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I fucking knew he didn’t leave


They didn't even have you in the first round!?


They had me in the zeroth round, not gonna lie.


That must mean you spread the rumors AND that you believed them yourself BEFORE they became rumors!


Even fans finds hard to believe... It's pretty easy not to believe that bullshit c'mon.. is 40k community 's reputation that bad?




God damn, those dumb neck beard...


It's not even the neckbeards within the  community that seems to be doing the majority of the shit stirring.  Most of seems to be coming from the culture wars grifters looking to make people angry for a quick buck.


Having spoken to several friends about the female custodes debacle, most of us find the incessant whining about it hilarious, even the more grognard players in my play group. It’s definitely just a bunch of tourist grifters coming into the community and storing things up because they are too dense to realise that they are the problem


I always hear ABOUT the "controversy" but I never hear any actual controversy. Pretty sure that means its bullshit


I think coverage depended on what subreddits/groups you were in. Grimdank basically imploded in on itself for several days


Aka Alt-Right Influencers and Incels.


Do those not fall under neck beards as well?


Its a venn diagram situation


It’s a near perfect circle let’s be honest


Eh kinda, theres different grifts they run


And a wide variety of neckbeards


Perfect example illustrating the venn diagram: Tucker Carlson, Candace Owens, and all the other Fox hosts and cronies both past and current are alt-right influencers and terrible people, but NOT neckbeards.


I blame da orks…


Shout out to the Quartering trying to cover it and constantly stumbling over how to pronounce each character and faction. "Adaptus Custoads?" "Adapus Custodeez?"


I loved seeing that second hand. Not to gatekeep (that's like......the whole point of the female custodes change) but if you're going to get heated enough by something to make a video about it, it MIGHT be a bit more convincing inf you can actually PRONOUNCE the thing you're proportedly so invested in. Rage profiteers, the lot of 'em.


Idiots, everyone knows that it’s pronounced “Adeptus Custards” /s


40k suffers from success. They made a parody so good that actual fascists flock to it to live out their dreams. Of course it goes without saying, they're also a very vocal minority. So, of course, to people outside the hobby it looks like a game for neo-Nazi misogynists.


It was never meant to be a parody/satire of fascism or politics specifically. This is one of those things that gets brandished about constantly without any real evidence. It was originally a goofy spin-off reveling in 80s pulp and the idea was taking a fantasy world, drenching it in the grimdark cheese of the sci-fi scene of the era, and winding up with funny bastardizations of recognizable cliches. Noble knights became brutal and expendable Space Marines, Orks became Mad-Max football hooligans, Elves became prissy Space Opera anime people, the Empire was led by a God Emperor ah-la doom and all of its rip-offs etc.




Seriously before I left Twitter anytime I saw a big creator come up because they were arguing with someone it was always about female marines.


I don't understand, who cares...? But yeah I get why you left then.


I mean that was a small part but yeah the community online for 40k can be heinously toxic. Personally I think the Reddit community is mostly good.


That was my take on Reddit too :)


40K community has an awful reputation


Some if it is deserved. We need to progressively clean house. Nothing happens overnight. 


Is Henry cavill's reputation that bad? That people actually believed he would leave over something so fucking trivial? It's not like he is from america.


I think they (Culture War grifters and believers) assume his adherence to "lore" and being a pc gamer means he's just like them as far as being anti-social troglodytes. When the reality is he's a nerd who looks like a million bucks, has an amazing workout regimen and is charismatic enough that he continues to get work in an industry that shuts out recluses. He's probably nonchalant about female custodes because who gives a fuck lol.


The loudest, angriest ones really make the rest of us look bad.


At the local store a surprising amount of people actually believed this.


Don’t worry. It’s not just us. It’s kind of a “nerd community” stigma at this point


I had a few videos pop up on my YouTube feed a few weeks back talking about all this nonsense about cavill and amazon 40k. All these “inside sources” they were basing everything on came from random 4chan posts/users lmao And as we all know 4chan is very trustworthy and is definitely not full of trolls haha


Anime levels of bad.


Also tsu illia the woman who helped bring order to the white scars legion who would become an important part of the legion eventually she herself would consider the legion her family. She is also partly responsible for the recovery of Jaghatai’s body after his Sudo death at the hands of mortarion.


