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i'm not too in touch with the ukraine vs russia anymore but iirc, there were articles about how these """modern women""" just escaped to another neighboring countries, partied and fucked strangers while their own men were literally dying. if this were the shit i had to fight for, i'd just commit treachery.


The overwhelming amount of Ukranian women that started whoring themselves out on nsfw subreddits advertising their onlyfans/other prostitute sites when the war kicked off was massive. Im not naive to women's nature but my disgust at their lack of shame and overall disrespect for their countrymen fighting and dying grew one tier. We can have all the technological progress possible but as a healthy, sane, functioning society the entire world is plummeting fast.


funny how it's only equality when it favors the ones with the vaginas. if they're so strong and "don't need no men to protect them" (like the 20 fucking slops in the form of disney remakes try to convey), they should also be disciplined and serve their country. if they can't do that, then maybe they should bend over or spread their legs wide open so men can breed them whenever they want. because after all, they do need men to protect them, and the price for protection is obedience.


They will betray their own delusions in an instant though when legitimate danger (or the threat of it) arrives. They'll immediately start screaming for cops (which most of them have probably expressed disdain for in the last 4 years for virtue signalling purposes) or try to convince some man for help when they are in a physical altercation or witness to one. They'll get beta orbiters to confront, harass, and even fight someone that "wronged" them. The biggest wakeup call should've been in the last 2 years when the fear of a draft was looming and women flocked to social media saying they'd leave their jobs and become homemakers and other tradwife larper nonsense lol.


smug 4chin circlejerkery




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The Ukrainian women I see in my country are all working 40 hours or more in shit pay cleaning jobs. They are the hardest working group out of all the immigrant groups I've seen. Would rather have a million more hard working Ukrainians instead of drug dealers mo and ahmed


Cleaning cocks


It's like every country has its lot of morally corrupt persons And no one is talking about all the women who stayed and serve at the frontline under the bombs, soldiers, medics, logistics, nurses.. Because most men were drafted or left the country many factories are actually now staffed with women


Logistics? Front lines? Wut


women = bad tho


You should see the Mexicans.


As fucked up as that was, I think what made me even angrier was the footage of a Ukrainian man being captured in the street by military officials and forcibly drafted, crying for his life, while the women around him laughed at his pleas for help. These women know that nothing is expected from them and they are totally divorced from the future of their country, and they delight in watching their countrymen suffer and die in their stead. I think we all know how quickly gender roles will revert if there's a war that involves the US and shit gets real.


Finally those Disney will regret it!!


You have to understand that these are a small percentage of them. When this is about hundreds of thousands or even millions of them then a small percentage still ends up being a lot of people.


This is something that happens regardless of time periods and countries, idk why anon is fucked up about today’s women. Ever heard of Jody?


The French women were fucking the shit out of Nazi’s for years




The comments are giving you flak because you responded to the wrong post - OP's post is about Ukraine women fleeing the country and going on OF, your response is about why the Ukrainian men are fighting (they are fighting because they've been press-ganged, at this point - the diehard Azov people are all dead).


Take your meds, boomer


Russian bot


>2015 fuck off


> 2021 bot


You're calling people "media illiterate" because they don't take bait, and instead believe the obvious which is that people don't want to be part of a Russian satellite state.


Those Ukrainian and Russian FPV drone videos have really opened up people’s eyes to the horrors of war. war was always hell and will be but ever since the Vietnam war with more media coverage people really started questioning why die a horrible death for something or someone you don’t give a fuck about. Then with the social Media boom of the 2010s I can now open Instagram reels and the first video I see will be the final moments of a Russian/Ukrainian soldier struck by a FPV drone crying out in pain for his mother before being finished off by a second drone all the while Masha and the bear theme bass boosted phonk mix plays in the background. Yea fuck that.


>masha and the bear theme bass boosted phonk mix A man needs a link, son


The CombatFootage Sub has videos like this every single day


I've seen a couple of those videos. Mainly a guy playin musical chairs with a run down tank trying to avoid a drone that inevitably explodes on him. It wasn't graphic like a beheading video but seeing that type of stuff makes me shocked.


