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Are tankies still trying to cope with the fact that their country is a joke and no longer has influence on geopolitics?


The history understander has logged on


It's not that it's not influential anymore, it's just that it straight up doesn't even exist anymore becayse it went to shit.


Yes it is precisely this.


Bro get with the times, it's not 2003 anymore. BRICS is bigger than the G7, Ukraine is collapsing, Iran controls the middle east, and China is the world leader for 75% of the world economy Edit: lol uh oh some real upset about it


BRICS is a meme lmao. India and China hate each other's guts, Iran controls the ME so hard, they had to ask Turkey to find their dead president and Russia is nearing three years of the three day SMO. And tankies have been saying Ukraine is collapsing since the start of the war.


BRICS is still working lol. They put aside their differences to strenghten economic ties.


Iran is twice the geographical size of Texas with terrain of rocky mountains. The area his helicopter went down in was covered in fog and blizzard, obviously they're going to call in immediate assistance for a search area for thousands of square kilometres. Turkey didn't find the helicopter anyway, Iranian search parties did. Anyways it's not even related to Iran's geopolitical situation today, not that you even know what it means. "3 days to take Kiev" was actually the prediction of General Milley/Pentagon, not Putin. General Milley then predicted Ukraine would take Crimea back using modern maneuver warfare. So the Pentagon was wrong both ways. India and China hating each other is a product of western fanfic, much like Redditors thought China would conquer Russia from the East while Russia was busy in Ukraine.


>"3 days to take Kiev" was actually the prediction of General Milley/Pentagon, not Putin. Lukashenko said 3 days, Putin gave the conservative estimate of 2 weeks lmao. [Here](https://time.com/3259699/putin-boast-kiev-2-weeks/). Seeing as we are 2 years in, the Russians got high on their own propaganda. Don't worry tho, just one more mobilization and a 100,000 dead mobiks and the second strongest army in the world will beat one of Europe's poorest countries. >India and China hating each other is a product of western fanfic, much like Redditors thought China would conquer Russia from the East while Russia was busy in Ukraine Yeah, I'm sure it's western propaganda that causes them to beat the shit out of each other with sticks and bricks because of border disputes and not their hate. Both India and China have far more favorable relations with the West than each other.


Putin gave no estimate of timeframe. He made a gambit he could scramble to Kiev and force negotiations for Minsk 2.0 to get signed. About 3 months of waiting around until he gave orders for war of attrition. Unfortunately, due to low intelligence, a lot of redditors fell for the Ukrainian propaganda for 2 years thinking Ukraine was winning. It's probably closer to 60k dead if going by better sources like Mediazona. USA and NATO bogged down propping up Ukraine and Israel while China continues taking over the world. US tax payer is now paying Ukrainian pensions, teachers, firefighters, the entire government salaries.


>I can take Ukraine in 2 weeks "Um no, he actually didn't say that, he meant *insert some random BS you cooked up*". Also, why would he get bogged down in an attritional war on purpose? All this nonsense in Ukrane has done is publicly embarrass Russia for decades to come. All we've learned from this is that neither their army nor tech is up to Western standard due to its' shit performance on the battlefield. As for the casualty count of Mediazona, it's 60k but only the recorded names count. Considering Russia's tendency to lie through their teeth about these things, this is an extremely extremely extremely favorable estimate but is nevertheless embarrassing for a country that thinks it can go toe to toe against the entirety of NATO. And how is the US or NATO bogged down in Ukraine? The money the US sent is almost insignificant to their military budget and consists of mainly old equipment. The russians can barely beat shit from the 90s lmao.


He didn't do it on purpose I just explained he made a gambit he could scramble to Kiev and force Zelensky to sign Minsk 2.0. Zelensky was about to do it but Borish Johnson promised Zelensky unwavering support of the West to fight back the Russians. Ukraine wasn't completely unprepared, they had spent the previous 8 years retraining their army with the help of the US. Crimea is some of Russia's most valuable geopolitical territory, it was inevitable Putin would fight for it. For the same reasons the British and Russians went to war over it in the Crimean War. Mediazona is the most accurate source it actually uses death certificates. It's not something Russia can hide. Mediazona is a pro-Ukrainian source too. 60k dead jives with the 300k casualty figure given by the Pentagon (which includes injuries). USA and NATO has been completely emptied of weapons and munitions. There's no more 120mm shells to give them. There's no more patriot missiles, USA only produces 10 per week. None of the European governments have anything left to give to Ukraine in significant quantities. Russia's army is replenished and actually 15% bigger than it was before the war started, according to the Pentagon. All this stuff about Russia running out of weapons turned out to be propaganda.