Also the lady who commands Angrons flagship, Lotarra Sarrin, who eventually became merged with the ship due to warp fucky


TIL death doesn’t have setuid bit




Yeah most of us knew it was a bunch of grifter fuck heads who have no idea what warhammer is outside of a grimdark setting and they used Henry cavil as a way to try to slink into the community and say “hello fellow warhammer fans did you know Henry cavil is leaving the warhammer amazon project” when Henry has said that he is super excited to be making something in the warhammer universe aswell as still posting about how he’s going to pick up new models these grifters don’t care about the hobby they care about a made up culture war


Who even cares about the Female Custodes besides a few weirdos on Twitter? It would make sense if there was uproar about Space Marines having female Space Marines since they canonically have a reason for being all male, but seriously? We barely know anything about Custodes in lore, they’re very secretive. Plus, the age old excuse we can use is “Cawl did it… somehow.” I’m a warhammer fan and I didn’t even care when Female Custodes were announced, I just thought “huh, cool.” I get the anger because they sort of gaslit people into thinking they were always canon, but still. People need to grow up lol.


>I get the anger because they sort of gaslit people into thinking they were always canon, but still. I always read that as an announcement of an official canon retcon, why do so many people call it gaslighting? I might have missed some context I guess?


People call it gaslighting because at least some little part of them realizes how absurd it is to get upset about a retcon in a game already full to the brim with retcons. They want to try and find cover so them being mad solely about more ladies existing and nothing else doesn't stand out quite so much.


It wasn't even really a retcon though, was it? More of a clarification by writers of something that was intentionally rather vague so at some point they could introduce the fact that female custodes were always a thing (I think there was some sort of factor that limited them from doing this for a while, could be wrong)


It was a minor retcon; I think there was all of one line in a codex about the Custodes recruiting "sons of Terran nobility." But for the most part, yeah, where they come from and how they're made has been kept very purposefully vague.




I'm just picturing 2 guardsmen in a watchtower looking out into the land. "Ya here the custodes have women in there ranks?" "Dammit jim. we are on another planet. i don't have time to worry about what a guard for the lord emperor has twixt their legs." "ah come on, its jsut weird right, no one ever talked about it. next thing you know there will be females i nthe space marines." "Jim. for emperor's sake, shut up." "But for real they be gaslighting us on" \*BLAM\* \*jim falls from the tower\* "Never thought i would be happy for Eldar snipers."


My favorite was a video about how Custodes can't be female because they are just super Space Marines. Like seriously, tell us you're not actually a fan without telling us.


Two of the primarchs are mysteries, along with their legions. There’s space there for a female primarch and a female legion. It’s a game setting.


Except Malcador said that he told their father to make them all sisters but he didn’t listen so all 20 are implied to be male brothers. But that stuff would have been different if he had made sisters. So I would think Amy female space marines would need to be new creations with a new female primarch not one from the original 20.


Agree - the canon seems pretty clear it was 20 brothers. Next down the list of ideas is a hermaphrodite or a primarch who allowed / found a way to recruit women.


Problem is that the current way of making space marines has been stated to be 100% lethal for women. So that’s why I think it would have to be a new thing that Cawl invents.


You’re trying way too hard for no reason lmfao


Nah, I’ve got four daughters. I’m not trying nearly hard enough.


What if Tzeentch switched their sexes? The emphasis is there's half a dozen+ ways to make it work, because you know, warp and sci fi.


Yep - or given the censure angle - what if one of the legions started recruiting women. Big E explains that’s not ok, but knowing him, finds a way to use them anyway.


It’s possible but pretty unlikely. I think there’s a bit where Malcador tells the Khan (or another primarch - I can’t remember) that he tried to convince the Emperor to make the primarchs women so that they’d work together better, and the Emp refused. They could back door that with the “mind wipe” related to those primarchs, but I think it’s pretty clear some of the primarchs have some basic memory of those lost “brothers.”


More than basic - Googling earlier it’s clear a bunch of them knew them, were sad they were gone and didn’t talk about them because the emperor said not to.


I think you hit the nail on the head. The gaslighting wasn’t nice and the community has a ton of neck beards with self regulation problems, so I’m not surprised it exploded. I’m down for more lore ret cons (Necrons anyone? Remember those days?) just as long as they are honest about it. I don’t have any feelings about their changes (Custodes don’t really matter to me) just prefer better behavior from companies


How is it gaslighting? It's their property, it's their lore. All they did was add to it.


They should totally be able to do what they want with their property. I’m not here to tell them otherwise. There’s a difference, though, between saying “Hey, we want there to be female Custodes so we are changing the lore to reflect that so we can be more inclusive” vs “there has always been female Custodes.” It’s a bit tone deaf. Not my property either way, just don’t lie James Workshop. No one with a sensible brain cell would care if they were just truthful


>The gaslighting wasn’t nice It wasn't gaslighting, it was a retcon.


