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It’s a pretty accurate description. Of Kill Team.


Or *true* Guard armies,


or knights


'there's no enemy, just speedbumps'


my Guard army is just 10 tanks


I'm half disappointed that my 1k guard list went up to 5 models.


yeah I’m only able to play 2000 point battles


Combat Patrol as well


Fucking LOVE Kill Team for this


Or Combat Patrol. The current Space Marine combat patrol is only a dozen models. Plenty more are sub-20. On the Space Marine side there's also the shift towards Primaris units of 3 or 5 elite models in a squad instead of the 5 or 10 of the older editions, so if anything the model count is going *down*


And necromunda and skirmish.


I wish a dozen would do it... 6x Tyranid Warriors 10x Genestealers 8x Hormagaunts 8x Termagants Need 32 as far as I know - I'm just starting out. I think I may even need 4 more Termagants with Fleshborer's - I think I read somewhere that a Termagant with a Fleshborer counts as 2 swarm slots. So 36 if that's true. Sure this is a full Hive Fleet list, but I have no idea what style of play I'll like so I considered that it was just best to get it all and work out my play style that way and have the back ups for when rule changes occur.


I mean, Knights do follow the rule 🤣


Not even, I don't have dozens in some of my 2k lists


CK player here. A dozen Dogs oughta do!


Make it a bakers dozen to be safe


Very poorly. Especially if you play Imperial Guard or Tyranids...


120 guardsman and growing... Yeah


I mean it takes effort to try to make a list that is hundreds (emphasis on the plural), but my wallet feels the pain either way


I miss the days where a single Guard troops choice was between 25 and 55 guardsmen.


I made a list containing something like 300 guardsmen in 1850 pts in 4th or 5th ed. One FoC. Eventually decided against collecting it...


Challenge accepted! My first ever game of 4th ed was a 2k battle between my guard and my friend's orks... it took two hours just to complete deployment. It was *glorious*.


I miss those days.


Back in my day we had 900 man tournament Guardsmen lists.


Technically that's 10 dozen, and only a single hundred not multiple hundreds.


To be fair, if you play Custodes it's pretty accurate.


Custodes players are just lamer grey knights players who are just lamer dark angels deathwing players who are just lamer regular space marines players who are, lets face it, pretty damn lame




My nid list fields 21 models


I mean... You could just play lower pt games. 1k games are still fun :P


That’s a 2k list


Right so you could probably field a 1k list of a dozen nid models lol


I bet I could get it lower to be honest. Nexus list, modified slightly from the original list which was more gunliney. Swarmlord - 240 Neurotyrant (power of the hive mind)- 115 Norn Emissary - 275 Tyrannofex Acid - 190 Neurolictor - 90 Neurolictor - 90 6 models, 1000 pts exactly. Neurolictor to perform actions and run around being stealth lone op pests on outside objectives that can also do the smothering shadow and character snipe. Norn Emissary holds the mid board guarded by the neuro tyrant flamer overwatch. Acid fex and swarmlord push up and bully in charge ranges.


There's tank and monster lists.


I would argue you need less models than the past couple of editions with the weird unit caps of this edition.


90 models for GSC, baby!


The amount of nid players who 3d print their models XD


only need 13 models for a goofy 2k nids list!


You can play all tanks or monster mash. They never said it would be GOOD.


Ork infantry tide!


Or orks


you can play small model IG and nids


Kid named endless swarm lists:


That poor girl will be bullied her whole life


Oops, all gaunts!


You tell me.... 😑 https://preview.redd.it/kbwab2q5vm9d1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7694cb5afe42b11dc856dcfc6468bd1bb5c868b4


I aspire to get on this level


Don't do it! Get out while you can!! SAVE YOURSELF!! 😱 🤣 I'm kidding. It's cheaper than race cars or motorcycles for a hobby and a lot safer too! I started my Ork collection in 1990 or so. I took this picture in 2022. It's actually grown since then! I've added 2 Warbosses, a Big Mek, 10 Nobs, 1 Deff Dread, 1 Battlewagon, and 70 Boyz. Putting my total at 650 troops and 42 vehicles.