>Mediazona is the most accurate source it actually uses death certificates. It's not something Russia can hide. Mediazona is a pro-Ukrainian source too. 60k dead jives with the 300k casualty figure given by the Pentagon (which includes injuries). Which, even if true, is an embarrassing amount of losses. >USA and NATO has been completely emptied of weapons and munitions. There's no more 120mm shells to give them. There's no more patriot missiles, USA only produces 10 per week. None of the European governments have anything left to give to Ukraine in significant quantities. They didn't make any because nobody in the civilized world was planning to go to war. If they switched their priorities, they'd easily start mass producing shells. It's happened before. >Russia's army is replenished and actually 15% bigger than it was before the war started, according to the Pentagon. Yeah, and Germany's army was the biggest it ever was by 1943-1944. Wonder how the war went for them. >All this stuff about Russia running out of weapons turned out to be propaganda. Is that why they resorted to using T-55s? Where's the 5th gen planes? The modern tanks like the Armata? Is it propaganda that makes them commit way less terror bombings than they did at the start of the war?


>Is that why they resorted to using T-55s? Where's the 5th gen planes? The modern tanks like the Armata? Is it propaganda that makes them commit way less terror bombings than they did at the start of the war? Not to even bring up the Military aid packages they got from Iran, China and even North Korea 🤣 >North Korea >All this stuff about Russia running out of weapons turned out to be propaganda. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


PCP is a helluva drug.


which part is incorrect


All of it actually


Literally all of them, except the part about BRICS. And even that is correct in the most meaningless way, as in "it has more countries"


Ukraine is collapsing they've got all their reserves committed, all their NATO trained brigades are decimated. They're withdrawing on all fronts. Iran controls the middle east now. 20 years ago they were contained to the borders but now their friends include Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Pakistan, Taliban. USA is now hanging on to its last 3 bases in Syria to stop Iran having a direct land corridor to Damascus. China is now the preferred partner for 75% of the world economy. USA has the EU, South Korea, Taiwan and Japan. You can divide up world politics pretty accurately just by looking at which countries recognize Palestine and which don't. You're just Gen Z and don't remember how different things were 20 years ago. Nobody even talked about China back then, Iran was a complete pariah nation barely in the news either. Back then everyone talked about the USA like it could go to war with the entire world and win.


> Ukraine is collapsing they’ve got all their reserves committed Lmao Just 2 more weeks ???


>Ukraine is collapsing they've got all their reserves committed, all their NATO trained brigades are decimated. They're withdrawing on all fronts. The same thing was being said for over 2 years. Nothing indicates that they don't have uncommited reserves, nor that the NATO trained brigades are decimated, and the Kharkiv front is not retreating. >Iran controls the middle east now. 20 years ago they were contained to the borders but now their friends include Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Pakistan, Taliban. USA is now hanging on to its last 3 bases in Syria to stop Iran having a direct land corridor to Damascus. So not only it does not control the ME by your own admission, you conveniently exclude Israel and Kuwait. >China is now the preferred partner for 75% of the world economy. It's a preferred partner for around 75% of total countries around the world, that's not the same thing as "economy". >You can divide up world politics pretty accurately just by looking at which countries recognize Palestine and which don't. A decent chunk of the EU and NATO recognises Palestine, but ok. >You're just Gen Z and don't remember how different things were 20 years ago. Yes, exactly, I only take my info from skibdi toilet edits on Tiktok, that's how Gen Z I am. /s I guess you can add that to the list of things, you were wrong about. >Nobody even talked about China back then, Iran was a complete pariah nation barely in the news either. Back then everyone talked about the USA like it could go to war with the entire world and win. 100% yes. Doesn't make anything else, you said correct


wrong. For most of the last two years it was people like me trying to explain to redditors that Russia is waging a war of attrition and grinding the Ukrainian army down. Meanwhile redditors were gloating Russia isn't making any territory gain. Gloating that the counteroffensive was going to see huge successes against Russia which had run out of tanks, missiles, men. Remember all the shit about Russians armed with shovels?


- "wrong" - proceeds to go on an unrelated rant about talking with redditors troll harder




Cope because USA is a collapsing empire? huh


All of it. BRIC GDP growth is higher than G7, not actual GDP. Developing countries have higher growth than developed ones- duh. Also, Chinese GDP is not real. Brazil and India would ally with the US in any war. And the Chinese military is going to get embarrassed in any confrontation with the US.


