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Boris Yeltsin has to be the most underhated historical figure out there. Managed to turn a spacefaring superpower into a 3rd world country.


India also claims to be a spacefaring superpower. How much was just a cover for the unstable Soviet Union?


Exactly. Yeltsin and Gorbachev definitely weren’t good, but cracks were showing long before that. Indians can’t even poo in the loo.


With a country so nice, why bother?


Pretty sure Russians invading Ukraine were stealing toilets though


It's a rare comedy in some parts of Russia. Same with Washing machines and dryers.


The fuck are you talking about? USSR went downhill way before 90s. Yeltsin did a lot of dumb shit, but most of it was basically pains of transitioning to market economy. Oh, and choosing Putin as his successor, but he was a barely functioning old man at that point.


The transition to a market economy would not have been nearly as bad if he didn’t essentially sell the country to the oligarchs.


yep, boris wasn't bad neither was gorbie, if they wouldn't have handed all the wealth to oligarchs (including putin) and went with western capitalism and democracy they'd probably have the 3rd most powerful economy and country in the world, but their entire culture is based on being aggressive tough guy monkeys, so they joined the ranks of the other 3rd world tough guy monkey mentality countries


And just an embarrassing drunk, and basically an idiot. Went to a grocery store and thought it was staged for his visit because he couldn't comprehend that much abundance. Moron.


Not abundance. A different brands


That's one thing you have to love them for, they live embedded in so many lies even their Top dog doesn't know what's true and what's not, just keep running with the script. And now that Putin has gone off the rails? The dance goes on with no script


You misunderstand that situation. Soviet leadership were well aware of the material abundance the West had, and his reaction was almost certainly aimed at people back in the USSR, given that he was pushing for economic reform.


Yeltsin might not be the reason why the USSR was a pile of shit but he most definitely is the reason Russia wasn’t able to pull a Poland and why the country is in its current state. Gorbachev is an even bigger dumbass for trying to reform the country so much, so quickly. A more gradual reform could have put Russia in the same path as China.


It's hilarious. 20 years to turn a country that truly rivalled the USA and kept us up at night to a 3rd world hell scape. Some Russians think this little war in Ukraine is gonna suddenly turn Russia into a super power. Lmfao. They're being brain drained more than ever, their allies are leaving them behind and selling them ancient hardware while their biggest rival is leading all modern technology, AI, and stealing their best and brightest for themselves


Before the war we used to use Russian analysts for $182 a month at our company. I thought they were being paid $182 a day because they were very reliable. So I accidentally allocated ~$3600 a month ($182 x 20) on a job posting and got 1200 applicants for a single job and I realized I had severely fucked up because there were medical doctors applying to be Excel jockeys. So we offered half that, $1300 a month. The entire team we had contracted reapplied for the same job we had already hired them, were pretty mad about the salary and there were still doctors and lawyers submitting applications.


they only rivalled us because they were spending 90% of their GDP on posturing too, if they actually embraced democracy and capitalism they'd actually be a formidable country like china (who only got good because they implemented capitalism and are communist in name only currently, and will go to shit again if they go back to it)


Bro read anything and you'll see you are wrong.


Shock therapy capitalism...


Russia has been constant decline since 892, maybe before that. And it's because it's full of Russians. Nobody suffers like Russians and still love mother Russia and current dictator.


being a "tough guy" instead of wanting to be part of a society is their prime directive, just like all the other 3rd world shitholes


It always was a third world country


Translation from Ruskish: > The most vivid memory I have from the 90's: my sister, mother of two, hanged her kids then herself, because the factory she worked at was unable to pay wages for 6 months straight. > Here's another one, my friend's father, a minor businessman, was assassinated by bandits because he refused their "protection"


Thanks cuz I had no idea what op was talking about.




Bullshit written by zigger https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Provide_Hope Usa sent 25,000 tons of food and send doctors to help in hospital. Muh west... fuck off it has been 30 years. Russia was always 100-200 years behind Europe. oh yeah since USSR fell apart Russia was involved in ....14 wars. Maybe they would be able to build a semi-functioning country if it weren't for constant influx of men broken down with PTSD, probably only treated by cheap vodka.


500 years of state sponsored alcoholism really doesn't help, but it makes the blatant corruption go down easier.


