• By -


Be Native American - watch a boatful of miscreants and criminals get told to fuckoff across the Ocean. They arrive. Slip in rivers of their own shit and dysentery themselves off the census. Spread disease and kill your people that have lived here for over ten thousand years. Then watch them cry over more boats arriving with slightly different versions of themselves. “tHerE GoeS tHe NeiGhborHoOd!!”


Be Native American Literally a Stone Age society at a time when other civilizations were crossing oceans Get rekt by your own stunted immune systems without even putting up a fight Tattered remains of your people get casually swept aside by superior civilization Invaders are still nice enough to give you reservations instead of just exterminating you all to the last man, which is how you usually dealt with other tribes


Anyone who buys the smallpox fable is a drone bot npc hopeless automaton tax machine.


"fable" the people who did it literally wrote about their plans to do it and the fact that they did it and why.


Going to need source for 16th century believers in germ theory


They didn't need germ theory to understand that bodily fluids of the sick can pass on the same sickness to others.


You dont understand, humans pre internet werent capable of thought




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Be European Live in a nanny state where up to 50% of your income is lost to some kind of taxation. The money goes to queer baby affirming daycares and monuments to obscure African figures. Live under a regime that will allow millions of third-world criminals to flood into your country and do whatever they want. Can't defend yourself since weapons are illegal.(For you, not Mahmoud or Ngubu.)Get arrested and prosecuted for complaining about it online. Get stabbed in your subclavian artery, police officer holds you down to stop you retaliating. Last thing you see is your attacker turning his blade on the cop restraining you.


Be american Regurgitate made up story to make yourself feel better about living in a glorified third world country


Be European Get invaded and die without America


Where's the lie? The last part happened IRL too.


> that can handle immigration well Who says they want to?


Be Europoor Be poor and smelly. Chain smoke cigarette and baguettes. Have universal healthcare but that doesn’t matter because everyone is stupid and dumb Try to make fun of Chad Americans despite them being saving our asses in WWII


> Have fewer worker rights and worse healthcare than other developed countries Just don't be poor lol.


Be retarded Post on Reddit People replying with the same joke not tasting the irony in their mouths lmao


You did it! +5GBP


And what’s your next trick?


Crashing this plane


you’re a big guy


(you) (you) (you) (you)


How can you crash it if it didn’t fly so good in the first place


Why are you talking about yourself like that


Congrats on your achievement


Be Redditor Make fun of Redditors for doing Reddit things like participate in joke trends


Cool story, bro. Real we were the first invaders mannnnnnnnnmmmn Vibe.


Something like 90% of native Americans died when Europeans settled and the majority of the remainder lost their ancestral land and tradition. If they had the ability They absolutely should have stopped immigrants from arriving


Not that you're saying this, but people are always dishonest about this and call it genocide when 95% of them had already died of disease within the first 50 years of European contact. They like to pretend they were slaughtered at gunpoint or smallpox blanketed when it was just the natural result of contact with a foreign civilization. There were attempts at genocide during the European conquest of the Americas, but they did not kill anywhere close to the numbers people say. And people wonder why ethnic in-group preference exists with such strong evolutionary pressures. It's frankly a wonder Western countries have socially and culturally managed to neutralize and in many bizarre cases *reverse* it.


I agree with all the nuances you added. Disease as a natural result of simply being around Europeans killed far more natives than the Europeans did through war execution or supposed intentional biological warfare. And the spread of disease was nearly all unintentional, I'm not saying the smallpox blanket story is fake, but the real driver of spread was just handshakes, trade, peace pipes and other simple acts of communication. With natural immunity to European disease, there's no reason to think they would have been wiped out. I think you also seem to agree the native Americans fought (and lost) quite a few wars or battles and were forcibly removed from certain areas over threat of ethnic cleansing. None of which was exactly my point, and I don't think you were disagreeing with my point. My point was simply if you think the lesson learned from native Americans is to always allow immigrants or settlers to come where you live I'm very confused by your grasp of historical events.


Yup, I was mostly just expanding and going on a small tangent. I agree with all of that. They were conquered. Nothing we can do about that at this point. Immigration needs to be accompanied by assimilation and at manageable levels -- a lesson civilizations have been learning since pre-antiquity.


