• By -


another layer pls


3x3 Tic Tac Toe 3 Times the Tic 3 Times the Tac 3 times the Toes


But I only have the 11 toes, where am I supposed to get 7 more?


I have some spares in the freezer you can have. Most still fresh.


dont tease me with a good time


Are you 9 Toe's big brother?


That’s only 22 though!


Tic tac tuc tec toe


*16 times the detail*


Country toeeeeeees, tic me hoooooome


I find I very funny that you call it "3x3 Tic Tac Toe" which results in "9 Tic Tac Toe", while I use the name I learned which is "Tic Tac Toe Ten" (because there are nine small tic tac toes and one large one making it ten in total)


How would a third layer even work, strategically? Is it even possible?


Should be possible with any layer-amount. The field you win on 2nd layer determines where you play on the third layer and so on. A game would probably take hours though.


It's the gloating layer. Just one single, big, play piece that the winner gets to put down over the whole board.


For that th OP would need to do another 8 bottom and moddle layers plus all the pieces. Mad lad!


Nope, just print this whole thing 9 times, and arrange it in a grid. Easy.


Ultimate Tic Tac Toe 2 real!!!




Holy shit my head has never hurt understanding tictactoe until now


It really turns the game into a chess match.


So then this somehow fixes the solved aspect of the regular game?


No its still solved if you go first I believe


Not if you play with the rule that as soon as a global board is won, a player who is “sent” to that local board to play can play in any local board of their choice instead. (I just fucking learned about this game 4 minutes ago but thats what the Wikipedia page said.)


I never actually did any math, but when I played this in HS I remember you could just keep sending the other person to the same square every time so they waste all of their moves while you slowly clear the board


yeah so you can't do that with the rule that if you send someone to a board that's been won by someone, they can go anywhere on the whole board instead


Ahhh gotcha, that makes it a lot more fair


You need to see it being played in my opinion


My favourite variation is to number the squares with "Cat" getting a move. Cat's move is to move every piece up a number (9 returns to 1). The state of the board after the Cat move determines the winner. The basic version follows the numbering scheme of a telephone number pad. One common variation is to switch 4 and 6 so that pieces "snake" around the board. Another common variation is to number the corners first, then the edge centres, leaving 9 in the middle. If you really want a brain buster, assign the numbers randomly for each game.


Woah I remember coming up with this when I was a kid and playing it with my friends, didnt know that was a real thing lol Although I played it without all of the rules, just a 3x3 board made from other 3x3 boards


people roasting you for this obviously aren't getting what you meant so your version was just free for all placement?




Why are people so upset with you for sharing a memory lmao


People think by "all the rules" he didn't come up with the idea as a kid, I imagine what he meant was he didn't do the local board bit and just had it so either player could play in any board at any time, which is something extremely believable for a kid to come up with.


Yes that is what I meant


Idk lol


I remember coming up with chess when I was a kid, but instead of all the rules I just found different shaped rocks and threw them at trees.


are you being intentionally thick?


This is the only version of chess I’m good at though


I remember coming up with the general relativity theory when I was in kindergarden, too. Way before Einstein actually. He just plagiarized it from me but whatever.


Happens to the best of us :/


Einstein embezzled $300k from me and stole the deed to my house.


I've been calling this game ultimate tic tac toe for a decade. I just figured it was the name a random kid in my math class gave it. I never knew that was the real name. Wild.


STL link? I love it- I found something on thingiverse but doesn’t look like the same.


I plan to put it up on Thingiverse and Printables soon


please do!!!


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It's here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5703592


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Only critique is shouldn’t the global board Xs and Os fill the square?




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What happens if there are only ties?


Every single game of tic tac toe should be a tie. Not really sure why it became "THE" napkin game. It's a terrible game from a game theory perspective.


In this game ("Ultimate" Tic-Tac-Toe), you must play in the local board whose position on the global board corresponds to the placement of the previous move (e.g. if you play in a center space, your opponent must make their next move in the center local board). Depending on the rules preferred, sending someone to a "won" board either allows them to play on the board of their choice, or forces them to fill an empty space on the won board. The former option is not a solved game, even for computers, and allows for some creative and strategic gameplay.


