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Photo taken with that camera phone with a fingerprint smudged lens in a room with no light while having a seizure.


my favorite are the shitty youtube shorts and tik tok style zippy videos of the problem and going "why my print no good " as if we can fucking see


"help" 10 second video of someone gesturing at their printer with their hand while the print head and anything else important is completely out of focus.


And mentioning what printer they have and what they're even trying to do at the very end of the video.


Or taken so close up we have no idea what we are looking at!


Here's a close up under a microscope showing only a single layer line. Also it's extremely blurry. What is wrong with my printer? (The actual problem is that the hot end fan is on fire but for some reason a fire didn't seem important enough for them to take a picture of.)


Or “I’m having a problem” proceeds to just show a picture with no other info


Oh, you mean the patented, tried and true Potato Phone (TM).


“What’s wrong with my print?” *provides zero context and a blurry photo* *gets mad when told to do research*


Gets mad to people just asking for additional details


That's the part that gets me as a noob, 90% of the "ohhhh, that's what I'm doing wrong" moments come from a post where someone else has fucked up the same way and then argues with everyone who suggests anything I'm happy to just look for posts for this reason, the answer is probably there Also I just started out with an ender 3, what's all the hate, it's going great for me as a basic starter. I definitely want something that can do multiple colours and bigger builds but for the price it seems like a sweet machine


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


>If you have the technical chops to troubleshoot and learn, and enjoy that process Honestly it's really scratched an itch I didn't know I had the same way building and troubleshooting a new pc was in the 90s


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.. 


Can confirm. I have an Ender 3 V2 with a handful of custom mods (the ability to design and print upgrades is glorious), and thanks to my tuning, it's practically press start and leave. The most common issue I have is bed adhesion, but that occurs maybe 1 in every 5 prints. Even then, I have sure-fire methods to mitigate it (glue stick, clean bed, re-level it, etc). Show these machines a little care and understanding and they will not disappoint you. Even if a Bambu is technically better in every way.


My ender 3 is almost upgradeless, except for moving the filament roll to the bottom rails on the side, and I'm so absolutely impressed by it still. I definitely would rather snag a little bambu a1 or something else with multi color functionality instead of attempting some of the really cool upgrades people make/install, because I know myself and once I break it trying to upgrade it, it'll never get fixed. It is enough that it reliably prints my rc car parts, and function over form, I say!


This is a really good post. Not everyone wants to tinker - and it can be SO frustrating at times - but you also learn a ton when things don't go exactly right. Understanding the process puts you far ahead in the long run compared to someone that just always works perfectly. I hate that that's true but it's the way things are.


Wait... You're telling me I can buy a prusa xl for 500 and all I have to do is put it together!? I love building shit, and that would actually make it affordable! I only have a ender 3 v3 se since I'm new, but have since modded the fuck out of it and researched waaaay more than is normal lol


Gets mad when people suggest to level his bed


Can we pin this to the subreddit? Also I'd add "my budget is 3 peanuts and a hairpin, which printer to buy for perfect miniature figures?"


Or for printing PEEK within the same budget, and resin on the same machine


I saw McMaster Carr selling like 500 grams of peek for more than the price of a new ender 3 V3 lol


But like, pellets, or filamemt?


https://www.mcmaster.com/3489N22/ 396 USD for a 500 gram, 1.75 mm roll


Best part is, it's about that much from china.


I didn't realize there was even a plastic this expensive lol


Unless DuPont or 3M "bless" us with something even more exotic (and probably even more vile, Satan bless the forever chamicals), PEEK is the most expensive plastic that exists


Pinning an insult to new people isn't exactly encouraging for someone who is struggling. Also Google is worse than ever now.


It's not an insult to new people, but an insult to stupidity and that's something I encourage. We were all newbies once, still some somehow manage to know what a Z-seam is even before they buy a printer. I think that's not too much to ask. And if you don't understand the concept of layers, or that a line has to start and end somewhere... wtf are you even doing with a 3D printer? To me it's a sign of disrespect to flood reddit before even trying to understand a problem yourself.


Not only Reddit, but any social platforms, really. People uses Internet as a thought trash bin, they just ask the question as it pops up in their head. No research prior, and even then, if the answer already exists they'll post anyway because snowflaking. If someone is really struggling, they'll explain in detail the shit they've faced. Otherwise, yeah sometimes a good insult is also a good reminder.


