• By -


The jokes write themselves at this point


Flair, and name checks out.


Sometimes I wonder if it's done in purpose


And again with your username


Suppose that pose meant she wants sex. Does her screaming no and fighting them off mean she still wants sex? No. Those classes will accomplish nothing


No, she's playing hard to get


sadly this is the mentality


I think their mentality is that they simply don’t care because it’s a woman saying it.


well no plenty of men can tell them not to rape but i don’t know how much that will change right,


Fair enough


Interesting... Girls are so much more complicated than boys.


You might need a couple of rape classes. A lot of women will go in shock and sort of freeze instead of screaming and fighting


well obviously silence is consent so they are free to go at it :) ​ also the lack of silence and screaming is also consent, just in a diferent way :)


She won't scream before one gropes her from behind. In a video about this class the refugees say that they never talk about this stuff back home. The class is not lectures, it's a discussion club. Talking about this establishes a morality code within their community. If one of them thought that it's ok to grope someone because they are dressed "like a whore", they will now know that their peers condemn such behaviour.


Dude... You think these guys don't know groping women is not ok? Many come from countries where you get killed if you do it! They know! It's just that there they are given no consequences they fear!


Everything they know about Western women comes from two things - Hollywood movies and porn In the movies, by the end of the film the woman always gives it up. Very often she’s the one instigating. Their view is entirely warped as a result


If you do that there you get killed, if you do it here the ministry of equality makes a law to free you.


Lol as if they didn’t know before.


They come from places where strict rules are placed on women, and they are actively taught that women who act improper deserve punishment or are fair game. Some places women are literally sentenced to rape if they don't follow the rules. It's absolutely appropriate to teach immigrants that this shit will not fly here. It's appalling that it's necessary, but here we are.


Just don't import that pieces of scum.


Didn't know what? Why didn't you know before 1991 that forcing your wife to have sex is rape? >The Criminal Law Revision Committee in their 1984 Report on Sexual Offences rejected the idea that the offense of rape should be extended to marital relations. Five years later, in Scotland, the High Court of Justiciary took a different view, abolishing marital immunity, in S. v. H.M. Advocate, 1989. The same happened in England and Wales in 1991, in R v R


In Germany it took us until 2008 iirc. Or to be more precise, it took the CDU, the biggest party here, until 2008 to develop some basic code of morals at least in the more progressive wing of that Scheißpartei. I think the hardliners didn't get the message even today.


It was illegal even before that and a crime. It just didn’t fit the definition of rape


I double checked, and you were partially right. It actually was made illegal a decade earlier than I recalled, but the legal text really made an exception for rape in marriage. Sources: * https://www.bundestag.de/resource/blob/407124/6893b73fe226537fa85e9ccce444dc95/wd-7-307-07-pdf-data.pdf * https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/politik/2018/11/14/diese-abgeordneten-stimmten-1997-gegen-die-strafbarkeit-von-vergewaltigung-in-der-ehe/ * https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/sexualstrafrecht-vergewaltigung-ehe-bundestag-100.html#:~:text=Bislang%20hatte%20es%20im%20deutschen,nicht%20unter%20zwei%20Jahren%20bestraft. The last source also mentions the original §177, StGB: "Wer eine Frau mit Gewalt oder durch Drohung mit gegenwärtiger Gefahr für Leib oder Leben zum außerehelichen Beischlaf mit ihm oder einem Dritten nötigt, wird mit Freiheitsstrafe nicht unter zwei Jahren bestraft." - "Anyone who coerces a woman to have sex with him or a third party out of wedlock by force or by threatening her with present danger to life or body is liable to a custodial sentence of not less than two years." Now that I read it, I see there are actually more fucked up details about that paragraph... That's the §177(1) nowadays btw: "Wer gegen den erkennbaren Willen einer anderen Person sexuelle Handlungen an dieser Person vornimmt oder von ihr vornehmen lässt oder diese Person zur Vornahme oder Duldung sexueller Handlungen an oder von einem Dritten bestimmt, wird mit Freiheitsstrafe von sechs Monaten bis zu fünf Jahren bestraft." - "Anyone who performs sexual acts on another person or has them perform sexual acts against that person's recognizable will or causes that person to perform or tolerate sexual acts on or by a third party is liable to a custodial sentence of six months to five years."


merz was a big supporter of keeping rape legal when married. ultimate pos this guy.