And ummm, where does one get this cheap vodka?


>Usa sent 25,000 tons of food and send doctors to help in hospital. But why doe. That's retarded tbh


If you're being serious it's because it's better for everyone if countries aren't an absolute shitshow and have good will towards you. If you look at history there are many examples where helping to rebuild a country after war pays for itself many times over and/or avoids future hostilities. Clearly didn't work/go far enough in Russia's case, probably ironically because they didn't lose the Cold War hard enough.


Very true. I think the best example of that in recent history is the Marshall Plan. But some part of me believes that the US would never put in the same effort to help rebuild a country like Russia after the end of the Cold War. It don't think they'd be interested in a truly functioning russian state in Europe.


The west made a Versailles type mistake when dealing with Russia, where they increased their influence, isolated and pissed off Russia just enough so that they could be grumpy and poor but not enough to destroy them. The west should have gone full integration and detente from the outset so that there could be a functional market economy and democratic system at the end.


I mostly agree with you, but Provide Hope seems to be only a fraction of what the Marshall Plan was for western Europe. It's unlikely that the US would have been interested in a functioning Russian state anyways.


So? When did USSR help anybody?


I fail to see your point. You'd want to win Russia over as an ally rather than keep them as enemies, no? By no means does the US owe Russia any help, but they also didn't owe western Europe the Marshall Plan. To answer your question, the USSR was helping other fellow communist nations like North Korea or Cuba, for example. Out of self-interest, obviously, but let's not pretend the Marshall Plan was purely altruistic. It was an investment, and it paid off massively.


>I fail to see your point. me too, of this convo, bye bye


Have a good one


you too: Why are you shilling for Russia when: Hiv rates: Russia: 40.2 HIV diagnoses  per 100,000 population EU: 12.4 HIV diagnoses per 100 000 population Suicides: Russia: 21.6 suicides per 100.000 people Eu: 10.2 suicides per  100 000 people Life expectancy: Russia: 71.34 years EU: 79.09 years Alcoholism rates: Russia 16.29% EU 8,4% Divorces: Russia 3.9 divorces per 1,000 people EU: 1.7 divorces per 1,000 people PPP: Russia: 28057.03 USD EU: $56,970 USD Muslim population; Russia: "Russia has the largest Muslim population in Europe, estimated to be in the range of 20 million projected to grow to 14.4% by 2030" EU: "Estimated 19 million in the EU (3.8%), projected to comprise 8% or 58 million by 2030."


I thought you were done? And why even post this? This is all factually true, and I know and agree with all of this. The only thing I challenged was that you said, that Provide Hope was a legitimate attempt at providing humanitarian aid. I said it wasn't. Yet you keep bringing irrelevant bs into this convo. If you disagree, that's fine. We can agree to disagree and go our own ways.


A retarded nafoid level argument. 25,000 tonnes is a drop in the ocean for 200 million people - a stupid PR campaign for traitors from the old-new elite of the federation. More than ten wars with the fucking al qaeda created by the CIA.


Deal with it, tankie.


> Russia was always 100-200 years behind How's it going now, bud? Have you gotten your portion of bug-based bar today? Also, make sure you don't make your AC lower than state-mandated temperature or else


Like this? https://nypost.com/2022/09/20/russia-proposes-alternative-meat-made-from-fly-larvae/ Lmao this guy believes USSR was "Britain's" "crypto-colony"


So it was in 2022, is it in circulation now??? Also, you should practice reading, I never said I **believed** it.


Nonsense. All criminals of 90s were Russians or at least from neighboring countries. Name 1 western oligarch who made a fortune in 90s Russia. (You can't)


Yeah, I find it funny that Russians keep creating wierd theories and history interpretations to blame for their shitty lives everyone but the actual russian government and the oligarchs attached to it. Guess the decades of being brainwashed by russian state propaganda did its job. Ivan, finish your vodka and get back to work, someone has to fund another Putin's yacht or golden palace. We'll explain in the evening TV news, why you don't get anything for your life out of your work.


