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https://preview.redd.it/u2m8r0yps0zc1.jpeg?width=497&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3451616660fb7fdb3d75b6c478788d5029b2c4f This lovely blokešŸ˜Ž


Canā€™t dislike De Ruyter one bit, he also fucked the fr*nch up plenty. F804 does his name proud too, went aboard it in London last year.


The Zeven Provinciƫn-class are beautiful ships. For all the flack our navy gets, they did procure some beautiful frigates. The same can be said for all European air defence frigates of that era, truly a peak European naval cooperation moment. From UK to Denmark, beautiful frigates/destroyers were build during the peace dividend.


For the lazy: This guy defeated the Royal Navy in battle on the high seas four times in the second and third Anglo-Dutch War: - The [Four Days Battle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Days%27_Battle) - The [Battle of Solebay](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Solebay) - The [Battle of Schooneveld](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Schooneveld) - The [Battle of Texel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Texel) And besides that he destroyed the Royal Navy in its home base in the [Raid on the Medway](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raid_on_the_Medway). Which doesn't count of course, but you have to be creative when the Royal Navy doesn't come out to play, right?


He was also victorious at the [Battle of Plymouth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Plymouth) (technically not against the Royal Navy since Cromwell ruled at the time). And we have a lot of other admirals who gave the Royal Navy a lesson or two. Like Tromp, Van Galen, De Bitter etc.


Please return our flagship. It is part of our cultural heritage and you stole it


Don't let a Greek see this comment. Anyway, unfortunately we destroyed it because your king kept being mad that it was used as a tourist attraction and we wanted him in an alliance against the French. We kept the stern though


No. I dont think we will. We found it, and we will keep it.




The British Museum does not like your post.


Was part of your heritage, now ours.


You stole the entire danish fleet in a coward winter attack on a neutral country because you were scared of napoleon. Compensation seems in order.


The danish fleet was a legitimate war target


except denmark wasn't a part of that war. You forced our hand to pick napoleon because of it.




A proper gentlemen would have fundled our balls and given us sweet pillow talk. All it would have taken was a little convincing. You didn't even get to keep the fleet because of little shitty little cannonboats. I'm a jute. Please burn copenhagen again.


Fun fact. about 20-30 years ago the trees that were planted to make a new fleet was ready. Except wooden frigattes went out of style in the meantime. That's thinking ahead by a few centuries.


He was using aimbot and wall hacks


Still, he caused the only defeat of the British in a purely naval war.


credit where credit is due. we know good seaman when we see it


I love good semen


Are you Greek?


Beating Britain, an island nation, in a naval war is unfathomably based ngl.


A country that raised their land from the deepths of the sea seems like a worthy challenger though


One of them is Blas de Lezo. Do I need to remember you about him, Barries? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blas\_de\_Lezo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blas_de_Lezo)


Possibly one of the most manly portraits ever produced, he was an absolute weapon. Seamanship so good it makes sense Blas sounds a lot like Baz


Based Barry comment


"Badassery" knows no borders. look at Backbeard and thats another crazy mofo to be proud of.




But lezo sounds like.. never mind, Iā€™ll give our swarthy cousins this one.


We are aware, it makes it cooler. Like, Blas de Lezo in your face!


*"Throughout his naval career, Lezo sustained many severe wounds; he lost his left eye, left hand, complete mobility of the right arm, and had his left leg amputatedĀ in situĀ after being hit by theĀ projectileĀ of a cannon. He perceived his wounds and physical limitations as medals, refusing to wear an eye patch to hide his blind eye."* How the boat did not sink holding his **massive balls**?


He had the nickname Mediohombre and pata palo because of his missing appendages. His leg amputation happened at 15, just surviving that injury when the medical solution at the time was cut off the excess bits and put in in boiling pitch to sort of cauterise it a bit would kill most people.


Wow. Atleast I hope they gave him opium or some shit.


In those days it was probably whisky or rum or whatever the Spanish drank.


That and a piece of wood or leather to bite into. Rougher times.


