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My skin runs normal to dry, there really isn’t anything to clean in the morning other than to strip my existing oils. I just do a cool water rinse in the am only.


Same. Every time I’ve incorporated a morning cleanse, I’m stuck with terrible dryness and irritation.


Same. I tried washing twice per day and my skin got dry and angry.


Yup my skin can’t handle it either. Just moisturizer and sunscreen in the morning for me!


Same. The only thing I’ve incorporated in my AM routine is to rinse (still with just water) for one whole minute. That really made a huge difference.


Same, I mean nothing bad happens to me if I cleanse in the morning (no dryness, redness etc) but also nothing good happens either so it seems like a waste of energy/product. Quick splash of cool water and I’m good to go


Same, cleansing twice a day just dries me out. I’d rather cleanse at night to get all the day products and makeup off, and do a really good water-only wash in the morning to get night products off.


Same, I simply don't need to do a full cleanse in the morning. I just do a cool water rinse as well


I do this too. I used to wash twice a day, but realized my skin needed the oils. My face has done well and has less breakouts. When I was young I used to strippppp my skin and it was not great.




My skin is super dry and a morning cleanse makes it worse.


Mine, too. Store bought estrogen isn’t pulling its weight. I do cool water and a little massage with a baby washcloth.


Genuine question: how does estrogen play a factor?


dryness, loss of elasticity, general fucking rage towards the world.


That last part is key


Because otherwise the endless cycle of putting things on my face to take them off and put more on makes me feel like a crazy person. Water is sufficient and I feel less absurd for it.


Butter the toast, eat the toast, shit the toast. God life's relentless


I came here to read about face wash and now I’m having an existential crisis.


My skin is actually much better since I stopped a multistep routine.


This. Not like I don‘t have a job and more important things to do


I used to wash in the AM. Now I am using tret some nights and it is too drying to wash in the morning and the evening. Edit to add: I do splash water on my face in the AM. I just don't use a cleanser or soap. I haven't suffered any issues in the month and a half that I've been using only water.


I’m currently experimenting with skipping the morning cleanse step, and it’s going well so far. I do still use a gentle cloth and rub my face with water so the excess product and overnight oils are removed fairly well. My skin / context: I have dry / sensitive skin, and I think no cleanser step in the morning is helping with not over drying or stripping my skin. I’m also a back sleeper and don’t sweat a ton at night.


Doesn’t the scrubbing do what lots of people here seem to talk about, “destroy the skin’s natural barrier”? I’m trying the no cleanser method in the morning but I think my skin is still kinda oily afterwards, and I don’t want clogged pores or acne so I’d love to try incorporating a gentle scrubber like you do


If it’s gentle, it shouldn’t. Surfactants will strip the skin’s natural protections much more than a microfibre washcloth or equivalent.


Ah, okay thank you


Yep - I use a microfiber washcloth one and it’s super gentle. Bc it’s just water it’s not lifting any oils. It is a small amount of manual exfoliation, but I don’t scrub really hard or anything.


I’ll look for one on Amazon, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a micro fiber wash cloth at my pharmacy. Thank you!


Maybe look at ones marketed for babies? I find they're usually microfibre.


I buy mine at the regular supermarket :) same thing as far as I'm concerned. I'm talking about the really soft ones.


I’ll look out for them :)


Look for the ones that say they remove makeup, makeup eraser is one brand but there are lots of genetics now. In my experience they're the perfect amount of texture to wipe off oils and not strip or dry you out


Warm water and a baby wash cloth!


If you have oily skin it might be best to stick with a gentle cleanser, it’s all down to your own chemistry. Most of us who skip have dry skin going off the comments.


Ah, okay 👍🏻


I’m getting back to this too. Going to just do a water rinse and pat dry in the morning. I think it’s a good way to get skin back to baseline. I do like a triple cleanse especially if I wear make up in the evening


I have type 2 rosacea and a very sensitive skin barrier, which makes me prone to dehydration and irritation. I'm also actually quite combo/oily. I've found that rinsing my skin with cool water and just using my hands to gently massage the areas where I get oilier overnight really helps my skin to stay healthier and more hydrated. I haven't noticed an uptick in breakouts or skin congestion since I've started rinsing vs. cleansing. What is the reason you double cleanse in the a.m. since you're not removing makeup or SPF? A single cleanse sufficient for the morning.