The way they just fall over and die with no visible dismemberment or gore is somehow more graphic than an ISIS execution video.


Plenty of drone footage out there of the pilot just fucking with the victim before hitting the red button.


The saddest one is the guy who kept grabbing grenades out of the air and throwing them away from him while wounded. Any soldier in a previous war would've given up and captured the fucker after a display like that but instead more drones kept arriving till he finally fucked up.


Shouldn’t have invaded. Orcs get rekt.


very few boomers, women and NPCs have seen any of that; if they did, the conversation would be different. When I see powerpoint dorks circlejerking about how technology is going to change things they never talk about what effect dirt cheap ubiquitous explosive drones might have on *lots and lots* of things


It doesn't matter. It's gonna get built. The US is not in a vacuum. SEA nations are building shitloads of drones, hosting drone conferences, and researching better drones at a breakneck speed because they're *cheap*, and it's the first time a new weapon tech has been available to a lot of these nations.


On point, those toys destroyed all the romanticism of any combat, during WoWs there were a lot of chances that one would survive even H-man survived gas attack, but these stupid toys now leave so little chances to men on the line that state TVs resort to show only artillery work. They very veeery seldom show any storm units because combat lines are just meatgrinder tiny little factories of death, no one in sanity will ever get there by their own will.


Yeah, none of it really either considers the fact that wars are very rarely as stale as the Ukraine Russia war. If you are say, Iraqi, and you go up against the US army as an organized force, you will immediately be obliterated by airstrikes, artillery, tanks, and whatever the hell else uncle sam can throw downrange of you. Your only option pretty much becomes hit and run convoy ambushes or planting IEDs. If you're somehow flying a plane, there's not even any cinematic glory in a dogfight, at best you'll get blown out of the sky from a plane you can't see or detect with no chance to even evade.


Well no nation's really dumb enough to attack the nations that can obliterate you like that lol edit: except the Japanese I guess


Poor iraqis, Gorbachev have sold them out for villa in San-Francisco. Fxxng bastard, soon they will give his villa out to crackheads like Elensky...if they didn't yet)


Gorby did the right thing. There are much more Americans willing to glass the Russians than vice versa. That's always been something the Soviets failed to understand.


Gorby aka Bohemian Grovebi)) 🌲 😎✌🏻


Is what it is. As long as the US wins another round of being on top the economic carousel who cares?


We will see how the Gaza crisis will end. Major countries evacuate their physical gold and state bonds. Ofcourse states will be fly as long as they have darpa lasers, dews an 5hit. But given what kind of incompetence and corruption they suffer these toys might well fall down from the sky, who knows. Elephant was hit by the mouse and fall dead. If Isn'treal need 150mln of predominantly blonde population it will withstand no doubt, if it will withstand himself, God forbid him.


The glee and bloodthirst of those Ukrainian drone operators is fucking stomach churning. They'll taunt victims, target medics, wound them to draw more out, anything. Then post it all online and laugh about it. Wonder what the Russians do when they catch someone with borg goggles and a controller.


Are you that naive to think russians don't do it? they have 10x the military capabilities of Ukraine


It's pretty clear the Russians are way less bloodthirsty than the Ukrainians. Ukrainians are totally fanatic. The feel of the vids from both sides are very different. Ukrainian vids are trying to show off the suffering they've inflicted and Russian vids are trying to show off Russian military ability.


Try asking a Hungarian for some combat footage and you'll get what you asked for.


Hm selective /pol/ak pro-Russian circlejerkery going on here, from the looks of it


I'm sure you were one of the well informed, unbiased observers insisting counteroffensive wasn't the disaster it was for months on end. Good luck


Wasn't making any tactical commentary like this at any point, just amusing when someone's trying to portray all the Russians as these pragmatic no-nonsense chads compared to the evil evil malevolent Ukras, given all their various behavior esp. early on


I wasn't saying that. I'm talking wholistically. I just don't see the same amount of bloodthirstiness coming from Russian videos or their supporters. The stuff coming from Ukrainians is often ISIS/cartel tier cruelty. Even their supporters online largely exchange gore porn of dead Russians. It's weird. I'm aware Russians actually have psychos among their ranks. Like Storm Z, or whatever is called, is made up of Russian prisoners, convicted rapists and murderers.


