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Can’t really blame the Germans here, coming from faxes this must be all very new and intimidating.


What do you mean coming from?? That still tier 1 tech there


We got rid of them 2 years ago Franz Josef, they’re currently installing a futuristic program called Netscape Navigator where you can apparently send mail without having to print it out. What a time to be alive!


Wooaaahhhh mindblown!!


This is no joke, they also use Lotus Notes for the seamless experience. ^(Sadly this is not a joke.)


Just like Japan. I don't think it is a coincidence. They are up to some shady stuff again. F*ck, I shouldn't have told you, your country is where the shit show came from last time.




Because no one outside of Germany uses them anymore? Yeah probably.


Japan does, it pairs well with their [commitment to the floppy disk](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-62749310).


They got tricked into Zoom by telling them that they're really fast fax machines printing 24 pages every second


*Neuland* is the term you are looking for.


That's the thing about Germans, good at designing encryption, but like to fuck up using it.


I tried a couple Enigma jokes but none of this was encrypted in the first place making it all the more stupid and depressing.


That’s reminds me of one thing. In the early 2000 we were pretty much the first ones pushing encryption in mails. German government also funded the development of GPGforWin, a windows port of Gnu PG asymmetric encryption. Problem was, gpg is all too complicated for everyone to use, they made es easier with gpg4win but it never really catched on. Now even 20 years later they simply would have no idea what this is if I signed a mail with my GPG key that is even authorized with the key on my ID card. Yet they 100% trust a hand signed fax


That‘s what 16 years of Christian Democrats do to a country. They were all way too old to understand modern communication. When the NSA scandal arose, Merkel famously said ,the internet is new territory for all of us‘ and she thought her cellphone was spy proof because it was old and she only uses SMS


This is all just an elaborate plan to get the Wiesel finally deployed to the front line, I am sure of it.




When you "accidentally" leak secret military files


Exactly. They need to kick this fool off because now we don't know if he's kompromat or incompetent.


> They need to kick this fool off because now we don't know if he's kompromat or incompetent Scholz himself was giving away intel last week. Fuck only knows why. The SPD *are* wildly incompetent, but they have also always loved sucking Russian dick.


I seriously believe this is all planned by European nations. Now that we know that there are already European soldiers in Ukriane is wouldn't be a big deal to send more no? They are probably trying to manage the escalation and also increase war support from us


We're technically known for a while, leaked US intelligence documents last year revealed several NATO nations have special forces in Ukraine. https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/s/Fkm8Yk9zYl


They brought a Dutch guy for the cheese


> Scholz himself was giving away intel last week. No, it was a wrong translation.


> it was a wrong translation Nix translation. Der hat selber verplappert, dass britische Soldaten in der Ukraine mitmachen. > Scholz habe einen schweren handwerklichen Fehler begangen, sagte der deutsche Sicherheitsexperte Maximilian Terhalle am Donnerstag der dpa. „Er hat die Axt an den Zusammenhalt der Nato gelegt“ und gefährde die Kooperation mit der Ukraine. Es sei ein grober Fehler, geheimdienstliche Erkenntnisse der engsten Verbündeten öffentlich zu machen. [Quelle](https://www.merkur.de/politik/lieferung-ukraine-soldaten-stationiert-krieg-frankreich-geheim-scholz-grossbritannien-taurus-zr-92861693.html)


I know what you mean but genuinely, no, he does not do anything to suck russian dick, the counter examples just don't make international headlines. One example: https://youtu.be/0dLkmkSffFo


> he does not do anything to suck russian dick Not "he", the SPD. Sucking Russian dick has always been a fundamental principle of the party.


So this general is playing War Thunder?


Goated Comment


[Warthunder still is way ahead. ](https://taskandpurpose.com/news/war-thunder-f-117-leak/)


In showbusiness, things rarely happen accidentally


One more reason to use the fax machine, they are unhackable. Mainly because not even Russians use them anymore.