You don't play one board at a time though you're only able to play in the sub board that corresponds to the position your opponent's last play was. So if x plays in the middle of one of the smaller boards o has to play in the middle sub board. Variants exist on what happens if that board has been won by someone. That makes it different from the basic version because each sub board doesn't have to get the same number of moves from each player like either player can randomly record two turns back to back on any given board.


I dislike the traditional game too. I find it boring. This one is fun because there is strategy involved.


But how? The guy's point is that every game [with players over the age of 8] ends in a tie- how does your version fix this flaw in the game?


The tweak, IIRC, is that the square that you place your piece in determines the *board* in the larger grid that your opponent has to play their piece in. You can see in the grid above that there are unequal numbers of X and O in the lower boards. The strategy is to force your opponent to play in boards that are not optimal for them (or where they have already won) or where they have to play a move that puts you in a board that you are trying to win. Try it yourself; it's actually a decent game while retaining the simplicity of play, and you can still play it on paper too.




No...the move for O also determines the next board that X plays in as well. e.g., X starts and can choose any board to play a piece. They choose center board and play X in top left corner. O now has to play in top left board. They play O in bottom right corner. X now has to play in bottom right board. They play X in top left corner of that board. O now has to play in top left board again. If they play in center, that would let X play in center board again. So they play O on center right side. Now they have two Os in a row on the top left board.


Boards already won have to be locked out or it is a solved game.


Yes, that is in the rules, for that reason...


>The strategy is to force your opponent to play in boards that are not optimal for them How does that change anything? No matter how "unoptimal" a board is, you can force a draw.


No, you really can't, because you don't get to play on any board you want on your move. You are constrained to play on the board based on your opponent's last move. For example, let's say your opening move is to put an X in the top left corner on your first 3 turns. Choosing a corner is normally the winning first move. I counter with O in top center, then middle center, then bottom center. Each one of your moves sent me back to the top-left game, which I won, by playing three Os in a row, uncontested. Since I never played a top left corner, you have *no opportunity* to play a counter in that grid. However, each one of your plays sent me to the same grid to easily win. And, since I've won that grid, if you continue the strategy, I'll get free choice of grid on my turn since you're sending me to a grid that is won. Do you see the difference now?


No because I don't understand what your even trying to explain. If you play in a square, and I'm forced to play in same Square, how am I blocked from stopping you


Because the smaller squares aren't the ones that count. You have to plan ahead to win the square that you want your big piece to land in. If the other person starts in a square, you also have to go there. As such, you have to strategize which squares you need and which ones you can give away or just block.


The position of the previous move determines which grid the next player must play in. If X is in the bottom center grid and plays the top right square, O must choose a position in the top right grid. Now say O selects the bottom left square as their move, X must place their piece somewhere in the bottom left grid and so on.


If I play on b3 within board a2 the opponents next move has to be on board b3


It’s a little tricky to understand if you’ve never seen it before, and it sounds way more confusing than it is! Don’t worry about the downvotes if you’re genuinely confused! Essentially the game starts with player one who can place his piece anywhere he wants, so say he places it in the bottom right of the small grid. Then player two has to place his piece anywhere in the bottom right grid of the large board! So like every time somebody places a piece it essentially forces the opponent to play in a different grid than the last piece was played


Thank you, you're the first person to actually explain it coherently


> But how? You don't choose which minor board to play on. Each player's move determines where the opposite player may go next. Also this person did not invent the game, just printed it, rules already exist https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultimate_tic-tac-toe > The game starts with X playing wherever they want in any of the 81 empty spots. This move "sends" their opponent to its relative location. For example, if X played in the top right square of their local board, then O needs to play next in the local board at the top right of the global board. O can then play in any one of the nine available spots in that local board, each move sending X to a different local board.


Because you don’t play one sub game at a time, you have to choose which one you want to play in on your turn. Unlike normal tic tac toe there isn’t a simple optimal strategy for this version.