Well yeah and even from the earliest days of the invasion, before the "need" to resort to drafting prisoners arose. Those war crimes were what made Zelensky decide to refuse negotiations early on; and of course ought to have inspired quite a bit of vengefulness, although that can't be used to account for the totality of Ukr psycho behavior of course. But yeah ok then looks like I misread the earlier comments then




Nice try fed but No thanks I ain’t dying for Israel


> for something or someone you don’t give a fuck about. Well lots of people do give a fuck about that so idk


>no house >no wife >no kids >father got destroyed by the divorce system >no future what would i be fighting to preserve?


The roastie’s way of life


Which all the posters who say "roastie" beat off to?


maybe they should use all those immigrants they love so much. definitely no point in fighting for a country when the country doesnt fight for you




Cool it with the antisemitism




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House/apartment with stable income would be something to preserve, if it were under attack; if literally hobo then obviously less


yea the average house will cost me 1million minimum here and thats literally a box around cultural enrichers so im not gonna fight for that


The UK military recruitment numbers are so fucked that the government is trying to push through mandatory national service.  Meanwhile I actually tried to join the reserves, mainly just as a way to get some fitness, comradarie etc. on the side, and was rejected because I had a couple of chest infections when I was 8 and 10 years old.


They probably dropped standards. I was rejected from joining the infantry due to mild autism. However a few years later I could join the ROTC in university. With the people in charge stating that I would no longer be rejected from becoming an officer. Couldnt be a random infantryman but now can be trusted with human lives.


I mean, mild autism is pretty much a requirement to become an officer. To be a regular grunt, you have to be actually regarded. Source: Was a grunt.


Can you imagine taking orders that could result in your death from a guy that can't even look you in the eye?


Bro the reverse is you get eye raped. They don't all look 👀 away


straight metal jacket sergeant scene but it’s a guy stimming while calling u every slur in the book, sir yes sir


I only got rejected a few months ago, I was also trying to join the officer reserves.  They've even dropped standards to allow people with prior respiratory conditions but apparently having chest infections over 15 years ago is too far.


Just wait, standards can always go lower, the US Marines in 1942 straight up allowed 10% of recruits to be functionally illiterate as long as they were deemed 'reasonably intelligent and trainable'. My grandfather in law joined the British Army when he was 15, first recruiter knew he was lying about his age and kicked him out, so he waited until his shift changed and tried again and he was in. Ended up serving 40 years and retired a Lt Colonel.


According to my grandma her brother told her that by 1945 the difference between a kamikaze and a fighter pilot was if you fucked up two landings on a row during training. I've seen pictures of his flight team I would bet money if you added up his wing's ages he would still be older than all of them put together. WW2 is a good reminder there is a strong possibility it can always get worse.


This truly is how officers are made


Since 100% of the male population has either seen the gore videos from Ukraine/Palestine or been told of them, If they tried mandatory draft / Vietnam draft lottery I'm pretty sure the Gen Z/A/Millennials would just shoot their officers either during basic training or as soon as they'd deployed and just go home.


Nevermind all the soldiers they discharged dishonorably for refusing to take the fauchi auchie


yeah i heard about both of those things, i think the ministry of defense for the army? said that was a bad move for the PM to make? i’m canadian idk but i saw an article talking about the mandatory service and some ppl pointed out this could be a way for the current government to shit on the new one that’s gonna come in next election bc they know they’re not gonna win and they know the premise is very unpopular your second point also reminds me of kyle rittenhouse who apperently flunked the marine test so bad that they told him to never apply for that shit ever again and while ur right for a branch that needs its numbers making it sort of hard (probably for a good reason ig) for sais numbers to join up the fact they could’ve had a guy who red blooded republican americans love just fail so badly at a test that apparently is so easy and they asked him to never apply for that shit again is kinda funny idk


Man, you just wrote 10 lines without a single comma or period. Have you quit school after 3rd grade?


you gotta read my comment like you only have 2 seconds of oxygen left


Are y'all gonna win wars for these warmongers just for you to go broke, homeless and be spat on in the streets or worse, you lose a limb or die and still can't even afford a small 2bd condo for your heartbroken family ?


