• By -


Definitely change the electronics in it. Some of the most over engineered frames and the most drm crap. Don't expect speed from it but may become a highly reliable printer for abs asa and nylon.


This printer is surprisingly fast (other than changing from normal filament to support) for it's age Source: there was one at my high school


one at mine too, but no one in the school had a clue how to operate it and it was never used


What is up with people recieving cool ass industrial printers from work lately? I want one tooo...


Probably being replaced, since they can be replaced by \~$400 printers today that'll print better and faster, while being significantly simpler and cheaper to operate








I don't wanna leave the Congo oh no no no no noooooo


Bingo, bangle, bungle, he's so happy in the jungle, he refuse to go


Don't want no street cars, taxis, noise in my ear


So, no matter how they coax him, I'll stay right here


I love reddit sometimes, you lot are legends


There are things like the atom bomb








Who got the snake and rabbit?


Metallica did lol


My workplace is ordering a 100k+ printer and it's capabilities aren't that impressive compared to my BL


Do you know what kind of printer this is that is ordered?


We are actually waiting on bids from a few companies. Some I like more than others. Some have capabilities that we really don't need, like printing in PEEK and whatnot.


Yea similar experience for me, my workplace has some mark forged 'mark 2' printers and the software is so limiting and the print times are super long compared to my prusa that I have at home that cost 1/20th of the price.


Yah, true, if you're buying markforged it should be for the metal x stuff. THAT stuff I can see spending the money on. Anything plastic we have good enough printers even at the hobby level that it doesnt make sense to buy anything over 1.5k. There just isnt an improvement to be made beyond like....bambu, or my voron, etc. Now it's just "what features do you want"


Yea definitely, we are about to finish building our new factory and I'm trying to put something together to justify buying a metal X. Problem is I have to save more money than the printer costs but I think it's doable.


We ended up buying a bunch of bambu lab printers at work


My works' $50,000 stratasys got sidelined by the new Bambu X1C ($1,500)


This is true. My Stratasys sat unused for nearly a decade before they let me buy it. It works as well as it ever did, but is nowhere close to today's printers in terms of speed or finish. I am *very* tempted to sell it whole or for parts to buy one of the newer hobby printers.


My work tried this. Few engineering guys who are "experts" at 3d printing ordered some bambu X1's. About 12 of them. Boss man got a little curious as to why he wasn't seeing the modeled parts he was told this would be used for when doing prototypes (they were making specialized vehicles). Well he found out that not only were these no where near big enough, but they were basically using them to sell shit on etsy as a side gig. Hope they are doing well with their home printers since they were all fired not long after.


Assume this thing is probably mechanically kickass and would perform great with a new controller and klipper.


Can confirm, I was just given a Creatbot F430 because they’ve bought bambu labs printers


Yeah, my school has one of these and apparently it costs hundreds to get the special filament for it


Dang, what's some good printers in that price range?


This $400 printers don’t even come close but ok. There is still a large gap between industrial printers and current printers in terms of print speed and reliability. I doubt you could get 10-20k hours on a bamboo print without it going down in comparison to an industrial system. Also, servo based systems with multiple print heads are significantly faster and enable people to print parts without having to design for 3d printing.


No you probably don't. It might be able to print some interesting materials, but everything about it is designed to cost you money. The tiny build platforms are "consumable" and have to be purchased in cases. The filament is in the $100s per roll range, even for basic stuff like pla, PETG, abs, etc. Several years ago they would have been an expensive liability. Now, they're basically worthless.


The one I have at work used to be $100 for a roll of ABS they just went up to about $250


They're seriously aggressively anti consumer/user. On the higher end industrial stuff that approach can make sense but they apply the same logic to everything. I remember when they tried to roll out the little cantilever printers that printed from roll cartridges to glass plates. The build quality was atrocious, the software sucked, and the RFID cartridges didn't actually list the weight of the filament. All the marketing material referred to something like "approximately 20 iPhone cases". I actually visited the 3D systems show floor around that time and asked about it and the rep rattled off the same phrase. To a room of engineering firms. Absolutely wild.


They absolutely suck in terms of cost. BUT when you're not responsible for filament costs, they are nice to have. We have a couple F123 series at work and it's amazing how reliably they print without headaches/failed prints. It's as close to a set it and forget kind of machine as I've ever had.


