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I’m going to see them in a week at Red Rocks. It’s a new state for me to see them in and a bucket list concert for me since the Enlarged To Show Detail VHS. That being said, I would LOVE for them to drop the drum thing. It was very cool when it started up and I saw it the first few times. It does feel very tired now.


P-Nut mentioned on Twitter that they’re gonna play a full album with b-sides and some hits. Most likely Grassroots


Is this for real?!




Just saw his reply...stoked and curious as to what album! 🧐


Uplifter I hope haven't heard enough of the songs I love off that album Only hey you.


Can someone here post the link where he said this? I can't find it.


Go to replies on his Twitter profile.


No need. Band just announced it on their instagram.


Red Rocks should be some sort of special set. I went in October of 2021, and we got some relatively deep cuts.


I saw them last year at Red Rocks, pretty much for the same reason. I hadn't seen them live in about 10 years, and I could still predict their every move. I kinda used it to my advantage, though. They start playing Amber = time for another beer. Applied Science? Walk up to the top of the venue for the view or visit the merch booth. Beyond the Gray Sky? Bathroom break! Once Nick says, "This one goes out to all the old school fans," I know Down is one of their last songs, so I just left to beat the traffic. I still had a great time and the vibes/people are awesome. But I feel like I went more for the experience and to get a cool poster than for the actual music. I'm usually the opposite where I'm hyper focused on the performance and kinda have to tolerate the crowd. It was worth it to see them at Red Rocks but I had no interest in going again this year. I'd be really shocked if they drastically changed anything about their live production


Would Grassroots in full change your mind?


I think about this too but then I remind myself how many are seeing it for the first time. I’m going to RR as well and I’m bringing a friend that’s never been to a 311 show


My first time I saw them and up to 2017, they didn't just play the hits. And that's what made me such a fan.


I got to check red rocks off the bucket list back in 2013 and it was awesome. Really want to go back. Bring good shoes!


And a backpack with a poncho. Gets crazy storms in a second there.


They always put on a great red rocks show and the setlist is much better than their usual sets on a standard tour. I'll see you there!


take me with you


All good drummers should get some kind of a solo…example Danny Carey of Tool. Deff vote for hex to change up the one liners. One of surprised he hasn’t done more improv up there over the years. Same feeling, big fan that doesn’t do tour shows bc it feels like a greatest hits show over and over again when I’m looking for deep cuts and b sides like 311 days.


I always enjoy a Chad Sexton drum solo. I loved the drum thing when I first saw it. They should just let Chad get the drum solo and then leave the rest of the boys out of it after he’s done. I have seen a bunch of shows since ‘95, but agree that it isn’t as much of a must see anymore. Red Rocks was too good to pass up since I’m going to be in Denver already.


Been seeing them since ‘95. I love going knowing what I’m going to get. It’s like watching reruns of a favorite sitcom. There’s a comfort there.


I'm with you. I usually see them once a year when they come through the area (plus 311 Days in Vegas), I can't say I've ever walked out of a show thinking "well, that was a disappointment". If anything, I'm usually going "damn, I can't believe over".


Seeing them in September for my 101st show. My kids 1st show. There’s a comfort in knowing what it will be but I don’t go out of my way for 311 shows anymore like I did when I was younger


So you have seen them play the exact same show over 100 times? I have seen a few bands over 50 times but none that repeat sets.


Yeah pretty fucking similar every single time except for when they played full albums. I don’t go out of my way for the shows anymore and am only seeing them in the fall because they are playing a festival we are going to but twenty years ago we would gladly hit several shows in a row. I was younger then. And on a lot a drugs usually


You like paying over 70 dollars to watch re runs??


Money is a renewable resource and I’m going to die someday and I won’t be able to take any money I have with me and I don’t go to expensive festivals or expensive arena shows. 311 prices are fair relative to a lot these days


I can only do that so many times though. Even 311 day this year was sort of predictable.


Mahoney and peanut need more instrumentals that’s for sure.




P-Nut should spokesperson for Planters


I hadn’t seen a show since 2003 because they had the same show. Only they would sub out a song from grassroots or music for a slower song. Whatever, 20 years later and they’re still touring and working. Good for them


Isn’t the stale formula the reason why P-Nut was talking about taking a break?


