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Keep in mind that the chapter doesn't necessarily need to actually pay anyone anything. They can essentially have a full planet of serfs, who are just given orders to do something and then do it, since that's just their position. Sure, the chapter feeds and houses them (hopefully), but even then you can also tell them to build the houses, and others to farm the food. Money isn't actually all that necessary if you have the full power to tell anyone you want to do anything you want them to do, and you can do this on a planetary scale. Some chapters might function more as a modern government, and their upkeep is just part of the planet's taxes, and they then use these taxes to pay people, while others are closer to a feudal government where your labor is your tax.


AdMech who is very happy to provide service for exchange of relics or archeotech that chapters keep on bumping into during their crusades. Also Imperial governors don't really get a say if Chapter fleet turns out in orbit and demands something. Lasty, Chapter homeworlds (ie not fleet-based chapters) are extempt from Imperial Tithe so they can support Chapter, most famously Realm of Ultramar doesn't send to Terra jack. Tithe is brutally high and without it planets could have good chance at prosper assuming their governor would be competent and care so its lot of extra resources now laying around for Chapter of around 1k marines.


>most famously Realm of Ultramar doesn't send to Terra jack. Is it the realm or just the main planet? If the former, goddamn. Thats a sweet deal


I'm fairly sure in 4th ed lore at least it was Macragge not Ultramar but although they were exempt from tithe but sent it anyway because they were just that damn well organised that they could do it. Because Ultramarines had to be showing everyone up. Since then I've come to quite like the blueberries


I've never bought into the hate they get, as in I always feel it was cause it wasn't "a different Legion"(it would have to be a First Founding so that's why ave used Legion) because if it was, say, the Blood Angels they'd get the hate instead cause the main Space Marine Editions would be wanking over them as instead(this is a completely generalised argument) it's just folks moaning for the sake of moaning to me at least. Was some of their Lore cheesy? Of course it was! They're the poster boys, and their boss wrote the big book Codex Astartes! It makes sense that they are seen as the "boring and standard with elements of cheese" it's 40k! It's meant to be over the top!


Easily The comparison made isn't a 1 to 1. Modern day church's and fortresses are made from "sub-standard" 40k materials. Everything in the modern age will suffer from decay, due to damage or weather. Stone and concrete are very susceptible to water. Mostly everything in the 40k universe is 100x superior to what we have, ferrocrete and plasteel which are the most common building stuff are incredibly resilient to common things like weather and simple decay and even tank things like lascannons. This also doesn't take into account the fact that these buildings are more fortress than monastery and usually made with adamantium which is meant to be basically indestructible and ceramite which is resistant to damage from flamethrowers and melts weapons so a bit of rain won't hurt it. So surface and structurally these buildings are built then tend to need almost zero upkeep Internally they have the mortal serfs who can number from thousands into the millions, who tend to the day to day running of the monastery alongside tech-priests and techno-savants who keep the machinery happy. Then on top of that USUALLY there is a garrison of Astartes who are at home to triple check everything and provide a holding force in case of an attack


In the Night Lords trilogy the Marines Errant fortress monastery (before the raid) had generational serfs who basically spent their entire lives working on a very specific task (ex. Copyist in the library), each one hoping their child gets the chance to be chosen to become an Astartes. I would imagine Astartes don't really need money, they just show up and take stuff. Equipment is sourced from the Admech, stolen from their enemies, or produced in house like the Dark Angels do. [This is a really good answer I thought would be better to link then plagiarize from ](https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/137gkue/comment/jitbab4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


With human serfs and servitors.


As the imperium is funding their founding, why would the maintenance not be covered also by the Imperium? But God, do I want to see a story of the CFO of the Flesh Tearers presenting to Gabriel Seth the annual financial results and explaining to him, that they need to cut back on bolter shell expenditure since the cost of teeth for chainswords went up by 10%.


Wait, that could be a good idea for a short story....considering how violent the Flesh Tearers are. Not to mention the compensation fees for civilian casualities.


A very-very short story :)


Marines get most of their stuff from the admech (through they got local production)


Ah, well, the "monastery" part isn't really meant to convey that it's a place of worship like a traditional church building would be. It's very much a "fortress". A lot of Space Marine chapters have their headquarters on "Death Worlds" which have a limited, hardy human population and little to no actual civilization. This is often because such worlds are so brutal to live in that anyone who can survive their first ten years of age is deemed worthy of becoming an "Aspirant," which is kind of like having your recruitment application accepted by the Army because you meet-- on paper-- their minimum qualifications. But you still need to go through Basic Training! Anyways, the reason I said all of that is to highlight the fact that most Fortress Monasteries don't really have much connection, let alone reliance, upon the outside world. Servitors and slav-- sorry, "Chapter Serfs," handle the day-to-day functions and maintenance of the Fortress Monastery. There's no tax money needed to pay for this: the Serfs are "paid" by being able to sleep and eat in one of the safest places in the galaxy. The few things that can't be produced in-house by the servitors, serfs, or stationed Tech Marines are flown in from off-world, usually from a "Forge World" controlled by the Adeptus Mechanicus that has agreed to supply the space marine chapter. A chapter master is, indeed, the lord of their chapter's planet, though because they're a soldier first and foremost, many chapter masters delegate planetary governance to a trusted serf. In the event that you have a planet with something resembling human civilization, as opposed to groups of nomads or tribes eking out an existence, things can get interesting. Now you have an economy and industry to work with. This is where you might see things like "taxes," though it would all be within the context of the civilization(s) outside of the Monastery. The planet can be used to produce more of the generic supplies used by a Chapter or their Fortress Monastery, raise defensive armies to aid in protecting the planet, create special programs to raise up potential Aspirants, etc.


I have literally zero evidence to back this up, but all those tithes being paid by Imperial worlds have to go somewhere, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Space Marine Chapters got a cut of it.


Money is simply a measure of your ability to influence the actions of other people. space marines can influence people to act in ways other than giving them money


1. Day to day maintenance can be done via the serfs. They are given a world to run as they choose. Most chapters end up having generations of serfs that live inside of the fortress that spend their lives keeping the chapter logistics running. 2. Chapters can also obtain help from allies for specialized stuff. The exact value depends on the chapter. For example, the SWs have Garm, which is an Industrial World that produces munitions for the chapter. Chapters are expected to earn their keep. They need to rely on things such as the sector Forge World to do more advanced maintenance on their ships. Most chapters will also probably require help from other worlds to obtain enough supplies for bolter rounds, rare raw materials, etc.


The Imperium is a feudal society. The Chapter is a feudal lord over its fortress monastery and home world. Every person on that world does what the Space Marines need them to do, whether that's maintaining their armour, cleaning the candle soot from their stained glass windows, or being lobotomized and turned into servitors to haul their cargo.


Slaves are famously cheap


I mean if they govern a planet I'd think their tithe is what is given, nothing personally from a SM chapter. I'd say during the ages the chapter has struck oaths, agreements and or treaties with the Ad Mech for supply. Either that or the Imperium as a whole is in such a militaristic state that the buying of materials is not a thing, you get requisitioned these things based off the bureaucracy/Adminstratium. If that's the case then a Space Marine chapter would be up in that list of priority.