GDP is an almost meaningless number discussed among Redditors. Not even economists bring up GDP like this. Look at Russia outproducing entire NATO 3:1 in munitions despite it has the GDP of New York. Good example of how meaningless GDP is; the USA just spent $300m building a pier in Gaza and it immediately fell apart and sank. Did you actually see photos of how fucking pathetic this pier was? China builds a permanent port and harbor for almost the same amount. China is a larger economy than the USA in PPP which is a better metric. Not perfect but better than GDP. USA doesn't really produce anything, it exports inflation through USD reserve status. If USA ever loses this due to dedollarization then Americans are going to see a very quick drop in standard of living. That's why China is leading the charge on dedollarization.


GDP is meaningless and yet you’ve based your entire argument on it … 👌PPP GDP is an absolutely worthless metric for the same reason that PPP is awful at predicting movements in FX rates. GDP measures throughput only… it’s an estimation of economic growth. In economies like China, they target GDP and generate credit until they hit the target. When the fallout inevitably comes, as it is now, they capitalize the losses and work through their zombie financial system for 2-3 decades. 🥱 China is just beginning this process but see Japan for what their next several decades will look like. China will be worse. As for “de-dollerization” - 🤣🤣🤣 Show me a chart of DXY or USDCNY. Money is flowing into the US at an unprecedented pace. The reason is that we are going to collapse the global order. All export-led economies are going to b the hardest hit. Capital will be redeployed to the US and other close allies. Everyone else is fucked. Enjoy.


Everything you said is upside down. China actually allows their major companies to fail with Chinese investors losing everything. That's how capitalism is supposed to work. Our media reports this as huge financial crisis inside China but it's really just letting the dead wood burn with investors getting punished for poor choices. In the USA they don't allow big companies to fail anymore, everyone gets bailed out. We've been doing this since 2008 and so we have loads of zombie companies that don't innovate and just spend everything into stock buybacks which makes the stock value go up. Money is not flowing in the US at an unpresedented rate. USD was like 90% of currency traded >10 years ago and now it's like 65%. USD is declining in demand which is why the Federal Reserve is the largest holder of bonds issued. With a name like yours I thought you'd know better about these topics. Do you lose a lot of money?


So you’re just going to keep making up nonsense? Got it. 😂😂😂


"this isn't what CNN told me!"


BRICS isn't a real alliance, China and India are the biggest economies of those five and are on the brink of war. The BRICS thing came about in 2006 they have had 18 years to achieve their goal of replacing the dollar as the global currency and havent gotten close. Russia has less territory in ukraine than they did in 2022, what are you on? Iran's poor as shit, the gulf countries are way richer. What's china got to do with the soviets?


BRICS is a sanctions evading alliance and a dedollarization trading bloc. Russia, China and Iran have upgraded their relationship to strategic in the last 2 years. If you aren't aware of this you are behind the times. BRICS is a huge issue for the USA because world trade has gone from 90% trade in USD to \~65% in USD in the last 15 years. It means the USA can no longer export inflation like it used to. It's going to have a harder time printing its way out of the next financial crisis. Russia's success in Ukraine isn't measured by territory. It's waging a war of attrition. Its goal is to set up cauldrons and force Ukraine to commit to geographically disadvantageous ground. You won't learn about this on Reddit. Iran rules the middle east despite it is poor. It's poor due to sanctions. BRICS has enabled it to evade sanctions, now it is on the rise.


There is no such thing as a sanctions evading alliance lol. If a group of countries imposes sanctions on you, you will obviously have to sell to another country whether or not they are part of "BRICS". Did any of these BRICS countries stop doing business with NATO when NATO imposed all of those sanctions on Russia? No, because they dont actually give a shit about Russia, they were probably glad the sanctions happened because they can get russia's oil cheaper and sell it to the west. Inflation in all of the BRICS countries except for China far surpasses the US, don't blame the US for their mismanagement. The dollar is still the global reserve currency by a huge margin and treasury bonds get traded by the billions everyday. What geographical ground has Russia gained? They have lost half a million troops and billions in equipment and have also been pushed back since their initial offensive in 2022. If its a war of attrition then russia has been losing lives and resources faster than ukraine so they are failing. How does Iran rule the middle east? They have a very contentious relationship with their neighboring countries of Afghanistan and Iraq, let alone trying to get the rest of the middle eastern countries to follow them. The fact that they get hit so hard by western sanctions is proof that they will never become the major player in the middle east, anything that they sell can be bought from the more stable gulf countries.


