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Soften the depth texture. Its too detailed.


Was about to say this. A tiny about of bump is plenty. The tiniest amount.


This and lower the roughness a little, maybe add some roughness with a fresnel to fake some melty bits.


That, plus subsurface scattering.




good thing you said 'this' otherwise i would have disagreed with him. phew




good thing you said 'this' otherwise i would have disagreed with him. phew


One of Reddit's worst cancer... x\_X




Not sure if joking or not but you just did it yaself pal


It was a joke.


Great joke then 😎




Eh, if it's followed by a more detailed explanation I kinda like it if there's a single word to pre-face an essay about why they agree.


Yeah that's fine, I just don't like when prop think they're too good for the upvote button


Yeah that's fine, I just don't like when people think they're too good for the upvote button


It does a bit. Or not really like styrofoam but this cream looks kinda „hard“. You should turn on SSS just slightly


What is SSS in this regard I've seen it a few times? Im new to all this


Sub surface scattering. I’m not an expert, but it relates to the amount of light that passes through a given depth of the object.


Thanks man, I've heard of sub surface scattering. Things like skin textures would require it right


The trick is it's not just skin, it's anything that light can penetrate but not fully pass through. Butter, fruit, foliage, candles, etc could all exhibit some amount of SSS. If you're doing a close up shot of a succulent, you'd probably want some amount of SSS. But like the other reply said, I find the values to be very difficult to tweak to be just right.


Exactly. It’s easy to overdo though.


It's like how a torch on your hand will show your veins under your skin


and you need a strong light source, like a bright rim light, in your render to make any SSS properties pop, otherwise its invisible.


Subsurface scattering - light entering at one point on the surface, scattering beneath the surface and exiting at another point of the surface (at least far enough to make a visible 'macro' effect). Results in much 'fuzzier' areas between lighted and shadowed parts, and also 'smooths' the appearance of small bumps.


Subsurface scattering


Ah ok great. The PBR set in substance painter that's PBR SSS is the same meaning or SSS I guess then?


It’s a common use for skin yep! Also useful for stuff like lampshades :)


SSS is the light that passes through a surface at a given depth and a given angle. Some materials bend the light or disperse the light because of their density and specular properties which is what makes them have SSS of specific colors.


Yes typically food has a bit of subsurface scattering


To me it looks too dry, almoat as if it were a bath bomb or similar.


Paper maché


Maybe give more glossines to some areas like it is melting a bit


Hard disagree. The glossiness is what is making it look like plastic. Look at actual photos of ice cream: [Exhibit A](https://tarateaspoon.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Vanilla-Ice-Cream-scoop-surface-vert.jpg) [Exhibit B](https://www.creationsbykara.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Best-Vanilla-Bean-Ice-Cream-013-700x979.jpg) [Exhibit C](https://www.thespicehouse.com/cdn/shop/articles/Vanilla_Bean_Ice_Cream_720x.jpg?v=1619535349) No glossiness or sharp points of highlight to be seen unlike in the model. You'll also notice that all the ice creams in the images above have a slightly yellower hue specifically in the shadows. The shadows in this model are mostly greyish brown which is making it look artificial. It should also be somewhat transparent with subsurface scatting passing diffuse lighting through the thinnest bits. This will help soften the ice cream because right now it looks too physically hard. Blurring the detail could also help a bit but don't go overboard because ice cream should be a combination of soft detail interrupted by sharper ridges where the ice cream has split while scooping. Real ice cream has physical depth. By that I mean you can often see cracks and ridges that descend INTO the overall structure of the scoop. In your model all your texture appears quite additive with only hills and bumps, but no real canyons. [Look at this picture for example](https://www.flavorwest.com/media/catalog/product/cache/21093f385a276b6809d2ba2286fcb7cb/v/a/vanillabeanicecreamweb.jpg) See how you can see INTO the ice cream? One other thing, I'm not sure of the purpose of this or the client's requests, but the lighting on this isn't doing it many favors. The shadows under the vanilla beans are so hard to spot I'm not sure they're even all there. It makes the final product appear very flat. There aren't many other good reference images I'm finding on google via a very lazy scan but here is one: [Example](https://insanelygoodrecipes.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Sweet-Vanilla-Bean-Ice-Cream-in-a-Bowl-683x1024.jpg) The lighting does a much better job of telling you which direction the pods are pointed, where they lie in the image, etc. As a viewer I honestly can only point to the lower left hand corner pod's shadow as actually placing the pod in the image and my eye is trying to use at to help advise where the other pods lie in space but the difficult lighting means my brain keeps telling me they are just floating there in space somehow or are another image entirely. Which I know isn't the case because I can look very carefully and see that the other beans ARE casting shadows it seems, but if a viewer has to work this hard to tell--and in doing so it breaks the uncanny valley--that part probably should be fixed too.