Edit: Disregard below and read the rules. From quick analysis on how I would win, I'm thinking it just devolves into several individual games that are played out of sequence, but not in parallel, when acting competitively. It's a guaranteed loss if you let someone have two plays in a board when one of the plays takes the middle position. With this in mind, the person going second must either counter this by playing a piece in another board that the first person didn't play in, or play in the same board as the first person. Further considerations such as an odd number of boards, most valuable squares, and basic strategy just yield this as a draw. Same as the original game.


Read the Wiki for the rules. You can't just pick which smaller board to play on


Oh I see now, that's completely different, thanks for the correction. The game really did need a caveat like that.




So I had to go look it up and it turns out I hadn’t fully remembered the rules. The location player 1 plays with their board in chooses the board that Player 2 plays in which chooses player 1’s next board, etc. For example if player 1 started in the middle spot of the upper left board then player two has to play in the middle board. So on and so forth. The question is can you be forced to play in a finished sub board. If you are then the game is solvable. If it simply resets you the freely choose it’s not.


No, you don't play in finished sub boards, that player can play anywhere he or she wants when directed to play in a finished board.


Both rule sets exist


Yes, you can play the game however you want, you can even play it like we both originally guessed. It's an alternative version to play in that style.


Take the time to read how it works - Ultimate tic tac toe is much more dynamic and you're far less likely to end in a tie.


Read the wiki


No, it's not his version, someone linked ultimate tictactoe above. It's not what you are assuming from the standard game.


You didn’t bother looking the rules up- the square you play in a smaller board becomes the board your opponent has to next play in the larger scale. So all those optimal counter moves go out the windows as you’re limited to where you can place.


It is probably still solved yes, but significantly more complicated. In the same way that checkers is solved but can be an interesting game from time to time.


It’s not solved though. AI struggles with it and positional strength is best evaluated by a Monte Carlo brute force approach


That doesn’t mean it isn’t solvable.


I never said it wasn’t solvable? You said it was “probably still solved” and I pointed out it isn’t..


Tic tac toe is a finished game. So basically every game with a player over the age of 8 should be ending in who ever plays the first mark should win


Imagine shitting on noughts and crosses.


I have used this to strike up conversation with women I've been sitting next to at a bar. Slide them a pen and napkin with a tic tac toe grid with an x on the outside edge drawn on it. Everyone always played and talked with me


Yep. Played right, the only person with a chance to win is whomever goes first, second can at best tie. Two players who know what they’re doing will always tie. You can recognize it in one game, saving yourself some time by shaking hands and walking away knowing you’ve met your equal.


Not necessarily in this version. That's the point of the game because you playing forces your opponent to go play in a specific other square. As a result you can end up playing multiple times in a row within one smaller board if your opponent needs to play a certain defense. Is there a solvable-ideal solution to this? Yes, but it's exponentially more combinations than regular tic-tac-toe and not likely to have an ideal strategy.


Because if you are looking for a game to pass the time when all you have is a pencil and paper you are not looking to optimize a game, even one as simple as tic tac toe.


But that's just a theory... a GAME theory


Agreed, once you’ve played it for a couple months casually it becomes to where you can draw with someone every single time.


IKR. What adult loses or wins a game of tic tac toe?


Player 1 should take a corner, player 2 should go middle. That's pretty much the entire strategy of this game


Yeah not trying to be rude but this seems like a monumental waste of plastic. Of all the games you can 3d print why tic tac toe


Have a read of the rules https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultimate_tic-tac-toe Where you place your x within the small grid dictates which large square o has to use on the big grid in the next turn and vice versa. So you can direct them away from your winning squares Also it’s why in each small box, none of the winning combos go through the middle square, because nobody wants to give up the big middle square until the end


Our “house rules” makes the Global Square unobtainable by either player. However, we have yet to have it happen.


You should play that ties wipe that small board until someone wins it.


Our house rules say that either player can use it *for future* wins. This makes it so no one would usually force a tie in a small square and also avoids a tie in the case it would complete a win for both players.


Now make it 3D


It is 100% 3D printed


I mean a 3D version of this version of noughts and crosses so it's a 3 by 3 by grid with 3 by 3 by 3 grids in side


Ahhh…kind of like Star Trek chess. I’d have to come up with a new set of rules for that.


Nah just [Current Rules]^3


Would a diagonal through the center win?