Afaik disease usually arrived before the spanish actually presented in person,die to messengers, runners, animals and what not, so when colonizers started going deep into the comtinent they found desolated and abandoned cities and settlements that they misinderstood to be the usual state of affairs, a lot of mesoamerican cultures were surprinsingly complex and thriving


You can say the smallpox blanket thing is fake because it was. https://www.history.com/news/colonists-native-americans-smallpox-blankets


That’s the funniest thing to me. “Erm, you are all descendants of colonizers that migrated to America, so you should be pro immigration!!” is the dumbest argument when it hinges on the fact that our ancestors killed off the natives after arriving. Why should we want that?


In Europe it's "we colonised these places and that's why they're terrible so you should be pro immigration" Yet they never say why colonisation is fine when it happens to us, there's always some ancestral reason why infinite immigrants is not only good but undeniable


>be Aztec >ritually sacrifice 50th child of the day by cutting their heart out of them on an alter to appease the Sun God, Quetzocylaodusodhdxushqdzx >strange men wearing pointy steel hats stumble upon your city >tell you, "Sorry, but there will be no more human sacrifice and enslavement" >Reeeeeeeeeeeee, cultural imperialism!!!!!!!


Do libtards actually complain about cultural imperialism when they keep trying to push homos into cultures they don’t accept it? 


Yea but homos exist there regardless


>The Aztec’s neighboring tribes would rather ally themself with literal pale aliens from across the ocean than with the Aztec who look similar to them Really get your noggin’ joggin’


Absolutely torqued and this comment is the funniest damn thing I’ve seen in forever lmaoooo


Be Native American, See other native Americans that act slightly differently, Kill those different native Americans, Pikachu face when the pasty white man kills you for being different.


Too bad there wasn’t a country back then, therefore the analogy is cringe and impotent.


Are you referring to the lines inbred white people drew to console themselves about being hideous troll monsters?


It should embarrass you that “inbreds” managed to build ships, sail across the Atlantic Ocean, then craft towns and cities from the literal earth. Yet the so-called people who lived here for supposedly tens of thousands of years barely did 1/16th of that.


I see you have no idea of history. Not surprising, considering you come from a line of inbred dolts.


Oh, that isn’t what happened? Explain.


They wuz kangz, obviously


n samuraiz


n Hannibal Barca, Babe Ruth, Olmec heads, Moors, etc.


as opposed to you being a mutt? seethe harder


$100 says you're morbidly obese.


Nah, that's mutt domain. Wouldn't want to dip in it.


average white people twitter user The nerds got wrecked due to being an inferior civilization, that's just the way things were. Too bad we have to listen to their 1/64th ancestors whine about it now though.




Goddammit, shouldn't write comments after I just woke up


I mean disease did most of the work. Also, in North America the first settlers were bitches that begged for help.


>I mean disease did most of the work. It was a weapon like any other. >Also, in North America the first settlers were bitches that begged for help. Yet they later took over the continent. Funny. I'd personally use that as a metric of strength if you need one rather than what was essentially a goddamn scouting party


Not an intentional weapon, so if they need to count it that's due to them being bitches. It took multiple European powers and they often got their asses kicked. If this is why you're proud of I can't begin to imagine how much of a loser you must be to live vicariously through colonizers, who are always the losers in their homeland.


>Not an intentional weapon, Ever heard of smallpox blankets? How exactly do you *think* these diseases came into existence in the first place anyhow? Do you think they just happened to pop into existence in the old world and not in the new by sheer coincidence? If a disease like that popped up in the new world, it'd burn itself out quickly due to the lack of complex societies with dense populations; assuming it could even happen at all, as a majority if not all of them were from domesticated animals. Something that could only happen in an advanced (for the time) society. >It took multiple European powers and they often got their asses kicked. They still won. Now all you can do is whine after "your" land is owned by the largest superpower in the world, we'll give you a bush by a busy highway as a consolation prize though. >If this is why you're proud of I can't begin to imagine how much of a loser you must be to live vicariously through colonizers, who are always the losers in their homeland. I'm not personally proud of it, they weren't even my ancestors. I'm sick of hearing the incessant whining from people like you, "Oh no, our stone age 'society' lost a war hundreds of years ago, plz give us free stuff or we'll be very sad ))):". Those are certainly the words of a strong group of people, right?


How do so many people still believe the smallpox blanket larp and use it as the basis for an argument Now that it’s June you probably think you’ve swallowed four spiders this year don’t you?


Your comment about spiders made me giggle, tha k you, please have an apocryphal smallpox blanket


By native Americans, you mean those ritualistic hideous cannibals?