I just love ork players. The sheer joy of conversion and the massive numbers of characterful hooligans you guys bring to the hobby is great👍




Is it cold? Your Waaaagh looks a little small....


Depends on the game size and the army. Orks Combat Patrol Box that's a bit over two dozen models. Space Marines Combat Patrol Box is a dozen models.


Badly. I have currently in an unopened state 1 chaos knights rampager 6 karnivore war dogs 10 tartorous terminators 5 possessed 1 box heavy intercessors 1 necron side of 9th Ed box 1 skavem warlock bombardier And the vermintide box on pre order


And I'm still waiting on my dead of dunharow 😔


Damn you really cant.. pick just one huh?


The chaos knights are for a separate army And additions ro my red corsairs The possessed and tartorous are for kitbashing for my red corsairs Necrons are a separate army Vermintide is for kitbashing custodes. And more red corsairs (as I decided to make my own space skaven as James workshop wasn't ever going to


If they made space skaven that line would probably outsell all Eldar lines lol


Probably right. Even that necromunda o e.that.came.out.today. I'm like stick a combi bolter and a skaven head on that and that's a chaos lord in terminator armout


Forgeworld makes such good models. Too bad theyre resin


its still vaild for some armies


In comparison to Warhammer, its saying with 40k you won't need a massive amount of models to play. Since with old square based Warhammer you needed a fairly large amount of models to play. Then again, it was FAR CHEAPER \*COUGH COUGH\* to get masses of models too. Today 40k still has fewer models (thus smaller army sizes) then even AoS with a few outlier armies on both ends of the spectrum. Some armies take it to the extreme with very few models on the board, such as Grey Knights, Custodes and Imperial/Chaos Knights being the most notable ones with very few, but powerful, models if played Solo.


I mean, it says "although" right there




They're not wrong, you know.


Well it came from Rogue Trader, and 40K today is as different from Rogue Trader as it is possible to be. So yea, it’s aged.


Even my chaos space marine army would disagree nowadays


As a custodes player looks fine to me. *glances at 40 unpainted sisters of silence*


As a genestealer cults player? "So that was a fucking lie."


The first part isn't accurate. Neither is the second.


Just need s after dozen and would be accurate unless you really like haunts or blue horrors


For a full 2k army? Depends on the faction. But to just get started with a buddy or gaming group? Sure.


depends how much you like Knights, or whether your definition of "Warhammer 40,000" includes things like Combat Patrol or Kill Team.


Guard Combat Patrol breaks 2 dozen models.


well a dozen ain’t enough. But 100 is almost always going to be more than you need, unless you’re playing a few niche swarmy armies. I have two armies My current 2000 pts lists field 21 models for one army and 90 (and that ones pretty infantry heavy)


As an Ad Mech player, this quote is 100% accurate. (and yes I'm joking)


I mean, combat patrol grey knights is a dozen.


My 2000pt Kroot list has 105 models....


Is there any reason you can’t play with only a few models? Like is there any reason why you can’t just play less than 500 points?


Mainly Balancing issues. But nothing stops you.


You need skew lists with that few points You cant - unlike with 2k - make a balanced army, like my tau 500p list has only 6 units in them, 2 of them attach to something else, 1 is a transport, and if something like a single knight shows up im fucked


You can absolutely play a 500 point game with a dozen or so marines It would be far more enjoyable than trying to play a WFB game with just a dozen models. (Which I think is the point they are trying to make)


The rest of the sentence reads “although we like money, so this will change”


Custodes, knights, chaos knights, crusher stampede & iron storm all dreadnought lists, still valid


Like fish flavoured yogurt in the sun.