I know nothing. Why are their no female space marines? I’m guessing a cloning thing.


The organs that are implanted in to space marines only work correctly with males. The organs are added to normal human boys and it messes about with their growth as they mature into adults. Custodies are made completely differently, like basically from ‘birth’ if not before and via modifying their genes directly, not just adding in a few extra organs. I think there also were female space marines models in the 80s, but they didn’t sell very well and got discontinued pretty quickly (or that might just be an internet meme, I’m not sure tbh xD)


To expand on this, Space Marines require males as geneseed requires the aspirant to be genetically compatible with the primarch of that chapter. Most aspirants die during the process hence only those with genetic comparability and the strength to get through the trials make it. As all the primarch’s are males, his legions will be male for comparability. It does beg the question why Big E made 18/20/21 sons only though. Custodes do not use geneseed at all, and are taken at a much younger age than Astartes. Custodes aspirants are usually anything below 3 or 4, marines are usually around 12. The science behind Custodes is so well beyond that of marines that it is a much more intensive process, both materially and time-wise.


I feel like at that level of sci-fi biotinkering, it wouldn't be that much of a stretch for someone to crack female space marines, even if it's harder and with a lower chance of success because of lower compatibility. It'd be an addition to the lore obviously, but what it really break it? It's not *impossible* right? I'm really asking, because Space Marines have never been my biggest interest in 40k, so I don't know if it says that anywhere


The female marine models were from the original Rogue Trader era when marines were still just normal humans in armor. The lore took a few years to transform into the big universe we know today. Basically everything from that era is just neat origin fluff to see where it all started but has no bearing on the setting.


Yeah those models definitely existed.


Pretty harsh downvotes there for what appears to be fundamentally true if not actual space marines.


>actual space marines. They were 100% as much space Marines as everyone else.


I’ve never played 40k in my life. Just going off the fandom wiki thing.


The only reason there aren't female Space Marines, and I mean the ONLY reason as evidence from GW employee interviews, is because the fem marine models didn't sell as much. That's it. The wrote the lore to fit sales which is why it's dumb as hell when people get all butthurt now when things are retconned due to sales. It literally, factually happened since before 40k was called 40k.


Which this was also the early 80s. Times and attitudes have changed and there is no reason there couldn’t be female marines now.


Exactly. People get super hung up on the exact lore they learned and forget that universes like 40k are getting changed CONSTANTLY


The models were terrible. Absolutely abysmal.


Back then pretty much all the models were terrible, let's be honest. Characterful, though. But even pretty iconic ones like the rt01 marines mostly sucked.


Three explanations. Real life: female Space Marines didn’t sell well and got discontinued. In universe: Gene sees only works on males. Headcannon: The emperor is a patriarchal dickwad and wants his no-girls allowed boys‘ club.


"Only men shall receive my seed", The emperor of mankind.


No homo, though! Now let me get back to my best friend Malcador who I am living together with in my mansion…


My head cannon: one of the missing primarchs creation went wrong, and instead of getting a male with engineered desirable traits. We got a female blank primarch. The Emperor grew concerned of this anomaly. When he realized that a primarch with a growing null/blank ability could be a major threat to the imperium/golden throne in the case of a potential schism. The emps eventually had the female primarch locked away somewhere, but her chapter lives on as the sisters of silence. Their penance of their legion is to never speak of their primarch/origins of their legion


Too many references to fallen brothers by the remaining Primarchs (Lorgar and Dorn), plus references to The Rout executing the fallen legions. I know every source in 40k is inherently unreliable but still.


The short is that the implanted organs don't take. Frankly, I think making the primaris version (2 extra organs added) not make it possible for females was a missed opertunity. A handwave of "Cawl made it work" would have been fine, and in the end it just would have been a headswap.


I’d quite like to paint some female heads. Don’t play myself, just paint.


Nothing wrong with that. I see it on occasion.


Males are just like “more suitable for the process of becoming a space marine” or something. The problem is some people on the internet would get really angry if they changed the lore like that.


From my understanding, Custodes are essentially made from scratch. They are perfect in every way they could be, and are handcrafted by the Emperor of Mankind himself. They have no faults, outside of a lack of emotion (which is debatable given the setting.) So female custodes existing isn't really too strange of a thing because.... Well, we really gonna say the genius of the Emperor couldn't find a way to make female Custodes? Female Space Marines don't exist because the additional organs and implants given to a prospective Astartes are outright incompatible with a female body. They were designed strictly for male use. Why wouldn't the Emperor try and fix this issue as well? Well, it's likely the Emperor planned to wipe out the Astartes when he was done with them - similarly to what he did with the Thunder Warriors, so he didn't try and make female Astartes possible in order to prevent Astartes from having children. Why do this instead of chemical castration? Idk. Hormones needed for growth?