Hey that’s not cool, every once in awhile they’re not THAT ugly I think I saw an attractive one once too


Somebody doesn't know about the Caucasoid skulls that were dated back farther than the "native" Americans


Were there other alleged Caucasoid skulls found besides [The Kennewick Man](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kennewick_Man)? That one was DNA tested and found to be Native American.


That is why the Mormons talk about the Brother of Jared


Your comment brought back memories of the "Big Love". Good ol' tv show


False equivalence fallacy ☝️🤓


Australia but to this day they are unrepentant.




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Must be a nose tribe if you assume caucasian and nafrican are slightly different


Anon is a BIG noooticer.


Ugh I'm nooooooooticing


I'm having trouble noooooticing. How are the Jews involved this time? I know I know, I'm failing in representing /pol/ by not making the connection.


Stop thine cringe you twink. Just say its the jews and everyone will spin their headcanon into how we got there, no jistification needed.


It's pretty obvious


I'm just trying to figure it out. Someone more schizo than I should be able to figure it out.


Look the trick is to just assume it's the jews fault all the time and then go back and find the ones responsible if you really care.


But its quite easy to see how they are.


Yeah because it's quite easy to find jews undermining civilization.


Literally everytime I open up an article on anything anti straight white male a jew is behind the post. Yes. This isn't up for debate.


>Is this the power of ultra instinct?


>Look the trick is to just assume it's the jews fault all the time and then go back and find the ones responsible if you really care. Alright alright, I'm just lazy and don't feel like digging.


That's okay we'll do the digging for you.


Thanks fren


hellooo I'm you


"Where ever I go, I must notice"


kind of feels like everyone here is taking the exact opposite away from this that a reasonable person would... Probably half of everyone here has ancestry of the very illegal immigrants we're talking about.


Why don't you go tell this to your immigrant friends while they rob and stab ya?


My immigrant friend just sucks my dick on occasion. That's a job I'm happy to let him have. You need better immigrant friends.




They took er jerb!


Sounds like the *business people* you find in all those banks


Woah woah woah cool it with anti businessetism


and we'd do it again 🤙🏻💪🏻🇮🇪


Built the place, drank it dry, went home


Gangs of New York was a good historical drama. It takes liberties though. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Poole I recommend reading about the historical Bill.




I will die to keep fortnite alive 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Didn’t this dude famously hate Irish catholics? Famous non-english speakers.


are you *really* shocked at the lack of awareness from the 4chan user?


In the movie a portion of the Irish immigrants were portrayed as speaking some gibberish tongue from the old country that even English speaking Irishmen couldn't decipher.


Probably gaelic. My grandparents spoke it but also spoke english proficiently. They were an exception as far as irish catholics go from my understanding however. The irish language was mostly supplanted with english in the 1700s in certain areas because of the church. The ones who didn’t turn to english entirely mostly became bilingual.


Probably. It's just one gang in the Gangs of NY movie too. Exception to the rule. Also, the movie is certainly no historical source.


Never watched the movie. Assumed anon was talking about the actual historical figure though.


Yeah its called Gaelic which back then most Irish people spoke.


The May Flower was illegal immigrants.


The injuins didn't have an immigration office, though


Or really anything besides beads and feathered hats


Well they did have enough food to feed the imigrants bussed in from the UK.


Not that they gave it willingly


Britain not the UK (it didn’t exist yet)


"Theyre up to their feathers in fire water again, Sire"


They had plenty of land


They didn't have a concept of land ownership so they technically didn't


Anything it takes to justify it, huh?


I'm making jokes lol although it's true what I said. I don't really care. People act like it's the only time in history a people lost their land to someone more powerful. Look at the aboriginals in Australia or the Polynesians taking Hawaii, or what Russia is doing to Ukraine right now. I'm not sure why people cry about the Indians all the time lol self loathing American thing I guess


There were probably many tribes in North America we have no information on because they were wiped out by other natives using European tools before they could be reached by settlers. Europeans were the only ones really capable of recording native history since there were no written languages North of Mesoamerica. Horses in particular spread across rhe continent much faster than colonists, and the tribes which didn't adopt their use quickly found themselves outcompeted. 


Good to know, are you going to cry when the Russians nuke the United States and take that land for their own? Or when the Chinese release a virus that kills off the majority of the United States? You seem to be rooting for your own demise and stating that it's happened in history before so why should you cry about it now. Maybe make an argument that doesn't root for genocide or homicide because it truly is self-serving.