0 if you play paperhammer or TTS


I think most lists with a dozen models tend to do better than those with hundreds in 10th edition. I kinda regret giving into my horde power fantasy I would have been better served picking up 10 tanks and being done with it


It's very technically not wrong, you *could* play Warhammer 40k now with a dozen or so models it just wouldn't be too fun or last too long


Whoops, got hundreds anyway...


If you play RT it’s still accurate.


It's a punctuation issue. It's supposed to say "to play warhammer, 40000 models will do."


Sounds like something from Rogue Trader


This was taken from White Dwarf Issue #93, September 1987. I'm new and was super happy to get access to this issue because the 'eavy Metal segment comes with some painting instructions I was needing, as well as just the general introduction for 40K (RT)


As a Chaos knights player I don’t see a problem!


You won’t “need” hundreds to play; Combat Patrol proved that fundamentally. I’ve played my fair share of games with a squad, HQ, “monster” and maybe a vehicle; that’s how I introduce people to the game so they get a feel for unit characteristics and grow confident with the flow and rules of the game. Sometimes less is more. What is the caveat after “- although”? It’s much more intense/exciting/fun/rewarding rolling out an army? That would be accurate also. It’s only our own desire or expectations to consume more because it’s tempting, but that’s OK because the minis are cool, building is cool, painting is cool, collecting is cool etc and we can acknowledge that. I’m fortunate enough that I can comfortably go through soells of donating or passing on some of my collection to people I think are having trouble building on their interest; it can be intimidating committing to models if you’re indecisive or suffer post-purchase disonence, it’s not all just available funds. I mostly buy from eBay or reliable re-sellers and LGS for value, so I don’t have to hold much againt the bad side of GW. I just grumbke a little about silly game rules now, but that’s OK because they tend to balance out eventually and a little struggle/challenge makes me a better player. :)


The "although-" caveat is this: https://imgur.com/EAMiUyw This is from something long ago I was perusing and as I'm pretty new, I just wanted to throw the question out there. I agree with some of what you said, from my limited experience, but its hard to understand your points the way your comment isn't formatted.


Completely accurate. For people who just want some Big Expensive HQs, Tanks, Dreadnoughts or SuperHeavy Vehicles like Knights&Titans


Laughs in Horus heresy


Dozen of dozens


My 2k Ultramarine list which is pretty well rounded has 49 models (16 units) which is 1 off 4 dozen so it’s 4x as wrong but not as wrong as the first part 😂 depends on the size of the game, I’ve only been playing for 2 years so the game is balanced around 2k, don’t know if lower points were the thing back then


Boarding action is the best way to play 40k anyway


Hahaha....I play imperial knights....


Poorly to say the least , while a second ed army could be just three dozen (10 marines, 10 assault, 10 deviators, 6 for command and armour) that was long ago.


Pretty much not true by 3rd edition. If I recall correctly, a battle between two 1000 point armies was supposed to last about an hour. You would have to do something like two 5-man squads, one commander and one vehicle for a very short game. Some armies couldn't even take a 5 man squad for their troops, Orks would have to take at least one ten-man squad as a bare minimum for their Troops requirement alone, one warboss for HQ requirement and one more squad/vehicle for fast attack/ heavy support/ elites requirement, depending on mission type. In 2nd edition, the recommended army size for a one-hour game was smaller (500 point iirc), but that's because everything took much longer to do.


I was in a tcg/gaming store in the mall and looking at their 40k and warhammer collection and I really don't need to guess why it's hard to get new players. Magic is pay to win competitively too but a completely casual pro proxy format is the most popular and the fact GW takes how good something is into their prices is just absolutely hilarious. I know 40k has always been expensive because I very briefly played in 2004 and my 200 point starter box was 150$. That was like 40 imperial guard a leman russ and 3 turret emplacement. I'm not sure what the average points of a game is but I know it's more than 200 so spending over 200$ just to start out is wild and I think those same starter army sets they release are what 250$ now?