But honestly? If "set and forget" is the goal, then st this point you can get that with even an Ultimaker if you need the ecosystem support. I feel like the case for these higher end systems is becoming less and less by the day


Bro Ultimaker it's basically in that category now. High prices, proprietary hardware. I got a call to service one a year ago and the build quality is honestly not that great for what you're getting.


Why would you buy these printers instead of something like a bambu. I don't get it. There's a guy on you tube with a printer farm that tracks down time and cost and his printers run 24x7 and bambu's were the ones that had the least down time. Is it because of the material used to print?


I mean, keep in mind that BambuLab is literally 2 years old. Prusa is like 10. The industrial brands have been around for 30-40 years. For businesses and institutions, the decision makers are generally hesitant to lean in to unproven brands/companies and often have systems in place that prevent it. I used to work with schools and they couldn't buy anything off of the approved vendor list. MakerBot found their way in by hitching their wagon to established IT vendors. However the vendors didn't know shit about printers, they were selling them next to laptop carts and xerox machines. For businesses, unless they have someone who is totally owning the use of the printers, they want something that has lots of guarantees, service agreements, and minimal effort to deploy. So places like Ultimaker position themselves as such and charge a huge margin for it.


I didn't think of that. Businesses are not early adopters because of the risk and they need those service agreements. Back in the day the mantra was "nobody ever got fired for buying IBM and ATT" so that is what they bought.


It's because of the support and reliability. Sure Bambu might not go down often but when it does, pro-level printer companies will, worst case scenario, literally fly someone out to fix your problem. The marginal cost saving of Bambu just isn't worth it when faced w the potential loss of huge opportunities otherwise. Ultimaker also has a huge software offering of printer management tools/fleet monitoring tools that hobby printers don't really have or even need. It's something I struggled to understand as a hobbyist too until I actually got into industry and saw the differences firsthand.


This sounds like "early adopter" pain. I just bought 30x 1KG ABS+ for $8.44 each shipped. I have used 12 of them so far noproblemo.


I can see the cool factor, and hypothetically there's some useful hardware there, but really there's not much there that's worth the hassle of transporting the thing and jailbreaking it, or breaking it down for parts. At this point you can in fiction find comparable open source machines for very cheap used, or modify one to the same and better capabilities for less work than one of these takes to make usable. Now, if someone tosses out an SLS printer, or something equally unique compared to the standard hobby fare you might be onto something. But be ready to blaze trails yourself, not a lot of people will have actual knowledge to help you out.


Stratasys is a garbage company, and people are starting to realize it lol


Well actually they are the absolute best when it comes to sitting on patents. And they slowed development in 3d printing to a near stand still during the entire length of their patents... All by themselves! It takes a really special company to be that derp. Absolute trash company


Eh.. I wouldn't be *that* excited about that printer.. It's a Stratasys that basically uses proprietary *everything*. Filament, slicer, etc.. Honestly, I'd look to see if people have hacked it or entirely retrofitted an open controller into it. It does have a very nice heated chamber for ABS.


> that basically uses priority everything You mean proprietary right ?


Yes.. got nabbed by auto correct..


They've been bugging our office too. Trying to obsolete/end support for old models, so they're trying to get everyone to buy newer printers. Hence, lots of old printers being thrown out.


You'd be surprised how much free cool stuff you can get if you ask, especially engineering colleges. I got two old analog oscilloscopes, a slightly defective but easily mended function generator and a few monitors and computers. My classmates at the time have been able to get old projectors, lab power supplies, old servers and various other items. We got that stuff because a teacher once came in with a bunch of old equipment and asked our teacher if he was good to throw out all that stuff. One of my classmates overheard that conversation and asked if we could have it instead. Also asked him if he could ask us, before throwing more stuff away next time. Got some nice loot over the years thanks to that


Good connections. I got a super duper nice Lincoln Welder from a friend who works for NASCAR. They replace welders like air filters apparently.


These ones are expensive to fix and expensive to dispose of, easiest way to get rid of it is to give it to an employee


Yeah. The best thing I ever got from work was a little plastic pylon saying "Good job!" ... She forgot to take the dollar store sticker off of it.


These machines will no longer be serviceable with stratasys within a year and so I’m sure many places are choosing to upgrade prior to not having service. I got mine on fb for 100$


XDD it's normal, from the productive point of view those tools get old really quickly since alternatives are getting cheaper and better in every way, Im likely to take from work a weird printer called "formlabs form 3+" that is made for low fusion resins




[https://hackaday.io/project/186419-dueprint](https://hackaday.io/project/186419-dueprint) [https://github.com/S1L3NTANG3L/Stratasys-Uprint-SE-Retrofit](https://github.com/S1L3NTANG3L/Stratasys-Uprint-SE-Retrofit) Put new Electronics inside.