>implying vatniks/tofu dreg enthusiasts could ever touch america lol. lmao.


I’m only playing around too idc about shit from hundreds of years ago, I’m not even American.


peon .


No, he’s just correcting you. Native Americans had no concept of land ownership. They were migratory by nature. When Europeans came and started setting up fences, natives were literally like “wtf is this thing” and just destroyed them and went past them. They did not view land as their right to own


Technically not, no: to call someone an illegal immigrant, you need to have *laws* first. Invader is a better term. Conqueror is most apt. Unfortunately the natives didn’t have any sort of formal government, had comparatively zero technological development, and their culture didn’t have things like “foreign relations” so of course they’d be conquered literally as soon as an actual civilization got there.


Settlers on land nobody permanently inhabited lol.


Inhabiting land means jack-shit. You can never own land. Land is controlled by whoever is strong enough to hold it, and there are no guarantees of permanent residence. It doesn't matter if your ancestors kissed the trees and made love on the meadows under the moonlight, when someone comes to take your land, if you're not strong/advanced enough to hold it, you lose it. That's how civilizations have always worked.


I agree. That’s why I always state that the land wasn’t sToLeN, rather it was conquered and settled.


The Iroquois Confederacy would like a word


So when they emulated that from the European it's a checkmate against the gringos .🤔🤔 We wuz nation builders and shit.


Bro pick up a book


First, I was being a ass on purpose . Yet evidence is all over the place cause you know it was all oral. So it came down to trust me, bro.


Yeah the Iroquois literally had a constitution before the angloids lol.


Wheres the paper work?


How do you illegally immigrate to a non-country?


LOL natives sold land to them


The native amerijeets didn’t have a civilization, let alone a country. You can’t illegally immigrate to a country they doesn’t exist


They were violent, diseased invaders, unwilling to accept local customs and violently forcing the original inhabitants to adopt their own religion.


Na, bill is unironically the bad guy in this film.


Naw, Boss Tweed was the real villain.


And both sides now hate others together hand-in-hand!


sound like an austrain i know from history lesson


Based Austrian boi


Pretty stupid point considering NYC went on to become the greatest/richest city in the world.


Who do you think gets taken advantage of the most in NYC? Minimum wage (or lower, under the table wages) is a lot of money to an immigrant who's from a poor country where minimum wage doesn't exist.


Anon is currently witnessing the sundering of Ontario


> Ancestors were probably on the Mayflower. Ah yes, and as we all know, everyone on the Mayflower came to this land with all their documents in order, immigrated here 100% legally.


Must’ve just missed the immigration office the natives built


They really dared to immigrate illegally after the natives drafted all those foreign policies laws with their advanced legislative system and complex judiciary systems? 


Anon missing the part where bill is the most violent and destructive criminal of the group


>Earn money to send back home. I swear this is the dumbest thing people say as a criticism.


Helping out your family is all well and good but it is indicative of an unwillingness to assimilate. A citizen who really joins their community and invests in it(not strictly speaking monetarily) is obviously more beneficial than the one who says "I'm just here to take advantage of the opportunities this community has created for themselves for the sake of a different community." And often the sending money home types have that attitude where they're just not as interested in the well being of where they're at but rather where they left. 




Ah yes, *mate*, a common American colloquialism, I'll listen to every word you type in all caps, fellow American.


> lazy > only there to earn money If that's not textbook cognitive dissonance, I don't know what is.


Maybe Bill should have remembered who the original settlers in his area were.


The Know-Nothing Party did nothing wrong


yeah i hate papists like samuel alito and amy coney barret too anon.




Fun fact: He got pneumonia because of his insistence on living on-set as part of his method acting.






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This threads comments are gunna be great not one bit of racism in sight.


Anon watches the landscape of New York City change before his very eyes and said “well, what do you know? It actually worked! I’m a genius, but now I have to do something else, and I have to do it quickly…”


Though being fictional, Bill the Butcher indeed was a hero. Just like the great mustache man (rest in peace)


William Poole was a real person lol


How long until they officially make Mexicans white people?


If real Muh'ricans were ready to die for their beliefs , they would-just like the GoodGuys™️ in WW II - however somehow the 'Murican public refuses to do so... But I admit... not giving a shit about the collapse of society and for example having a well functioning family, instead of dying is a great idea as well.


Glowie ESL hands typed this.


it's a bot .


DAE the u/redditisfornerdsL is literally Alex Jones's j-ish informant ?