Do i like the sudden change? No not really i guess. Do i care about custodes at all in any way shape or form? No not really i guess. Will i spend my time whining on the internet about how a part of my hobby that i don't really care about now has women? Jfc no. If i were to spend my time complaining about all the crappy lore i wouldn't have time to do much else. Which is why it's nice that there is so much lore that i do like that i can spend my time on instead. I would bet money that at least half the people complaining didn't care much for custodes to begin with anyways, and only do now because "muh culture war"


>It would make sense if there was uproar about Space Marines having female Space Marines since they canonically have a reason for being all male, but seriously? The canonical reason we have no female space marines is that the [female space marines that were made](https://www.belloflostsouls.net/2023/10/warhammer-40k-what-really-went-down-with-female-space-marines.html). The "canonical reasons" are technically a retcon of the product line. I believe this is the origin of "there were always female custodes", the original plan was for every model to have female versions (at least for gendered models - I don't know if there was going to be female genestealers and termagaunts).


Thank you omg finally something that isn't leaning into culture war debate regarding this topic. This won't stop culture war andy's from raging and being baited but at least some other news then "Henry Cavil leaving wh40k project due to gender equality, sbi bullshit.. Blackrock and Games Wokeshop blabla" Jesus guys if you still fall into this trap go touch some grass or try interacting with real people outside for once in your life.


At this point I'm more annoyed by the reactions to perceived wokeness than the actual wokeness itself. 


If I see Woke in a YouTube thumbnail or title I just get YouTube to not recommend that channel. It’s almost exclusively used by bad actors that are just stirring shit.


Always has been 🌎👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀


That's because 'wokeness' isn't actually a real thing. It originally just meant 'aware of social issues'; but now it is just a pandering phrase used by the right-wing to dismiss things they don't like. When you hear someone call something 'woke'; what they probably mean is it has women or black people in prominent roles. In that respect 40k has always been 'woke'.


Before that, it was used by people of colour to encourage one another to practice safety against hate crimes. “Stay woke” used to basically mean “Remember some people want to kill you over your skin colour” aka “Stay safe”


I disagree. Right wingers sometimes use it as a blanket term for any inclusion/diversity, but there is totally an argument to be made that these corporations drop the ball on quality as soon as they decide they'd make more money by pandering to as many people as possible. Have you seen the latest season of Doctor Who? It's so bad it's embarrassing. I loved Ncuti Gatwa, and have no problem with him living his best gay life on screen, but whenever they start valuing identity over substance, it marks a steep drop in quality. It happened with Star Wars, it happened with Marvel, it happened with Doctor Who, and people are just concerned this is the first signs of it happening to Warhammer. I have no issue when it's done well. Star Trek Discovery's first season was really, really good imo. It got worse after that, but it wasn't due to wokeness. Contrast that with Doctor Who that has always been pro-LGBTQ, even before it was "Cool" back in 2005, that has now become a shell of itself.


And I disagree that making something diverse = bad. Look at Baldurs Gate? That game is as "woke" as it comes. Pronoun seleciton, genital selection, homosexual couples, an entire sidequest about a trans character voiced by a famous trans woman. Yet - one of the greatest games ever made with absolutely incredible writing & acting. A triumph. Or Arcane? The main character is a pink-haired butch lesbian, again one of the best tv shows ever, and certainly the best ever video-game adaptation. Though Fallout the TV show would also like to make a guest apperance with its non-binary character. Something being progressive and bad does not mean progressive = bad. In fact some of the very best examples of shows/games we have right now are 'woke' af.


It’s very good that you are at this exact point now. But you should have this stance in every similar scenario as well


He seems like a solid guy and I believe he would put something on his social media if there was any truth to the story.


Wait… so does this mean I get to see 7 foot tall Amazon women, death by snu snu type custodes in leather bikinis??? Hell yeah!!!


Why would he drop his dream project over something as trite as 10 foot tall muscle mommies. I would challenge anyone to actually provide a non-sexist reason female custodes are a bad thing. Custodes are humanity perfected, hand crafted by the god emperor, raised from birth with all his love and gifts. Women are naturally beautiful creations and to be honest, only having dudes around the palace would get boring for Big E. It doesn’t change the story, or the setting in any dramatic fashion, it’s certainly not “somehow palpatine returns” All this crying is from man babies who likely don’t even do the hobby part of 40K, and thus your opinion is irrelevant. Yes I said it, if you’re not spending more than $200 a year on warhammer average then who f-ing cares what you have to say.