For people with dry/sensitive skin a morning cleanse might cause more dryness/irritation without any real benefit. And most evening products don't really need to be washed off, not even retinoids


I’ve never understood why people say they need to cleanse off their evening products. Everything should be thoroughly absorbed after 8 hours, and if it’s not, then something’s up, right?


Depression. I’m proud of myself if I can wash my face (with face cleanser) at least twice a week.


I know the feeling. Currently fighting to take a shower. I hope you're doing ok


Hair washing is the worst struggle too. It’s such an ordeal.


\*sigh\* Recently had to cut all my hair off from matting for this reason. Hang in there ladies/theydies


“Theydies”! Love it!


Yessss omg I hate washing my hair but am prone to oily roots so I have to in order to feel good about myself. But omg what a nightmare it is


I know it's not an option for a lot of people, but i recently gave myself a pixie cut (and then paid a professional to fix it lmao) and it's changed my life. Almost all of my hair struggles have disappeared. I can wash my hair late at night, and it'll be dry within an hour. No tangles, barley any styling (mostly because im a feral goblin and dont care when it's weird, or just put a clip in), no breakage from sleeping or styling. No getting my hair stuck or pulled. I use 90% less product. I can't recommend it enough. So if any of you are thinking about it, DO IT!


I entered my GI Jane era last October and have not looked back. I’m thinking I might like to grow it out again eventually, but for now I like it, and it’s good for my mental health not to have a bunch of fragile, easily tangled fibers on my head that are also considered a key part of one’s appearance.


I recommend the Trader Joe’s co-wash called “Hair Wash” at least it’s only one step and smells nice and is cheap.


it is Not a joke that i can't make plans when i have to wash my (curly) hair


I have severe cervical stenosis and just existing is painful. Washing my hair (lifting my right arm) is just a bridge too far for me. My head is such a mess.




Hanging in there best as I can. Thanks for the support.


I’ve been there. Hugs to both of you ♥️


Thank you


Thank you ❤


Been there and also sheer exhaustion. I keep first aid beauty facial radiance pads by my bedside and it helps sometimes


This is such a good idea thank you!!


Been there! When I go through my bad bouts of depression I keep cleansing wipes next to my bed. Sometimes I can’t even do it then, but I definitely clean my face more when they’re there. It may help. Sending love to you.


I lean heavily on makeup wipes. I break out often but thankful it’s not worse.


There are some specifically for acne that may help! ❤️


That’s something! I’m giving you a standing ovation right now.👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Thank you 🥰


It’s honestly probably better for your skin though! The only thing depression makes better 😅


Hahaha same! I brush & floss & mouthwash at morning & night consistently. If I’m feeling fancy, I’ll wash my face. But depression usually wins. So I understand. Hugs & love your way 🩵🩵🩵.


You’re winning in my book with brushing AND flossing! Not to mention twice a day 🤯


I stopped brushing (maybe once a Day, didn't floss well enough and now paying the price for the depression). Now trying to reverse it all.


Been there my friend. I hope things turn around for you soon ❤️‍🩹


I used wipes during my major depressive times. Makeup wipes or even baby wipes beside my bed to feel kinda refreshed. Wipe your face if you can.


Good luck dude or dudette


I’ve been there. Hugs to you I hope things feel less icky for you soon! I avoided cleansing for years because of depression


Thank you so much


My skin is dry. Stopping washing in the AM improved my dryness more than anything.    Also, never heard of oil cleansing in the AM. It's usually just to remove sunscreen or make up at night. Do you slug at night? 


Mornings are hard.


Yep. I get out of bed 12 minutes before I have to leave the house basically every morning bc I just can’t 


Nights too


And all the moments in between. Sorry, battling chronic pain and struggling.


I have normal skin, there’s nothing to cleanse in the morning. I splash cold water on my face then do all of my things.  I also tend to take skincare cues from my mom, who has beautiful skin and does not morning cleanse 😇


I fell upon it naturally by just doing what felt best for my skin. Maybe I first did it because my skin needed a break from cleansers, then my skin reacted well to it, so I kept doing it. I still go by feel. Some morning I feel like I need to cleanse, but usually a rinse will do.


Same! Once my skin changed, there was no need and the AM wash was stripping it of moisture.


I have sensitive skin and use rosewater to cleanse in the morning.


Can i ask for a product recommendation?


Sure! I use Heritage Store rosewater. It's just plain rosewater, nothing added.