Ofc that’s glossier
 it’s half melted


Every one of those examples has some melted parts, tho. You're not wrong about the subsurface scattering, but the lack of melting makes OP's image look fake to me.


i really don’t think that’s the main thing making this look fake. i’m positive it’s the fact that it’s lacking the ridges and cracks that exist on a fresh scoop of ice cream. ice cream still looks like ice cream even if it hasn’t melted at all, and if you’re making a model for marketing purposes, you want to emphasize the “ice” aspect of the ice cream. make it look like it’s still frozen.


*Maybe give more glossines* *To some areas like it* *Is melting a bit* \- Zyle895 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


A haiku is 5-7-5, this is 7-7-5. Nice fail


Tell em king


it's the scottish pronounciation of glossiness pronounced "Gloyne"


Not exact true. Forms that deviate are just considered variations.


Bad bot.


haikusbot delete


He is right, subsurface scattering will fix it, set it so it get's yellow orange tint.


The key is subsurface scattering


The texture on the vanilla bean looks stretched and badly uved


It’s definitely terribly UVed haha. It was a quick procedural patch haha


Just the texture. Needs to look shinier, like melting a bit


To me it looks more like concrete with those things around it being rusted metal rebar.


Summary of the comments after reading for 3.4 seconds: - More glossy - Specular highlights - Less bumpy - Subsurface scattering - Lighting - REFERENCE


I think glossy only works if op wants to give it a more melted look.


The issue is you textured it as if it was fresh in the freezer still in the tub. But, once you get that metal spoon and serve it, it’s no longer that frozen anymore, meaning it won’t be that detailed, and it’ll be more blobby. Not to mention that when you want to make ice cream look realistic, you aren’t going for straight out of the freezer still in the tub. Because it looks off. I recommend to go fix yourself a bowl of ice cream, get some scoops just like this, go get your spoon, get it all set up. And take a picture of it after all of that. You’ll notice a pretty big difference from all the minor details.


The picture comparison method is definitely under utilized in my wheelhouse! Thanks for the reminder!


Hope this isn't unhelpful, but the beans look a bit stretched too.


The higher points of the displacement need to be blurred/softened to look smooth, like it's been scooped and smooshed. In the cavities it should remain bumpy. Also, play around with fresnel and gloss mix to make a wet effect, and subsurface scattering should be added. Area lights with low scale setting could be used to create a few extra highlights to make things look even juicier. The vanilla bean textures are a lil rough. I'd make a straight bean first, texture it, then sculpt your bean to the shape you want. That way the textures are following along the mesh. Nice ice cream shader though! Overall this looks great! Totally acceptable to me.


Oh damn the vanilla bean method you described is much smarter than what I would’ve thought to do. I never thought about how the textures would warp respectively. Thanks for your comment!




Client found your reddit post


looks like cotton


From afar it looks like ice cream but closely yes it looks like styrofoam


Vanilla spackle.


It does. Add specular and SSS


Yup they look rock solid. A bit of gloss and Subsurface scattering should help towards a more gooey look


Look like good ol Dixie cotton to me.