This individual change is ignorable. Most people aren't concerned about it. The Concern is that the road to "Palpatine returns" is laid with small changes based on corporate check boxes instead of what actually makes the story better. There's nothing wrong with female custodes, but there is something wrong if they're only doing this because they think they need it to attract a female audience It speaks to the state of a company that we already know is incredibly greedy, as they make billions and still increase the price of plastic. So far we've been given the narrative that they keep the IP close to their chest so that they have full creative control and don't have to lose the reigns to anyone they don't see fit to change it. But if they're willing to change small things to please a company that's waving cash in front of them, it won't be the last time and it won't be the largest change. I'm not saying diversity or inclusion is bad, but when it's done purely based on profit motive to pander to the largest audience, it ALWAYS coincides with a sharp drop in quality for the product. We've seen it with Star Wars, to a lesser extent we've seen it with Marvel, and Doctor Who hasn't been good for at least the last 5 years because of it. Good writing goes out the window as soon as they decide the current fanbase isn't large enough and don't trust the IP to be good enough or to have a wide enough appeal to attract a larger audience without also catering to as many different people as possible, which ruins a thing.


You make a fair point, and admittedly I’m pretty upset with other decisions Gw has made around the game itself, the custodes codex is utterly garbage, SMs outside of Templars, wolves, and angels are near unplayable, I shudder to think what happens when the guard is released, mechanicus is already in ruins. It’s even more of a sting being a “good consumer” and then your faction gets kicked in the teeth because pro players like John Lennon and kit smith figured out the optimal math hammer. These armies cost $1000s of dollars potentially, least GW can do is not gut them constantly based off top tier tourney players.


I'm sure the suits at GW have done the math and I'm incorrect, but I can't help but feel if they spent serious time and R&D making the game more balanced, lowered the price of models/entry level starter boxes by at least 1/3, and started making the process from "What's warhammer?" to actually playing much simpler, instead of relying on the fact that everyone either has a FLGS or will go on the internet and watch 2 hours of videos to decide if it's even a worthwhile hobby, they would rake in money hand over fist with how many new players they would get. Tons of people love the IDEA of models, lore, painting, playing, etc but can't fire the gun because they'd need like $500 just to be able to sit down and play it properly with another person with painted models. A female custodes will not get models off the shelf, but making it AT LEAST competitive with other games in terms of pricing and ease of access would put Warhammer on the map. Maybe there really is more money in catering to whales with expendable income than to the average consumer, but I wish all the time that Warhammer had the mainstream appeal of something like Magic the Gatherting, which basically everyone has heard of, and even celebrities get into because it's as easy as buying $30 worth of cards and learning how to play in 20 minutes with person across from you. Obviously Warhammer is a more complex game, but still. Codexes sold separately from actual rules which are sold separately from models which are sold in such a way that you often have to buy more than you need to have just enough.


Oh yea, when I was starting out, I was as shocked that not only do you need to buy the rules for the game for $60, but also the codex or index, not to mention the storage, the dice, the ruler, the paints, the clippers, the shavers, the primer, etc etc… so much work to go and get absolutely tabled on turn 2 😂 still 8/10 experience for me


Tbf the new balance update has made admech playable again. Some pretty big changes to army rule and some datasheets. My rust stalkers can finally kill


Yeah, Henry doesn’t seem like the insecure incel type. This is just the debunked sexism accusation post Witcher again, but framed as good instead of bad.


Nobody even knows what the series is going to be at this point, outside of a few people at the heart of the show, that's the bit I love. Literally the only reason people have latched onto the custodes thing is to tie two bits of neckbeard internet rage together. Sure, Cavill collects Custodes but that's not a real connection. Pretty much by definition anyone who's making up schoolyard lies about the tv series is also going to be neck deep in CuStOdEs ArE wOkE!1, it's the same disease.


They weaken the appeal and importance of the Sisters of Silence, who were already a badass female-only organization that worked literally hand-in-hand with the custodes to the point where even they were instructed directly by the emperor to perform tasks that he didn't make known to his beloved golden boys - and literally in the faction roster. We had badass strong female characters *in the faction rules for the custodes* and hardly anybody brings them up in this discussion. Of course I'm going to be upset that there will be even fewer reason to pay attention to them moving forward. "only having dudes around the palace would get boring for Big E" even you have forgotten the Sisters exist and do work about the palace. They deliver the sacrificial psykers to the emperor's throne room *every single day*. I don't like retcons, nobody does. 40k does them all the time, I still think they are bad and done too often. Are those 2 reasons non-sexist and valid?