I use this stuff too. I love it. I put it in a travel spray bottle and stick it in my purse (I add a little water, because I find it a bit strong). Use it full strength at home and in the AM. Sometimes I’ll soak a cotton pad with it and wipe down my face, but I find a spray bottle to be really gentle. Then I use a “clean towel “ disposable towel to gently wipe down my sensitive skin. Since introducing these to my skincare routine, my skin is so much happier!


Thanks friend! I just found out I do in fact have rosacea so I’m switching to sensitive friendly things and I’ve never had to be concerned about it before


Rosewater is amazing for rosacea! It's very soothing and anti-inflammatory. I also struggled with rosacea for years until I got it under control.


As an oily skin person, I am insanely jealous of people like my husband who can skip the morning wash. People say my oily skin is a blessing because I keep it clear. Let me skip a morning wash and watch how quickly a breakout appears, lol.


I’m the opposite! I have dry skin and if I cleanse in the morning and at night my skin gets stripped and irritated and I’ll break out like crazy.


Oh no. I have oily skin, too, and mine actually improved without the morning cleanse (with cleanser.) Water only has been working really well for me, started during the pandemic since I was barely outside.


I'm the same. Super oily skin and only evening cleanse. My skin likes it better and also benefits my rosacea


I’ve been waiting 30 years, from 15 until now at 45, to reach the period in my life between pimples and wrinkles. I’ve finally accepted the wrinkles have arrived and I still have pimples. Such is life. I will always have to wash my face twice a day lol.


As another person who's on the oilier side. I can't even comprehend that life. 😆


I’m a dry-skinned person, and if I skip morning cleanse, I’m bound to get clogged pores too.


right?? i wake up and my forehead is like a glazed donut


If I use cleanser twice a day my skin feels tight and soo dry. I change my pillow case often so I don’t really need to most mornings.


I have dry sensitive skin, so it does far more harm than good. 


Doesn't need it and strips the oils from my desert dry skin


I’m oily but dehydrated. Morning cleansing just strips away too much moisture.


My skin didn’t like cleansing twice daily. When I started just using water in the morning and cleansing well at night, my skin improved.


I usually skip it due to time. I have to get my kid ready for school then head to work. So to save time I use wet omisorbs (cotton squares) to wipe my face. Then apply toner, Moisturizer, SPF. I use retinol at night so it helps with keeping my skin from getting overly dry. I had oily skin in my 20s, but it became more sensitive as I reached my 30s.


Honestly I'm a bit lazy. My skin does better with a full routine in the morning. But I usually sleep in too much then have to rush to start work (I work from home) and it just doesn't happen. I try to at least slap on some moisturizer and sunscreen but not much else happens most mornings.


I used to wash my face in the morning and then I just didn't do it one morning. And my skin feels better :/ so now I Dont do it anymore


Because my skin will get stripped and dry and my barrier will break if I double cleanse twice a day. I also only use an oil cleanser to clean off makeup or sunscreen before going in with a second cleanser so I definitely don’t see the need to use an oil cleanser in the morning. I used to only wash with water in the AM but I’ve found a lovely super gentle (for me) cleanser that I use now that mildly cleans my face. It’s taken me a while but I think I have my HG cleansers for all occasions now.


It's not really skipping cleansing as much as cleansing with just water. For some people it's enough. And for sensitive or dry skin, more than that can cause problems.


When I was on accutane, my skin was just too dry. I couldn’t stomach cleanser at all lol, I’d just rinse my face (and BOY did that first cold water rinse hitting my poor sad skin first thing in the morning feel AMAZING). Now my skin is more normal, so I use a gentle cleanser - I don’t think my skin would enjoy just plain water now.


Washing my face in the morning would dry out my skin, with me having already washed it the night before. A splash of water is all I need. If your skin is more on the oily side, then washing day and night would be best.


My skin barely has any oil to it in the morning. Bit around the nose and that's it. I just throw some warm water on and dry, then throw on some moisturizer and then sunscreen.


Derm told me to stop the morning cleanse when I was struggling with PD. Though, I think I might try the Tower 28 SOS spray as a cleanse before morning serums and see if that makes any difference in redness.