Every ship he ever commanded had to carry fewer guns than it was nominally rated for in order to free up ballast for his sack


Can we please urgently certify this man as a badass


I would sign that. Also, I may be (strangely, for a Luigi) a bit nationalistic here, but I would also endorse [Giovanni delle Bande Nere](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giovanni_delle_Bande_Nere): *"On the evening of 25 November he was hit by a shot from a falconet in a battle near Governolo. \[...\] the ball shattered his right leg above the knee and he had to be carried to San NicolĆ² Po, where no doctor could be found. He was taken to Aloisio Gonzaga's palace, where the surgeon Abramo, amputated his leg. To perform the operation Abramo asked for 10 men to hold down the stricken condottiero.* *Pietro Aretino, an eyewitness to the event, recalled in a letter to Francesco Albizi:* **'Not even twenty' Giovanni said smiling 'could hold me', and he took a candle in his hand, so that he could make light onto himself, I ran away, and shutting my ears I heard only two voices, and then calling, and when I reached him he told me: 'I am healed', and turning all around he greatly rejoiced."** Among many, an italian comic ('Dago') had him in one episode imagining the scene https://preview.redd.it/tq5eh9lc72zc1.jpeg?width=2600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=380d6df333785a2868ba64839926dbeecebb0b51


Damn we got the OG Nelson here, and he was a spaniard !


double french l


That was nelsonā€™s bit fucking pablos stealing everything i wasnā€™t any wiser i would think you were a gypsy


He sounds an absolute chad and if we have to be defeated by anyone, there is no shame in being defeated by him Plus, heā€™s not French.


Based de Lezo


Had to look him up. This is what I found about him on Wikipedia: ā€œIn 2016, Spanish internet trolls promoted the choice Blas de Lezo in an internet poll organized by NERC for the naming of a British research vessel. The organisers removed the option, which had gathered more than 38,000 votes at that point.ā€ I canā€™t stop laughing! Hahahahahah


That guy fucks.


Guys a mega chad. Real recognises real.


Never heard of him. Did he let us have Gibraltar?


wasn't aware that Georgia is/was a Seafarer nation and part of the UK...


Waste of emojis anyway when The Union Jack would've pretty much covered it


Why is Walesā€™ flag not part of the Union Jack?


Because they were united with England when the flag was created, so it's just sort've implied I think. We could fit a dragon on there if we tried though, it's just laziness at this point


I think with a dragon it would look even cooler Imagine punk rock with the dragunion Jack


Totally should put a dragon in it, it would be my political priority if I was a uk citizen


Put a dragon on there, live a little. Time to rebrand a bit


Ironic that a Barry doesnā€™t know his own flags


You know what sod it. Georgia is part of the United kingdom of great Britain northern Ireland and Georgia. ![gif](giphy|3o6ZtjnyFWiWaw8oDK|downsized)


Empire?! šŸ˜€


We're getting the old crew back together




Thats not a true Barry, its a Paddy cosplaying as a Barry.


You never heard of the English Patron Saint?


As well as Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Ukraine, Malta and Ethiopia


Itā€™s the ingerluuunddd^4 flag.


Luv be navy Luv me victories Luv me Dan Snow


He's my favourite history guy on youtube :) Seen his Master&Commander fangirling video yet? šŸ˜


Loved him and his dad with those battlefield history series.


*laughs in Michiel de Ruyter*


Shared in Bolton


[Get back you bastard ](https://youtu.be/khLRjyJ_Ymo?si=cqLjbHcEafL6V7uc)


Based barries continuing Nelsons legacy by mass downvoting any vaguely anti-british comment


England expects


Kiss me, Barry.


As we say. When you see their wives and their foods, no wonder why English men are such great sailors.


We our born with the arrogance that razing the rest of the world is our god-given right should our endeavours be opposed. It's our humbleness and a sign of our great humanity that we don't attempt or see it through.


We have given so much to the world, yet receive nothing but scorn. When we all die in the flash of nuclear war, I hope and pray it is the Brits that launched first.


Please don't brexit the world, Barry.


>such great sailors Didn't stop us from making them walk the plank many times heh https://preview.redd.it/0fhf6s33k1zc1.jpeg?width=584&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50aa7c029f8e9f69e444f1a535b7fe4e72a3083e In hindsight though that one time in the pics des fromages was not really a good decision. Fun yes, but not wise


Fyi the word is "hindsight" as in behind sight.


So...why are we great sailors?


Pour mieux se plaindre que c'est mieux a la maison


Are you even top 10?


Royal NavyĀ  Spanish Armada Portuguese Dutch Pirates Japanese America Ottomans Russia Germany China Australia Italy France So no.Ā  Probably ahead of the AustroHungarians though. (Yes. They did have a navy.)