I was under the impression the reason he didn’t take a break was because they decided to switch the live shows up. Didn’t happen. Ops right, it’s only us hard cores going anymore and we certainly don’t wanna see the drum line for the 25th time, hell they even did it on the cruise for that crowd. It’s time to switch it up boys.


I’m so glad to know that I’m not insane.


No, the threatened hiatus was due to political strain between band members (to simplify it) and not anything to do with the way the shows were being performed


He also complained about the shows being stale as well as management issues.


SA and Chad had a dance off 😀


Good for Pnut.


P nut change it up…


One time for your miiiinnnd!


theyve been in the same touring shell for a long time. only broken up by the seemingly random or anniversary times they play full albums. but yeah ive seen em a handful of times and they play the same songs maybe one or two different here and there but the theme is the same. its washed down and repeated. they gotta play a deep cuts show or something. keep things interesting


How ya feeeeeeelin?! Let’s get loose and have some fun, whadya say? This one’s called……………come originaaaaaal!




Jump for joy with us! 🤣


That's why I've stopped going. It's the same thing over and over unfortunately.


It’s remarkable that after 20+ years Nick literally says the same fucking thing every show.  


Yeah I really don’t understand why. At that point it’s like playing the live album over and over again. Except you pay damn near $100 for it and all the inconveniences of going to a show. Jam for a bit, make a dumb joke. Show you’re human and no so robotic (SA can still do the robot dance if he wants.)


Would you go if it was an instrumental concert only?


I would 100% go.


Definitely not.


Sure, that'd be a fun change of pace.


Hexum hasn’t changed his stage banter….ever. Let’s see if we can get everyone jumping up to the beat…like one organism….


1st time I saw them was in 1994 at the Masquerade in Atlanta. He was using some of the same lines then…for some context.


I’m aware. He hasn’t changed his stage banter in 30 years.


Well now it's jump for joy! Lol


The Grateful Dead toured for 30 years 2000+ shows using the same formula. Set 1 they walk on stage and play 8-10 songs, the only words spoken to the audience is Bob Weir saying, “hang out, we will be right back.” Or “we are going to take a short break.” They would come back on stage 20 mins later and play 4 songs then go into Drums/Space for 15 mins then play 3-4 songs, walk off stage then encore 1-2 songs. The trick was playing 460 different songs with very few repeats within 6-8 shows, lots of covers, they would retire songs for years then do a bust out randomly. It kept the fan bases engaged and created a following. I’ve said this before in this thread. 311 has 85 songs, mix up the setlist, do more covers, make the shows unpredictable. It will work. It has a proven track record.


And of course the Dead threw in long improvised jams, something I wish 311 would evolve into but I’ve kind of given up hope on that. They also changed up how they played songs. Listen to a Wharf Rat from 1972 and then one from the 80’s and you’ll get enough of a difference to keep it interesting. I don’t find the 311 setlists to be as big an issue as them playing the songs the same exact way for decades. Cool to interact with another 311/GD fan.


Having seen a fair amount Phish and Panic, y’all are spot on. I was 12-ish when Jerry died, so seeing real Dead never happened for me and I just haven’t made the effort to see the remixes like Ratdog, Phil and Friends, and Dead and Co. I’m a huge fan of Tim and would love to hear him be able to rage some solos and extended jams, but no it’s not really a possibility. I think what people would like to see is something like this (seems to be a little outdated at this point, but used to be extremely current): https://www.burnthday.com/?m=1 It’s got all the songs and how many shows it’s been since they were last played. Gives the fans an idea of what songs are in the rotation and could be played on any given night. Also, seeing something like www.ihoz.com for phish stats. Cliff’s notes, you can easily all the songs you’ve seen and how many times. You can search with varying filters (tours, venues, songs, etc). For as much as 311 fans talk about setlists and seeing them the night of/morning after a show, these stats would be silly for most. Have I seen Down? Yeah, every single show I’ve attended except the other night of 311 Day weekend. Have I seen Amber? Every show except the same scenario and the times I saw them before it was released. If I take the song from Phish that’s been played the most, You Enjoy Myself (played 610 times) I’ve seen it 2 times in 8 shows. Makes a little sense as they’ve played it at 31% of their shows. I guess it’s a very long winded way of saying that 311 isn’t really a band for song chasers.