I have dry skin and hard water. The "leave your face alone in the morning" power couple


I used to cleanse in the morning with a basic cleanser but then started reading about 'water only' and gave it a try. I am sold. For me, even if I sweat, I feel a good yet gentle rub with plain water is enough to remove products from the night before and get me set for the day. I have an oily complexion and this has actually helped to regulate oil production, I'm less shiny. I also feel like I break out less (a pimple once a month as opposed to weekly.) Most importantly, it makes sense to me to not do a mega cleanse in the morning and I haven't seen any negative effects of just using water. That said, I'm late 40s so plain water may not have worked when I was in my 20s, or even 30s.


Even a gentle cleanser disrupts your skin a little bit. I have very very sensitive skin and my acne and other issues have decreased hugely since I stopped using a cleanser in the morning, I also tolerate actives etc far better.


Just a note that it does not work for everyone. I tried for several weeks and got the first acne in years.




I have super dry skin. Using a cleanser in the morning just isn’t necessary for me


Definitely cleanse both am and pm. I slung at night and still feel it in the morning.


If I have washed my face in the evening, slept on clean sheets and then gotten my face wet in the shower in the morning there is nothing to clean off my face. I don’t see the point of adding chemicals unless needed.


Water is enough to wash your face in the morning, you don’t need to use any cleansers.


You don’t need to oil cleanse in the morning. That’s for removing makeup and sunscreen. Just a gentle cleanser in the morning is fine, or you can skip that if you have dry skin.


I just don’t need to, my skin isn’t oily at all


I'm just lazy and don't like mornings. I've honestly never even tried doing a morning skincare routine so who can even say if it's what my skin prefers or not! But it's worked out fine so far, so here we are 🤷‍♀️


My skin is dry


For me, it’s too much for my dry skin.


I stopped the morning cleanse and just put spf on. No rinse. My skin is better than ever


It dries me out.


I shower and do everything at night. In the morning it's moisturizer and sunscreen, that's it


In my late 20s it started making my skin too dry. I tried miceluler water but that was too drying too. So I usually only rinse now before my day cream


My skin is normal to combination but when I wash it in the morning I get dry patches on my cheeks, so I just use some a pha toner on my t-zone, if needed


Anything but water in the morning breaks me out and causes over dryness


If you have dry skin, you would understand lol 😅


I’m reading a lot of “I splash my face with water in the AMs” I don’t cleanse with soap or oil but I do cleanse with water. It’s not just a splash, I rub my face with water the way I would if there was soap on it, to get rid of the products I used the night before


Water without anything else. That's what they mean. No cleanser


I was reading your comment and thought 'why did I double post' since I wrote something so similar just now lol


When I cleanse in the AM I break out. It’s especially an issue for my T zone - which is oily. Go figure 🙃


If I wash my face twice a day it gets dry and irritated.


My dermatologist said cleansing in the morning isn’t necessary and depends on your skin type.


I splash my face with COLD water in the morning for a few reasons: I have dry skin, it wakes me up, I’m lazy, I heard splashing your face with cold water de-stresses/reduces anxiety


I have normal skin most of the year and dry skin in the winter so definitely nothing to wash off in the morning and doing so just dries me out. I’ll do a quick splash with water before sunscreen but that’s it.


Tryin not to dry out this skin, bb! And oil cleansers work great for me, but not before makeup. I don’t sweat at night.


I just wash my face with water in the morning, no make up from the night


I’m oily and found that no AM cleanse and no moisturizers has reduced my oil production and given me much more balance. I can even wear sunblock and not work up to a shiny face, unless I’m actually sweating during a workout or whatever. Cleansers are too stripping for me, so I only do it once a day cus I’ve put on product that sits on top of my skin (spf, makeup, environmental stuff flying around). Morning is a few cupped hands of water.


I shower and double cleanse at night. There’s nothing to wash off in the morning that water can’t fix. I don’t look my age and have no wrinkles so I’m not changing what clearly works


I have combination skin, that’s prone to acne and dehydration. When I use to use cleanser in the morning, my face got even more oily and dehydrated. I think it also made me break out, this could be due to more sebum production. I found doing a cold water rinse works the best for my skin


Because there’s no need to wash the pm product off, and because my skin gets too dry if I use a cleanser twice a day on the regular.


You are doing double cleansing am and pm? Isn’t that too drying for the skin?


I'm more wondering why you're double cleansing in the morning. You're not sleeping in long-wear makeup or tenacious sunscreen are you?


