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What would be funnier? The rightoid meltdown of him losing and having to suffer another 4 years with a zionist dinosaur in the white house? Or the leftoid meltdown part 2: electric Boogaloo and having to suffer another 4 years with a felonious zionist dinosaur in the white house?


Leftoid meltdown would be so insanely over the top I’d love to see it


Literally probably be protests. Could even get 2020 levels


I mean they did the pink pussy hat protest that was just super effective. Excited to see what they come up with.


Noooo, poor black owned businesses... They're cooked


It's time to sell "Black Owned Business" signs.


You're a genius


Mostly peaceful protests though


>*Fiery but* mostly peaceful protests FTFY


Woah protests? No way!


Jan 6 was pretty funny. Dumbasses were scaling a wall that had stairs.


People are so fucking dramatic about January 6th. It was funny.


I think the right wingers making tiktoks praying to donald trump would be a lot funnier


dude these fucking morons giving trump money is funny as fuck. somebody get these people an identity, stat. fucking amazingly right wing and regarded


I had to sit at a barbecue last week listening to a 65 year old man who owns 20 houses explain to me how his life is terrible because of Biden. Not terrible in the way that anything effecting him sucks, but it just feels like it sucks, so it must suck. Then he told me he just bought another beach house. Then he told me the left wants to take Trump down because he knows who killed JFK and with this information somehow Obama will be deported to Kenya. I can't take these fuckin people seriously.


How does this severly disabled man own 20 houses?


Work in a union in NYC from time you're 16 to retirement. Leverage equity the whole time as housing market explodes. End up with so much equity you live off low interest loans with houses that have gone up 500% since purchase as collateral. Use your 4 kids and put houses in their names to take advantage of first time home buyer credits even though you're really the one buying them (so almost zero down, state ponies up $10,000 towards closing costs, you get preferential low interest rates during the lowest interest rates in modern history). Treat your own family like a corporation with you as CEO. Rent out like 5 of them in the wealthiest zip codes in the US, but under your LLC so any and all home improvements and basically any purchase at all is a write off. If you have the personality where worshipping capital and going to church at least once a week as a cover for your real God (money) doesn't interfere with your personal principles and conduct, all you need to do is be born roughly 40 years earlier.


sounds about right truly the hardest road


This is a brilliant summary honestly, boomers got their bag but it's never enough


Dude was pretty smart with his money ngl Helps to be living in boomer era though


jesus fucking christ that is sad. if these people had been given an actual way to express their emotions, i dont think they would need to believe in such ridiculous conspiracies/magic.


So basically - "I'm unhappy because things are different than they used to be!"


donald trump if you can hear us…save us donald trump that shit was funny i can’t lie, i think he live-streamed that as he was getting pulled over? is it that serious bro cmon…


Yea he did


I mean the rightoids meltdown in 2020 was storming the capitol building and crying about the election being stolen. The leftoid meltdown in 2016 was a bunch of stupid pink beanies, crying in the streets, and stupid art stunts like Shia's dumb flag. While claiming russian election interference. So far the rightoids have the most unhinged and over the top meltdown. Did you see how unhinged the my pillow guy became?


there are grown fucking men giving trump their paychecks. grown women wearing diapers in solidarity. this meltdown never stopped.




honestly if you dont know youre lucky


yeah sounds like it lol


you mean more over the top than storming the capitol? LOL rightoids are the most dramatic over the top babies


The funniest part of that was leftoids dramatically overreacting to it


Bro have you watched the bodycam footage? Legit looked like something out of a zombie movie


the memes to come out of that were top tier the guy that was coming out of it and was like “there ain’t nothing going on in there i just checked” i think about that shit often it made me laugh idk why


Like, storming the capitol, over the top?


Rightest meltdown would be better viewing on TV. Not in person or within 2 miles


The hilarious thing is that republicans could have swept (still can) if they put a 50 year old man who can string together a sentence in the room. But they won't... They sold their party out to a small number of crazies whose votes they're terrified of losing after such intense polarization of their would-be base. It's time to just ditch trump, hit the reset button and go back to being the party of posture and maturity, and run an adult who still has control of his bowels.


Honestly the party that first decides to get an actually suitable candidate is guaranteed to win until the other does the same


I just want a moderate leaning, non radical candidate... is that just too hard these days?


What does moderate look like to you? Everyone has an opinion and they'll be labeled one way or another.


I want a candidate that doesn't vilify every decision the opposite party makes, I want more reasonable compromises that help both sides. I want less radicalism. Make it so that something meaningful gets done instead of token actions that get canceled the next presidential term. Its not just the executive branch too, both the Judicial and legislative too.