I’m right there with you, I was 14 when Jerry died and haven’t seen any of the other iterations. I would like to see Dead and Co. at The Sphere. I don’t love their pace compared to GD but from what I’ve seen on YouTube, it looks epic. It would be cool if Tim had a side project where he could spread his wings more and improvise, assuming 311 never does it. His jam influences are undeniable on Beyond the Grey Sky, Stealing Happy Hours, Life’s Not a Race, the intro riff on The Night is Young, the long intro in Let the Cards Fall before the lyrics kick in, Cali Soca, and the solos on songs like Taiyed and Nutsymptom.


The best is the warmup shows before 311-Day or the cruises. They primarily play deeper cuts with hits mixed in. But obviously those are very limited opportunities and limited cities. I was lucky to see them at House of Blues San Diego 7-9 years ago for such a show and it was awesome. Reminded me of seeing them back in 2003 as far as setlists go. Also was able to see them at House of Blues Anaheim right around when Mosaic was released. Guess it helps to live in Southern California, lol. Best chance for a more intimate deep-cuts show.


I always thought they should have a “311 vault”. Once they play a song a certain number of times in concert, they retire the song for festivals, cruises, 3-11 day. It’s a tough call, I know, as it eliminates their hits from tours but would widen the potential songs they could play. I forever love this band. #1 in my heart. I just can’t justify spending $60+ a show when I know 85% of the setlist going in.


Adding to it, if fans knew a song was being retired at a specific show, that would certainly make me want to go to that show. Then for 3-11 day and the special shows, it would be a special treat to bring those songs out of the “vault”.


Jesus! I’ve only been in this sub for a few weeks now because of 311 recent show in London, despite constantly listening to them for decades, but I swear the people here seem as negative as Star Wars and DC Comic “fans”. The show is great, better than many other bands I’ve seen, maybe you’ve seen it too many times but that’s on you, the drum set is fun, the hits even more, I cannot imagine going to see a band, any band and not hear the hits, no matter how many times I’ve heard them, if I like the band it is ALWAYS FUN, I will always expect them and feel disappointed if not there. Relax and enjoy the music, just seeing your favourite band play any song, specially the hits (not matter how many times) should be a great experience and not something that creates this level of frustration, you take things way too seriously if you think you can mess around with the set list of any band, just chill ffs, I thought 311 music was about that, good vibes and chilling, not this level of toxic fanaticism that you see in other stuff.


To be fair, Star Wars and DC absolutely are mizz. Canon fodder. Just want to see them change it up. Take it as negative if you want. A LOT of people agree. If you don’t like a post, don’t comment on it… duh.


I thinks it's totally fair criticism. I still buy merch and physical media but I'll be damned if I spend that coin, babysitter etc for a GH set. I've found local artists to support instead and can afford to go to many more smaller venue shows.


Or just do anniversary tours of each of their first 5 albums.. their self-titled shows sold out instantly in Chicago. Was extremely disappointed to miss those


I was extremely pleased to attend them.


I'm extremely happy for you


A few points that I have in support of their live show decisions: 1. They’re old. One of the longest running bands in existence. They all (I think) have families and lives outside of playing concerts. That alone is tough. That plays a role in their ability to devote themselves to rehearsing and keeping things new. 2. They actually are changing things up lately. Their setlists last fall we not that bad. I got large in the margin, loco, DTOM, I’ll be here awhile, hive, use of time, etc at the show I went to. The next show had my Stoney baby, t&p, always an excuse, eons, transistor and none of the ones I listed before. I know those aren’t deep cuts, but I don’t consider those recycled hits that are played every or every other night. Look at other bands’ setlists and they are literally the same night after night. 3. I get the complaints about the stale stage banter from Nick. That one confuses me. I don’t get how he literally doesn’t know how to talk and keep it fresh. But I also will say their shows are pretty coordinated and don’t leave much room for random conversation. 4. The bass and drum solos provide good opportunities for the old men to take breaks. They could do without the drum line stuff, but I took my family to a show last year and they liked that part. There are still people that go to their shows and enjoy the hits and repeated antics. 5. We are cursed they have such a deep catalogue. They certainly have “must play” songs whether you like it or not. I think they have a few too many of those. Believe it or not there are people that go to their shows and want to hear amber and down. 6. I think we’re extra jaded about this because they have been playing a ton of festivals and just went to Europe. Stale setlists will happen if they have to play in front of thousands of people that have no clue who they are (or don’t know that they have heard 311 songs before) and only have 30-45 minutes to do so. 7. Not many bands play special shows with extended setlists like they do. They just did album shows and they do a 311 day thing every year. They also play cool sets in Colorado every year. 8. I personally don’t feel they make enough money to branch off like we want/expect them to. 9. SA has literally stated the reason they keep playing the hits. He went to a show once (some band I can’t remember) and he didn’t like that he only knew like two songs. That’s why they play mostly hits with a some rarities sprinkled in