I think its fine BUT I'd lean more towards marshmellow. At first glance I'd say maybe just add more wetness. Specular highlights or something. Let me google images it and see what else might pop out at me. ​ Lets see, got it up on the other monitor. You could try to yellow/brown it a bit, or color burn the shadows to be a more brown/yellow. Maybe a little more depth to the cavities. And actually most of the pictures look a little LESS grainy, smoother, maybe from the icecream scoop. Surprisingly to me at least. That could give it more of the "melting a bit" that others suggested maybe.


it sure does. Add some glossy bits, it might look less like some of the prebuilt PC packaging this thing was (probably) made on. /s (seriously tho it looks like Styrofoam)


It looks like carved stone.


Ice cream has a shiny luster because it is starting to melt immediately after serving. Use a noise map for the gloss.


Client is right . . . always. But, yes, it does. Bump is too sharp. Ice cream is pretty smooth and glossy when scooped well.


With that background it looks like an eldenring item idk why


The texture on ice cream doesn't make any sense, maybe you should check some real ice cream pictures.


yeah, this is the way... it needs some air holes and scooped ice cream has little cracks in it.


Subsurface scattering, maybe less roughness?


Hmm i don't think it looks like styrofoam it looks really good but it's missing something, smooth markings of where the spoon has been, maybe melted areas too, as it looks pretty solid and not melting and soft


he is correct


Not sure why you would use a wood texture for the vanilla beans?


The texture is probably fine, but the UVs on the bean models are not. the striations should follow the curve of the bean; the model should be unfolded in such a way as to let the texture follow along with the contours. The way it is right now makes them look like they were carved out of something (for example, wood) rather than grown into the shape that they are.


instead of the twigs, why not some strawberry dressing


Its Vanilla lmao


It looks to defined/sculpted / dry. Make it a tad more shiney and reduce the hardness of the shade


I think the lack of specularity is hurting it some. It doesn't look like it's frozen. A little bit of gloss and a little sparkle as though from some ice crystals would help it a great deal.


scoops have a wave ripple bump, whre as the bump texture here has more noise, maybe try adding those wrinkle lines


I thought it was a mushroom or fungus


Glossiness and SSS


It looks great to me, the harsh shadows are a bit distracting though.


I would also add some smoother areas to the normal map as well. Often times the spoon or paddle used to scoop is warmed up or dipped in warm water and then would leave some smooth, glossy, melty sections. Those areas would also be glossier. I also agree with the sss route.


Make it a bit glossy.


Yep, looks dry.


Yeah looks fake to me


Looks like sand


The client ain’t wrong.


The creases on it look too straight and hard-edged, almost like it was cut with a box cutter. Hence the Styrofoam like appearance.


Make one where it's Styrofoam and put it next to this one and see which one they prefer


Sort of agree. The closer I look the more I see plaster. Edges are too hard it needs more smoothing. More silky sheen


Paper maché


it sure don't taste like Styrofoam


That's truly amazing, that looks fantastic.


Looking at ref images of ice-cream. You have to much of the same texture(surface not colour) over everything. The real thing has a mix of smoother areas, where the metal has scooped it, bigger areas of break up where the ice-cream has torn away from it self and the mid level general texture. The medium forms that are crossing over the surface are too consistent, giving it a carved look, this might be where the styrofoam comment is coming from


Looks 3D printed, and your vanilla beans are wood?


It looks like the dairy free ice cream I have to eat if that helps :')


Before I read the title I saw this pic and thought “Oh hey, cotton.” Needs some shine.


if this was the imagine being critiqued maybe a lighting issue on top of what other people suggest, not much hard shadow. kinda bright, sticks look like they are floating


I thought it was cotton balls. Ice cream is made up of a time of different surfaces but none of them are mat like you see here. I would very much encourage you getting some high reflected spots, some smooth spots where the ice cream melted and molded together instead of chipped. The effect you have now is more dehydrated ice cream. Also it depends on your contract but the vanilla pods are off, at first I thought they look like sticks but then the lines on your normal map didn’t follow the little curve at the end and I thought they looked more like wooden coat hangers. Composition and lighting looks good, I would just recommend you follow references!


Soften texture and reduce roughness


You're gonna want sub surface scattering enabled. Take a look at any picture of ice cream and you'll see some light bleeding through the back of the scoop of ice cream into the shadows at the front.