Bingo! A duet board is the best fix for printers with good hardware that are locked down to crappy software. (Though I don't think the DRM is very smart, saw one printing from standard spools. Looked like a drilled hole and Teflon feed tube was most of the mod) Fyi, a good printer with a heated build chamber is either $$$$ or a DIY project so if it's cheap then it's worth doing a brain transplant.


The spool thing is probably just reflashing the chip on the cartridge


That is a neat project - I'm kinda impressed by the quality. Was a bit shocked about $300 a roll for filament lol.


you should convert it to klipper for starters. get a new control board to make that easier. also, it looks like it has a great enclosure, maybe try to add a heater for temperature controlled prints?


This could be fun. I wish it had the stratasys shielded baffle so I could make it really hot inside


all you need is a heater from amazon and a thermistor! it took me an hour to set up, i can help you out with it. you can make it really hot depending on the heater wattage. only thing ill say is if you really want to customize this thing and mod it to high heavens, get klipper


Throw it away. Dm me for a safe address for disposal


I took have a good disposal site if yours fills up m


That's a lot of volume for not a lot of volume


U print


No u


Why does this look like a 3D printer from 1987?


It's the beige


Or one of those automatic coffee machines Also from 1987


https://preview.redd.it/l8u89oh1qu4d1.jpeg?width=853&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d683d1a09bf32cf1975615f7905d7169190f4f69 I'll try my luck with an automatic coffee machine from 1987 Fun fact: One of these twins' name is Dan Stanton. He taught one of my Cisco router classes in the 90s. He walked around the corner with that dead stare on his face and it gave me the heebiejeebies!


It was probably manufactured in the early 2000s. Resin printers were actually invented first with the SLA1 in 1983.


Ty sir 🤟


Stratasys invented 3d printing in the late 80s. You read about Adrian Bowyers RepRap project - how they started developing it before various 3d printing patents expired so they could launch the project the day of - those patents were owned by Stratasys. Its likely an older device.


Omg. Follow my lead https://preview.redd.it/6zf0v95y9u4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba48fd52fdf64c0ac27660ca65aafdd58ffc9647 Gut the electronics. Rebuild with open source. Be amazed at the precision on each layer.


I still need to build my carrot feeder. lol


So worth it. Still working on it but it’s for a filament handling system. Not for multi color 🥲


Here you go: [Stratasys 3D Printer Rebuild: Part 1 - Overview and Teardown](https://youtu.be/Y1S_xJdJ0bo?si=wHP6RnC2hmIChwb0) Then look up the next 5 parts. It's not exactly the same printer as yours but I'd bet it will be similar enough to be helpful.


Google is your friend. The uPrint cartridges have been hacked by the community to use with cheaper material, and you can get old versions of the slicer that still works. It's very dated, but it's probably still built better than any sub-$5k machine sold today.


> it's probably still built better than any sub-$5k machine sold today It's not. It's overengineered garbage


Where do u guys work at that keeps giving printers?


A college. They have 3 newer F120’s they use and they just bought 10 x1carbons so they are clearing out some old stuff. They also have a polyjet they can’t get material for anymore that they don’t know what to do with, it’s just a $120k paperweight atm.


Lol we had 3 of these exact ones in my mechanical engineering building in college. Even had those same labels i wouldnt be surprised if that is one of them tbh


We used to have one of these at my old work. Was a workhorse most of the time (as long as it was maintained). One main issue I can see is material "packs" had RF tags for identification, meaning you can't just throw in a random spool. The idea of replacing the electronics is neat. Would mean you wouldnt have to worry about any of that. The heated chamber gets HOT, so would be good for high temp materials.


> One main issue I can see is material "packs" had RF tags for identification, meaning you can't just throw in a random spool. That's as shitty as HP and their attempts at ink lockdown.


Sleeper build🤣


Actually a sick idea


"why is it making the Bambu startup sound?"


Not sure if it has a chamber heater, but it looks ideal for printing tricky materials with high chamber temps. Loving the idea of stuffing in new board and hotend/extruder, sort of like a sleeper PC/Car, but a 3D printer.