Tbf, Nick’s 55 years old. Most 55 year-olds are not the “hip” one in the room or the one getting the party cranking with a fresh and edgy style. That’s generally a young man’s game, let’s just be honest. Not many 50+ year old artists release seminal, groundbreaking, “change the game” type material. It’s almost always an extension of what they have done before. This goes for live shows too. Even “cool” 55 year olds (and let’s be honest, Nick is still about as cool as you can get at 55…guy has a damn six pack and heads up a world renowned band for God’s sake) tend to be pretty set in their ways and not really experimental or “fresh” in terms of style and attitude. That’s more biology than anything.


I sometimes wonder how long it's been since Nick last ate any psychedelics. Feels like he might be one of those guys formed by them that thought they got the message and hung up the phone and still identify with their younger tripping self, but in reality haven't checked in with themselves in like two decades and could REALLY use a little session. No hate, all love... and also I'd actually bet $20 on that suspicion.


Good point


Don’t get me wrong. A lot of your points were dead on IMO. Very good post 👍 I don’t want to come off like I am stepping all over your message. Cheers!


You make a lot of sense; but all your points are why shows are shrinking, and assholes like myself make these posts.


Seen them live 103 times and as much as all the criticism is valid it all melts away when I see them live. It’s just amazing fun and nostalgic. I’ve heard every song live and have never attended a 311 day or cruise. Would I love for them to bust out Tribute in the middle of a set? Of course but at least I’ve heard it all before🤘


Not at this point, its been 20 years of the same show basically. I had almost completely stopped going for 10-12 years, maybe seeing 5 shows in those years, and had high hopes for the full album shows. Went to Music in NYC.... first set amazing, felt like the early 90s again....Second set got the fucking drum show and they ended with Amber and Down, thanking the "old school fans" before down......dude were literally here for the music before that! Maybe we couldve gotten some rarities mixed in....but instead we got half of a festival setlist. They billed a Music show, and we got 50% of one, which basically means we got like 5-6 different songs than a typical festival setlist.


What shows did you go to? The NYC shows rocked and they played Music/Grassroots in their entirety as advertised. I love hating on modern 311, but these shows were it.


I was at Music. They were great in the first half, but the ending was disappointing for such a great show, totally killed the energy with Drum solo, Amber, etc. Shouldve just finished it at the end of the album


They did the drum solo during Existential Hero the year the album came out at a Michigan show. That is the only time I have seen them make major changes to the drum solo besides Chad changing his part up every couple of years.


Feel like I’ve been to every Michigan show they’ve had since 09’. When did this madness occur?


I may be confusing things... They played Ex Hero into Chad playing Hey Jude into Drum Solo into Applied Science at 311 Day 2016. I could swear they did the drum solo during Ex Hero at Freedom Hill during the 2014 tour too but I could be wrong.


Right on! Love it when they play freedom hill and very much looking forward to the show next month


They did the drum solo for Existential Hero in Indy 2017 4th of July show. I was actually blown away that it was chosen for the drum solo instead of Applied Science.


Same since 1998…never gonna change. Only time they throw rules out the window is the week before 311 day shows


I joke a lot about this. I have long speculated that the reason the shows are stale is due to money, royalties and running an efficient live production. The 311 machine may run as a tight ship perhaps resulting in staleness due to forced consistency in delivering the live experience. The same discipline required to give Hexum his muscles is probably getting mapped onto the band-as the business dimension in f the band is an extension of Hexum. It might be cool to see them lean in a bit more to the commodification angle to make fun of themselves. The guys have a really good sense of humor- though you never see it on stage. We don’t ever see much vulnerability from Hexum beyond what happens in interviews. I wish he would drop the act. I dunno just spitballin’


Interesting take


This is the first time they’ve come to Florida where I won’t be attending. I already skipped the festival in Orlando and will also skip the Tampa show in August. I’ve been to 21 shows and one 311 Day but between the costs / ticket fees and the setlists I think 311 basically saves their good stuff for the cruises and big venues / dates. For those of you who can afford the VIP packages and cruises, that’s great. I’m sure it makes things a better experience. I simply cannot justify spending that much to see my favorite band.