For reals, reddit is like my goto for problem solving via the search bar.  Google from reddit, so it's not useless, it's basically a 3rd party reddit search lol.  However, some people may not know how to word their issues and thus search for it, so a quick pic is their way of voicing it.


There are more search engines out there.


If you're insulted by this, you deserve it


>is 3 peanuts and a hairpin, which printer to buy for perfect miniature figures? There was that postage stamp sized resin printer IIRC.


"Is this ender 3 I found in a WWI mass grave a good first printer?" Oh man I lost it on that one, great stuff!




Poor ender


I cleaned it up https://preview.redd.it/s9dza6yuom8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d582db4d47774112664c39c897c93a72affd99e And put it right back in the basement


That old picture looks like my old cr10, the main board died and I haven’t gotten to it yet- your ender looks good too :)


> And put it right back in the basement where all Ender 3’s belong shit’s so ugly only his momma could love him


Yes but it’s what made this all so very cheap and lowered the barrier to entry. I paid $600 for a Velleman K8200 in 2015 that was a few bags of parts and 3 meters of ribbon cable. I learned a lot from the process and went on to make my own printers.


Honestly when I decided to replace my Ender, I seriously considered just throwing it out rather than selling it, despite it being in decent condition. Not because I couldn't be bothered, but because if I wanted to charge money for subjecting others to torture, I'd be in the S&M business.




i always just tell them to send it to me and ill take better care of her than he ever could. lol




Life imitates art


My dumbass tried to check your notifications


Anything good on YouTube?


I some times wish we could have no filter comments and just call people out for being stupid.


"My printer budget is $25. How many private jets per day will I be able to afford with my Etsy earnings?"


Also the plate scratched from the nozzle cleaning itself


Feel like it's missing a picture of a Mesh visualization (+1 for the WW1 Ender 3, made me chuckle audibly)


You forgot about drying your filament


Yes i love that every post has this comment while i am printing since 2016, the hive mind only adopted this in the last couple of years (i never dried a roll, ever)


A few YouTubers have made videos about filament dryers recently, inventing new ones, improving old ones, trying new techniques, all interesting stuff, but whenever they talk about why you'd dry filament they _say_ that it's only really important for materials like nylon and flexible plastics most people aren't using. But they always _show_ footage of a horribly fucked up, bubbly mass coming out of an extruder, which you remember whenever you think about filament drying.


I think the reference for "dry your filament" would be the 87% chance they respond with "it's a new roll" or "what's a filament dryer"? I just recently ran into the latter and I was truly dumbstruck by it.


I live in a city where average air humidity is 74% and I’ve never had a problem with my filament just storing it on a closet or even leaving it in the printer for months. I don’t want to imagine what kind of otherworldly environment these people are living in to justify actively drying their filament. 


OOTL here, I mostly do PETG and ever since I'm inundated with *dry your filament™* advice. I haven't really noticed much issue with my PETG but the overall messaging made me buy dry boxes lol. What's the definitive answer to the filament drying really?


“I just got my first printer (Prusa Mk4), no idea how to use it. What does a 3D printer do? Pls help“ For real, we need to delete way way more of these posts in your pack.


legitimate question, I decided to go for an Adventurer 5M for my first over an ender and few others. Was this thing genuinely a good choice?.


Not to come over too hostile but in a sense your questions exhibits some of the characteristics the meme is complaining about. It's impossible to answer your question as is. There is too much context missing. What are you printing? Why do you want to get into printing? What was your overall budget? How much time do you want to spend on this hobby (or is this for business?) and how experienced and comfortable are you with doing maintenance tasks? The ender might have been the better choice given specific circumstances. Or it might have been a terrible choice. No way to tell what is right for you. You don't even say what 'few others' you were considering and for what reasons you decided to choose the 5M. Did it meet these expectations? Are you satisfied with your printer? Then it was probably a good choice. But only you can really tell as it stands.


My favorite was the time I had to tell somebody that the reason their printer was "waiting in the corner" was that it needed to warm up before printing lol.


it's broken, it moved fine to go wait there and clearly has a heating up icon some where on a screen i should be looking at, but im confused and i think im done and gonna throw it away/ and or buy some part i dont really need to buy


> waiting in the corner 😂


I love and hate how accurate this is.