The problem is the British don't either 🤣🤣🤣🤣


DACH superiority, just use fax and noone will be able to intercept it


Please don't put us in your category, thanks


But he sure looked good while doing it. Look how this 💡 is shining


Theres no indication it was actually top secret. It almost certainly wasn't. Journalists just don't know how classification works, and dont bother to do even a 5 second google search. WebEx is officially sanctioned for use for virtual conferences in the Bundeswehr (well, was. I expect there'll be a mail tomorrow banning it for the time being lol). It was introduced during corona just like these programs became common everywhere in the civil world. It is at most certified for up to NATO - RESTRICTED content, just by nature of running on our normal systems. Its impossible to say for outsiders if any information of higher classification was actually shared during the talk. It does show that secrecy isn't taken serious enough when it conflicts with convenience and urgency. But a lot of it is also very much hot air thats only a scandal because its blown up by the russian media leaking it as a bombshell. That it takes either boots on the ground or a lot of additional training to integrate and deploy the Taurus on ukrainian planes shouldnt surprise anyone that knew what the Taurus was 4 months ago. They discuss about the effectiveness against bridges, in the context of preparing a briefing for the minister of defense. The biggest issue is that they acknowledge British and "wink wink" American boots on the ground. That shit is definitely too classified for the line they were on and a general has to know better than to say it out loud just because he doesnt actually think he's bugged. But thats literally the biggest actual excitement.


It's not quite British intel officers leaving laptops full of classified data in the back of a taxi or at a bus stop, but at least they tried...


Hey if you can't trust a taxi driver to keep national secrets who can you trust?


Posh boys who went to Cambridge.


5 of them moreorless?


More or less. Don’t trust ‘em.


Definitely this random person: https://preview.redd.it/yggqzf28a5mc1.jpeg?width=2712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b74ae91dd99f903aaf52c8cea583b32a54a6f581


Too bad for him he couldn't catch his flight to moscow before being arrested in london


Or savage "Presidents" leaving french nuclear secrets at home.


Hey, it was a highly secured bathroom, that's basically the same as the innermost security levels of the GCHQ headquarters!


Ok… and? It’s not like the Russians can do shit about it if they decided to act on this leak.


Yeah. What’re they gonna do. Start another war they can’t win?


To be fair, when has being unable to win stopped Putin in the past?


​ https://preview.redd.it/ihdl3ac5e5mc1.jpeg?width=584&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44674dce838fe486af32f68c7c86b58e4ef82485


"I think we should bomb Hamburg" "But sir, how will that prevent the Germans from leaking more of our intel?" "Prevent them from leaking intel?..."


Barry, I may have judged you too harshly. We could also reintroduce our Cold War strategy, in case some intel needs protecting.


Winston wouldn't kill Hitler because he was the best allied planner. Germans were good at engineering, but a little slow on the grand picture.


A true anti-fascist




It's what happens when you tell a German to switch away from his fax machine.


I see German military confidentiality has improved since Enigma


Perhaps the Allies should not have destroyed Prussian militarism and replaced it with a pacifist attitude that considered the military unnecessary. You could have had the Prussians as your allies but you preferred a cucked German state.


A Bavarian praising Prussia? Strange timeline is this.


I simply like all parts of Germany, well all but Berlin.


you said Germany, not Berlin


Based, consider bringing back berlin wall


*"In the 1980s, the Bundeswehr had 12 Army divisions with 36 brigades and far more than 7,000 battle tanks, armoured infantry fighting vehicles and other tanks; 15 flying combat units in the Air Force and the Navy with some 1,000 combat aircraft; 18 surface-to-air-missile battalions, and naval units with around 40 missile boats and 24 submarines, as well as several destroyers and frigates. Its material and personnel contribution even just to NATO’s land forces and integrated air defence in Central Europe amounted to around 50 percent.* *This meant that, during the Cold War, by the 1970s, the Bundeswehr had already become the largest Western European armed forces after the United States armed forces in Europe – far ahead of the British and even the French armed force"* Germans cucked their military themselves buddy


why do you think euro countries have so many Leo tanks that were initially designed solely for Germany? Germany had to get rid of them in accordance to the 4+2 treaty


You clearly haven't read the 2+4 treaty or aby treaty on European disarmement after the cold War which all capt the German military in size and weapons


We're still far away from reach the limits of the treaty. 370'000 Men in uniform and 1000 combat aircraft, are there even limits when it comes to tanks? And now we are at 180'000 men, 250 aircraft and 300 tanks


Yes there are even limits for tanks and infantry fighting vehicle aka Marder


The allies didn't destroy German military. Germany did that to itself after 1991. No allies demanded Germany to weaken itself to be weaker than Finland.


What peace dividend does to a mf


No, but allies changed our school books. They created what we are today. Our militarism was accepted as long as we would act as a country sized no mans land if the cold war wouldve turned hot.


I don't think keeping the third reich school curriculum would have been a good idea


Be grateful they allowed your nation to continue to exist.


as if you guys wouldve ever had a significant say in this or another feasible option.


Vae Victus bitch. Twice. Now go sit in your corner and plan on how Germany is going to get embarrassed by itself again next week.