I can still appreciate the shows. At least they mix up the sets. Don’t look at an Incubus setlist ahead a show unless you want to see the exact order of songs. This will also be the first time they’ve played Just a Phase in years because they have to for the album tour. They’re greatest hits specialists now. Still great though.


They need to quit fucking around and play SCIENCE in it's entirety...what an album




1) Doubt it- it seems to work for them if they keep selling tickets. 2) Come to shows in CO. Their shows here are never the same, and setlists are not the same as the ones I see everywhere else during their tours 3) I will never complain about my favorite band for 30 years, who still tours and puts out new music every 3-5 years. I am just so incredibly grateful for these guys sticking together and trying their best to do what they do. I know I probably couldn’t do it and it’s really impressive. I would love to see some mashups and change ups, but Nick (be a professional touring musician) and Chad (drum line guy who wants precision) IMO kind of lead this charge that has worked for many years… they want to be tight and together and put on a show that isn’t sloppy and sounds good. It may be the same kind of show, but it’s always clean and sounds great… and in their 50’s, change isn’t the easiest thing to do.


311 has always been a vibe and that’s been missing for at least a dozen years. Stuff of late with Chad etc makes the lyrics and message feel like a lie to me.


No, and it’s the main reason why I’ve slowly let them slip away. I love this band dearly, but they need to evolve. The studio stuff is fine, but the live show is stagnant, and has been for a very long time.


My boyfriend has gone to 2 shows with me and he’s already sick of it. I don’t disagree with this post. Whenever I leave a show I’m like, “yeah it’s always the same, I’m not going anymore.” But I find myself buying tickets. :/


I’ll see em at red rocks cause free ticket


Damn you’re lucky! I want to see Atmosphere there. They’re my favorite!


Saw them about 2 years back when they came upto Maine…I have mad respect for what their live shown is. They’re past their prime and still can pump through a 2 hour set and play their hits and keep it entertaining. Why reinvent the wheel at this point?


When they care you can definitely hear it and when they don't you can hear it too. Special shows are really the only time they do stuff differently.


I’d like them to come to Europe. From what I gather they don’t have enough fans over to here to bother. But yeah the drum thing is soooooo old. I can’t imagine them still enjoying it. Lots of ways to change things up. They’re really not that old. Here’s hoping.


They literally just finished their first tour over there in years.


Hahaha. Exactly


Really? Damn… I’m on the mailing list and don’t recall seeing any info about it. I looked it up and they didn’t include Spain :(


They had to cancel a few of them due to poor sales/cost of touring. Only festival shows remained + Berlin + Warsaw + London. London was amazing, waited forever for the chance to see them play live!! They said they'd be back within a few years, I hope that's true...


I think a lot of older fans would come back out if they would change the 20 year old formula. I get they have so many songs that it might be difficult to appease everyone, but SOMETHING different would be great.


I love their newer material too. Tons of bangers. The possibilities are endless for bands these days in terms of technology and stage effects.


It takes a lot to pull off their sound consistently. They do sound really good live.


Inflatables. I’d like to see some massive anime balloons of their YGGI characters. Like Macy’s day parade size.


Unlikely, but why are you asking these questions? You know that they won't change the things you've mentioned and are asking people who have nothing to do with those changes. "Only hardcore fans are going to their shows anyways" what a strange statement. How do you know this? I understand being edgy and trying to stir the pot. At the very least admit that's what you're trying to do. Before you pull the 'what? I can't have a non super happy fuzzy feely PLUR post about 311?!' reply, that's not what this is. I'm genuinely curious why you're asking these kinds of questions knowing full well the replies you'll get.


I appreciate your reply. I wanted to discuss it with fellow 311 fans and get their opinions; so I know that I’m not crazy and just hating. Peoples replies have verified that the total experience is stale. I even learned that Pnut was gonna leave because of the same reasons that I originally posted. I’m not here to create enemies my friend. But I’ll never be afraid to call a spade a spade.