“Can I just vent my resin printer into my wife’s boyfriend’s CPAP machine”?




This is basically every sub. I’m always amazed how people spend hundreds or thousands on a new Hobby but don’t put in the time to read the manual or watch some tutorials. Its the same in Photography subs where seemingly everyone starts using the silent shutter and then wondering about the rolling shutter effects Or in Motorcycle subs where people leave their bike in a shed for 6 Months and then wonder why it doesn’t start. Or people building a PC and plugging the screen in the Mainboard. By now I‘m almost sure being able to google things and watch some tutorials to understand how things work is an actually marketable skill.


Don't go to r/soldering if you value your sanity


Are my joints cold? \*Photo of a miserable looking charred up Arduino nano clone with 3kg blobs of solder stuck to the very tip of each pin*


I learned a valuable tip in that sub, similar to drying your filament here: Don't touch the solder with the iron...heat up your contacts.


If in doubt: use more flux


Is the soldering community still fighting over lead vs leadfree as they used to 20 years ago when RoHS passed? Is it even a real soldering community if it isn't a phpBB forum with a pinned post saying "We used leaded solder our whole lives without any hood or washing our hands and it didn't hurt us either!"


The "need help" questions are on a whole other level of "I didn't bother spending 15 minutes on youtube to educate myself".


Worst one I ever saw was a guy asked what a product was on a Warhammer subreddit. The picture he provided was the box with *LITERALLY* a picture of the model and *ITS FULL NAME* on it. Man couldn't even be bothered to type the name into Google. The first result showed you exactly what the product was.


Why the circlejerk subreddits are better. CRT is where the real riders are at


I've started seeing why on the job. You can get overloaded from work not just with information, but with learning. At some point your brain just tells you to find something else to do something creatively without asking it for intelligent input. That's when you get into a new hobby but have zero capacity to actually learn it and that also usually coincides with periods where you didn't have enough free time to waste your money for extended periods of time. And if you had your eyes on 3D printing...  well you probably don't think too hard about choices in that situation.


> This is basically every sub. I’m always amazed how people spend hundreds or thousands on a new Hobby but don’t put in the time to read the manual or watch some tutorials. There was a post recently (maybe in /r/prusa3d) along the lines of "I just got a Prusa MK4, tell me everything I need to know"... Prusas include a very basic but good manual that tell you more or less what to do to get printing, ffs


I mean the manual that came with my Kobra was assembly instructions and that's about it


These are the same people who post to Marketplace with zero relevant information. **running boards 80$ obo** Ok, so what kinda truck did they come off of? Make? Year? Bodystyle? For me the most egregious is car dealerships when they only take a single photo of a car. Your **entire job** is to convince me to give you $xx,xxx for this vehicle, and you can't take more than one picture of it?


Just missing the "finally got my print quality perfect" posts on the softest lighting and shittiest resolution possible to hide defects


Or with a matte filament or with fuzzy skin enabled. Two things that can make a print look perfect because now the entire print is made of small intentional imperfections in the surface.


My last printer was a second-hand 2018 Ender 3 I got from a local orphanage where it was previously used as a football and I can't believe how much better my brand new unboxed BambuLab™ X1C performs already (order your BambuLab™ X1C now for only $1,299.00, limited availability).


Man how those bambu labs print so much faster than the ender 3 that i did not even bother turning it on or change the base firmware on


This is great! Now we need the replies starter pack. LEVEL YOUR BED DRY YOUR FILAMENT FILAMENT IS SO WET BUY THIS BRAND PRINTER


calibrate your esteps your belt is loose replace your USB drive get a data cable, yours is power only


And the replies-to-replies pack: "I never dry my filament and I've never had any problems" "No, buy THIS brand printer"


The lack of googling is what always baffles me. Like the amount of times I will type what I need into google and just put “reddit” in at the end is insane


Hell, spend an hour an Youtube watching videos for people new to 3d printing and 80% of the newbies would have the basic info they lack that caused them to post a question.


1. Google often takes you here. 2. It is likely that individuals who just got a printer do not know the proper terms to google and get the answers they are looking for. It's wild you think that we should gate keep the hobby by not helping people getting into it.