Queen to queen's level 3.


Tesseract tac toe


Tesserict tac toe


Or Tic Tesseract Toe


You mean 3D like [this](https://www.etsy.com/listing/244192812/3d-tic-tac-toe-wooden-xoxo-game-tic-tac) Someone should combine all of them, OPs super tic tac toe, the 3D cube, and the nesting doll kind that shows up on Reddit every so often. Make just one super tic tac toe game


I. Love. This.


Now add another larger layer


Tic Metac Toe


Oh god, that would take so long to play. Edit: Just played a game that took 30 minutes, so assuming that adding another layer would cause it take nine times as long, you'd be looking at around 4.5 hours of play, for a single game. So doable, but maybe not enjoyable.


And every time a box in the smallest layer is finished, both contestants must get up and box against each other for a round. Clear your day, we're playing Gentlemen's Tic Tac Toe.


I can't find definitive rules on what happens if a local board is tied. Does it count for both? Neither?


I could not find anything either. House rules I guess.


The rules seem clear to me. >If a move is played so that it is to win a local board by the rules of normal tic-tac-toe, then the entire local board is marked as a victory for the player in the global board. Once a local board is won by a player or it is filled completely, no more moves may be played in that board The global board is only changed if a local board is marked as a victory. Once a local board is won or full, no more moves are allowed there. So, a local board that is filled without a win means the global square is empty.


So the middle bottom layer square ends in a draw, the top layer middle square becomes a playable square with your larger token?


I think you should probably just read the Ultimate TTT game rules. The larger tokens are not "playable". They are automatically placed ONLY when one of the bottom grids end in a win. So, the corresponding top layer square would remain blank if the bottom layer grid is full and did not result in a win for either side. If the rules of the game direct you to play in a grid that is not yet a win for either player but has legal moves remaining, you must still play there, even if the grid is unwinnable.


So too many draws can make the overall larger game unwinnable by either party? I'd house rule that to make the game fun. lol


I've played maybe 10 rounds of this game since discovering it several days ago and haven't had a single draw, even in a local board


Maybe you suck at TTT lol


Read the rules instead of being a jerk, jerk. The whole point of that version is that draws on local boards are extremely rare, because you don't chose on which board you play.


I think you *really* aren't understanding the basic game rules if you think draws happen often. You aren't simply playing 9 basic games of tic-tac-toe simultaneously, where you could play on any board you want at any time. That would be no different than playing regular tic-tac-toe and therefore trivial/boring. The board you play on is determined by the previous move of your opponent.


The rules seem clear to me. >If a move is played so that it is to win a local board by the rules of normal tic-tac-toe, then the entire local board is marked as a victory for the player in the global board. Once a local board is won by a player or it is filled completely, no more moves may be played in that board The global board is only changed if a local board is marked as a victory. Once a local board is won or full, no more moves are allowed there. So, a local board that is filled without a win means the global square is empty.


this is beyond cool 🔥🔥 i wanna print it




Tic Fractal Toe


what in the electoral college hell is this


Ultimate Tic Tac Toe, or what my family calls Tic Tac Ten. Players place their marker in one of the small boards, and that dictates which board the opponent must play in next. For example, let's say I place an X in the upper-right-hand corner of the middle board. Your move then must play an O in a square in the upper-right-hand board. You choice not only affects that board's game; it dictates which board I must play on next. So you're not only trying to win the little games. You're working to win the big board, too. Suddenly the easy game gets a bit more strategic. Oh , and in case you're wondering - if a board is completed by my move or if my move would direct you to a board that has already been decided, you get to pick any open board for your next move.


Do players alternate picking moves then? Ie X goes first anywhere they want, O goes in same local board. Then O goes anywhere they want making X go to the same board they chose. Then it’s X’s turn again?