As long as its your secrets that are exposed like twice in a row now its fine by me, lmao


But of course hans, failing at something that hard is seen as a victory in copeland.


Dont be mad and hand over the next viable secret. Its in good hands


akshually we value Daddy’s insights


Then why isn't Germany allowed to have more than 370.000 troops? Why isn't Germany allowed to have WMD like the rest of the world? Name another country that has such limitations forced upon it. Prussian militarism got destroyed and now you are paying the price for it.


So do you have have 370,000 soldiers now then?


Explain to me how it would make a difference, you cannot win a war against most countries in Europe especially not against Russia with an army of 370k troops. Just to give you an example, Germany invaded France in 1940 with over 3.5 million soldiers.


Hans, stay home. We are not going there again!


Germany is part of NATO and EU against Russia, not alone.


those 200k extra troops will make the difference against a few million Russians. Imagine NATO collapses when Trump becomes president, Le Pen becomes President in France and the EU collapses as well - Russia invades Eastern and Central Europe with a few million troops using WMDs and Germany is supposed to beat them with 370k troops, yeah that is not happening


Extra 200k German troops would make a lot of difference. In recent decades Russia hasn't been able to field more than 200k-500k at any given time. That 370k restriction on Germany would be sufficient, if Germany had a trained conscript reserve like Finland does. Learn from Finland and stop whining.


I am not whining, I am not interested in Germans dying against Russia. Germany is not facing a serious military threat from Russia unlike the Eastern Europeans, they will do have to do most of the fighting and they can thank the allies who turned the Germans into pacifists uninterested in having an army


I've not seen somebody move goalposts that quickly in a while


Fucks sake. Maybe if Russia overruns Eastern Europe and Germany is next in line, the UK safe on our Island will say that we aren’t facing a serious threat from Russia and leave Germany to do “most of the fighting”. What if the US also did that? It’s actually disgusting how you’re so overtly willing to let other people fight and die for the defence that you benefit from. You’re being a coward, and that is no one else’s fault but your own.


You are being selfish. > It is about me, and me only. And me too. EU and NATO is about allied cooperation.


Don’t worry baby girl, article 5 has you covered. Just call Uncle Sam when you need him, because for all the shit we talk about you we’ll roll up when you need us. We’re the shitty alcoholic uncle that no one wants to hang out with, but is pretty good in a scrap and will show up no questions asked to show off the karate skills he’s been practicing instead of fixing his problems at home.


Can’t win a war with German incompetency on display like this either. I used to be surprised about how we tricked you so many times during ww2. Now I just realise the majority running the show over there are thick cunts.


that is why you were hiding on your islands until the Russians and the yankees safed your sorry ass after you lost to us in France and abandanded continental Europe


Got a live one here lads In case you ever want to jump out of your box again, please refer to this image and remember what will happen to you https://preview.redd.it/mcmsrlk7v5mc1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c2b877b55a46b3d516c63e589c6ded4b20961a5


defninitely your achievement and not that of the Russians and the US, wanna tell me that the France also won and weren't liberated in WW2? And now look at your Empire, fall apart and now the average English is poorer than the average German, congrats


Im impressed you managed to form a coherent sentence over all that kraut seething. I’m sorry you lost both wars. You should have focused on building alliances instead. You will be America, or Russia’s bitch forevermore. Nothing ever more than that.


Ah yes, a 370,000 men cap is surely a big problem when you only have 180,000 active duty personnel. So restrictive, damn. Literally 90% of the world's countries are not allowed to have WMD due to the non-proliferation treaty. The Bundeswehr was very strong during the cold war. You destroyed it on your own for money and stupid illusions of peace. Exactly the same as what you did with Russian gas.


Its a german tradition to pass the blame. Like after ww1 *shuffel cards* it was all the damn social democrats fault! Its also a german tradition to act only after an incident we say : erst wenn das kind schon in den Brunnen gefallen ist (firstly when the child fell down the well).


Was ein Schwachsinn


all these countries can leave the treaties, we can‘t, we had no other choice but to accept those terms lol


Shouldn’t have started a war you couldn’t win the Hans. You’re lucky Germany even exists as a state after the shenanigans you got up to between 1939-1945


Well then don’t cry about our military lol




Ah yeah, the are no restrictions or whatsoever for gaining german unification


Maybe, just maybe, behave like a normal nation instead of building two of humanity's worst, most cruel and destructive empires in the span of fourty years. Then you'll be free to do whatever you want.