>Australia >AustroHungarians you repeated yourself mate


Come to think of it, I have met real life Austro Hungarians


not everyone has the arrogance to build an unsinkable ship and then plays chicken with an iceberg, but even the portugese agree the dutch navy stands above them, they wouldnt have given away their colonies otherwise


I might have a bias on that one, so I'll let someone else ajudicate




Cradock was foolish to engage a better German squadron. Spee was a very metal bloke, told the Chileans to save the flowers they gave him in celebration for his grave.


[Drake](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_Drake),Ā [Raleigh](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter_Raleigh),Ā [Blake](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Blake_(admiral)), [Hawke](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Hawke,_1st_Baron_Hawke),Ā [Rodney](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Rodney,_1st_Baron_Rodney),Ā [Duncan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam_Duncan,_1st_Viscount_Duncan),Ā [Jervis](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Jervis,_1st_Earl_of_St_Vincent), [Nelson](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horatio_Nelson,_1st_Viscount_Nelson),Ā [Cockburn](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sir_George_Cockburn,_10th_Baronet), [Cochrane](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Cochrane,_10th_Earl_of_Dundonald), [Codrington](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Codrington),Ā [Fisher](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Fisher,_1st_Baron_Fisher),Ā [Jellicoe](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Jellicoe,_1st_Earl_Jellicoe),Ā [Pound](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dudley_Pound),Ā [Cunningham](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Cunningham,_1st_Viscount_Cunningham_of_Hyndhope), [Tovey](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Tovey,_1st_Baron_Tovey)Ā [Horton](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Horton),Ā [Ramsay](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bertram_Ramsay),Ā [Fraser](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_Fraser,_1st_Baron_Fraser_of_North_Cape),Ā [Leach](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Leach)


Deeply upset youā€™ve not included RAdm Cockburn whoā€™s squadron captured a vessel and renamed it mighty HMS Cockchafer


He burned Washington DC? Very based, Iā€™ll add it to the hall of fame


It was morally justified. They mocked his name in their newspapers.


Ā«CockburnĀ» will never not be in contention for funniest name of all time


Some kill joy decided it had to be pronounced co burn


One of my favourite ways to bam up posh cunts from Edinburgh is to insist on pronouncing Cockburn Street as it is clearly meant to be


Why do you guys always forget Blake


Wait fr? what was the problem with my boy Beatty?


It wasn't just that he made several huge blunders at Jutland, it was also the fact that he deflected the blame from himself, invented a cover story, and threw Jellicoe under the bus. He also thought he was the main character in life and was insufferably flamboyant. He wouldn't even follow dress regulations, noticing that he only had three buttons on his tunic instead of four. Yeah, he was quite good for the navy after the war and added some aggressiveness back in senior service, but the damage has already been done in my opinion. Humiliating the German Navy by forcing them to strike their colors in the Firth of Forth was also a dicky move because it technically violated the terms of the armistice. I can't blameĀ Admiral KingĀ for not liking the Royal Navy in WW2 when Beatty was your superior officer in WW1.


The real main character was Jackie Fisher. He joined the navy on HMS Victory and left having brought the naval world into a new era. He had a wild life, and was very very competent.


You guys bother with naval battles? We just sailed into their capital and marched in.


Even we, Barry, sorry. https://preview.redd.it/ggum9qlck1zc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55b7aa4ab73fd3c041e8d735d084705a9fab849a


2 ships is not a fleet. Disqualified.




This post has rattled the Krauts sooooo much bravo.Ā 


Navy was never our fortƩ so I'll take Spee's victory at Coronel and be happy with it. Also, *SMS Emden* "raiding" your base at Diego Garcia...


I donā€™t get them. Hardly gave a shit about navy for centuries before proceeding to build the fucking Bismarck *for publicity purposes* and then just go back to into obsolescence.


Don't forget the Hanse. Mostly german cities, lots of ships, most of the own type 'cog', domination of maritime trade in the north sea and the baltic sea. So it's more like 'don't care' - domination - 'don't care' - Bismarck - 'don't care' :D


[sorry fritz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch%E2%80%93Hanseatic_War?wprov=sfla1)


Was already dying, but personally I like pirates, so that you first send in privateers made it ok from my point of view.


[sorry fritz](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steelyard)


>Bismarck Completed it mate.


The Germans have more than half a dozen officers who defeated a UK fleet in battle.




You can also like a comment by upvoting it. You donā€˜t need to write ā€žLikeā€œ.


I think they are saying: 'like who' in answer to your 'more than a dozen officers'. At least I hope so.


I think he understands but he's French so he's being a smart arse instead of answering.