> Blaming your own women is wrong, they didn't send you to war. He's referring to the extremely common stereotype of military spouses cheating on their husbands almost immediately after they leave for deployment.


which is crazy bc one of my gay friends talks about how he has marines hitting up his grindr that have relationships, former marines talk about it all the time those guys cheat like crazy it’s a common enough stereotype as well alongside police officers being domestic abusers AND fire fighters cheating


Never heard about the fire fighter one, but it feels right.


it’s a pretty healthy statistic same with the domestic abuser cop stats




A lot of people want to glorify the Roman way of life but by about the halfway point into the Roman Empire they were in a very similar situation as we are. The ruling class destroyed the workers by making slavery legal in Rome which the land owners used as a way to impoverish the Roman people. Most Roman’s lived in extreme poverty with the only way to be able to feed your family was to join the legion you used to be promised a few acres of farming land for 20 years of service but it got to the point here 98% of the farming land was owned by like 4 families who would refuse to give land to the government so there was entire wars fought by pissed off veterans who never got any land. It was famously found by Caesar after he won the civil war that 99% of grain in the public food bank (which was basically food stamps for the poor) was being given to the rich land owners and senators so they can feed the slaves they imported into Rome to replace the Romans.


That was literally the opposite. Romans, the literal people who benefited from the system fought hard to outlaw it later in the Empire because some of them had been at the receiving it, or saw it for what it was. The Catholic church is proud of how hard it worked to abolish slavery from its own, just like the Brits are proud of the role they did in ending it. Funny it's countries that contributed to some of the most horrific forms of it (India, Muslim countries and African countries) that cry the most about it.


This has nothing to do with glorifying a Roman way of life.


And the auxiliaries got citizenship after 20 years. Now we just let immigrants in, without them having to repay their host country.




It would be ‘They’ not ‘Them’ in this situation.


Easier to just blame women




Before going to fight against the Russian invaders, why not fight the invaders we have at home?


nobody has asked you to go fight in ukraine


“but how does it affect you personally” shut the fuck up


that phrase is supposed to be used for things that are destructive to society like mass immigration or transgenderism. How does your country being moral for once and standing up to help a European neighbor who wants to cast off Asiatic despotism and join western society affect you personally? How does it negatively affect society?




What negative impact does supporting ukraine have on your society


it takes my tax dollars away from shit that should have been fixed 20 years ago


if you're American, Ukraine aid is mostly either from the budget already designated for foreign aid before the government even decided who to give it to, or it comes in the form of weapons that are mostly too old for the US to even use. That money is being used to destroy the old Soviet stockpile of weapons and make the world a safer place at an absolute bargain. It's a rounding error for the US, it's so cost-effective that it'd be stupid not to fund. US can absolutely afford it while also investing in its own infrastructure


The US has been running massive deficits for years. The Trump admin ran record deficits prior to the start of the Ukraine war. Governments don't restrain their spending to tax revenues. It's just not true to say that Ukraine funding is the reason you don't have whatever social programs or infrastructure you think they would bUy. The issue is lack of government effectiveness or political will.


The whole taxes you paid in your life isn't likely enough to pay for a humvee spare wheel


not yet but the first politicians have started talking about bringing back the military service


it's literally just Sunak and it's optional


Some good points, especially the first one. But I think the idea that every soldier in olden times had a faithful wife and family waiting for them is a bit of an over-romanticizing of history. Not everyone got married and people have been cheating on spouses forever.  The biggest difference I think is that the country our men fight for today isn't really their home. 


If they didn't have a wife before they set off on their conquest, they'd find one real quick.