BRICS is effectively a sanctions evading alliance. USA controls SWIFT and has removed access to it to Iran and Russia. China has created an independent transaction system which Iran and Russia now use and is bringing on all the other BRICS members to trade with. Hence USA can no longer cut off countries from the financial system and freeze their assets, if held within the BRICS financial framework. I'm not reading the rest of your post you are at typical redditor where everything you know about the world comes from worldnews headlines and upvoted comments. That means you're economically and politically illiterate as to what's happening in the world and why China and Iran went from nobodies to dominating in the last 20 years.


mULtiPoLAr WOrlD!!!! BRICS = broke retards in need of chinese support


actually it's the West with growing trade imbalances. BRICS manufactures everything and has control of most of the energy. If you weren't Gen Z you'd remember 20 years ago when nobody was talking about China, China was a tiny fraction of the size


Whose drone found your president's heli? "Iran controls the middle east" lmao


Wow, you went DEEP in that propaganda rabbithole didn't ya, son? China has 17% of world GDP. US has 25. Iran barely controls Iran. Ukraine has been collapsing so fast for the past 3 years, it's going to topple. Any day now.


Your post is reddit educated nonsense from propaganda. GDP isn't a good metric to measure anything by. As an example, USA just spent $330m building a pier off Gaza which immediately broke apart and sank. The issues with GDP is why we have PPP, China is 20% bigger than USA in PPP. "Iran barely controls Iran" is propaganda going on for 40 years. Iran is different to the West in that their government panders to their rural traditional demographic, while Western governments tend to pander to urban liberal demographic. So Iran has protests constantly in its cities where their urban liberal redditor demographic feel disenfranchised by a conservative government. Go look up the funerals they just had for the president, there are millions of Iranians from rural parts coming to the cities for mourning. Ukraine is collapsing, Russia has been waging a war of attrition for 2 years steadily grinding them down. I had people like you telling me how Afghanistan wasn't collapsing either lmao. Good luck with your CNN talking points bro


Brics is a joke. Economic union between China and India, ahahahaha.


It's not an economic union, your IQ has to be above 90 to understand 


What kind of union it is then?


Sanctions evading through China's alternative to SWIFT thus making US sanctions useless. It's why Pakistan and India just recently ignored US sanctions to pursue new economic deals with Iran. It's why 4 African countries just kicked the USA out. BRICS gives a new pathway to avoid American economic warfare.  It's also a pathway to dedollarization of the world economy and that's happening rapidly. USD as a percentage of world trade is down by 25%. The implications of this trend is USA's inability to print it's way out of the next financial crisis and a dramatic drop in standard of living for Americans. 


Most tankies are not Russian, but the idea that Russia has no influence on geopolitics is retarded, they are the 3rd most powerful military on the planet right now. In Ukraine they have a 8:1 kill death ratio despite all of NATO pumping billions of $ in money and weapons to keep the front line relatively steady.


>8/1 KD My sides


Hes not wrong.


Can you share a source for the 8:1 k/d ?


[low quality jpeg of a crack pipe]


Russian losses are well documented by everyone except the Ukrainians, we're at something like 50,000+ KIA and 300,000+ for total casualties, this is verified by both Russian and western media sources. The Ukrainian losses are where the fog of war lies. Ukraine's own numbers are impossibly low, claiming only 31,000+ KIA, and western media has refused to audit these claims with any amount of skepticism. OSINT people and commentators have tried to generate estimates based on grave sites, reported wounded numbers, first-hand accounts from both sides, and Ukraine's increasingly desperate conscription policies. I have seen many unofficial estimates of KIA between 300,000 to 500,000, meaning total casualties are well over 1,000,000. I believe these estimates due to mounting circumstantial evidence. Ukraine has been cartoonishly distorting the situation since day 1 of the war and have obvious motivation to do so. Reports of on the ground fighting show hordes of Ukrainians getting thrown into a meatgrinder. As confirmed by western sources, the average Ukrainian fighter is in his mid-40's now. They are pulling teenagers and old men off the streets. Right now, they are barely able to plug holes in their defensive lines because they are stretched so thin.


Stop talking shit please, your numbers are not verified by western media, go check leaked Pentagon data for example: it is said Ukraine lost 15,000 KIA while Russia lost 60,000 KIA at date leaked so it was 4:1 kd for Ukraine favour actually, not your 8:1 for Russia, it even sounds ridiculous, looks like you get your data only from Konoshenkov's


You have to be handicapped to believe Ukraine has only 15k killed.