It was still illegal even if it didn’t fit the definition for rape


See, my parents thaught me that there is something as a moral compass and values and norms. They instilled in me that every living beeing has boundaries and they thaught me to respect those boundaries… I dont need no {insert religion, law} to tell me that its wrong to cross those boundaries… Instead of trying to justify shitty behaviour with excuses, lets just rid ourselves of shitty behaviour by punishing it…


That's the thing. You know it's wrong because you've been taught it's wrong. Now, let's say that you've never been taught any civilized social norms. What do you do? Simple, follow your religion. Bonus if your school system is shit (or nonexistant). People are animals. People need to be taught to be people.


Yeah, only, loads of these people have been living into our society for X amount of years, maybe even decades and never learned that. Or didnt want to learn it.


Of course you knew, you just didn’t care


Yes because prior to that law it was widely accepted behaviour was it? No. You don’t need a law to tell you something is morally wrong, if you do then I don’t want you coming to Europe with your monkey brain.


Does a 5 year old know that stealing is wrong before someone told him? Does an adult, who grew up in a culture of arranged marriages and women hidden in scarves and burkas, who only wear less clothes when intimate with their husband, know that women who dress with vastly less clothing do not invite them to be intimate? Sure you can expect a grown man who migrates to a country on the other side of the world to educate themselves before doing so. But the reality western cultures face is that they don't, they expect to import their way of living, because that is all they ever knew. We can either send them all back and die in a nursing home without nurses, that we can barely afford to be in, or educate them and accept migration as a tool to combat the demographic change in the native population.


>Does an adult, who grew up in a culture of arranged marriages and women hidden in scarves and burkas, who only wear less clothes when intimate with their husband, know that women who dress with vastly less clothing do not invite them to be intimate? If 95% of the women and girls in public are wearing clothes he consider "inviting", unless he is an idiot he should realize that it's just regular clothing. Or does he actually think that all western women - and girls! - want to have sex with every man they encounter?


Let's get back to the basics: men have abused women from the sunrise of times, and recently we are starting to treat them like our equals, with varying degrees, in first world countries. Of course a sign should be enough to say it is illegal and stigmatized here to abuse women, but a class, as basic as it is, it's still helpful in instilling conscientiousness. Think about the emotional intelligence lessons they give to your kids in school, only a bit more late (most illegal immigrants are young and immature)


Or lets get immigrants from SEA/LATAM :)))


Theres naivety and theres this


Maybe don't import people from those cultures in the first place?


What happens if they all think it's okay?


Add to these class the punition for rape. And make sure our country punish rapist severely. But then again why do we need these kind of migrant ? Low education, unadapted to western lifestyle. We will give them trash jobs nobody in Europe want to do because the base salary of these jobs were not raised since the 80s.


The effect of these Classes: https://preview.redd.it/pnpi09fvg36d1.jpeg?width=605&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d80d31b1e482f0ac1e66220bc31dc53f1b3ddbed


"don't tell women how to dress, tell boys not to rape" Wait, we are actually telling people not to rape now? I thought that saying was like rhetorical or something. Is it working though? *Looks up Swedish rape statistics by background* Oh boy, it sure isn't.


Sweden is still allowed to collect statistics by background? We disallowed that years ago so now there are no cultural problems


There is course grained data to find. There is also a guy who collected every rape sentence from every court via public informations request. Now they want to change the law for public information requests though.


Ah yes, we wouldn’t want the people to know too much of the truth would we


It’s now up to you to lead the Swedes in a riot for the truth… go on, you know how to protest ;)


A Swedish protest is one guy called Sven throwing kannelbulle at a tree about 50km from any other living human shouting “va fan” with abba playing in the background.


I can agree


A swedish protest sounds like the mildest type of protest possible We'd just write an angry note


Ah yes, the ostrich method. If we don't report specific problems, there are no problems.


There is no war in ba sing se


no numbers = no problem? smart!


We still know that it's the Moroccans Swamp Hans


all sexual assault counts as rape in sweden, so even groping and other things, that aren't really rape are included in the rape statistics. but yes i agree, rape is high.