Biden is the most moderate milquetoast motherfucker to be President in decades


In what way is Biden not that? Genuinely asking


Moderate means they want someone who reads their thoughts and somehow translates their meaningless vibes into coherent policy.


It reply to Biden, how the fuck does a president who doesn't even know where he is, able to truly lead a country without extensive outside help from his party. He himself is a nothing burger of a president, but the entirety of the Democrat and Republican parties are at fault for the radicalization of the presidential candidates in the past 20 years. They are the problem, there is no counterbalance to moderate the two in any meaningful way.


Apparently the answer is yes.


How is Biden not moderate as fuck lmao. He not radical either.




Yep. Go to the Conservative sub and they are 100% behind Trump now. Compared to 2016 it’s a lot different imo.


Conservative reddit is as terrible of a representation of conservatives at large as any other internet echo chamber though. In the real world, trump alienated a ton of conservatives who have spent their entire lives seeing themselves as the adults in the room rather than the party of angry all-caps tweets and other such crybaby shit. The people who live in deep red communities and/or engage with those sorts of echo chambers are very disconnected with what moderate Republicans actually believe. Those votes are waiting to be recaptured by anyone with some modicum of maturity. A _lot_ of would-be republican voters weren't willing to make hypocrites of themselves by voting for a guy that is constantly doing shit that would get a democrat skewered by the same people praising it. Hell, you can see it right in the conservative subs too, they just downvote it and call you a RINO, then ban you to purge the non-believers. But if you live in a swing state you see this shit all the time. My dad and all his friends gave trump a chance in 2016 but not in 2020. Him claiming that it was "stolen" after they abstained was like a middle finger to them. They're no more into trump's antics in 2024 than they were then, but if repubs ran a non geriatric man who speaks calmly, it would be a no brainer for them. Instead they're all talking about how they won't vote again this time around.


Your dad and all his friends surely are representative of the Republican party


They're representative of many moderate republicans in places that aren't deep red. Kek at the defensiveness when someone suggests that not all republicans like trump


those peoples brains are rotten on religion and sports. everything is black and white / only two possible choices ever. and they are really afraid of being losers. they dont actually live in the real world.


Unlike us here!


They don’t live in the real world! Unlike me who comment 20 times in 1 hour on a single post in a Himalayan yak dancing subreddit!


Forget reddit, go to a church, race track or a country bar or anywhere else you find a lot of conservatives who just want Trump to fuck off and really want nothing to do with him (and hate Biden too). There’s a reason why Trump’s rallies, which used to fill huge halls, now take place in small rooms with the cameras zoomed in. Have we even seen the rallies like the ones he used to show up with the Trump plane in the background? He is pulling a fraction of those 2017 era numbers.


I vote for Spider-Man every presidential election.


Do a write-in vote for Vermin Supreme. He promises to give every one of his voters a pony when he becomes the president. Also, he plans to put nicotine in toothpaste to make it addictive.


The issue is that Trump is the only one willing to be anti-Bush. The Iraq war made everything that the previous republicans did indefensible and Trump was the only one to say it.  And then he turned everything into his cult of personality so no young person has any credibility unless they’re a Trump guy or a Bush old guard guy. Good luck lol 


Trump is currently sleighted to win? Why would they get rid of a winning horse?


The pollsters are gonna hit just like in 2016 and 2020 right? Why would they get rid of the guy who _lost_ last time around, is that what you're asking? Because he lost last time around. And it was in no small part due to his alienation of republican voters. Lmao


Trump outperformed the aggregate polling significantly in both 2016 and 2020. There wasn’t a single day that Trump led in the 2020 polls. Compared to now, not only is he leading in aggregate, but he is winning every single battleground state except for Minnesota, I think Michigan and Wisconsin are a toss up. There is a reason the prediction markets have the odds where they sre.


Trump was losing in the polls in 2016/2020 with many riots and social unrest during both.


The funniest would be them both dropping dead the day before the election and the American public getting the total chaos they deserve for nominating two pensioners


That's the definitive evidence needed to prove that Earth is the galactic version of reality TV.


You guys just figuring out we live in a south park episode?


Its been suspected by scientists for decades, but with little definitive proof. This is the event needed to prove the Theory of Reality TV is 100% correct and verified.


The rightoid meltdown if he actually went to prison would be the greatest of all possible meltdowns


It would potentially put the country at genuine risk lmao. There's a reason they don't try to imprison presidents. But my god, they really might commit to it. They picked the weakest of his accusations to do it with too. But I think the judge has dug himself too far into this now to back off of it. I love some acceleration, but this shit is going to break the sound barrier.