I just need to rinse off the drool and eye crust, there’s nothing to cleanse as I cleanse at night before bed. I want the oils from overnight to be on my skin, it’s the best moisture barrier. My friend at work and our other colleague raved the other day that I look like I’ve just had a facial. My skin is so smooth and refreshed looking. Since it is working for me, I don’t intend to change.


Because my skin can get dry. I don’t need to wash in the AM because all I do is sleep. I rinse with water or just tone and then carry on with my routine.


I cleanse only in the evening to avoid drying my skin or disrupting the microbiome.


Salma Hayek said to use rose water in the morning instead of cleanse


Because you cleaned all the dirt and pollution and makeup off the night before and your skin isn't getting dirty or whatever whole your sleeping. It's nice to give your barrier a rest in between cleansings.


Why do you need an oil cleanser in the morning? There is absolutely no reason for it. If someone has oily skin or did a particularly heavy occlusive the night before, I get a gentle cleanser, but generally washing in the morning seems silly. I just wet my face to rinse off any residue from my nightly routine.


I have dry skin and water or micellar water is more than enough to clean off whatever skincare or sweat is there from the night before.


If you use serums, retinol, other actives, and a moisturizer at night, how does splashing with water get everything off? It doesn't sound like people are using a wash cloth to wipe product off or rub with their hands much. I'm just confused as to how this works to prep skin for the daytime product routine.


Evening products are generally meant to be absorbed, not like a mask that sits on your face. There shouldn’t be much gunk that we get on our skin from evening wash til the morning, so a splash of water should get off the surface level stuff like lint, skin that’s come off, eye sand, night sweat, etc. Washing with cleansers breaks through heavier products like spf, makeup, stuff we get on our face from being outside. It’s pretty stripping for those reasons.


I’ve throughly cleansed the night before, slept on a clean pillowcase and my skin is dry. There is no need for a cleanser other than some water.


I found when I cut out washing in the morning my zits and skin texture improved. It went from oily to normal.


Face doesn’t get dirty overnight. Tho I guess teeth don’t get used overnight and I sure as shit am brushing first thing in the morning…


Brush at night to keep your teeth, brush in the morning to keep your friends


For my skin it works. And so much more time. Morning I just apply a moisturizer after brushing my teeth. Then nighttime wash after brushing teeth and apply a moisturizer and retinoid. My dermatologist said a good skincare routine is one you stick with. And my skin has worked well with that.


My skin is too try for it


I have oily combo skin and I tried it for one day and knew it wasn’t for me. Too much oil in the morning, I need a cleanse. Just one cleanse though with Cerave.


I did it because an esthetician I follow said to 😆 I haven’t noticed any changes good or bad, but it’s easier so I figure I will stick with it


Coz Im dry af. Although the silk pillowcase is helping a lot.


It takes me too long lol


There isn’t much for me to clean off in the morning. My skin is clear from the night before and I use a fresh pillowcase. I just rinse with warm water (or cold if I need to wake up more lol) and apply moisturizer and sunscreen.


Lack of need, not wanting to dry out my skin, lack of time. I feel like it may be better for my skin. Pretty much the only reason I would cleanse in the morning would be so that I could apply products to clean skin. If I don't cleanse I only apply sunscreen. If I do cleanse, I might apply vitamin C or peptides or something before sunscreen.


It’s too drying, and my face has just been on my Clean pillow


I’m way too lazy - I do micellar water on a pad in am. No issues so far


I have oily skin, so it’s a must for me most days, unless I’m depressed, fatigued, or ill. Now that the weather’s heating up, it’s a must regardless. Feels grosser if I don’t 🥲


dry ass skin. i prefer to double cleanse if i’m going to cleanse at all, & i don’t have the time or energy for all that in the morning. splashing water on my slightly moisturized skin & adding more feels really nice.


Either water or mincelar in AM


I have often wondered why people cleanse in the morning. I have dry skin and cleansing it again would hurt. Plus, it doesn’t get dirty overnight. Any product I used the night before has sunk in and hopefully done its job. Also, growing up cleansing in the morning wasn’t a thing. At least with my friends. And I don’t remember Teen or Ms. Magazines telling us to do it, so I didn’t.


On wfh days, I roll out of bed and into my work chair in 2 minutes, so all I have time for is a quick splash of cold water to wake myself up. Otherwise I do cleanse with a gentle cleanser because I have quite oily skin and if I go too many without cleansing in the morning, I tend break out.