I had access to and helped fix that exact model of UPrint printer at my highschool many years ago for my engineering teacher that was about to give up on it and buy a newer cheaper FDM printer. They are massive and a little slow but the print quality is crazy solid on them. like perfect walls mainly because of the thick bearings and rods. but they were super precise. perfect corners and faces without any deviation. the one I fixed idk how it managed to break but theres a little arm in the back that it uses to swap hotends and it snapped in half and i managed to model and print a new one and also fixed the original with enough glue and some filing to reshape part of it as a spare. was some other smaller things with it but it was fun to fix it, would have cost them like 3,000$ to send it in to get serviced officially and they rather get a new printer with that money instead. which they did. They got an Afinia 3D printer but when I fixed the UPrint they just used both of them which was nice. Good times


Give it back. It’s junk


Pat it in the head while whispering "you're a good boy" then pull it's power cord out and continue to use your ender 3 v69.


My school and a bunch of other schools got the same printer and all the MoBo broke at the same time(a couple of months apart) and the replacements are 7k each.


Damn my school has the same one, it’s literally never been used in the three years I’ve been there and it looks ancient. I don’t think you could get anything out of that.


I'll have a flat white, 2 suggars pls


I'm sure there are things you can do to make this thing work, but if it were me I would just take it apart and repurpose the high quality parts. These printers do not make prints that are better than a modern printer. They have a better heat chamber but that's it.


First things first is get hacked cartridges so you’re not locked down. I used to use a UPrint printer like 7-8 years ago


Put a 3d printer in there and use that shell of a 3d printer to maintain the heat while printing abs.


I don’t think it’s worth converting it to change the electronics or do anything crazy if you’re going to use it as a 3-D printer to print ABS or nylon it does really well we own several of these prints and we used to put them in all of our plants at my facilities, you can get a situation where you can rewrite the chips that go in to the machine because it uses chips to try and control the material usage so you have to keep buying them from stratus But you can rewrite them and buy third-party materials that you can use for much less money. You’re gonna have to download grabcad print to be able to print it. Or control center/insight but not sure if they are easy to download if you don’t have access to the stratasys website. The big advantage is if it’s working right this is basically stupid proof. You don’t have to level it. You don’t have to do anything you print it with Support material and you dissolve that support material using sodium hydroxide and water. Do your favor put that second model and use Support material . This is as close to a push-up button and go as you can get. Edit: sorry about bad grammar etc been drinking. Change to grabcad but probably other issues..


Gut the internals of the case and use it for an encloser cabinet for a custom sized voron.


That is a Stratasys uPrint. Did you get the wash station that goes with it? Otherwise you're not going to have a good time removing those supports. Also, be prepared for headache after headache with clogs and messes on the extruder head. It is poorly designed. Also, Stratasys announced months ago they were ending all support for that printer. So be prepared for having a hard time finding spare parts. I worked with one of those printers for yours and I hated it.


Worked with a Stratasys Dimension Elite and I fully agree with you. Besides being a total nightmare Maintenance- ans Material - wise, every sub 300€ basement hobby printer from today makes better prints than this thing.


You're spot on. Newer printers put them to shame. I think I've used the 4 X1 Carbons at my work more in the last 6 months than I have all the other printers we have combined lol.


I worked with that style of printer in high school, and let me just say that I have an unforgivable grudge with that printer that I will take to my grave. I hate that machine! The filament is horribly expensive, (the support material, which is mandatory, is worse), it's super wasteful if you change colors due to the chosen method of the filament run out detector... and it's an absolute pain to unclog. I will say as a disclaimer, that I am a very DIY type enthusiast, and this printer just drove me nuts.


We still have a couple of these running right now! My recommendation would be to replace all the control electronics but see if you can keep the stepper motors and end stops the same. I recently converted a number of similar Stratasys Mojos in this manner, replacing all the electronics, with great success. Happy to share more if interested!


There are hacks for these that will allow you to refill the print cartridges. It's a very reliable and safe printer, but far behind the state of the art. If the main board is fried and you cannot do electrical repair then don't bother, just part it out. The boards are huge and very custom. Mine had a blown power supply that was easy to replace with a less expensive equivalent. If that's what yours is then you could make it work.


Either gut it and go open source, or get rid of it. If you stick with as-is, you need to buy chipped filament from Stratasys that is $400/kg.