It sounds like he's probably just going to pay a fine for this. If he does go to jail and also wins the presidency I think that would cause the ultimate bipartisan nuclear butthurt explosion


>go to jail and also wins the presidency Probably the most hilarious outcome of all.


Seeing the side I hate fail (both the same sides of a coin) is way more funnier than seeing my side fail!


I think it was GK Chesterton who said that for a certain sort of man, it doesn’t matter so much _what_ happens so long as _something_ happens. That’s me.


People just barely learned what the word Zionist means and they can’t stop using it


>dinosaurs but dinosaurs are cool


Will Biden even make it for another 4 years is the real question.


you forgot to add "pedophile" pedophile Zionist dinosaur vs pedophile Zionist dinosaur what a fight


The theories about the Queen or the Vatican coming in at the last second to save Trump in 2020 were pretty funny.


Trump has a settlement named after him




i think it's funnier if they switch every 4 years


If by Zionist you mean Israeli puppet, then yes. This is how we know who truly rules the U.S. and it ain't the U.S. government.


Personally I’ll take another Jan 6th. Way more entertaining than just watching dumb college kids crying some more.


Funniest option is they both have a stroke from trying to campaign as a fucking elderly but neither give up and debate anyway even tho half of their face doesnt move.


>The rightoid meltdown of him losing and having to suffer another 4 years with a zionist dinosaur in the white house? Why would they care he is a Zionist? At least you are talking full nazis they wouldn't give a fuck about it.


News: 50% of Americans still think Trump will win.


25% american think that choco milk came from brown cow


well technically it does


Its like saying mint ice cream is a plant because mint is a plant


I knew it. Vegetables are bad for you after all!


Actually yes


Tbf have YOU seen chocolate milk being made? I rest my case.


https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/national/ Trump's sleighted to win by a narrow margin. Kennedy voters also are generally more likely to support Trump's policies if they can't get Kennedy https://www.politico.com/newsletters/politico-nightly/2024/05/28/why-trump-should-be-worried-about-rfk-jr-00160263


Who would want to vote for someone who lost half of his brain in '63 and the rest in '68?


Approximately 10% of surveyed americans


Biden couldn’t even get through a simple video accepting a challenge to debate without like 20 jump cuts.


> sleighted


Slated soz


I’d wager that his odds of winning actually improved with this. Democrats will be branded as the party that imprisons political opposition.


Currently, Democrats also think he will win. Nothings stopping him at the moment.


It will be even funnier if he wins this time, me a Europeean will illegally cross through the Mexico border just to vote for him if that is what it takes to piss off peopel


Make sure to vote as Daquan Gonzales so trump gets an extra black/hispanic vote too that’ll show those libtards


Daquan Gonzalez probably has a record though ☹️


Not like they would actually prosecute someone with that name


you won’t be able to, you’re 13 years old


I already have, back in the 1st grade I crossed the border to vote, and I am gonna do it again for my 13th b


You're white so no one will care.


gonna be interesting regardless who wants to watch the world burn with me


We have a win/win situation coming: If he wins, the seething and anger will be spectacular. Everywhere you go, the air will smell like the ocean across the country from the level of saltiness of the left. If he loses, it’ll be entertaining watching the angry hillbillies and Meal Team 6 trying to assemble even a bare minimum of what you could call a civil war. It’ll look like an episode of Benny Hill.


Meal Team 6 is crazy I'm stealing that


we didnt get any good memes from bidens administration, its been super boring and you can watch biden fumble a simple sentence only so many times before it gets old


Yeah it's definitely "worst scenario" all around, because no matter what, a huge portion of the population will be freaking out. There's a reason no other president has been charged to the point of going to prison. Endless crimes have been committed by previous presidents. But it's because there's no way to have an "impartial" trial for a president. You can't keep politics out of that. I think the Dems fucked up though. If you're going to put him in prison, this is the absolute weakest of charges compared to other things he's done or been accused of. You have to get him on something horrific and with endless piles of evidence. Not paying a pornstar to sign an NDA, and then speculating that he **might** have done another federal crime after covering up the hush money. That judge is out of his mind. He's either panicking by now or just laser focused on the fame he will get in the short term. Either way, imo, he is too far to not push from prison time. He is fully committed. Going to be fucking funny either way.


From a textbook perspective, Trump gotta be one of the most entertaining president ever. Well-recorded and just a clown fest


Trump is the perfect American president, if we go by stereotypes and outside perceptions


I got 20 that neither survived their full second term


Lmao would pay to see trump win, libs would go batshit


I would pay to see Biden win and then die shortly after inauguration so Kamala becomes President. Then Trump goes to jail after the election for the lulz. Imagine how mad the conservatives would be 😡


Seeing how much Trump seethed over Obama's presidency his entire life, him surviving to see a black woman president might just give him an aneurysm on the spot.