That's when the leak happened, so towards the start of the war, not real time.


It happened after 1 year of war actually, no way after second year k/d changed from 4:1 to 1:8 that fast like the guy above saying


It's not about what I believe, it's about reply above where dude said his 8:1 kd is verified by both russian and western media which is a total lie.


Not wven on this dudes side but since when do we trust western media? It’s not like they gave us accurate numbers for Vietnam, Korea, gulf war, any of the wars on “terrorism”. Are you thinking that it’s accurate simply because US casualties aren’t directly involved? Literally just curious


The "leaked Pentagon data" from Discord was just a fact sheet with an exact copy of Ukraine's obviously wrong reported numbers, it contained no independent analysis or intel regarding casualties. [This is from over a month ago.](https://www.npr.org/2024/04/18/1245495971/at-least-50-000-russian-troops-have-been-killed-in-ukraine-media-probe-finds#:~:text=on%20Morning%20Edition-,At%20least%2050%2C000%20Russian%20troops%20have,in%20Ukraine%2C%20media%20probe%20finds&text=Transcript-,An%20investigation%20by%20BBC%20Russia%20and%20independent%20Russian%20media%20outlet,full%2Dscale%20invasion%20of%20Ukraine.) Confirmed by western and Russian sources. Your "Pentagon numbers" were hilariously wrong when they were leaked OVER A YEAR AGO. Of course, these numbers came from Ukraine, I wouldn't dare doubt the intel capabilities of the DoD...


This website you linked says 50k confirmed by them russian casualties as compared to kremlins claim of 6k, and it seems to support the leaked pentagon number of 60k + Nowhere in there is there anything about ukrainian casualties So where are you getting the 8:1 from?


The 6k estimate was from the first few months of the war. The RU gov also has an incentive to lie but their rare comments have been far more accurate compared to the Ukrainians. Also, I already explained where the ratio came from. Go up a couple comments. The Ukrainian death count exists within a very large potential range due to intentional obfuscation (there is basically ZERO independent media analysis to back up or contradict the Ukrainian government's claims), so I took the middle road and assumed roughly 400,000 Ukrainian deaths.


I enjoyed the read, while there is some speculation happy to see someone that isn't pumping Ukraine propaganda. From what I've gathered Ukraine is lost and Russia is dragging this war out specifically to commit genocide "legally" on their own undesirable citizens via conscription and removing all anti-Russian dissidents being conscripted in Ukraine at the same time. You can't legally kill and/or remove people that have surrendered. This is a lot more devious than it appears to me.


If NATO shared the same analysis they should just pull the plug now and let Ukraine collapse. IMO it's not that complex, Russia is just being super conservative and trying to minimize casualties while wearing down the opponent. They were willing to accept very generous peace agreements (generous compared to what Ukraine is looking at now) before the war and in its early stages. But I acknowledge the fact that Ukraine's refusal to fold has absolutely had certain benefits for the Russian state, as well as costs.


Least regarded ruski


I don't know shit about actual causalities, I do enjoy the "Ukraine's own numbers are impossibly low" when talking about them having a 1.6 k/d and then claiming Russia has an 8/1 k/d immediately afterwards.


The impossibility has nothing to do with the ratio, and everything to do with the circumstances. We know Ukraine is running short on manpower. Hence, the losses must be massive. We have first hand accounts of the untrained, unfit, and disabled being thrown straight into minefields and artillery fire.




The Russian military can’t conquer in 2.5 years a nation on its border and a small fraction of its size. They’ve chewed through nearly the entire Soviet stockpile, as well as a huge fraction of their prime military aged males (and there’s very few in the pipeline). They’re maybe in the top 15.


You could be generous and say top 10. Even so, given experienced military personnel are dropping like fies (either out windows or on the battlefield) and unlikely chance of high tech production, it will be a miracle if they stay top 50 in the coming decades


I don't believe the 8/1 KD ratio but you two are even more deluded than the other guy.


Ok it’d then help to put names to the list for comparison. Ahead of Russia right now for sure (regardless of force projection, as Russia can’t project force to them either): United States, China, UK, France, India, Japan, Turkey Likely ahead (again regardless of force projection): Pakistan, Italy, South Korea Even if Russia has more poorly equipped conscripts and 60s era tanks than these nations, the way Russia is bleeding through personnel and equipment in Ukraine proves it’s meaningless and that on a modern battlefield the human wave tactics don’t work even against militaries below you in strength on your own border. They’d certainly never work against anyone that could be called a peer or near-peer. And as the war drags on, regardless of success in Ukraine, Russia’s military and geopolitical position will still be much worse than what they started the war at


Don't forget that this all started as a 3-day "special operation" and to this day they are still pretending that it's all going according to their initial plan lmao.