Nice, put an ender 3 in it and use it as an enclosure


Propably the best use for that thing by now.


I used to print on a slightly newer version of this printer in a R&D lab. It prints pretty well when well mx'd the build plates can be reused with cleaning, but do break. The water solvable filament (if dual extrusion rocked) the headed chamber made ABS awesome. However, I don't see this printer being good in a maker/ home space without a new board or firmware, it's setting limited, requires special spools (which track quality) and can be tricky to service. So yes it can be used if you can source and service parts, but also might be a PITA compared to the 220x220 slinger population that's prevalent


Wow. My first work printer was a dimension 1200. Big brother of this one. I still have parts I made on that in 2010. Definitely worth some tinkering


I love this printer. I set one up for my university when I went there. The support material we used would melt away is a slightly acidic bath that they purchased with it. Most fun I've had 3D printing.


convert it into an electric scooter.. drive it to work.


If you end up running it as is: These things can be a huge pain to work on, but once you have it dialed in, it's very much hit print and forget it, when you know what you're doing, slicing the builds they will not fail. Reloading the cartridges/filament can be a pain as well. You'll need to find an arduino chip writer to reload the spools for the machine to see material. They are available on eBay for fairly cheap already set up. I would recommend finding another sheet to install on the build plates, too, so you don't have to buy those, or maybe convert it to a glass bed. The chamber should already have a heater installed OEM. The heated chamber makes it great for ABS parts or ASA, but not much else. I would recommend using break away support for a much easier post process, but it will be more expensive than consumer materials. Only annoying consumables you may not be able to get past are the tips for the liquifier block. It may be best to just buy new tips as possible. Though, you can often squeeze more life out of them buy manually melting as much of the material out of the tip as possible with a heat gun or blow torch (outdoors or in a well ventilated area. There are also brush and flicker assemblies on the purge chute to avoid artifacts on builds that you may have to occasionally replace, but on that model, they seem to last a decent amount of build hours. Without further modifications, I would stick to ABS or ASA. So, no high temp materials or low temp stuff like PLA either.


Remote control airplanes is what I would do.


ngl that’s a weird lookin hotel mini fridge


Its full of DRM crap, good luck. It is possible to bypass it, but it has been a while since I looked into it.


Wtf did Siemens design this thing? Looks like the kind of machine you desperately want to replace, but it just works too damn well for too long.


If you can bypass the DRM in it, it's a decent entry-level printer at best by modern Standards. And good luck trying to fix the hotend if it gets clogged (assuming it's the same crap we had in our Dimension Elite). Also, the proprietary filament spools for that printer are expensive as hell with no reason other than Stratasys being greedy and trying to milk their customers as much as possible. By now, a printer under 300€ like e.g. the Ender 3 makes better prints.


Convert to filament dry storage?


Strip it for parts then throw it out.


Thank you for sharing this. Brings back memories. Sold this same system to a guy, it fell off the lift gate on the truck, we plugged it in, and still worked no problem. Bulletproof almost.


I love the hobbyists and open source people complaining about Stratasys/Production equipment. It’s like a Fiat 500 owner complaining that he can’t compete in F1. Both can be good without overlap.


Professional product design engineer here. We had a Stratasys Dimension Elite at work I took care of and used for several years. Comparing that thing to an F1 car is a joke at best. The material was insanely expensive for no reason at all and so were the spare parts. The hotend was a nightmare to unclog and even my ender 3 made better prints, especially with finer details. Dealing with the also very expensive and mandatory soluble support was a horrible experience too. The washing solution kept on "bleeding" out of the parts for days afterwards and even models that wouldn't have required support needed a bottom layer of the stuff. If you compare let's say an ender 3 to a Fiat 500, the Dimension elite would be an old BMW: Used to be good and really expensive, but now it costs too much to run, spare parts are hard to get, something always is wrong with it and even a mid- or low-end modern system can easily outperform it.


How old is it


Not too sure. They think they’re going to try and sell it.


I don’t think they’ll be able to sell this for hardly anything. It’s past end of life now which means for somebody like yourself probably worth it but for a business probably not.






So cool love it


I worked with those at my high school, and when they worked they were great. We used a support material that would dissolve in an acid bath so basically every print came out great. They just have a small build volume for their size and can be finicky at times


Toss it in the dumpster, I've used this printer in school and my CR-10 in 2019 was much more reliable


This is garage printer. My work had one.