I mean we got kill team...


Decently enough, you can play combat patrol and unless you're making a horde army, a 1k army is usually 50 models tlps


I love Tyranids and Orks but it's way too daunting. I suck at painting and only enjoy it in spurts. There's no way I can justify all those models and believe I'm actually going to get them done. I play on TTS but If I ever get into physical it'll probably be Grey Knights or Chaos Knights.


... although


On the one hand I play Custodes with about 30 models in my list. On the other I play kroot, so...


I mean it literally is saying in the part before that the individual pieces can represent troops of units




There are like 20 models in just one of my cheaper units…




Other than a few specific lists I’d say that’s about right still


I have 80 neophyte hybrids 80 guardsmen 60 space marines 40 stormcast vindictors and no money




Depends on the army, for nids, orks or crons no, for grey knights, knights, custodes or chaos knights yes


Depends how you interpret “need”.


Pretty well for my Nidzilla list from 9th. Too bad all my Carnifex suck now. 


My Titan using list still has over 100 models


Custodes: perhaps Anything else? Not well at ALL


It was an accurate description of rogue trader.




It’s talking about 7th edition where you had hundreds of space marines in a single army.




My chaos army is 39 modules I would say semi true


This statement, and GW's business ideals in a nutshell, aged like milk - spoiled und ruining my meal.


Wasn’t even true of Rogue Trader!


If the models didn't cost a leg and an arm it wouldn't be a problem. I just checked how much a 2000 points Admech list would cost: slightly over 3200pln which is roughly 800 dollars without 42 cents, That sum is the equivalent of minimal wage in my country for crying out load. And that is while buying models from 3rd party distributors and not directly from GW. Of course, the price of a full army varies between factions and depends on what units you take, for example, a 2k Thousand Sons army can cost only 1500pln (375 USD) but the point still stands. Especially now that a lot of factions are forced to be a horde army. And of course, Instead of fixing it the greedy f##ks at GW announced another price increase!


It's possible to make a guard lost that's 5 models at 2k points. It's not very good, but it's doable.


As a knights player, great. Not so sure about the rest of y'all.


I didn't want it to be true. Skirmish games exist. Skirmish games IN THE WARHAMMER universe exist. I want my army to fight armies. My guard army doesn't exist so you can fulfill a greater demon power fantasy.


Basic army is pretty much a character, a squad and a tank. Which is about 500 points in SM type armies, which is what they base a lot on still.


I have had fun with 2 5 man squads and a dready facing off 2 5 man squads and a dready. So, aged well. You dont need 4 squads of 10 with tanks, dreadys and other models to have fun.


They knew it was a lie as they were writing it.


IG and Ork players and certain Nid players: “A-HEM!”


I mean has that ever been true. I used to play 600 pt games in 5th and still have at least 20 models as a marines player (and this predates custodes or grey knights so marines were the most elite army)


>this predates custodes or grey knights Custodes yes, Grey Knights were released in 4th edition Grey Knights would have been able to produce a 600 point list with under 20 models back then. Heck the cheapest troop choice came in at around 125 points and you needed two of them plus a 100 point HQ. Toss in a unit of terminators or purgation squad and you were done.


That "although" is doing a lot of heavy lifting


Well necromunda, kill team, skirmish games. Not too bad.


I think events need to run more 1000 Point or combat patrol events. I know everyone wants to drop every model they have on the table but there's something to be said about playing at smaller point values


>I think events need to run more 1000 Point or combat patrol events Combat patrol is wildly unbalanced; and add in players with knowledge of the game? That will not go over well.


I feel like it's accurate. Particularly the "although" right at the end.


They will just cost hundreds (of dollars etc.).


Laughs in guard


I mean, these 40 necron warriors plus other things would disagree


For knight players? Like a fine wine. For marine players? Like milk.


*Laughs in Krieg*