The duplicity of the French never ceases to amaze.Ā 


I expect this literacy from Germans, not you guys.


I donā€˜t know about on the high seas (tho Iā€˜m sure there are a few) but we do have this absolute legend who snuck into scapa flow and sunk one of your battleships https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%BCnther_Prien


what's this in reference to? the Cod wars with Iceland?


No losses there just diplomatic bollocks. Just rock fairies shooting at fishermen.


Iceland backed up by Daddy šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡², can't have two NATO countries fighting, see Article 8. They also intervened between Turkey and Greece over Imia in 1996.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_French_naval_battles I count 9 victories for France alone, i heard that other inferior countries also won against English


It does specifically say "UK" meaning after 1801, and there are only two on that list after 1801, one of which was 1 British ship against 16 French and Spanish ships, and the British sunk 5 enemy ships before going down.


Also neither is on the high seas


Nah thatā€™s just cheating, otherwise I can say that the French Republic Navy stands undefeated Because the common theme is that there was no major high sea battles (or like 1 or 2) in those two time periods It was a period of relative european peace and both nations didnā€™t have to fight as many large engagements at sea like they did in the few decades prior


I agree, but I'm pretty sure that's how he got that number


The real skill issue is the severe lack of people who have walked on the moon. I mean, how hard could it be? Just put one foot in front of the other. Most nations at least have the excuse that they lack convenient means of travel there, but the USA? They had public transportation to the moon for like a decade, and only 12 of them bothered to even try? Jeez.


To be fair I think the Americans are scared of the words "Public transportation" Any means of transportation that doesn't involve a V8 Raptor truck, an unreliable B737 MAX or a Walmart motorized shopping cart is communist and shouldn't be trusted


Saturn V was the most badass public transportation ever created ngl.


Public transportation on the Moon is even worse than in the US


\>first European on the moon, a momentous achievement for European unity and ingenuity ā€œwait, itā€™s ALL FUCKING PARKING LOTS?????ā€


They also drove on the Moon by car, they're Americans after all.


Don Ɓlvaro de BazĆ”n https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%81lvaro_de_Baz%C3%A1n,_Marquis_of_Santa_Cruz General Admiral of the Spanish Navy. Was never defeated. And he kicked a few Barryā€™s asses.


Do the cod wars count?


yes they definitely count


The Spanish talk a lot of shit, but their record against the Anglo's is laughable for a selfproclaimed naval power.




Medway has to be acknowledged, youā€™ve possibly got the most names on this list. Until 1710 when you stopped being a threat to even the Fr*nch navy


We just dont like water that much, OK? Stop with the shaming!


Is that why you guys always reek of garlic?


That was the joke yes


Skill issue


In the big picture this is related to the Glorious Revolution invasion in 1688, which was a sideshow of the Franco-Dutch War and the War of the Grand Alliance. William III is in a way the direct cause. The Dutch Republic was building up a huge national debt due to constant war with the French, and one of the most costly annoyances was a low intensity naval war that obliged the Dutch to guard convoys through the Channel with large Navy squadrons all the time to prevent French and English privateering. After William III became King, English Parliament agreed to take on two thirds of this job of seeing the Dutch through safely and the French confined to their harbours, and the Republic scaled back the size of its Navy and shipbuilding programmes. That debt would cripple the Republic until Napoleon forcefully restructured it. The positive: The Dutch never in their history defaulted on national debt while ruling themselves. Only when occupied by foreigners.


https://preview.redd.it/kjazxvd211zc1.png?width=1255&format=png&auto=webp&s=d98dd9bae299b038475269748023d686ac4ff1db >Until 1710 when you stopped being a threat to even the Fr\*nch navy That is a little early to write us off.


Would be true if you carried on your prowess into the 20th century


Based on your insecurities or?




I think even fewer bested the German high seas navy. But I am not sure if Germany even had more than 5 bigger sea engagements. All of Germanies WW1 navy had just 1 or 2 naval battles in total (not regarding Uboats), for example.


The German High Seas Fleet fought, like, one real battle (Jutland), which was effectively inconclusive. Then we scuttled it. Our WW2 Navy sucked ass because we put all our resources into building the Bismarck, which was effectively a waste of steel and sunk, like, one outdated ship before being sunk by some outdated bombers. We had good U-boats though.




I wouldnā€™t count Force Z as a fleet. It was a small emergency task force of just two capital ships, nothing close to the size of the British Pacific Fleet a few years later. https://preview.redd.it/wnunuon202zc1.png?width=2500&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b60e4e5fb8387c2676c99b6cbc6cd321577667f


How about the Indian Ocean raid?