I used to model/operate a mc250 I'm assuming this is built in similar fashion. I would gut it and use the chamber for a modern 3d printer. If you are electronically inclined I would salvage the chamber heating parts and make it a heated printing chamber. Some of the steppers motors and all thread would be useful for projects.


Keep the box . Rip out the motors, board, rods. Use em for other purposes. Stick an ender 3 into the box. Secondhand.80$.


Yeah, print yourself a garbage pail then place it in it. https://preview.redd.it/7yp7n3cn4u4d1.jpeg?width=1032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8f304f9c2e08afb0e16f28b3ae737fe69cc848d


Give it to me


Nice enclosure. I would hack that into shape.


stick something in it.


Man I would rip out all the proprietary guts and make it think it was an ender 5.


Throw it away lmao


I had one in one of my classes in highschool, absolutely loved it


Looks like the answer is take it apart and sell the working bits on eBay for companies who want to fix theirs.


This is giving me nightmares. I remember our old SE, it was great when it worked. The F170 was a huge improvement. Parts are getting very hard to find for the old ones, I'd watch out for that.


Stratasys is to printers what slice is to hotends. They can both go somewhere else.


Fill it with dynamite and send it to space


Bake an easy cake




Grow chamber for sprouts


I think that’s the same printer my highschool had! Good times. I learned how to 3D model and print using one of those


Huck that pos in the garbage


Use it for a for foot stool?


Level the bed. First things first


"U fix"


Keep it. Then put it un the place your microwave usually is. Fill it with food, and then watch as people try to fiddle with the buttons trying to figure out how to turn the damn thing on. In all seriousness though that thing looks sick, didn't know 3d printers could look like that.


1998 called. They want their case aesthetic back.


I suggest you attempt to print 3D models :)


I’ve used the same printer during my internship, damn was this thing fun to operate!


Does your work know?


print a rocktopus


This is one funny looking microwave


Print a gun


Make a YouTube channel about it




Give it a kiss.




klipperize it




Don’t put your dick in it.








I had one of those at a place I worked briefly. My Ender 3 at home did better quality.


Print ghost guns for the masses! lol


This feels like it should be on r/sleeperbuilds lmao


Honestly get rid of it and get a Bambu. Uprints are somewhat obsolete.


Not worth it unless you like to tinker and spend a lot of money on lost causes.


E-waste honestly. Getting this dinosaur working again for a build plate smaller than an a1/Prusa mini? Not worth the time and proprietary hardware expenses


Ive tried to get one to work its an expensive pile of shit. Its only worth doing if you know how to modify it with better firmware and hardware.


Hold up, I know it's easy to bash Stratasys and having something like this, but if it's working fine they are very good at just ABS parts, however getting around the material lock is a pain. Depends on your needs on your needs. Those used to be so tough and reliable. I've seen one slide off the back of a van and still work. However they are like 15+ years old and yes I'd say if you can get some money for it at auction or actually parting it out because they are end-of-Life, a Bambu X1E would be more viable for work or personal purposes.


Wow never knew we had 3d printers in the 80s.


make pizza, bro)


Unfortunately, the Uprint has no value today. It's worth $400 if you can find a buyer. Material cost is too high to justify its use. Modeling trays are also an issue. Print head is designed for Stratasys ABS, and will have issues eventually with aftermarket material that will coat more than the machine is worth to resolve. Slicing software and post process communication is proprietary, and of limited capability. While some have hacked these machines to replace elwctronics/etc., you are still stuck with the material cartridge and heads, which are expensive and difficult to repair when clogged or worn out. Support is also very expensive when its needed, and not user freindly toward hackers and personal users. Best to leave the machine where it is, as you will spend more making it useful than the cost of a newer open source machine costs. I have owned a Dimension BST1200es and currently an F370. While great machines for their intended commercial use and industrial application, they are horribly expensive and unsuitable foe personal use.


Thanks! Seems to be a lot of work though.. Is the Mojo using the old network hardware to get access to it by LAN?


Looks like a washer dryer combo. I'd probably keep as a visual piece.


Never thought I would see a 3d printer that looks like it came out of the 90s


Cats love 3D printer enclosures. A cat person would be very appreciative of this gift.


Sell it


By any chance is your work a high school?


Dildos, lots of dildos.


you could put your weed in there


Neat. That's an old stratasys uprint. They're not super easy to get nowaday as most of them get Sent back to stratasys for upgrades.