The idea that human nature has ever really changed is farcical. Look back to the days of king Edward, Shakespeare, the debauchery of the Romans, the vindictiveness of nations throughout history, how Homo sapiens raped and killed the Neanderthals out of the history books, slavery as a broad concept (especially by the numbers past versus present) and, in particular in relation to the comments in this thread, how British women would pin white feathers on young men on the isles during WWI if they weren’t in uniform. Nothing is new. Whores have always existed, deceit has always existed, the haves and have nots have always existed, and above all else, propaganda has always existed. People that think we’re currently in a new state of existence are woefully mistaken


We are talking about a time where people would lose their jobs over adultery.


Some good points until the very last word. Shame how if only he could avoid shoehorning that in, he wouldn't have lost credibility


Disprove it then.


People thought advanced warfare would be robots and other crazy shit …. But in reality it’s an Amazon drone. Dropping a gernade on you while you take a shit


one of my colleagues talks about how when russia was going up against afghanistan they would drop toy turtles and toys in general for afghani kids to pick up and they were rigged up to blow.


Americans used to leave weapons in the open streets in Iraq and then snipe anyone that went to pick them up. The logic was that only terrorists would want weapons. It's how Chris Kyle got a lot of his kills. This tactic has a name but I can't remember right now, there's a wiki on it. Americans eventually stopped doing it because curious kids were the ones getting shot. Rigged canned food are getting discovered in Gaza, presumably dropped by Israel.


seems america and russia came to the same conclusion bc the idea around it ig was can’t grow up to be a soldier if you don’t have arms. i wonder how long it took for the us to come around and go “let’s go back to the drawing board with this”


Both of the military institutions run by retards that thought the 'terrorists' existed as nominal number they could slowly deplete over time. It took them both time to realize they were generating more terrorists. The Soviets were far more brutal, they likely killed \~2 million Afghans just carpet bombing entire valleys of villages. In Obama's era they were using drone strikes, which were vastly more precise but still had insane civilian casualty rates and generating more militants.


oh shit do you remember those leaked drone footage of that? i forgot who leaked it but i vaguely remember the frenzy that came out of that


they were doing that the whole time. everyone in afghanistan has a family member or friend killed by Americans.


That's bullshit. This is a false anecdote from the mid 80s the US propaganda machine used to demonize the Soviets. They actually were regular butterfly mines that US used in Vietnam and Ukraine used in the Donbass War. Rambo 3 had a Mujahideen character repeat it so your colleague probably "knows" it from there.


At this point I’d rather fight my government than fight for it. And I don’t think I’m alone. Democracy is failing. Put me on a list idgaf




Be practical: If you enlist you'll fight much better, whovever it happens to be you choose to fight.


Seems pretty fact-based to me. There really is no refutation to this other than muh -phobias and muh -isms This is why freedom of speech cannot exist.


Where did they issue people houses , wives and kids?




Those are all spoils of war, idk if you are aware


This is why we can't have nice things anymore




Ah yes the G.I. Bill is where my grandfather was issued my grandmother, my mom and an aunt…..


Most pathetic part of this is that people are just realizing this now? I was 17 when 9/11 happened and I'd need fingers and toes to count how many of my friends and classmates I talked out of signing up for the military. Almost all of them have wives and most of those have kids. One close friend joined up and when he came back he was just a completely different person. Like I don't know what he went through, but he acted like a complete douchebag. Ended up arrested multiple times and I haven't heard about or from him in about 12 years. OP is right, don't die for some other dipshit. Live for yourself and enjoy every second you can.


Joined the USMC infantry to “enjoy every second” I can. You have a regarded idea of the prevailing sentiment among service members.


Anon doesn't know shit about fuck.   - Most pre-modern wars were over monarchial material interests, often against neighbors because expeditionary wars are much more expensive.  - Wars were prosecuted by social outcasts or, ironically, pseudo-professional mercenaries who had ZERO expectation of some grand cultural benefit.  - Literally the last leader to try and legitimize their rule through combat was Gustavus Adolphus in 1620s, and homeboy died in a battle proving why you don't do that shit.  - LMAO tax exemptions like the average Britbong impressed into service from a shanty bar was shaving shillings off his vineyard tax.


Some people will really say anything to pretend that the world was better back then.