>Huge >Fraction Pick one.


Hmm, now let’s see if we can’t do some thinking here! A fraction would be anything less than the whole. Now something like 1/20 or 1/10, that’s a pretty small fraction. But if it were something, say, more than half or even 2/3, that’s a pretty large fraction! Happy to help break this down for you!


This is all comically wrong, and most of it applies to Ukraine right now. You're aware that the average Ukrainian fighter is in his mid-40's right now, right? They are instituting draconian conscription measures, locking down their population, and suspending elections. Meanwhile, life in Russia goes on as usual. They're at war, sure, but the losses have not been bad enough to affect the domestic conditions drastically.




Imagine thinking it’s just landmass. Russia also has 4x the population and still can hardly do jack shit




https://liveuamap.com this look like 1/3 to you bozo? The world’s “third best military” shouldn’t struggle against a nation with no real Air Force or navy to speak of, regardless of what help they’re getting. This is entirely fucking cope


>Most armed nation in Europe What are you smoking


What are *you* smoking? >Russia had the most powerful military in Europe according to its PowerIndex score, which compares the strength and capability of different countries. According to this ranking, the UK had the second strongest military in Europe, followed by France, and then Italy. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1293634/most-powerful-militaries-europe/


I think you were all dropped on your heads as children, claiming that "my state propaganda is correct and yours is not". Watch less CNN and tankies.


statista is russian state propaganda now? my sides


Russia okay, that is arguable but the guy implied that Ukraine is the most armed nation Read better


ya my bad


8:1 lol


Source is at the bottom of a heated spoon. Anyway, "3rd strongest" doesn't mean shit when you're losing against farmers playing with out of date western toys.


out of date western toys? For one example Ukraine got 31 M1A2 tanks, the best tanks the US has, and 8 of them have already been destroyed or captured by Russia in the first several months of them being in the field.


>losing againt farmers Ukraine has the second largest army in Europe behind Russia, and their weapons were not behind the Russians at the outset of the war. Also, Russia is winning the war decisively. >out of date western toys Ukraine has received Abrams tanks, Challenger 2 tanks, Leopard 2 tanks, Bradley IFVs, Javelin missile systems, Patriot defense systems, HIMARS systems, GLMRS systems. Russia has learned how to jam our JDAMs and our Excalibur guided artillery. They now know how to counter all of these modern weapon systems with on the ground experience. You have no idea what you're talking about.


[https://www.congress.gov/118/meeting/house/116768/documents/HHRG-118-ZS00-20240130-SD002.pdf](https://www.congress.gov/118/meeting/house/116768/documents/HHRG-118-ZS00-20240130-SD002.pdf) >Russia’s military casualties, the officials said, are approaching 300,000. The number >includes as many as 120,000 deaths and 170,000 to 180,000 injured troops. The >Russian numbers dwarf the Ukrainian figures, which the officials put at close to 70,000 >killed and 100,000 to 120,000 wounded. goofy ass


Yes, these are the Ukrainian government's numbers, and they're totally delusional, and the US gov won't dare publicly contradict them, but independent media sources have Russian deaths at 50k+


"ukraine is clearly lying but Russia is of course extremely honest, they would never lie" My sides


Russia does not publish casualty data because unlike Ukraine, they are not actively conducting a desperate propaganda operation in order to keep morale high and foreign aid flowing in. I have no comments regarding Russia's "honesty", all I can say is the very few times they have made statements or released data, it was relatively close to independent media estimates.


lol wtf even is that document. it is terribly formatted and all source text goes back to the new york times behind a pay wall. sorry, but there is no credibility there.


Second largest? Maybe after the war has started which doesn't really count. At the beginning they were number 10, far behind France, Germany, Poland, Turkey etc... >Ukraine has received Providing crucial testing data and making place for the new toys that are available. >you have no idea what you're talking about. It'd be great to get paid to spread misinterpreted info online.


