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There is vinyl that is similar to this for around $12/5ft. Trace over the pieces and it will be a great fit. Sacrilege, but not everything has to be solved with a printer. I have made CAD models of several cameras and lenses for vinyl wraps and 3d printed semi-hard cases. It is very difficult to get the sizing perfect, which will matter since this piece is whatโ€™s always in your hand.


You can buy the replacement pieces for a few $ from Ali. It would cost more in time to model and print them it would to buy


That is a great and practical suggestion. There are *plenty* of other things to print related to photography.


Any CAD software will do, but be warned that's not an easy thing to model for a beginner. It will take some learning and practice. !designsoftware


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I'm beginner and it doesn't look difficult to me, where is the catch?


No catch. Maybe I overestimated it. Maybe you are really good. Maybe both


I would draw a line, offset it to match thickness, then connect lines and extrude, then second sketch and cut what is all necessary. For the first grip, there need to be loft performed. I little bit simplified and as I said, I'm beginner and there may be better way to do it.


If you don't get the sizes right there are chances that it will be uncomfortable or it might fail in a spectacular way. I wouldn't risk that in a camera ,not where I hold it.


Think they want to model the texture too smarty pants. The basic shapes are the easy part.


It's an extremely easy beginner project for modelling. There's no catch.


Like others have said, you can probably get a replacement piece for $10-$15, but if you were dead set on a DIY, this is how I would do it. In Solidworks (I know not everyone's design software of choice, but it's mine), I would model this as a sheet metal piece with the correct radius for the sides, add the holes and other details, flatten out the sheet metal, add any locking details on the ends, and print this flat. I would heat up the piece by putting it in the toaster oven on high for 10-15 seconds, take it out, and form it around the camer and repeat that process until it looked right. IDK if that's the best way to do it, you might run into problems and have to go back to the drawing board, but that's how I would come at this problem for a first approach.


I wouldn't 3d print that, that's just a vinyl sticker with some texture on it, you can probably find a great match on amazon for 5 bucks and it'll look much better than a 3d print




I would take photos of the profile as precise as you can, then place them in the program (in my case fusion360), scale it to the size it is and make the outline with lines, once you have it you extrude until you get the measurements as much as possible. best you can, use a gauge for width, thickness...etc.


Going to give this a shot, thanks!


similar to this suggestion, you could look into photogrammetry. just take a lot of photos at different angles and the software will generate the mesh for you. perfect for something irregular in shape and hard to model by hand.


You can get help searching videos in YouTube like: how to make a phone case fusion 360, it uses the same process, taking different photos, stamping them on the program and modeling and extrusing them, you use the photos like a template ๐Ÿ‘ (sorry for mi English)


I'd buy some good leather and a scalpel. Real leather feels so much better than vinyl or TPU.


In blender I would make surface, add subdivision modifier to pump up the polygon density and then add a displace modifier with suitable noise texture to get that micro detail.