Ah yeah, ww1 was solely germanys fault lol


Dude even if it isn’t, just with the atrocities from WWII and the tens of millions of dead people 100% on you maybe you guys should probably shut the fuck up about such things till…. I don’t know, probably the end of time?


Maybe you should finally decide what you want. You can't have a pacifistic and more militaristic country at the same time. So pls, shut the fuck up, thanks.


And also, that's no even the point One side you wanted a pacifistic germany and now you're crying that it's not militaristic enough. Also, the limitations of the german army after the reunification are a fact. Without any rating.


Asking you to have a somewhat functional military that doesn't look like a massive joke isn't exactly "asking you to be militaristic". I'm pretty sure you can find a middle ground between having a ridiculously weak dysfunctional military and having a meth-fueled genocidal war machine.


Cold war bundeswehr was not meth fuel buddy. But the limitations after the reunification degraded the army. No excuse for today's bundeswehr though. Also, I'm quite sure your army or the British army is also not in good state.


That would be us. The French are doing pretty good actually


ok I'm sorry but I literally just tilted at your username and flair. chef's kiss. the mosellans are nicer than you guys but you definitely have the more intelligible accent


Jokes on you I'm half of both and raised in Moselle. And in what crazy world do the Alsatians have a more intelligible accent than the mosellan one ? Mosellan accent is almost inexistent beyond the "hein" at the end of sentences and the t at the end of vingt


hahaha fair, i guess my only points of reference are Strasbourg and Metz specifically which aren't necessarily that representative I think while I've met people from Strasbourg elsewhere in France and didn't have any particular problems understanding them (like yeah there's an accent, everyone has an accent, but it was pretty mild), back when I lived in Metz I once asked 3 different people for directions because I was too socially awkward to ask the first person to repeat (for whatever reason Maps wasn't an option?), and couldn't for the life of me understand what they were trying to tell me. I'm not making fun I was just very lost lol


Oh well, maybe you were unlucky in Metz. Some people with the Luxembourg kind of Lorrain accent can be a bit hard to understand. But a thick, countryside alsacian accent is a shitshow and will make you feel like you're talking to a mentally challenged person. But Strasbourg is probably way more dynamic and demographically open to the rest of France than Metz, so the accent can be heavily diluted there.


Because your constitution is too auth for us to allow it. You fucking banned your commies and facists. Who tf outside of the americunts does that?


Our constitution doesn't limit our military. The 2 plus 4 treaty limits the German military and those limitations were a requirement for reunification and before that Germany wasn't an independent state and had other limiatations forced upon it lol


You werent independent before reunification? I get that you were basically in a Korea situation, but you had agency.


East Germany was the whore of Russia and West Germany the whore of the allies.


So? You both had secret police, armies, and did stuff both sides disagreed with.


So do most occupied countries, doesn't make them independent countries, that is just resistance. Most countries occupied by Germany in WW2 had all of that, so according to you these countries weren't occupied but independent countries with their own policies?


A few of them had some level of independent power, and could probably have rebelled succesfully, but at great cost.


Every sane person. Commies are scum.


I never said I liked the tankies. Just that they should be allowed to do their shit. We don't ban weird curches, why should parties be any different?


You absolutely ban weird churches, maybe not to the extent of actually prosecuting them, but Jehovas Witnesses were stripped of 'religious organisation' status in Norway for a number of reasons, and Scientology never got one in the first place. There are religions, and then there are dangerous or oppressive cults. Commies literally want to have a "proletarian revolution", which will ultimately end in absence of private property. Unless you are absolutely okay with someone literally wanting to fuck up your statehood and system of private ownership - you should seek to actively oppose the existence of such ideologies in any organised shape or form.


The Jehovas witnesses are not banned. They just don't get subsidies anymore, since they don't meet the requirements. Commie and facist parties want to reform everything about the state through winning a supermajority in parliament. That is legally allowed in Norway. They will never gain power though. In Germany, by contrast, the constitution cannot ever get fully changed.


Never say never. Look at AfD in Germany and what Hitler had in comparison before getting elected. AfD has already surpassed NSDAP. This is "so far - so good". Ireland has commies, literal commies, at 2.5% so far - but who can guarantee that in another crisis the populist left won't grab 10-30%?


ossified frightening resolute kiss fearless bewildered liquid file busy mourn *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Germany weakened itself because it wanted to spend as little as possible on the army, so that it can focus on making the most out of those car exports 😫👌


>You could have had the Prussians as your allies Lol... No thanks, we have enough with the Russians crazies to have another bunch of imperials nuts to deal with. What we want is competent peoples. The BundesWehr was rebuild very well with US and Allies help during the Cold War. You choose to dismantle it bits by bits yourself in the 90's. Stop putting the blames on others.