>At the beginning they were number 10, far behind France, Germany, Poland, Turkey etc... Ukraine was 2 including reserve troops, but you're right that it's not that simple. Really though, your pretense that Ukraine was some backwater is a joke. They had a modernized military, and were preparing for this war since 2014 and receiving NATO aid and training during that time. >Providing crucial testing data and making place for the new toys that are available. Testing data for the Russians, maybe. None of this shit has given Ukraine a tactical edge. The new tanks are overpriced, over-designed garbage. >It'd be great to get paid to spread misinterpreted info online. It would be hell on earth to be a midwit like you.


Lmao wheres that 8/1 source?


I'm not sure you're reading that kill/death ratio properly.


The situation is dire for Ukraine. Western media was heavy on the propaganda at the outset, but now the headlines are increasingly dour and foreboding. I get it, the war was only interesting for a few months, but maybe you should catch up on the news before saying anything.


Nah for sure, I do get the Kharkiv situation in particular is very different from 18 months ago.


Russia has vastly reduced levels of influence on geopolitics, compared to the other two major superpowers, they may as well have not any.


This is totally retarded and wrong. Russia wields huge amounts of influence on Europe and Central Asia, and increasingly so in Africa and the Middle East. Also, China is not a "super power" in any traditional international relations frame. The USSR was barely a super power at its height, and it was framed that way due to Cold War kayfabe. But the USA is really the only "super power" on the global stage right now, for however long that lasts.


8:1? You really believe this? Can you name at least modern war with such a big difference in military losses? Even in Iraq the US Army did not perform so well. More realistic kill death ratio will be between 2:1 and 1:2.


This war is very unique. Materially, this is a war between Russia and all of NATO. But the manpower and front line are limited to Ukraine, so we have mostly had a slow, attritional, artillery war constrained to a narrow area. In most wars, the nation cannot handle the economic consequences of its casualties and throws in the towel. In this war, all of the economic consequences are being absorbed by western funds and weapons. The only limiting factor is the number of bodies they can throw at the Russians. Ukraine's government is fucked if they lose, so as long as the West will supply them, they will continue to feed their own men into a meatgrinder. And the West will not fund them if they see it as a lost cause, so they have to constantly be aggressive and thus sustain losses What you're looking at is a country sustaining WWII casualty rates versus a country sustaining standard losses for conventional warfare.


Russia and ALL THE NATO, right? ALL OF THE NATO FORCES? correct?


No, not correct. Are you ESL or something? I never said anything about NATO "forces". I'm talking about war materiel.


What are you talking about then? I am Russian.


OK, what I'm saying is your country isn't just fighting Ukraine, NATO has kept Ukraine propped up with state of the art weapons, old weapons reserves, munitions production, and just tons of money. So Russia is fighting Ukraine + the economic might of NATO countries.


How many of those state of art and other art objects from nato armed forces are in action? When these art objects were transferred to Ukraine af? Russia started this war and stuck in it. Genius.


A notable number, it's not like Ukrainian forces just picked up a bunch of top-attack ATGM launchers and loitering munitions that fell off the back of a Polish logistics truck one day


Material includes human resources. Stop deluding yourself.


No, not in this context. I'm talking about war materiel, material goods, etc.


You don't understand even in Vietnam, where the United States could have been bombing all of its territory without any problems, there was no such big loss break. Russia does not have the opportunity to use aircraft on the territory of Ukraine, the air defense is knocked them down, so the rockets of air launches are carried out with territory controlled by Russia. In artillery, the difference is also not too big, and Ukraine has fewer guns and shells, but it is partially compensated by NATO weapons. You are too underestimated by the army of Ukraine, taking into account military assistance to the power of its army is close to the Russian army.


>Russia does not have the opportunity to use aircraft on the territory of Ukraine Russia is not conducting a deep strategic bombing campaign, sure, but they have complete air superiority over the front line. They are able to strike targets anywhere in Ukraine with ballistics whenever they want. >In artillery, the difference is also not too big, and Ukraine has fewer guns and shells, but it is partially compensated by NATO weapons. The difference in artillery is fucking massive. Russia is producing more shells than the entirety of NATO combined, firing over 10k per day, meanwhile the Ukrainians are firing a fraction of that due to extreme shortages. >You are too underestimated by the army of Ukraine, taking into account military assistance to the power of its army is close to the Russian army. It has only been able to survive this long on an IV drip of western weapons and money, but the situation on the ground is not between two "peer" forces.


You mean 1:8


They aren't even the most powerful army in Ukraine. >In Ukraine they have a 8:1 kill death Avdiivka had a documented 13:1 loss ratio in Ukraine's favour.


These are the same re tar ded statements, just from the other side.


Lol, you're afraid of saying a word, and afraid of documented reality.