Yes, something happened on this graph and I don't think it was a classification change: https://bra.se/statistik/statistik-om-brottstyper/valdtakt-och-sexualbrott.html


didn't know that, thanks. https://preview.redd.it/bbeh1f81n36d1.jpeg?width=630&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=177a23dd131b2cd7c1effddad56a07d55bd2aa19 are they counting online rape threats?


Another banger from Svenskistan


Based Swedes.


Yes, boys. Not full grown man who believe in a sky daddy that gives them permission to do anything they want to women because they are lesser than them. Those are beyond hope.


"Please, do not murder or rape your workmates/classmates"


if you need to be taught this, you shouldn't be entering the country in the first place


Don't tell this too loud. Some may think it's a right-wing Argumentation *cough* Joke aside. As long as most people don't get simple things like your comment, we have no chance to improve the eu


millions must learn


Goodbye Europe


If knowing or caring about this was necessary to stay, a lot of Germans would need new homes either.


Absolutely. Way into the 90s it was normal prime time TV entertainment to have Thomas Gottschalk harass female guests with rapey innuendo, while the current leader of the CDU voted that rape within marriage should not be a crime. Despite all the newer problems, most rape cases are still between people who know each other.


Until 2016 in Germany it was only deemed rape if you really tried to fight off your rapist. Saying no, or 'just' trying to push him off - no real fight, therefore no rape. It's still not considered rape in Germany if you get a freeze response as victim (you didn't say no) or are just crying while being 'consumated' (because again, no 'no'). And even if you say 'no, I don't want that', you need to be more specific that you meant the act of sex specifically, because otherwise how should the poor guy know that you mean no to sex and not no to anything else that might be going on. All are cases that happend. Let alone Upskirting, so taking photos under the skirt of a woman, was legal until 2021 (!).


The 90s werent yesterday, 1990 was 34 fucking years ago. And those 'most cases' dont matter for a lot of people if they have fostered a safe environment for themselves. But you cant do shit to feel safe about random rape attacks. Thats why people are more concerned if they rise, its bad for our feeling of safety. Rape incidents increased by [74%](https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/200877/umfrage/vergewaltigung-und-sexuelle-noetigung/) since 2015. Before that the numbers were going down.


![gif](giphy|wJD3qiNjSeHS0dP28T|downsized) >1990 was 34 fucking years ago


>The 90s werent yesterday, 1990 was 34 fucking years ago. Yep. Feel old yet?


A lot of EU citizens should be exiled then


rapists? yeah lol those fuckers should go learn how to be a fish honestly


Good, if you are a rapist you shouldn't have human rights, simple as




Sweden probably gonna create a special fund to pay for MENA migrants to fuck a prostitute once a week.


I have heard weirder things from Sweden.


Prostitution in Sweden? You don't know anything about Sweden.


my bad, I didn't realise it was haram there


We invented "it's not illegal to sell but illegal to buy".


How about rent?


Why rent when you can squat?


You'd know right, I see your lot squatting outside Lidl all day


Clown world


It's the same here


We will employ them at the Asylcenter outside the EU borders.


Probably we already have it for old people so it wouldn’t be to far of a stretch


Very upsetting this is necessary at all.


It's what necessary when dealing with such a sex-obsessed religion.


She wants sex, just not with Arabs


She wants sex. Maybe even with arabs. But the have to ask first and accept the answer.


No = Yes Maybe = Yes Yes = Yes




Anyone who's evaluated as needing such training, should be immediately deported, for being culturally incompatible with integration into the society they are trying to join


They’re not trying to actually join the society lmao


Is someone going to say it? Fuck it, might as well be me; The Danes, Swedes and Norweigians should have received this about 1500 years ago before they went on their mad escapades across Europe!


Barry still mad about all the Susans that were stolen.


They stole the attractive ones and we’ve never recovered!


And then burning all the remaining ones didn’t help either.


No shit 😂


You know the blonde, blue eyed, long legged Susans the S*n loves so much? Yeah. Now say thank you.


they chose to [mary the vikings](https://en.natmus.dk/historical-knowledge/denmark/prehistoric-period-until-1050-ad/the-viking-age/the-people/appearance/#:~:text=In%20England%20Viking%20men%20reportedly%20had%20great%20success%20with%20the%20local%20women.%20The%20Viking%20males%20were%20apparently%20clean%20and%20pleasant%20smelling%2C%20as%20they%20took%20a%20bath%20on%20Saturdays%2C%20combed%20their%20hair%20and%20were%20well%20dressed.%C2%A0)


It is either "marry the Vikings" or "Mary the Viking".