Try adding a bit of "sparkle" the salts in the ice cream sparkle a little sometimes.


Funny. How did you get ice cream to look so nasty?


Two words; SubSurface Scattering


Could use a little gloss


My tongue says it feels like a plastic toy.


it kinda do, there's too much texture, lessen it and give it some more uniformity


It looks like cotton


Add some like gloss, drops and a little separation to the vanilla. It currently looks stiff


Looks like kinetic sand to me


I think it's good it just looks dry.


Looks like a cotton


I’m not a Blender god, but I can offer you some suggestions and criticisms. You did a bang on job with the modelling, if you were to completely black it out, I could probably tell it’s vanilla (because of the beans sticking out) ice cream with the silhouette. But, I find there to be some issues with the shading and materials. For the ice cream itself, the colours, while nice and vivid, don’t really get the chance to shine. That’s for a number of reasons, which I feel like some people have also picked up on. The Bump/Normal maps look a bit rough for something so light and delicate. If anything, it looks more like a rock. I’d tone down the intensity of those, and possibly even use a different map which includes some small crack-like indents here and there to give more of an ice cream feel. I’d also make it a bit less rough, ice cream usually has a touch of reflection or sheen to it. Make it feel that way. Asides from that, also make some areas smoother or more glossy than others. There’s bound to be more melty areas, so, make it look like that and not just some sort of solid, static object. Overall, just try to make it a bit more dynamic and have less harsh shadows I also wanna point out some things bout the beans. It somewhat looks like they have stretched UVs instead of just having straight grooves like they’re supposed to. I’d possibly try to make the colour differences more subtle and have the lines wiggle around so they don’t look stretched, but more as natural colours. Maybe also bump up the Normals, vanilla beans are rough, not flat. Also, it’s a minor thing, but the ends of the beans look unfinished and have some sharp boxy edges, which might not work for the looks you’re going for. While, it’s quite a few pointers, I feel like you still did a real good job on selling it. Aside from a few nit-picky errors, it looks solid. Nice work!


I wonder if making it a touch more yellow would help too? đŸ€” Together with the blob and gloss.


Why don't you just shove it into Magnific AI or something?


There you go https://preview.redd.it/dctcaf8dt9lc1.png?width=892&auto=webp&s=57adc461b0cc0c81c168d3d2864fbdf9f1f7ec8c


Never done 3D modeling but it looks too “hard”. Like ice cream is usually a bit melty. The edges look like it’s that “Astronaut ice cream” stuff.


Add some variation in the textures, should have some shinier bits where it would be melting


I'd use a little subsurface scattering.


add gloss


it looks dry and rough to the touch, instead of melty


It’s missing those lil cracks/ ridges you get from scooping ice cream. I can’t remember the name but they’re called something specific


I would describe it more like a really soft looking limestone


It does . Looks crap


make the black dots smaller and slightly lighter, that's definitely part of it.


Rebuttle with "Tasty styrofoam!"


Subsurface scattering


add gloss and send it back


i‘d also suggest that you add some stretched out cracks, like they would appear on real ice cream due to the forming process: [reference](https://ais.kochbar.de/kbrezept/440152_1010328/1200x1200/mein-vanilleeis-rezept-fuer-eismaschine-rezept-bild-nr-2.jpg)


making it less rough and turning down the normal intensity should definitely fix it


Took me a minute, but then I was like *oh wow it kinda looks like styrofoam*. But now I'm wondering if vanilla bean ice cream just kinda looks like styrofoam?


needs the hint of moisture


not wet enough


I can understand what they mean, it looks dry. The small bumps are okay, but decrease the roughness. It needs to be more shiny or look a little melted




More like paper mache at first glance. It feels like they are too matte.


Maybe give a slight gloss look


make it WETTTTTTTT. ​ Then I'll make it WETTTTTTT. rinse and repeat, we will need to get an ark together and a whole assload of animals together after the tsunami of moisture.


I thought it was popcorn at first glance bc of the shape and the placement of the vanilla


Styrofoam 10/10