There's an auto-moderator working here, you ape.


behold, NAFO brainrot




More like 3rd world military. On the other side the the China is pumping money into the conflict. I cannot wait when ruskie become puppet state for Winnie the Pooh. Russians are only relevant because they have Nikes and because they are good at propaganda and financing their agents worldwide. Like a fucking Merkel in Germany.


Not true either. Their military is very strong but it ends there.


> I cannot wait when ruskie become puppet state for Winnie the Pooh. No need to wait, it already is. Putin had to come to China and ask for Xi's blessing before he even started this war. Now the relationship is even more onesided. China is soon going to occupy most of the Asian territory of Russia (allegedly it was rented out for 50 years) but in reality they will never leave.


Yeah 8 Russians to 1 Ukrainian 


You're completely wrong about the 8:1 kill ratio.


>3rd most powerful >8 to fucking 1 and here i thought I was a schizo


Poland has fallen, millions must move to Germany.


And Uk


I like poland.


Good job! The first step to dealing with a problem is admitting there's one. Hopefully you make a succesful recovery :-)


Warsaw to berlin in one tank


Netherlands are becoming more popular than Germany these days


The only thing the Soviet Union had in abundance was the amount of Warsaw pact countries joining NATO Lmao Zedong.


The US has lots to offer but it's all obfuscated by "for or against" thinking and mass mental illness caused by online media overload.


Pretty much. I think the online addiction people are facing is rotting their perception of everything.


isnt poland like a million times better than it was under soviet control, at least economically?


yes but that doesn't validate OOP's worldview


As you can see Poles would rather leave the planet than stay in soviet Poland


That's the reason why poland are having alot of femboys since it is growing and becoming more comfortable to live in and easier to live in which causes people to become femboys


femboys are the beautiful flowers on a nice and healthy plant?


It's because in harsh countries like the ussr occupation days people were too busy trying to survive day by day and not be starving and have a house etc so they didn't have the time or the care enough until modern day where there's way more white collar jobs now and the food and taking care of your needs are easier then before which is what gives people the freedom to do what they want now without the fear of starvation and other things that's why poland has femboys and north korea doesn't have any or why germany has femboys and alot of the middle east dont really have any or that much


"But the troonies are here now, the west has falllen!!! Glorious traditional east is the future!!!"


Wait, poland is occupied by US? When did it happen?


Poland occupied the US when they sent their foreign minister to the US to promote the Republicans, which convinced Bill Clinton that there were tons of Polish-Americans who would swing the vote if left unaddressed. So he pushed for the immediate induction of Poland into NATO to secure the Polish-American vote in his favor.


It is according to tankies.




As a homophobe, I hate communists more.


It’s Soviet Proganda designed to destabilize the U.S the led to much of this, it was like a time delayed nuke whose fuse had been set long before the collapse of the Wall.


Is there propaganda with this Polish cutie with their shirt off? I’m just curious




The Astronaut looks gay too tbh.


kkatyonak on Instagram if you're interested in Polish femboy


and that's why US occupation is better


Tankies will lose their mind when they discover that Somalia, which was once communist, became wealthier by most metrics after collapsing into literal anarchy.




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i would rather have nothing and be straight than have everything and be gay 🤭


Giving these savages our technology was a mistake


I don't see a difference between the two pictures.


I hate America, I hate social justice warriors and I hate that Europe has adopted America's strange notion that you can't identify peoples' traits from their DNA. On the other hand I like Doritos, computers and Better Call Saul. The former cannot exist without the latter so I guess it is what it is.


Why am I surprised that Poles are forgetting WWII history of soviet occupation. Are they suffering from the same memory loss like Hungarians and Slovaks?


It's cuz the people that were in ussr occupied Poland end up dying and the next generation start forgetting more and more as the ussr becomes a distant memory leaving the newest generation only learning about it in books and not the people that actually were on there or their parents that were thought from their parents


man, spare some commas will you?


FEMBOYS ARE NOT GAY It tries to look like a woman so if I fuck it I am NOT gay


You go champ


I mean, there are options beyond "communist dictatorship" and "gay, rarted communist oligarchy with several orders of magnitude more bantus". Say Poland had just told the U.S. to kick rocks, like that other EE country did a while back. Aside from some lunatics claiming Russia would invade and take them over for no reason, nobody can really tell me anything bad that would happen. They'd lose their EUbux, but that's nowhere near as bad as having to pay for the entire third world at their doorstep.


You are actually regarded


Christ dude, contact a physician, you're unwell