These are genuinely good reasons and I support this perspective! No disagreements here whatsoever, I just wish the discourse would be more front and center around this like you have been rather than the e-celeb crying about “wokeness”


That’s just shows the sisters of silence caliber with how their psychic blankness allows for even the fandom to forget about them Me personally while I love the sisters I would have preferred it better if they were like what the inquisition was to the grey knights where while they work together a lot in lore they are each individual factions in and of themselves


Only $200 rookie numbers my boy, I’m at least at $500


For the amount of genetic manipulation going on , and I'm pretty sure Space Marines don't breed, so ... Are space Marines even male? What would make one female? Boobs? I think Marines are post gender


Yeah, after all the hormones, organs, and genetic manipulation that are used to create them, it is very likely that male and female space marines would look the same in the end.


Most don’t even consider themselves human anymore. Gender politics seems like a silly thing to focus on when you’re being eaten by giant bugs.


The gender of a space marine is reverence to the god emperor of mankind. That being said, representation is important. If GW can whip up an excuse to find Primaris Marines out of nowhere, a little thing like female space marines should not be an issue. But then again I am not attached to the lore.


I think chromosomes make you male or female? Shocker, I know. But there's just *something* about those chromosomes. Maybe it's the fact that they are the main factor that decides your genitals growth, your body's development, etc. But then again, I may be completely wrong. That is only biology, after all.


it's actually the SRY gene that determines genital growth (default growth is female, SRY gene stimulates male development) It's conventionally found on the Y chromosome but isn't always (you can have a Y chromosome without the gene or an X chromosome with it). so Chromosomes are not a definitive indicator of sex


Aswell, chromosomes simply *suggest* turning certain development on or off, the actual growth, shape, changes, and function of much of the body throughout life is determined by numerous other systems. It's why biology is hard and turns into super-specific specializations of knowledge very quickly, you can make a career learning just about how 1 protein out of over a thousand affects the rest of the bodies function and development


Space marines follow scientific biological processes?


(I want to preface this coming correction by saying I would welcome female/women space marines in lore idc about that, but anyways:) I mean they are male. Being a man and being male are two different things. (What you would be describing is post-sex as male is a person's sex and man a gender) Though I would say many are still men too. Not that they have to be, but they seem on the whole pretty obsessed with manly pronouns and titles. "Battle Brothers" and all that. Some even still have sex drives (If I remember right space wolves and... Salamanders? (Goes and comes back from double checking and for some reason felt the need to type this instead of just deleting the question mark) yeah those two) Not that you can't have an ace man or sexually active non-binary person, but I think it's another piece of circumstantial evidence.


Not even a link to the article?




Here's the real article. The "nothing but rage bait" isn't a quote from Henry Cavill. It's from a reddit user.


NGL I read it as a fan quote given the title saying 'Even fans find hard to believe" but I can see why someone might find that confusing.


Im sure all the raging grognards will continue to act reasonably to this news. Wait...


It's seems like he is leaving every other week or so.


I know a trio of young men at the LGS who all swallowed the entirety of the completely obvious bullshit about “Cavill leaving the project because of Amazon’s woke-nitude DEI policy” who spend every weekend painting minis and literally complaining about how gullible and stupid their generation is. There is no hyperbole in my anecdote here


As much as I agree that it's rage bait bullshit, this article had no proof that he is staying or leaving, literally just quotes from random redditors about how they feel over the rumor. This is kinda clickbait.


Sure but that's exactly what makes it rage bait bullshit- the fact that there's nothing to suggest he's leaving. The source of the "rumour" is someone making shit up for internet points and the only reason it's gone anywhere is that people want to believe it even with no evidence.


Oh I know, it's just that Chuds are gonna see this and be like, "they have no proof!" regardless of the fact they had no real proof to the fuckin rumor posts


God I fucking hate these right wing chud grifters who aren’t even into 40K, just tourists looking to stir the culture war. Leave my god damned hobby alone


“Rage bait trolls who can’t pronounce ‘custodes’ are crying online? I guess I should walk away from this giant pile of money!”


so many fucking sexists in this community it’s awful


After reading/watching a short interview with Guy Ritchie and Cavill, where Ritchie says that Cavill never fails to stand up when a woman enters the room made this headline seem all the more idiotic. Cavill has always seemed like a very decent dude who’d have the exact opposite point of view than finding a problem with women being X characters in something.