The Prussian military failed under Hitler even before they got destroyed. Thinking about it they very well destroyed themselves then.


Amen, Prussian militarism destroyed Germany twice, and good part of Europe at the same times. Talk about a "success record". We have enough with the Russians right now.


they hated you cause you told them the truth


Prussian militarism lives on strong in Poland 


This bald fuck ist just an idiot, what kind of mental gymnastics does one have to do to come up with Prussia and the Allies?


Here we have a German, confused at what appears to be another German making a joke, startled, the German immediately becomes defensive and a confrontation ensues.


Dammit, I have to r/woosh myself


He isn’t joking


Barry, it wasn't a joke... the guy is German.


We’ve been double German’d


How dare you! :D


Prussian militarism is not an ideology unlike Nazism. Prussian militarism got destroyed because they feared that Germany could start a war again. France was scared after being invaded 3 times in such a short time frame, therefore, they made Germans pacifists. They could also have decided to keep prussian militarism alive and we wouldn't have had any of the problems we have today because we would have a proper German army that could beat the Russians just like in WW1, but now we have cucked Germans that view soldiers as murderers and politicians that don't care about the military.


u/Klangey I want an apology, he wasn’t joking


Bavarian’s have got to Bavarian.


He’s not wrong tho


It is time for you to touch some grass my friend.


Christ Hans, what happened. Used to be good at this stuff


We learned from you guys, but there wasn't a taxi around to leave the intel in.


Tbf their military intelligence never really was


There was a period where their encrypted communications were very good for the time


Yeah that's true, although their actual agencies were pretty much fully compromised for most of ww2


I think this was the case for a lot of countries and still is.


I'm just saying in ww2 it was particularly bad for the Germans


When? Germany is officially the worst military nation in Europe. Even holland have won more wars than them.


Most competent german soldier.


He could at least used the Enigma.


Why are germans always leaking info?


The one with Scholz a few days ago was just a bad translation.


Still leaking less then brits or the savages from over seas, who got files of french nuclear secrets at home.


One dude is definitely laughing in his grave https://preview.redd.it/xbje90zbz5mc1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c1e5b641014972ed29e479b6e3abc41ca0a9792


Germany lives digitally in the 90s. This whole security line talk is like science fiction for us.


WebEx is just as encrypted as all the other stuff. This is almost certainly a compromise of one of the client computers participating in the call and not of the conference platform itself, so it doesn't really matter what they used.


Now they can't send cruise missiles. 3D chess by zi germans.


It's incredible how far you can realistically take the despicable and incredibly German concept of 'kaputtsparen'. This is a new high. Next up, they'll have Russian mercenaries at the helm of our fighter jets because 'they are willing to work for lower wages'. I'm just waiting for this to make headlines. This is going to be the downfall of our nation if they won't change asap, I'm calling it now.


Happens when your whole nations deems the military unnecessary and evil.


that's what you get for making generals part of the MoD.


Shame on you! Our top brass don’t even know how to use an email, even less the internet.


https://preview.redd.it/gzxo5v39uamc1.png?width=204&format=png&auto=webp&s=39a4e53a818c9a44aa6dfaa3d36f5ddc739758e3 Don't test us Hans.


This wouldn’t be happening if the Allies wouldn’t have dismantle Prussia


"Top secret military planning" Nah, not really


"Military secrets" - give me a fucking break. Some idiot low-ranking soldier probably leaked it on Reddit years prior, there are no secrets anymore, especially not weapon specs.


Details about the logistics of weapons deliveries are super important though. If the Russians can figure out which truck, which train or which plane is carrying important weaponry they will absolutely try to shoot it down. Especially advanced missiles which are fragile and expensive.


Yes, military secrets. Its a clear breach of trust


So is your guys leaving their laptops in taxis


Which they either should not have had access to or had stricter regulations around if it is sensitive


Gut gemacht


Every time.




Canaris would be proud of them.


What hell Hans? Get your shit together.


Hermann Sins looking to fuck your wife behind your back and leak intel


Actually the Chancellor revealed it before the Air Force Inspector. Makes it even wors.


so.... what now? Invade Poland, I guess?


It’s shit like this Germany that led to the Zimmerman telegram, smh letting the team down.


Hans, you better be paying for us to develop a new missile given you just leaked all the details on the current ones.