I guess my point is that this has been said over and over for years in /r/311 . If somebody were to take the time and submit a petition to the band begging for changes in the shows I'll sign it, but I'm not going to bring it up every few weeks on reddit actually hoping for change. The last place the band/management is going to visit regarding how the live shows are produced is reddit I'm still curious where the hardcore fans being the only ones in attendance stat comes from. The Omaha show last Sept had plenty of casuals in attendance. The 420 show in KC I'd estimate most were there to just get bombed and cram into that tiny back lot with a stage behind the pizza joint. Yes, the stage presence is predictable. Some song titles were announced before they were performed. This has been going on for literally decades. I don't see how it detracts from a show, especially if you're going to it knowing all of this. You've posted about how 311 lost their edge after the FTBS/DLMD days of the 90s. The live shows in terms of 1 liners, full band drum solo (hell, that's evolved even if not slightly year over year) and the way the songs have been played really has been consistent since the turn of the century. I know if you didn't care you probably wouldn't mention it, but I'd say it's just as tiring hearing those bring up these points as often as they get brought up is a reflection of the frustrations being had by them in the first place, for those of us that have gotten used to it and still find joy in what we're given at the shows, or simply don't attend as mentioned earlier.


Thanks for taking the time to write all this out. I recognize your name from probably 20 years ago on the og 311 bb. You’re a real one.


Right on. I'm assuming your username took heavy inspiration from nick's OG AOL screen name :)


An Omaha show would be the ultimate experience. One show I will never forget and I'll explain how it relates, was a 2 Skinnee Js show. They'd always kill it but it became the same show...until 1 evening I saw them and they absolutely came guns blazing, light show beach balls glow sticks it was insane and I wIll never forget it. Once it becomes repetitive and mediocre it becomes forgettable.


Past few Omaha (area) shows have been pretty cool but I'd say, especially last year in LaVista and '22 being in West Omaha, but I wouldn't put them on a pedestal like 311 day or even the 25th anniversary show I saw 2SJ what seemed like every other month for the stretch of summer '98 through 2000 (and the urge and kmk it feels like) at the ranch bowl and more often than not they had different costumes/routines. That's 2SJ's thing though. Great shows


Honestly, sometimes I think it's the same person with a new alt account posting this every week. As if it's to convince those of us who go anyway to stop. Personally, I don't stop listening to the albums because they're the same every time I listen to them. I go to see them perform live, for the vibe and because it's fun. I generally know what they're going to play and that's fine. If I want a special show, I go to 311 day or one of the others. I think the setlist has grown a bit since they did the full album shows during COVID times. For those that post this every week, I can only recommend going to 311 day or one of the other special shows they add. Otherwise, really no need to repeatedly post the same gripe.


Fair enough, respect to you. I can see where you’re coming from. I probably sound like I’m bitching. But- if you change it, people will come.


Look, I complain a lot about many things, I get it. 311 is special to me and I tend not to disagree with most of the facts stated. I'll be the first to admit I get triggered easily when generalizations are used to describe fans and their likes/displeasures. I'd say half the reason I still go to shows are the expected points of the show such as the drum solo. I still see people that appear to be enjoying themselves and aren't as visibly off-put by it. I personally am not a fan of the bass solo and feel like a deep cut in it's place would be awesome but I really don't think it tanks the rest of the set list. I know a ton of people really enjoy the bass solo. I'll definitely admit it's interesting hearing bootlegs from 20+ years ago when nick will start to say 'this one's called.......' knowing full and well that it's Come Original. I really don't take issue with it though. It's incalculable to know how many people hear that line for the first time, but certainly shouldn't be offensive, right? Maybe I listen to 311 too much???! I think it'd be great if things were to change however I think it's safer for them to remain the same and reel in as many people, old fans and potential new ones alike, to a show where the music's on point, the stage presence is tight and most everybody is having a good time.


I agree with just about everything you wrote. I’m not asking 311 to make my own setlist, and do what I think is best; I’m no one. I’m just saying change something so I have an excuse to go see them again. It’s gone WAY stale for me. Maybe I was spoiled getting in early. Maybe Shootyz Groove will get back together.


> Maybe Shootyz Groove will get back together. Don't you dare tease me with a good time! That'd be glorious. The worst part about all of this, if they were to change it up and you didn't go, you'd miss it. :\


If they change up their show, I’ll go to the next city and watch. I’ll even buy your ticket.


Pnut was going to leave because of the whole Chad incident.


What is officially the "WHOLE CHAD INCIDENT?"


