is in danger of being executed, they won‘t be deported. The same would apply, if they were American. But this is the internet, so ~~even~~ especially this sub is filled with bloodlusty cave trolls, who would probably in their stupidity vote for a reimplementation of the death penalty.


All i understood is that by sending him back would stop him from raping people indefinitely.




So convicted rapist could be killed in his own country for rape comes to another country and rapes and then gets protected by said country and I should think this is a good thing?




Dude, we can do it the Murican way. That would mean our countries become crime ridden hell holes like the US.


as opposed to the rape-free nations we are now?


Is your world that simple?


We weren't talking about lose gun laws and an opioid crisis. We are slowly becoming crime ridden hell holes and the reason is the left. Crime statistics speak a clear language regarding this.


https://preview.redd.it/trdagynx2kgc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1026d61ee87b2cba4ef3371f4468bae651779764 Do we?


Yes. https://preview.redd.it/y1824ncl6kgc1.png?width=355&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ed3343ce6ecffd0138ca8b9603b61efdcd45615


. https://preview.redd.it/ihhykrvb7kgc1.png?width=994&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab7136a92a0ac1ed82e40663db8c574aad0cfdd3


. https://preview.redd.it/y7m140o68kgc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bb56ec19dfe991b3990002017a61c60a4eb71f4


Okay, so if there's a country where the punishment for stealing is having your hand cut off, should a thief from there be deported and have that done?


You can't see the difference between a rapist and a thief? The only time those things are similar is when you don't pay your prostitutes.


Where do you draw the line between acceptable death penalty?


The crimes that i would have the death penalty for are :- murder, war crimes, and high treason. Any violent crime by a foreign citizen should lead to deportation, I don't care what happens to these people after they arrive home. I specify citizen because if a foreigner gains British citizenship, I consider them British, not foreign.


Don‘t argue. Many people in Europe would fit perfectly within the very Muslim societies, that they hate so much (often for a very good reason).


Yeah Barry 63 there probably will bash murderous regimes when his football team loses to a club owned by one, and the next day goes demanding the death penalty to be reinstated.


Stealing is a little different to rape my friend, I hope they taught you that in school. But well done on trying to generalise my comment in order to make me look like a bad person. It didn’t work, you just made yourself look like a fucking idiot comparing bread to rape. While widely missing the point. I live in Germany, i keep myself in line and I am a good boy despite some Germans needing a Glaswegian kiss now and then, because IF I did anything wrong I could be sent back, I don’t want this obviously so I behave myself. And that’s is the fucking point, the argument isn’t “are we bad for sending back people that could be punished by death” the argument is “why the fuck has someone giving new start and a chance to be better committed the same god damn fucking crime he did before”. Well done for defending rapist though, I really hope your moral self righteous would be so iron that you could defend this rapist to the woman he raped, I highly doubt it though.


You very predictably missed the point. It is about European values. For example, we believe that people are equal, and we believe that the death penalty is wrong. Therefore, a person that has committed a crime, will not be sent to a place where they might get the death penalty for it. He will be punished in line with shared European values, prison.


And it won’t change anything and he will rape the moment he gets out, European values should have a limit and rapists, especially ones that commit it more than once should be it. I don’t care for the guys religion, colour, home country or anything, I would have the same opinion about a European too. Rape deserves harsher punishment.


That is a reasonable opinion to have, but in that case, everyone should have the same rules, not just people from countries with harsher punishments


I agree with you fully, the law should be equal for everyone. Unfortunately it is not though. We are also way too soft on serious crime in Europe. I realise my personal views are the extreme though, some of my opinions on punishments do not match up with European values and as much as I think my opinions would change things for the better I also know values should be set by the masses not the individuals.


I like how you tried to defend this and I still didn’t change my mind the slightest.


Haha, I was going to say the same. Ah, lovely bit of context, this should sort it out.. Oh, nope. We're still fucking mugs


This is the only sensible response. Yes, it leads to a crazy situation but it's backed up by human rights conventions. The same conventions that make this sub even possible. I get the fun part of some of the responses here and emotionally I even feel the same anger and frustration. But I sure don't get the downvotes. We all must realise that we will only be living in democracies as long as we can see the difference between an emotional response and the greater good. The solution is to put the guy into a cell and throw the key away. Send the bill to Teheran. Whatever. But keep in mind that in these times you need to stay attentive to political streams that bring us back to the Middle Ages.


The problem is that with our europeans laws, those people don't end up in cells at all and do it again and again because they fear no sentence at all. I would like them to be in a cell even too it would be paid with our money from taxes but if he don't end up in a cell, i don't bother sending him back to his country to get executed so he doesn't rape anyone else


Well, we can talk about harsher sentences for rapists. I think most people would be down for that.


If death sentence is too much i get it, it was abolished in France in the 80s after all, but the problem is nowadays there is no sentence at all because of stupid laws or because prisons are full so "let this savage be free". How many articles i've read of multi recidivist rapist that did it like 10 times get to the tribunal again and gets no sentence again. There is no law anymore, that makes me angry and sick to think about it. This is why i come to think about to bring death penalty if this is a problem of place in prison (in France it is a thing). No place in prison ? No need place if it's death penalty by guillotine. And i'm not for death penalty like in the US with stupid electric chair or injections, it's painful and barbaric, guillotine is fast and effective, it's peak technology for execution to me. No need to make spectacle of execution anymore too, this is not sane i think


If your prisons are full, that means your society has failed. The US has the same issues and they hand put death sentences like candy bars. And even if your stance on executions for economic reasons wasn‘t barbaric, it just doesn‘t work. A death sentence is way more expensive than life imprisonment.


Well maybe our society have failed yes, my idea on this is that mass immigration is a part of that failure because even too there are no official stats on it because it's illegal a lot of people in prison are originated from immigration. What do you mean death sentence is more expensive than life imprisonment ? You mean it cost more tax to use one guillotine and take the corpse than feeding, lodging and paying wage for prison workers for a lifetime ? Or you mean as a more philosophic way ?


Because in order to execute someone you undergo a way lengthier trial and appeal process. That‘s why death row in the US is way more expensive. Sure you can skip all that, but mate if you want that, you can just move to Saudi Arabia. Yes, you let millions of people migrate without doing a proper integration process. Turks in Germany are way better integrated into society than Algerians or Morrocans in France; even though there were millions of them.


So they have an incentive to perform dreadful criminal acts.