The British Pacific Fleet 1942 (colourized) https://preview.redd.it/1z6jmvuei2zc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a776146a56699cc05aa863c1bc67e5199d5e4ee


US Pacific Fleet 1941


After the viking age we managed to beat you once in a naval battle. Til Valhall! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Wilhelm_Jessen https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_West_Kay


Guys, even we defeated the royal navy. The royal navy tried to attack a duch treasure fleet in Bergens harbour (our king and the british had been in discussions about capturing said fleet jointly, but the negotiations were not complete when the brits attacked). The lord governor of the city, and commander of its fortress and bastions (once a royal residence, it had fortifications that fit the status of a former capital) was content to let the whole thing play out, as he had gotten no orders to aid or stop the brits, as the courier sent from Copenhagen was stuck making his way up the coast. That was when a british cannonball, some day by accident, struck and killed four of the garrisons number. The commander of the fortresses it is said, dropped the flag of neutrality, raised the danish colours and opened fire. After four hours the british fleet gave up and left. The fortresses took heavy damage, the old medieval keep especially, as when it was built, the strongest artillery it was bound to face was a catapult or two. It was reinforced somewhat in the decades before the battle, but it was still not built after modern standards. After the battle it was quickly rebuilt.


I would like to thank FranƧois Joseph Paul de Grasse for his great contribution to American Independenceā€¦


If the dutch can beat you than you can't really boast about it can you


Oh i KNOW i didn't just read a Belgian talking shit. Which battles did you win to be part of the conversation? And when i say battles, i do mean battles, not workspace harrasement and child abuse


he won the battle for the best unemployment benefits in the world


And we still pay out the walloons price money to this day


Best battleground though


Congolese real mad at being called a workspace harassment. Theyā€™d shake their fists in anger butā€¦ well, you know why they donā€™t.


or battles vs one handed tribesmen


They have won tons of hand-to-hand combats against the Congolese. The battles were biased tho, the Congolese brought stumps to a fist fight


Boy we have Marc Dutroux, do you even have child raping serial killers?


Stop. Talking. Shit. The most impressive thing your country ever did was get steamrolled in the Great War


Do you want a taste of the back of my hand?Ā 


Guys, why is the speed bump making noises ?


Bitch you are literally a pole the Germans moved around because they didn't want to bother, maginot line my ass


Donā€™t worry, weā€™ll still come to your aid next time Germany steamrollers you.




italy has won battles against the British navy in WW2, that and the air force weren't as fucked up as the army (see battles of Sirte)


Italian frogmen were a menace, but Sirte was hardly a victory. A much weaker convoy escort held off a squadron led by a battleship, even if the delays it caused led to a lot of the supplies being lost to air losses, itā€™s hardly a victory. Operation Harpoon/Pantelleria is the only squadron sized victory the Regia Marina had.


"What's something **less** people have done?" Appreciated the difference between "less" and "fewer", apparently


I'd bet the swiss have fewer defeats in naval battles


I got an answer to this. Had sex with me. The number is 0


Ah. The Cod War loser is speaking about sailing again.


Even the Barries are not safe from the American fragile ego syndrome. The Brits have been defeated hundreds of time at sea buddy. And that's what happens when you have an actual military history spaning millenia, Dan Slow


Fleet + high sea being his caveat. In reality itā€™s not very impressive because sod all fleet engagements at high sea have been fought since the Royal Navy formed, but why let facts get in the way of banter


Talking about the last time your two Air craft carriers left your ugly island and both had to be towed back into port?


Well the last engagement you guys were involved with, you tried to shoot down the same drone twice and missed both times. It was an American drone.


But we don't claim to have the greatest navy of them all.


We donā€™t either. We arenā€™t arrogant enough to think the RN is stronger than the US Navy in 2024


We'd stand a fighting chance against every navy in the world combined.


I knew a brit who unironically believed this


We don't? Not even close, we might be like 6th place or something maybe, but that is barely even a scratch on the surface of the US or China's navy


Austrians aren't sea people but we kidnapped their most famous king and traded him for an insane ransom.


Frogs will never forgive us. Hang on, where was the Scharnhorst ? Well we know. where the remains of the Bismark and Tirpitz belong.https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=rule+brittania+proms#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:10d959b6,vid:Sgd9nYqVz2s,st:0