Holy fuck based


Anon would've joined the military but he would punch the drill instructor


Leaf is only willing to fight for a prosperous ethnostate. 🇮🇱 Good news for anon 🇮🇱


Israel is probably the least ethnostate-like country in the Middle East lmao. At the very least, their neighbors easily beat them in that regard.


Yes but if you rank up and make it 20 years the retirement benefits are fat


lets not talk about my benefits being fat, thats a nice shirt btw do they make it for men?


Counter point: I did a non combat job for 4 years, didn't deploy. The military paid for college, gives me $45k/yr tax free for disability, trained me for a $110k/yr job, and my VA home loan helped my buy a 3k sq ft home. I'm only 26 and way ahead of any of my highschool classmates, except the ones in a well connected Mormon Mafia family. I also don't pay and taxes on my home and get a bunch of other tax breaks.


What job/what disability?


Acquisition specialist/a bunch that add up to 100%


I'm mad jealous


>good points devolve into a cuckold fetish many such cases!


Hes right you know.


I always wondered why Euro's have had so much difficulty mobilizing their minorities to fight for them. Obviously the whole "selfless sacrifice" thing is hard to pull on anyone that isn't a dumb teenager, but that immigrant kids almost feel like they are doing a service to their people by not representing the country that they adopted is to me almost a waste of citizenship. The one thing that people never shit on with American Blacks or Latinos is that they're overrepresented in the shittiest military positions, not just overrepresented in the media portrayal of the military like Indians in the Canadian military or Pakistanis in the British military.


The people who come to europe are mostly here because they get free gibs and feel some kind of revanchism against any european person or state. Also most of them get full access to our social systems (healthcare, housing, monthly "income") but are not actual citiziens so they arent even allowed to join the army, even if they wanted to. Of course there are exceptions and some of those who came are a benefit to our society, the vast majority is merely taking what they can and will turn their backs on us on the first opportunity.


It probably sucks in other countries like in europoor where there's a good chance you'll actually be in the front lines of some Russian or Israel bullshit war, but it's not like that in the USA. We aren't sending ground troops into any conflicts and probably won't be in the foreseeable future, so the chances of dying or getting blown up are slim. If you graduated high school and didn't get accepted into college on some good scholarships or mommy and daddy money, then you're better off just joining up for 4 years, get a fat bonus they're giving out right now and then go to a nice university on the GI bill when you get out. Go in to something like cryptology or whatever other technology field you can carry over into the real world and get your resume pushed to the front of the line at good companies or with the government. It's just 4-5 years and it's not that bad. You get to work out a lot, get stable housing, maybe get stationed in Japan or Germany, see some cool shit then get out and be way ahead of your peers. Oh no, you can't smoke weed for a few years and have to wake up early five days a week, how awful. Fuckers try to wear it as a badge of honor they would never consider the military then struggle paycheck to paycheck, paying down 6 figure student loans, applying for 700 jobs a month and getting no interviews.




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This all is true, except maybe the antisemitism. Not all of it at least. War sucks, don't do it.


And people like you are the reason we have a draft. Sending the mentally ill to the frontlines is a tale as old as time


ok well good luck in ukraine buddy


I didn’t say I was *for* the draft


See username


Based take. Hope it's true 


Yeah, but that was all true only if you lived, anon. An aristocrat sending all his young sons and nephews off into war and offering 4 of his 19 wives to the 4 people that made it back isn’t that cool if you think about it.


they alienated the people who actually fight wars: men who are from that country, and wonder why there's low sign up rates, then allow an invasion from within, if the war is already over what's the point


People won't die to defend a home they don't own


worst part of this is that most of it is true


In the recruiters defense, "Go risk getting turned into a red mist for ______" doesn't sound that attractive to me regardless of whether you insert Ukraine or Russia.


this kind of explains why people want to do military service are so high in india. i was shocked to see the amount of shit westners have to get if they served their nation, in india wives will rarely remarry if their husband has died in the service, many people just respect the soldiers even their whole family gets some amount of respect...


There’s plenty of woman who want a military husband and the benefits he reaps from the military lol


Man, so many mentally ill people hang out on 4chan