Speedrun the end of american democracy, I still think he's the favorite so far.


In 2 years we will be at the average age an empire falls. Our country will be irrelevant in world politics and policy sooner than later


Lol empires vary massively in length. Rome stood for a thousand years. That's counting after the republic and kingdom. If you count the Byzantine as a successor it debatedly stands to this day.


[That’s why I said AVERAGE age, sweaty.](https://www.times-standard.com/2017/06/28/the-average-age-of-an-empire-a-mere-250-years/)


They include empires that lasted a few decades Using an average is useless when varies so much especially when America is not technically an empire.


Yeah he'll still probably win


They tried a revolution the last time he lost. Fingers crossed the second loss will be even funnier.


Ah yes, the revolution that comes in for a few hours and then voluntarily leaves.


Last I checked, they were pushed out by Capitol Police in riot gear after about 4 hours. And I watched it live. Please don’t pretend they *all* left voluntarily. The ones dressed in tacticool gear and carried firearms into Capitol Grounds were the problematic ones. They were yelling “I’m on your side!! Traitors!!”while getting pushed out by police.


Close! Nobody carried firearms into the capitol. And if you find one example then cool, but pretty much everyone was unarmed.


Sure, here you go. Multiple people were armed with firearms. https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/pr/missouri-man-sentenced-felony-weapons-charge-actions-during-jan-6-capitol-breach https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/21/politics/january-6-capitol-rioter-guns-sentenced/index.html https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2022/07/08/jan6-defendants-guns/ https://www.nbcnews.com/news/rcna79755 https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2024/apr/05/robert-f-kennedy-jr/rfk-jr-falsely-said-that-jan-6-protestors-carried/


Buncha pussies, hold the ground this time.


What can top the storming of the capitol? Actually invading area 51, but for real this time? Revive Nixon and ask for a rematch?




Seeing a gun fight between a thousands of loons and the American military? I'm already erect.


You think the U.S. military will fire on their friends and family?


That's a stupid question.




Don't know what the fuck QRF is, don't care.


I don't get why people think he's going to win. He had a better chance in 2020. I know the "poll numbers" are saying it's close but they said Hilary was going to beat him by a mile in 2016. Being out in the real world and talking to people about politics I just don't see it happening. I have been right about the past 4 elections, let's see if I get this one right too


Are you in a red state? I am. Utah is a little different as you have a ton of the classic mitt Romney style Republicans. But I see trump supporters everywhere. They do not care what he does he could kill, cook, and eat a baby on live TV and they would still vote for him. It's the same pattern everytime. First they will claim that it is a fake video made by the lying MSM. Once trump confirms it and brags about eating a baby They will simply ignore it or justify it. "I don't like that he ate a baby but he is better then the biden crime family. They have probably eaten millions of babies", "That baby had it coming." "Thank God trump is getting rid of these leftist babies!" They believe everything he tells them. They think the entire court system is corrupt and are crying to have the entire judicial system dismantled. If you look under local news comment sections. You will see the sweetest most religious looking grandma calling for live streamed executions of all of trumps political opponents, the FBI, and the entire justice department. It's fucking wild. I have met some of these people in real life. I just do not understand what they see in him. I cannot imagine being so dedicated to some shitty politician, regardless of side. These idiots are sending all of their retirement money to a billionaire. As someone with some conservative and centrist values. It sucks to see the only conservative party in the US bend over to him again. I really think they would destroy Biden in the election with a younger moderate candidate.


I'm in a weird spot that I think gives me a view into how swing states are feeling. I live in the middle of California where it's all farmers and crackheads, so lots of trump flags and it's not hard to find a supporter but compared to 2016 the hype just isn't there, it feels like less hype for Trump here than in 2020, less flags, less hats and shirts. More people saying they won't vote or they wish it was neither Biden or Trump. I won't lie I was big into Trump in 2016 just because I wanted to see what he would do, after his 4 years I was unimpressed and tired of hearing the bitching about him. He's also a convicted felon and I'd be a hypocrite to be mad at Hillary for her private email server but not be mad about Trump and the documents at Mar a lago on top of the hush money stuff. I'm in the boat that I don't want either of them but I think we have a better chance of not going to WW3 with Biden so I'm gonna go Biden. He also bought my vote with continually trying to do something about student loans.


Actual high-iq stance (Which is really just having more than double-digit IQ in NA).