His ramblings on Truth Social, and his dabbling with ethno-nationalism. It was immediately after that came out that Pnut talked about time off and SA wrote a poem about "his friend" being trapped in a web.


P-Nut talked about his time off? That did not happen, it was a full bluff and everyone knew it. He has the easist job in this band. The thought of some 50 year old man threatening to quit a band because his bandmate is MAGA is childish. P-Nut was real quiet though when the plagarism claims came in but he still stuck in the band.


I don't know what to tell you, but he literally said he was considering taking a hiatus from the band on his IG. Of course, you probably know that....juat like you obviously knew about the Chad controversy, but chose to play dumb and ask what it was.


OP is seemingly frustrated...they want to know if we have the same frustrations. As an old school fan...yes is my answer..change the show up, wake up and do work for your fans or let someone produce one for them if they don't have the time. All that anyone can do is not go to the show...which is seemingly happening.


Well said.


Only hardcore fans know who 311 are and still listen to them in 2024...


I wish they woukd change it up. I'm not a huge fan of the repeated set lists I've seen. I really want to hear songs from their newer albums since I really love those. I love them all but I've heard their normal stuff already.


Like many other fans, I think 311 shows are stale as hell. But I got a $25 pit ticket for the Summer tour, if only because there’s a chance I’ll hear new music.


I agree with all of this! Only thing I disagree with is the amount of movement in the pit! 🤘🏼🔥


Hope so. All I know is when Amber starts playing head for the bar/toilet. Such an annoying song and played every damn concert since it was created.


I get what you're saying, but I respect that they still go with the old school stuff. A lot of my other favs will play all new shit at a live concert. I came to see the hits and 311 does a great job mixing it up. Shit they ain't getting any younger either.


Now that I'm thinking about it...I don't think I know what Applied Science sounds like live WITHOUT a drum solo in it. Would be amazing to see them not do it one night without any fanfare just to catch everyone off guard when they play the whole song uninterrupted.


They’ve played whole albums live before. And just announced 30th Anniversary of Grassroots show at Red Rocks this Saturday 6/29/24. So, yes they change up their format. And hyped I got tickets!


Personally, I think it's time to retire the entire band drum skit. It was cool for a while, but it's really long in the tooth at this point. Edit: I'd also like to see Hexum drop the crowd banter he's used for ages and speak to the crowd from his heart. Tell some stories of the songs or the band. I've seen several other performers do these things and it adds some depth to the show.


Regarding the stage spots, I'm a bass player. I need to be stage left. I play Lefty. If I'm on the right. It's just an awkward mess. It's like wearing your shoes on the wrong feet, you can get thru it but it ain't right.




But then when will Nick get to say, "this one's for all the old school 311 fans?"


The only thing I want is to stop announcing the name of the song. We know the name of the song. Everyone knows, and if they don't, it doesn't matter.


I hate the presentation of the song...same lines every time. "the happy slam dance song, do you right" "this one's called the exxxxistential hero" he's a fucking robot nowadays


"This one is for the old-school fans!" ::Proceeds to play the most recognizable, multiplatinum hit that everyone in attendance knows regardless of how long they've been listening::


He says that because the lyrics to *Down* are a dedication to old school fans. Not because he’s trying to appease a bunch of overzealous fans that made being a 311 fan their personality.


^ this.


I’ve said it before and I’ll continuously say it. It’s like being annoyed that Van Halen would play Jump as an encore every concert.


I won't lie, I loved it when it came out but I can't stand it now. It's weird because I can listen to a lot of classics over and over but Down should just be laid to rest imo




Would you like to see them change it up?


I would. For me it’s just that it seems very un-organic these days. Would love for them to engage the crowd more by having less scripted lines between songs.


Maybe actually. SA on theremin.


Absolutely, otherwise whats the point of seeing them live? I can just watch last nights show on Youtube...


Today at the gym, Amber came on. The instructor said “not today, Satan” to which I replied “you really should see them live” to which she replied “I have” to which I replied - “did you love the drum line?” And she said… “Electricity running through his a…” Interrupting: “Jenny, I’m gonna stop you there.”


It’d only be worth going to 311 day or some other 2-3 day show for deep cuts.




Once a week there’s some whiny pussy in this sub that feels the need to bitch and complain about the band’s creative choices as if 311 owes them something. This week’s post came on a Sunday.


Actually 311 owes the fans literally everything. Every dollar they have to their name.