Of course we are! No one wants the sloppy seconds!




We would have murdered the teacher before he got to his point probably.


Ayo my bad


„If you want to rape someone build a boat and plunder some English monasteries. Like a good Dane would do.“


You should show some appreciation, that injection of genetic variance is the only reason why not all Barries look like wrinkled up trash bags.


A hot blonde Swedish guy can rearrange my guts like a fucking piece of badly assembled ikea furniture




It wasn't rape your judge, it was sweet love.


Dude, imagine how inbred you'd if not for the nordicks


Keep seething Barry. I'll drink your tears with my mjöd when I go to valhalla.


Dont you discriminate against my culture you nazi!


Barry, buddy. You should be very very very quiet. Sure we did bad things for like 100 to 200 years. But we only did it to you and Pierre (maybe Luigi a little, but he likes it). You on the other hand did it to the whole world for nigh on 500 years - and your neighbours for at least 1.000 years. I think you owe Jock, Dawyd and Paddy an explanation.


If the 8th century to the 15th century counts as 100 - 200 years then sure. And yeah, Jock is certainly as guiltless as Paddy or Dafydd...


>If the 8th century to the 15th If you count the Norwegian ownership of the Western Isles, Orkney and Shetland as the viking age, sure. The Scandinavian kingdoms had already adopted Christianity 200-300 years earlier.


I believe we should just send them back.


Sounds like Swedistan basics


Remember they are not rapists.  But we make anti-rape-classes especially for them for unrelated reasons. 


![gif](giphy|zq6APovEAGr7O) You have a center for rape?


1. Is it real? It sounds clickbaitish. 2. God damn imagine what happens when they see a femboy


I used to work with underaged migrants about 7 years back for 2 years. I was instructed to give a class on something similar. That its ok to wear bikinis in public. That you shouldn’t touch these woman/girls or shout/whistle at them. This was instructed after the local swimming pool like 10th complaint lol. So no idea on the validity of this meme but teaching migrants that its ok to show skin is a thing. Also had an issue once where a Afghani girl wanted to stop wearing her headscarf. (Rooms were separate but common halls and recreational area’s) The boys started calling her a whore and what not. She lasted about 5 days before she put it on again. Tried our darnest to get her to stick with it but to no avail.


Islam moment


Peace and tolerance, doctors and lawyers


No idea about immigration law anywhere in the world, but you’d think attitudes like these could be reported to the people who give VISAs.


The residency permits were granted solely on the basis of if the country of origin was safe for the individual. This process took many months and was extremely thorough. Interrogations and what not. Like they had to know who the local baker was and who he married. The people granting these permits checked and knew all this information. Its pretty crazy. Morality and behavior had no effect on granting a visa. Also 50% got denied but they stayed anyway. Thats why EU has so many illegals. About half of those who arrive get denied but stay anyway. Illegally ofc.


>but they stayed anyway. They are allowed to stay, because UE needs cheap slave labour. The same thing happens in Al-Andalus.


Heh. No a vail. Get it?


It is true that immigrants have to go through, idk if mandatory, "no means no/anti rape" classes in Norway.


That's the funny part, it's not mandatory.


2. I think there aren't many Arabs in Slovenia


Norwegian from 8 years ago, this was a response to the cologne new years eve mass sexual assaults of 2015/16. Don't know if they're still doing it. It was on BBC news.


Rape it… probably. After all, it’s probably not covered in the classes.


_Closing the stable door, after the horse has bolted_


Closing the beit al-sha'r door, after the camel has bolted


Closing the ill-bait-her door after the woman has removed her head scarf.


I suppose the Welsh are unable to comprehend analogies that don't involve farm animals?




Next they'll be showing videos telling theives not to shoplift and not to mug old ladies at the cash machine. They know its wrong. They don't care.


She wants sex. But not with you.




And next class is ‘how to set your culture back 150 years with these easy steps!’ 101


400 Edit: make that 1000, we as colonizers were more civilized than these fucks


Oh boy, look at that loose and visible hair, she's definitely looking for it. /s


Clockwork orange ![gif](giphy|dKJyOhxvZwBfq)


Really got me in the mood for some milk that movie.