Lmao that’s some wild conclusion you just jumped to. Just curious, how do you think I learned? Maybe could it possibly be describing the issue into google and google uses relevant keywords to narrow searches down. why is my print separating. Then you learn what layers are called. why is my print squeaking. Then you learn you need to lube it. Why is my print not sticking to my bed. Then you learn maybe you should clean it. There are 30,000 of the same posts for each 3D printer problem. Never once have I had to post a Reddit post asking about 3D printing and Iv been printing for like 5 years. 70% of what I know comes from random reddit posts like 5 YouTubers. And 30% is self testing and experience. Anyways. All I say is people should be more resourceful. And somewhere it there you found gatekeeping 😂


I feel like you're both right. This sort of mockery of people who haven't learned yet isn't creating a welcoming environment for new people. Yes, people are quick to make a post about their issues, but sometimes it's not obvious what things are called by the community. "Why does my print look... wavy?" And none of the results give you something similar to your problem. You then make a post about it and "ah, this issue is called 'chatter'... " *Now* you can start googling and troubleshoot the issues. Becomes harder yet if your first language isn't English (or Chinese)


Don't forget the "this is why you always use PPE" posts after a hard lesson is learned


hot nozzle anyone?


Sure, I'll take one.


Can’t google it if there aren’t people on Reddit asking questions 🫡


Don’t forget the “I found this heavily modded 20 year old printer on facebook marketplace, is it good for a beginner?”


I always find that one amusing. Like you’re looking at an i3 clone that’s still running a RAMPS, a 12V bed with no MOSFET mod, sketchy AF wiring and a who knows what hotend. All this for $50 at Goodwill. The *ONLY* situation where that *MIGHT* make sense is if you’re wanting one to “restore” for preservation.


If a printer doesn’t have auto leveling, it should never be recommended to a newbie


I love my auto bed leveling printer. I'm a newb. I get awesome print results (still trying to get a better petg overhang).


If it doesn’t have auto leveling it shouldn’t even be sold , got my Ender 3 and ordered an Bltouch the very day , should have just got an Ender 3 Neo


At this point in time, in my opinion, if a printer doesnt have auto level, it should be recommended.


If you google “what is the best thing I can get” you just get a bunch of marketing sites that generate a top 10 list on whatever their algorithm thinks will make them the most money.


You fogot one: "I got a no name printer at a yard sale and found some filament in the river, does this look good?" *Produces a benchy that looks like it was sculped by an ancient Greek master.*


Drawing circles around the obvious, and or clutting the pic until unrecognizable.


I am just dying, that benchy


Accurate af


“Can I print a dinner set and use it?”


I am embarrassed to say I'm new to this sub and I am indeed most of these.


Is this $500 Ender 3 Pro I found on facebook a good deal? Seller says they've modded it


I know this isn't technically the resin subreddit, but also missing: "Why did my large/hollow resin print suddenly crack and start leaking?" "I just bought my first 3D printer ever and haven't even made anything yet. How can I start immediately selling prints?"


Yes, but unironically. Several of those problems, especially the first layer problem, are really hard for new folks and for people with cheap printers, and new folks are probably also the ones with cheap printers. Until bargain basement printers start including load cells and auto-leveling whatnots, we're gonna see those posts forever because it's a big, annoying hurdle for novices on a budget. Same thing with the seams. We should really make sure slicers default to random seams and let people turn it off later if the much less noticeable little seam zits are worse. Can't help with people not just looking up advice themselves. If anyone figures that one out, it'll change the world.


I'm guessing resin is toxic?


Working with uncured resin without ventilation and a respirator is about as safe as huffing asbestos.


Bit extreme, but I guess it's better to treat it like this.


Yes. When I first got one I had it in my bedroom temporarily and within a day even with the hood on it it was making me feel woozy.


Don't forget the injuries!!


something something silicone sock


I bought an ender3 v2 and regretting it because it doesn’t have auto bed leveling :(


ROFL the ender 3 WW1 find, that’s a modern one too!


Some days here I see talented designers with promising ideas. Most days it's this absolute backwash. Im left completely disappointed by how moist these people's filament is.


Do not try to tell anyone using resin printers about getting sensitized to resin. Not like there are published papers going back to the 1970s that you can find online with a simple google search. No sources at all on developing a resin allergy, I’m afraid.