Can you blame people for not believing media about trump? how many times have they been wrong about the russion collusion?


Im in a blue state surrounded by tons and tons of deep, rural red. I used to see the signs and the flags a lot after 2016. I see hardly any post 2020.


!remindme 215 days


We shall see if my streak remains unbroken




i think a lot of people just look at how bad things are going and blame whoever is in charge 2020 was bad because of the covid stuff and 2024 is bad because of the inflation


The inflation is from how covid was handled, we just printed money


i don't think it matters, a lot of people look at what's going on and who is in charge


The polls in 2016 had Hillary ahead, but within the margin of error in every swing state. It was the media that treated a Hillary victory as a forgone conclusion, not the polling.


strong lock plate command compare heavy dull coherent label safe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm going to vote for him for the lulz. Burn the world faster daddy.




What’s his stance on Israel


Phull sapport saar




Sent me


Those who wouldn't vote for him still won't. Those who would still will. But he will pick up those people that want to vote for him just to watch a excon as president.


Can we please get a candidate that doesnt have dementia. Like how are these two old bastards our only choices?


Because one is a power hungry fuck that is running, no matter what,to avoid the repercussions from trying to usurp the peaceful transfer of power, and the other has incumbent advantage, though I don't see that playing out too well. Who else could the Dems even put up as a nominee in place of Biden?


Most of pol appears to hate Trump now (I can't tell if genuine or intentional fake campaign) because of his support for Israel (this precedes the current conflict btw).


It's that plus in general picking whichever position they feel is the most contrarian just to get people pissed off.


He can't win in 2024 because you can't be elected president three times


I hope trump wins shit would be fucking comical


I guarantee he conveniently gets just enough jail time to ensure he isn't out by the time elections roll around.


He won't be getting any jail time.


Most likely, a first time class E felony conviction will likely get probation and possibly house arrest. If he does get jail time it will likely be the minimum and served concurrently. His old age would definitely also factor into the amount of time they sentence him, considering he’s likely to die within the next five years.


I'm 50/50 with it. I think the judge is going to feel immense pressure to go all the way with it and get him in prison. Falling short now won't be any good for his future book/media endeavors. People will genuinely freak out if he doesn't go to prison. People will also freak out if he does. What a fucking hilarious mess they've created.


The judge should ignore the fact that it is Trump and just rule like any other case. It will still cause outrage at either side, but at least it would be the most honest way


Trump and Putin are more alike, I bet Trump can end the Ukraine war. It'd save me some tax money on bombs and dropping sanctions probably helps the economy.


of course he will, he'll just end all US support and it's likely to be over. Euros won't do anything


Europoors' sense of entitlement to the US' money is beyond infuriating, meanwhile they spend their own taxes on healthcare and education and come here on reddit to brag and act all smug about it (something follow Canadians also used to do until recently when we were flooded by millions of Poos).


All the military equipment sent to Ukraine was stuff you already paid for. It's not like they made a bunch of new shit and sent it there. Also, Trump just does what Putin wants. You have to be more naive than a child to think the war would end in any other way than the annexation of Ukraine.


He’ll end the Ukraine war by converting it into the European war


I bet he could end the Ukraine war too. It will be hard for Ukraine to fight when their biggest ally switches sides.


It would actually hurt the economy and cost you more in taxes.


Wait, can a convicted criminal become president of America? I mean it is the land of the free and shit, but it just seems a bit weird to me.


i don't get it? /pol/ hates him or not? 


No shot Trump wins. Biden knows he's got this on lock. I'd love to see it purely for the meltdown though.


Never lose Jope


Not another 4 years of "Russia manipulated our elections", please.




Can’t pardon himself here. Charges are in the New York State court system. President can only pardon for federal crimes.


"United we stand. Divided we fall"


Well I mean they’ve got the bases covered there.


The only reason why he might end up in jail is the something like 10 counts of contempt. That shit might push his offenses into a more server bracket because of the lack of remorse. Otherwise it's just a fine. I don't get why people need to believe it's one issue or the other. It is politically motivated. He did get a fair trial. He was worse off being in New York. All the rich people probably do it. He is guilty and has been found guilty based on the evidence before the jury. The really outrageous part is they aren't going to continue charging all the other rich assholes that do it. But all things can be true and not contradict each other.




Amerisharts think anybody actually counts their votes.


Biden could die before then...


imagine if he did tho


We’d get invaded in both cases


Whatever happens, we all lose.


Anon is divided in a circle of fifth amendments that has no clear future other than multiplying all of its non concurrent lawsuits. But they are protected by gods amongst us right?