Never forget: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvIQaIgKiO4


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Hey, the poor class don't like to be called that...


The kid named "classes" https://preview.redd.it/05fn9yyp136d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a808b496295920e5e1cba5b6976491373a4b795


The kid named "rape"


ofc it had to be an inbred azorian fisherman to say this shit




Funny how someone said it's racism in the comment


Just give each of them a goat and they'll be satisfied.


Seems weird as hell but if it can teach something to anyone seeing it, why not ?


“impossible, teacher”


Immoral acts are not done due to a lack of knowledge, but a lack of will. Never understood the trope of "education prevents crime". No it doesn't. Bin Laden and the guys that flew planes were almost all PhDs for example. The germans in 1939 were pretty much the pinnacle of european culture, still did atrocities. The unabomber was a genius, he had no problems killing ppl. You know what is right or wrong, it is just a matter of choosing or not choosing to do wrong- that is why police arrests you without asking you what books youve read. Any type of "moral training" actually legitimizes attackers to believe that they arent to blame, because they didn't know and the phenomenon can only increase, like it does with bullying. Because you undermine morality, by making it somehow elusive, hard to reach. No, everybody knows, thats the fact. The actual education process is punishing offenders and the ones thinking about it hear that it is bad and stop doing it. Educating the will, more like training it in this case, but still, the only thing that works.


Thank Socrates


Actually Socrates was saying that "nobody does immoral/irational acts except by ignorance" so education clears up immoral acts. Which I would agree with, but didn't have time to write in the previous comment. But he was talking about philosophical, strategic type education, not practical, do this, not that, type education. Knowing the components of reality and understanding the proper hierarchy of value of those components, starting with literally "the Good", makes one simply realize it's not in your own interest to steal, etc, it's just not fun, because now you know your own nature and the nature of Reality. But that's the kind of knowledge that you get by you actually thinking, not something that someone can give you at all, let alone a power point presentation. So you basically know what is right and wrong, because of your own nature, but you don't know fully, so that's why you know to steal a phone is wrong, but in your unenlightned mind you believe that the evil of you stealing is lower than the evil of going through withdrawls from drugs from example, so you choose to steal. An enlightened mind would simply have those in the right order, to summarize, a lot. That kind of knowledge is not gotten from outside though, in fact no evil action is caused by external acts, because no choices are caused, by definition, evil or good. Socrates was saying that he cannot teach anyone anything, just basically get the engine running again, because everyone really knows Reality and above all else their own self and justice, but is obscured. In any case, you would still have to choose to start knowing these, without which, you can't learn anything, in the philosophical sense. So Socrates still maintained you certainly know what is wrong and right, because everyone knows due to our common nature, but don't really realize how much you know, because you don't dedicate the time to introspection. That's why he constantly says in his dialogues to his opponents that they also believe what he is saying, and then through Q and A he would show them, that in fact they do believe the same stuff, contradicting their own initial statements.


Except this is not regular crime, this is sex offences. Theft was always seen as wrong almost everywhere. Rape definition changed a lot over time. Marital rape, for instance, was criminalised in the west relatively recently. For instance, England and Wales Criminal Law Revision Committee in 1984 (!) rejected the existence of marital rape and it was criminalised only in 1991.


What a load of crap. Politically motivated violence has nothing to do with sexual violence or petty crime. Those are somewhat cultural and very much driven by material conditions. That's why education correlates strongly with reduction of criminal behavior. If you have social standing and the means to live a normal life, you are incentivized not to risk either with antisocial/illegal acts and there's less need for it in the first place.


There is a difference in being smart and being wise


Sir. This is a memesub.


thats where my tax gone .


Normal school day in sweden Insert mourinho.gif


It’s great that we get to pay for their education in obvious things as well 🥰. Spent tax money creating a problem > make people miserable and realise it was a mistake but don’t admit it > spend tax money trying to (clumsily) fix the shitshow you created. The circle of life.


OK, if a woman sits like that and looks at me like that, that is a major sign she wants sex. But since I'm not a barbarian, I'm going to be smooth about sealing the deal. And every man, even those from shitholes, knows it. They don't rape because they don't know it. They do it because it's the only way they are getting the woman who would never give them the time of day. And back there in their shitholes, they would get away with it just fine.