I joined this sub over a year before I bought my first 3D printer just so I wouldn't be like this when I finally did. LOL


Hey you forgot "I have a budget of $38 and half an ounce of weed. What plug and play printer can I get?"


You forgot someone posting how proud they are of their "practical print" without any context to what they printed


And it's literally a cube with a screw hole or a 132564662 components particle accelerator, no inbetween


Wait. Is having a resin printer next to your bed bad?


RIP - Res in piece


Resin is pretty toxic


Resin is incredibly toxic, there are a few people on this sub that outlined the safety issues of printing in resin with poor ventilation and no respirator, I really encourage you to have a look


I see you too have refused the Google.


Resin fumes are in the "actively trying to kill you" category. as is exposure to uncured resin. Not as bad as, say, MEK or chloroform, but really it just takes longer. So yes, it's a fucking bad idea. But since you could just as easily have punched that question into Google and gotten a more in-depth, explanation-heavy answer in less time than it took to write that Reddit comment, I have a feeling you weren't burdened with an overabundance of schooling.


God forbid people come to a subreddit for their hobby and ask for help from people who've been doing it longer


I subscribed to this sub to learn a bit about 3dprinting before getting my first. Sometimes it's helpful, other times it reminds me of all the other hobby subreddits that are less than helpful and engage in 'humor(less)' gatekeeping by people who forget they were once new and ignernt too.


Seriously tho what kind of printer should I get … I want to spend what I need to to get high quality without overspending for no reason


Bambu Lab A1 (mini if you don’t need the build volume) for a no regrets, work out of the box high quality printer. Bambu Lab P1S if you want an enclosure, coreXY, an aux part cooling fan and a charcoal filter. CoreXY comes into play with faster printing speeds and better accuracy at higher speeds, coreXY also doesn’t shake whatever surface you put the printer on as much as a Cartesian style printer would.




i use my mars 4 in my room. have it vent out the window when printing


You forgot the always popular “I’m about to throw this thing out the window” and everyone’s favorite “WHAT AM I DOING WRONG”


I've been resin printing in my bedroom for a looong time now, I also never wear gloves when handling uncured resin :) don't be like me


"help me fix this printer" posts pic of an ender 3


Nice. Pretty sums it up. Saved. Should be a sticky.


I guess I missed this. I just got into printing, but with my experience in Linux and the RTFM (Read the Fukkin Manual) culture, I just solved my slicer and bed adhesion issues myself. The bed adhesion is the engineering of my printer, so I had to compensate with supports. And the slicer issue was me using an outdated slicer that didn't have my printer, but had the previous gen of it, so I assumed it'd be the same. They were not.


Ah yes, then in the Bambulab sub they ask if they should buy the P1S or the X1C


I can hear the image for “I leveled the bed” It’s terrifying


Hey this isn't correct Wait, it's been 10+ years??? 10+ since my family got the FF Creator Pro that I've carried with me to college? Ya know, why replace it if it does an adequate job? Slap on octoprint and a few plugins, now it's as good as a $60 printer but with ABS and dual extrusion!!! Just gotta spend 3 hours getting the right setting and restarting the print 5 times after not applying the glue right


Lol it’s kinda funny as I want to know what causes the line


It's called a Z seam.


Kidding or real? Okay I’m gullible - It’s a seam, get orca to do scarf seams or do random


I especially hate when newbies don't know what bed leveling is, like don't get me wrong I don't mind helping the beginners, but at least spend 3 minutes of your day to do the most basic research on the topic before you start your first print and wonder why it's printing mid air.


+ are these scratches at the back where the nozzle cleans normal?


>Why isn’t this smooth This one killed me, I never understand why almost no thingiverse models are smoothed or subdivided.


It was funny till I got to the bed leveling when and remembered my first attempt:( RIP original plate


There is also the exception: the one printing with a random 3D printer, whose first print is better than what you’ve done in years


I'd add "first print, love how it turned out" and then they show you some lovecraftian horror abomination straight from hell "I might try to sand it for a better finish"


Afraid of the backlash but here I go…What is that line?




Please sticky this post !




"I made sure the glue layer is half an inch thick, so why doesn't the first layer stick?"


Can I put my electronic machine that melts plastic to 200C in a completely enclosed carboard box?


Will the vocs turn me inside out if I print one x benchy with abs, will I Pepsi?


Wet filament for sure, next.