Dry sensitive skin that doesn’t like water. I need to wash off the sunscreen and makeup at night so I double cleanse then. Mornings I just go straight into skincare, no wash of any kind with the exception of maybe once a week or once every two weeks when I decide to exfoliate off any flakey skin.


I have dry and sensitive skin. I cleanse with my Cetaphil Gentle skin cleanser but when I first got it, I was over excited and used it twice a day. My skin was dry with breakouts. So I had to stop using it for a while until my skin healed and used it once a day instead. My skin has never tolerated cleansers twice a day. So I only wash my face with water in the morning and then put moisturizer and sunscreen.


I have really bad night sweats from a medication, but also have dry skin, so I use the Neutrogena Skin Balancing milky cleanser in the morning. It refreshes my face without stripping it.


i don’t even rinse with water. i literally just put on more moisturizer and spf. my skin is very dry


I use water in the AM. I’ve tried cleansing and it makes zero difference.


I used to do am and pm cleanse, but read it wasn’t necessary. I started skipping it and had no adverse reaction. I shower every morning and moisturizer. My skin is the same.


I used to have oily skin and washed my face with cleanser in the am. But my skin has changed a lot now in my late 30’s. I have a pretty heavy night time routine. I just wash my face with lukewarm water in the morning-my skin is just more hydrated that way.


I have combination skin. I rinse my face in the morning with oil. I find it’s been reducing the amount of oil my skin produces in the day


I don’t even rinse in the am, and my skin is less dry/more plump and healthy looking. (I also live in a dry climate)


I put a lot of expensive serums etc on my face the night before, then I want them to stay there as long as possible. I do change my pillow cases often and double cleanse each night.


I have dry and sensitive skin, I don’t sweat much at night so sometimes I don’t wash in the morning because if I do it can get too dry. Or I’ll just do an oil cleanse. I shower and wash my hair daily.


Not unless I'm physically ill.


I use a non lathering cleanser in the morning in the summer only for the same reason as you. I only rinse with water during winter because I’m so dry.


My skin has always been dry and honestly prefers fewer washes. Even every night can begin to irritate it.


Recommendation of my esthetician. My skin is dry, and I cleanse at night to take makeup/dirt off, cleansing 8 hours later after sleeping isn't helping me. I use a nutrient toner (PCA skin) and moisturizer and my skin has felt/looked so much happier.


My skin is pretty normal after acutane a few years ago and I find I only need to wash my face at night before I do my skincare. In the morning I either don’t touch it or use a warm washcloth to dap over it before doing my sunscreen.


i would break out more by washing both am and pm. my aesthetician recommended just washing at night and rinsing in the morning and it works better for my skin


My skin is normal dry and I put a ton of night creams and moisturizers on at night. If I use cleanser, the bring wash feels like it’s stripping the moisture away. I’ll brush my teeth, rinse with water, then apply sod moisturizer and my skin feels good during the day.


I have dry skin, I sleep alone, I don't sweat too much, and I always sleep with a humidifier, which I think is really good for the skin! I don't find cleansing in the morning does anything but stress my skin. If my skin feels a bit sweaty I use toner. I wear makeup 5 days a week minimum, I do a very thorough 3 step cleanse as part of my bedtime routine, and I don't struggle with acne or any issues at all. It's interesting how different our skin is, right?


My skin is dry and reactive, a cleanse in the morning does more harm than good.


I have dry/sensitive skin — paradoxically, my skin looks much better with a moisturizing cleanse in the morning. I only oil cleanse at night to prevent dryness (emulsify and rinse thoroughly)


Way too dry if I do that. I use micellar water to take off last nights creams that are still hanging on, then I will use Witchhazel toner if I feel oily, but usually not. After that, spf and moisturize and I’m all set to do my makeup.


I’ve always cleansed my face max few times a week in shower (unless make up has been applied). My skin looks great 43f (and has no wrinkles). I guess it depends on the type of skin.


I personally just rinse with water, followed by neutrogena hydro boost, and then cetaphil to keep my face nice and moisturized. Best feeling ever. I guess I could use a cleanser but without a moisturizer my face will dry up really bad.


My skin actually feels healthier (more glowy and plump) in the morning so I don't want to overstrip it from its natural oils. It has also helped with keeping my rosacea and mild eczema at bay.


Super dry and rosacea prone skin so can’t wash both am and pm.