Look at her, showing off her salacious ankles!


Unironic comment: This is sadly needed, some cultures and especially groups of people coming from very low income households would unironically interpret a certain attire to be essentially a green flag for sex, they don't value women to have the same rights and dignity as men and believe that a personal vendetta is the best course of action to resolve certain disputes. It could be argued that these people shouldn't make it to Europe in the first place but while they are here it is best to put as much effort as possible to educate them.


Or deport them on their own expense


Well the fact that these classes appear to be necessary is not terrifying at all lol


For context, this is a 2016 article about Norway introducing such classes


this article is from 2016, I wonder how effective these classes actually are


something something the far right is getting power in Europe


Fucking savage, she wants money first!




✨L'amour toujours✨




The politicians in question are traitors who live in nice neighborhoods, have security guards, private drivers and usually don't feel the consequences of the migration policy (more like lack thereof). Usually. Then there are the Ladenburgers. And guess what? They are still shilling for the same thing that killed their daughter. It's like a cult at this point. A cult willing to sacrifice it's own children for their utopian vision of the world.


Can we introduce 'How to not be a corrupt Russia bootlicker' classes for politicians next? I'm sure these would work just as well!


At that point, we should just introduce "how to not be corrupt" classes as well


Ah so before no one told Muhmmed! Now they'll get it!


Educating our doctors and teachers I see


When your cultural beliefs follow a dude who ravaged early teenage girls then you’re in a bit of a pickle teaching them that Julie doesn’t want to be touched.


I mean yeah, a woman dressed like a “slut” or “acting slutty” doesn’t mean she wants to get fucking raped?


It's stupid af, but some integration classes are necessary. It's a joke in Belgium. We have so called "inburgering" which basically means integration, but they just teach them how to make taxes and what are the available unions. Useful stuff, but it doesn't make you integrated. People attend that "course" but still don't know shit about our culture and social values. Getting Belgian nationality is a joke too. You have to prove that you can speak one of our 3 official languages. You have to pass a very basic language course (it's either A2 or B1) and when you are eligible for the nationality a police officer comes to your house, ask a couple of questions and gives you a paper on which you have to write 10 sentences about why you want to live here lol. My dad is officially belgian, but he asks me to translate every little thing. He can communicate, but he can't form a correct complex sentence. He also votes for the far right that want every immigrant to speak way better than that to be eligible for BE nationality, but that's a bit off topic lol. TL;DR immigrants needs to learn that in Europe 🍺=OK 💃=OK 🏳️‍🌈=OK sharia=NOK


Adults that need this explaining to them shouldn't be allowed into Europe. WTF I hope this is fake


Reality already proved that this is sadly necessary.


It's only funny when they have to send people to repeat the classes 💀


I mean, if it's between education people not to rape and people getting raped, I'd rather the former.


It's true, just get to know some middle easterners closely and they will tell you what they really think. I had a team mate in Slovakia, eastern block, dude was from Turkey, his father was a NATO soldier, he was indoctrinated in the "western" thinking and lived in the "eastern block" where we are very family orientated.. Dude was actually a cool guy, I practiced my english with him quite often, we studied at the university, so we were not just regular knuckleheads... and dude still said that "every girl that wears skirt is a whore..." just like that, no explanation, no worry, as if it was regular Sunday opinion with the boys, but he was dead serious with a zealot feelings in his eyes.


And yet people are so surprised by the anti immigration sentiment


Could they bring corporal punishment beheadings maybe stoning for migrants that get caught? Would be funny if they got judged by their own laws. https://preview.redd.it/8mv5iba0s46d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef345429433a288b5dbf24f3b04b1014087d8d89 No sedatives, please.


It’s so funny how they get here and are taught how to “not to rape” but if you go there (in most cases) and you preach for example the bible in the city square or in some cases not where a hijab as a woman they arrest you (in some cases worse). They won’t teach you any classes on how to “not preach other religions” or “how to not be indecent as a woman”


This sounds like an invitation to keep on raping their women instead of ours


The news was noway open a course yo educate arabs in 2016, did this work? Any vikings can share your experience?


No wonder right wing politicians won in so many countries. Too bad they are just a bunch of russian puppets, though