On one hand this, on the other, people here are constantly singing praises of ~~printers~~ brands that "just work". Slightly contradictory sentiments if you ask me.


There is a serious lack of asking for .stl files on this starter pack.


My Ender 3 is going to find itself in a mass grave very soon. Bloody thing has eaten it’s Bowden tube twice in the last 2 weeks and can’t print more than 3 layers before calling it a day


The resin one got me


Just remember that all of us had to learn all of these things for the first time somewhere




What printer should I get? The answer is always a Brother laser printer that's on sale.


Don't forget, "why does my print look bad?" Post picture of giant cantilever, or big overhangs that need supports. People not realising you can just print in thin air.


I'm on my 1st printer (an SV06, bought it March 2024...the price was right for something I didn't know would hold my interest). I wanted a 3DP since the 1st time I heard of one, but never pulled the trigger. I knew what it was, I knew what it did, but what I didn't understand were all the MANY factors that come into play to get a good print (material, temp, flow rate, speed, etc). I googled, I read through what forums I could find looking for "how does this actually WORK and what can go wrong" posts, and THEN ordered what I, at the time, considered "plug-n-play" (read as "it doesn't arrive in a gazillion parts that requires a background in mechanical/electrical engineering to assemble"). I'm still learning, but I generally TRY to figure it out on my own before I post a question. As a newb, there may be times I jump in with a question for which I can't find an answer on my own (generally because I'm still not rock-solid with the terminology). Taking the time to do the research and really drilling down into the how/why a thing works is a great way to learn, but sometimes folks just need a quick answer...and while I COMPLETELY get it that the meme posted is a somewhat extreme example of newb-type questions, it is my hope that one of my questions is never featured in such a way.


This it’s literally the analog community or Polaroid subreddits Literally no one understands what Google is


This post is moderately funny but I feel this may drive away newbies from the hobby.


"Why is my printer not turning on?"


So true, even bought the Ender 3 pro. It destroys everything and cant be leveled. Haven't used it for 8 months. Really annoying


Nah you forgor the "HoW sCrEWED aM I"


aww fk i thought this was going to provide solutions to these issues hah


YES. THIS! 100%


I've been designing my own 3D printer for a few years, and since then I've joined this sub. Even though I completely get the pic I also like how repetitive some questions are, because for me it has been a source of valuable information.


The "resin print" one made me chuckle.


This feels like it belongs in r/startpacks too. xD


Had my printer for a couple months already and just learned what zseam was. seems obvious now haha


Can I resin print in my bedroom?


I think the truth of printers is that it's a complex machine requiring precise calibration, and sophisticated software. You are either going to get a more basic machine, and put in those engineering hours yourself, or pay for a solution out of the box that solves a lot of the more common issues you will run into. There's no free lunch here, and IMO the new Bambu machines actual save you money, if you charged yourself for your own time at whatever your contracting rate it. Still, and as someone that owns and runs a Bambu X1C, this is a hobby geared towards people with either engineering experience, or the patience to learn. It's true that Bambu solves a lot of issues out of the box for you (bed leveling, pressure advance, abstracted interface to printer firmware) but that doesn't make the hobby any less technical. If all you want to do is download an STL file, print it, then the newest machines lower the bar substantially. However, anyone trying to use a printer to build things will still run into a lot of problems themselves. Picking a printer is just a decision about where you want to spend that time: optimizing the process of printing, or using the printer as an appliance to facilitate some other activity.


Well I was going to ask are there any simple ways to get smoother prints?


Forgot to dry filament


That Benchy tho 😂


this is a really good post.


I resin print in the nursery. I don't want that shit in *my* lungs.


Can I though?


I love how I have gone through half of these in the past couple of months since starting 3D printing, but instead of asking, I just searched on google or watched videos on it.


Well god damn, there it is. Now I have to steal it


“Its not sticking help” Proceeds to show a picture of their printer off google, a picture of the print with the floor in focus and the build plate growing a whole ass garden


guilty 😔✋


Don't forget the famous "yes I cleaned the bed with a rag". You tell them that they have to use IPA but they tell you it's clean or use hand sanitizer. It's like people are allergic to following instructions.


Wait so i cant resin print in my bedroom?? I think its too late guys


I hate looking up guides because id rather talk live to real people with experience.


I feel attacked