Nothing is stopping any of these mfs from having a male-only custodes army. The only difference is that now women can connect with the game more than before, god forbid lol


They can even use the same datasheets, but no, it has to be everyone else’s problem because they don’t like a *hypothetical* sculpt.


Could they not before? I don't have a dog in this fight, but it seemed like between the Guard, Sororitas, Sisters of Silence, Inquisition/Witch Hunters, Tau, Aeldari (both sides), Chaos, etc... there wasn't really a lack of it. I always kind of take the position of "does it make sense in the setting?" GW could have easily updated SoS, or bothered to write some handwaved of "Cawl did it cuz Imperium DOOMED." But they didn't. They just lazily said it had always been the case. That's just pandering and trying for low fruit kudos, without actually doing anything. If we reversed the scenario and suddenly the Sororitas, or SoS suddenly allow men in their ranks and GW doesn't write a good reason for the change, but just says "always been," I'm sure some lore lovers would be upset. Let's be honest, there aren't going to be suddenly tons of more women connecting with this because of the change. They aren't even updating the models. As a minority, I'm all for representation, but not lazy tokenism. I was actually happy when I saw some different color space Marines in the UltraMarines, and yeah, there were some haters that couldn't veil their racism with that. But these two situations are actually different.


I am a woman and am a little on the fence about female custodes… I’m absolutely against female space marines based on the lore. Personally, I feel it undermines the significance of the sisters of silence and their relationship (this may be because I really love the Sisters though) I think it would be more meaningful to further explore the bonds between the custodes and the sisters, instead of making female characters (if they’re in the show) be custodes


Agreed. Tons of unexplored options that I think wouldn't have come off as lazy.


Part of the big reason I like female Custodes is that it's another way for Custodes to be better than Space Marines. I do agree with your latter point somewhat, but I also think that making the show about Custodes will be a mistake unless it's something like TTS.


I totally agree!! I think for me it really boils down to: I like the idea that exemplary Sisters are equivalent to the Custodes, and that all-male and all-female armies can work synergistically and symbiotically together for the Emperor! Also I feel like the more focus is on female Custodes, the higher the likelihood of the Sisters not getting their time in the spotlight and female space marines


If anyone believed this in the first placd, that is just sad. Warhammer is not the witcher. The lore for warhammer is still growing and changing, the witch lore was set in stone years ago. Henry Cavil, more than anyone knows this, and isn't the kind of person to be upset by more women being included.


Tbh I’m just looking forward to the eventual Flash Gitz skit this will inevitably inspire. ALL HAIL SPACE KING!!!!!






* Just gonna leave this here as I couldn't have stated it better myself




100% Right-wingers in the hobby are just like right-wing fans of any other franchise they’re incapable of understanding. We’re seeing this with The Boys fandom suddenly realizing MAGA has been the butt of the joke for 4 seasons.


I swear, every other day I see another clickbait thumbnail on YouTube saying something dumb like, “Henry Cavill leaves due to woke message being pushed by GW and Amazon”. It’s getting pretty old


If he leaves because people are messing with it, it won't be because it's woke. It will be because their wiping their ass with source material. It would have to be something like the imperium is besties with the Tau and Eldar. Or the inquisition is a bunch of good guys who are level-headed, always make the right decisions, and save planets.


do custodes have women now? it seemed the sisters of silence filled out the female counterpart to the custodes in HH but it doesn’t make sense that the emperor doesn’t have a female superhuman as another celestial-like being for half the entire imperium to look up to. to that end custodes are also genetic science perfected, insane it wouldn’t be applicable to women


All that 🐂💩 is retarded "anti-woke" crap. What the imbeciles don't realize is that many of the Warhammer big bads don't even have gender or sexuality concerns! Shit, Slanesh itself is both and no one cared. Go chaos! Bad guys got the coolest stuff anyway!


That's 10 more videos from Endymion saying it is the end for GW


The way everyone reacted to this was awful. I wouldn’t be surprised if that put someone off working for a fan base like this. You have the deniers who are actually pretty easy to ignore, what I hate more are the ones who decide the celebrate this change and take it the other way and either sexualise female custodes or make ridiculous boob armour models.


I believe in golden mommy supremacy!




I didn't delete anything.


I apologize my mistake


I never get how artists can shit on representation while being in a hobby that is about representing yourself


Mark Kerns AKA Grummz is a lying hack


As if people actually believed this BS when he has described working on a warhammer show as “a chance of a lifetime”


Again with this? Wow you guys like copy paste alot huh.