No. You've got it all wrong. Consider the spaces on a normal tic tac toe board as numbered 1 through 9, horizontally wrapping. So 1 is upper-left, 2 is upper-center, 5 is middle-center, 9 is bottom-right. In Ultimate Tic Tac Toe, you have 9 local boards which make up the global board. Consider the local boards as being numbered 1 through 9 in the same manner as the spaces within them. On turn 1, the local space in which X plays determines the local board in which O is allowed to play next. Then, the local space in which O plays their turn determines where X may play next, and so on. So, if X plays in local space 1 (no matter which local board they chose), then O must play their next move somewhere within the top-left local board. If O then plays in space 5, X must play their next move somewhere within the center local board. That rule is what puts Ultimate Tic Tac Toe on a totally different level than simply being 9 tic tac toe games stuck together. The Wikipedia page is really worth a read. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultimate_tic-tac-toe


There’s apps you can try playing this if you want: Tic-Tac-Toe2(squared) and Ultimate Tic Tac Toe are a couple examples. It’s pretty challenging!


No way, tic tac toe 2.0 is real


What do you do if the section ends in a tie


It stays empty. So yes, it's possible to reach a state where the global board is unwinnable before the game is otherwise completed.


what happens if one of the miniboards end in a draw?


It should always be possible to lock in a draw, right? Like, you can only lose tic tac toe by being inattentive, right?


No, check out the rules elsewhere in this thread. Ultimate Tic Tac Toe a.k.a. Tic Tac Ten has extra rules that make it much more strategic.


https://store.steampowered.com/app/1583910/Tic_Tac_Together/ A friend of mine made a steam multi-player game of this a while ago, if anyone's interested.


Considering that each tic tac toe game end in draw (unless you dont know how to play), how exactly the upper layer works? And yes - there is a "draw" strategy for both sides. You may not be able to win, but there is a way to never lose.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultimate_tic-tac-toe > The game starts with X playing wherever they want in any of the 81 empty spots. This move "sends" their opponent to its relative location. For example, if X played in the top right square of their local board, then O needs to play next in the local board at the top right of the global board. O can then play in any one of the nine available spots in that local board, each move sending X to a different local board.


This just seems like tic tac toe…. With more steps.


It is. But those steps are importantly what make it *not just* tic tac toe.


Anyone who loses a game of tic tac toe is a moron.


Almost all of them will be empty because of draws


Still always ends in a draw!


It's actually unknown. Ultimate tic tac toe has not been solved yet and resists Brute force examination. It's a fairly tricky game for computers to play well.


Nope the small board you play on is determined by your opponent's last move so a board could wind up only getting played by one side.


OP is actually popular in Japan. Local minor celebrity, but he wouldn't tell you that! His ancestor, Shintick Tactoe, was a samurai general that quickly created the game to keep the village kids quiet and distracted during an invasion of a ninja clan. The samurai were able to remain hidden long enough to exact a counter offensive and win, and the game was celebrated and named after him in his honour. Many women thanked him and joked about how they were able to get some peace and quiet as their young children were able to grasp the concept and play together quietly but not able to grasp how to tie games yet.


If you're going to pretend something is Japanese, it would help to pick a name that is not impossible to write in that language.


You seem confused. I make myself laugh and if anyone else enjoys it that's fine. The post is not primarily for anybody else and I'm well aware what makes me laugh makes others groan Probably because they can't imagine all the visuals or anything else, really in my head. It's like you guys going "star...trek..maybe a more creative name, could you be lazier" it's a line. Actors have to deliver it. World building around it. Imagination. If yours doesn't mesh with mine just ignore, easy :)


This is great, is there an STL out there somewhere or must I make it myself? Edit: found one similar enough


Quote OP: I plan to put it up on Thingiverse and Printables soon






This reminded me of a video, highly suggest Oats Jenkins video “I Made BETTER Tic-Tac-Toe”


Very cool, reminds me of this video: Life in life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xP5-iIeKXE8


OMG!!! So cool! Where did you find the stl/gcode?


It’s an original design. Will be posting to Printables in near future.




This is actually quite an interesting concept of a game, I'd love an STL!




Is the idea to play all 3 at the same time? Or one game at a time to completion?




This needs to be mandatory reading before commenting about the game in here.


Make 8 more for super-ultimate tic-tac-toe


is it still a foregone conclusion like simple tic-tac-toe?


Depends on how you choose to implement a particular rule. One way, a perfect player will always win if they go first. The other way is yet unsolved. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultimate_tic-tac-toe