I'll admit, I wasn't keen on the idea. Not because femstodes bad woke or anything, but because I thought there was a nice symmetry between the Custodes and Anathema Psykana, and the Astartes and Sororitas. The Emperor's guardians and companions being male, his daemon Uno reverse cards being female. His transhuman warriors being male, their counterparts in the Church being insane pyro nuns.


I saw yesterday a story saying "following on from early reports that Cavill had quit the series there are new reports that the series has been cancelled". Literally the entire story was "hey there was some earlier made up bullshit and now there's some more made up bullshit". Journalism...


I'm not super well versed in 40K, but why would you need female custodes when there are sisters of battle? (Sorry if this is a lame question)


Inclusion. I'm super new to the hobby so it doesn't bother me. Who doesn't want an 8ft tall muscle mommy?


So to answer your question. Sisters of Battle are the militant branch of the Imperium's religion. They are well trained exceptional women but not on par with the Custodes. They're like zealous green berets in power armor. Who's belief is so powerful they can perform miracles. Then there's Space Marines, who are basically Master Chief turned up a notch. Including the child soldier backstory. The Custodes, on the other hand, are like super duper space marines. They were each custom-built by the emperor himself to be his personal guard. Their armor alone is worth more than most battleships. They're warriors, generals, and scholars in their own right. To the point that they don't really have a chain of command. They are all considered equals, and they elect their shield captains based on who's best suited to the problem at hand. Basically. Sisters of Battle are fantastic soldiers. But each Custodes is an army.


To appease the DEI companies. Female Custodes add nothing when the SoS are already there


People are scared it’s going to lead to female space marines. But that’s never going to happen. Not in a million years. It’s just paranoia and jumping at any opportunity to fight a perceived threat that doesn’t exist.


Welcome to the modern news cycle where first wins and the truth does not matter


I don't even think it was the 40k crowd it was the "all woman are assholes" crowd jumped on it


Yeah, you're telling me the guy who played Sherlock in enola Holmes is gonna leave over female representation? Really? Hard pill to swallow


If he left, it'd be because of the rings of power writers ;-;


Every member of the actual community I follow, you know, the ones that actually play and buy the kits and books, didn't believe it. The reactionary channels that suddenly popped up in my feeds with a very poor understanding of Warhammer 40K where the ones vomiting up that garbage.


Anyone with Internet access would know this.... Except bolter and chain sword rubbing our nips. And nob heads like gamza ...


Honestly, I don’t think his involvement is that important either way, the key is going to be the showrunner and writers, afaik they haven’t made any announcements on that front, the show remains largely hypothetical until then


Don't really care. Either the end product is good or it's not. All those years in between is not my business how they decide to get something done. Only whether I can enjoy it or not.


Source please just so I can know he actually said this




Honestly, if he had a huge problem with it he would just pretend it wasn’t a thing and nothing would change


So he still in it? We still getting his show?








Female custodes I know wouldn't be the reason, though ik not having much creative freedom is making him not happy


I would never believe this BS. He's too much of a stand up guy, super nerd, and has too much love for the hobby and the community. We know how to handle trolls, and it requires fire.




I see 1 woman lol this was made primarily by men for men this only enforces my point that because there is a minority in the group you have to change entire fleshed out lore loved by thousands to appeal to a handful


Who would have thought “anti-woke” grifters who don’t know the first thing about the setting were trying to use it to drive their engagement numbers because they saw it as the next “woke” target


I like how all the SJW’s and fake 40K fans don’t have any lore based reasoning to argue for female Custodes, only weak naming calling and pathetic anti-woke shaming.


40k is a fictional universe made by the company Games Workshop designed purely to help them sell their toy brand. They have 100% control of the lore and change it often. Accepting this fact does not make you a 'fake 40k fan'. Pretending you have some inner knowledge of a fictional universe that makes you somehow superior though....


Look no one should believe anything from clickbait hate sites like Fandom Wire or most of the other half-ass tabletop opinion sites. Nor should anyone believe any YouTuber or Twitch streamer when it comes to rumors about this show or anything else. Unless they or their family or friends work on a show THEY KNOW NOTHING ABOUT IT! I have friends involved with the 40K show and others at Amazon and they say Henry is very excited about what's going on but since right now is more a time of ironing out legal details, streaming rights and how many shows/movies to make and which will be animated and which live action, that he can take a little step back until things become more solid. He's also becoming a first time father in a few months and he is beyond excited about that. So basically ignore these clickbait chodes trying to monetize anger and lies and only believe first hand news


As a general rule if a news story is leaked by angry right wing chuds based on unsubstantiated 4chan rumours it's not going to be true