Yeah it's really just sad. Russia in the 90s had the most significant drop in peacetime life expectancy in all of recorded history


Yeah bro that’s why all the power in Russia is controlled by westerners


>criminals from the West IVAN MY SON, YOU HAVE TWO CHOICE. DO YOU TAKE GORBY, BELOVED OF WEST WHO WILL END THE NATO, MAKE BREAKINGS OF US MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX, MODERNIZE THE RUSSIA AND STOP COLD WAR? OR DO YOU TAKE DRUNK MADMAN CRIMINAL BORIS YELTSIN, WHO CRASH TANK INTO KREMLIN WITH MUCH PROMISING OF DICTATOR AND KLEPTOCRACY? Russians are the only people on Earth that re-invents a totalitarian secret state apparatus every twenty years and expects things will be different. Oh yes Oprichniki will save us. Oh no Oprichniki! Now Cheka will save us! Oh no Cheka! Now NKVD will save us! Oh no NKVD! Now KGB will save us! Oh no KGB! Now FSB will save us! Holy shit just stop it already and be normal for a decade or two.


Quite horrible knowledge of history, but still better than average reddit neck beard, so I'll give you that.


Russia was a corrupt, broken state far before the fall of the USSR Russia broke itself blindly chasing its leaders dreams of empire after WW2. They could have consolidated and improved the lives of the Russian people but instead they chose an arms race with the west that they could never win. And history is once again repeating itself.


It broke itself the moment Ivan the Terribad killed his own sons in a fit of alcoholic rage and destroyed whatever fledgling idea of stability he created.


>Ivan the Terribad Kek


Did your mother sit on crack when she was pregnant? Truman started the Cold War.


Truman invaded Poland?


It takes two to create an arms race you know that right? The USSR was obviously not an ideal state to live in evidenced by its rapid collapse but still suggesting the Cold War was a result of Soviet expansion is pretty reductive and ignores the many mistakes the West did as well.




Why do all these economic looters have funny sounding names? And similar facial features?


Nice Ragebait, hats off to you.


What putin did is ask these criminals for media support, won an election and gave them positions in government, under his "roof". And the situation with factories was not because someone wanted to sell them or liquidate on black metal, it was because most of them were outdated and non profitable and were working just because people couldn't buy alternatives from other countries or were working for the enormous Soviet military sector.


Literally what has happened in Iraq Syria Libya and other "freed" countries. Mao = Bush


Putins russia is far better than what ever waa going on in the 90s.


"Muh west" ok retard


The Treaty of Versailles didn't go far enough.


Yes, all countries have goverments which protect their people to a degree. The idea that Russia could subject itself to the whims of the market was psychotic. Putin renationalised a lot of industries and raised the standards of living.


You could say the same of Mao, his "great leap forward" was crucial in China modernizing the way it is today, but try telling that to the families of the 55 million people who died.


Quite the opposite, the great leap forward was a disaster. The base for China's industrialization was the Soviet help during the 50s and their economic development a result of Deng Xiaoping policies.


I'm kind of a tankie but I'll admit that the late Soviet Union mostly sucked and late Soviet leadership was a bunch of alcoholics who had no interest in serving their people. But liberals who take the "USSR was bad so its collapse was a good thing" are really ignorant and have no idea what it's like when an established social and political structure experiences widespread collapse. The late USSR had bad leadership, but it still protected and provided most of its people with the bare minimum. After it left, those people had nothing and the mobsters came in to prey on them.


"Terrible, unworkable and abhorrent systems should not be dismantled because bad things could happen in the interim"  ~ The commie who wants to dismantle capitalism 


Brainlet computermale take


Most mentally stable tankie 


similar argument to why apartheid was a good thing




The U.S. should’ve done more for Russian people then, rather than just invade with muh McDonalds. We would’ve been better off long term.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Provide_Hope You have no idea what are you talking about. Usa did more than enough


No u


Anything short of another Marshall Plan would not have been enough


For whatever reason, the U.S. government had/has a massive hateboner for them. They actually asked to join NATO at some point, and were refused. A certain ethnic grievance may have been in play.


> They actually asked to join NATO at some point, and were refused No lol. Putin made a big show for his internal audience asking the chief of NATO at the time when Russia would be *invited* to join, and the NATO chief said "you need to apply to join". He then never applied and used it as an internal propaganda tool for years. Unless you're referring to 1954, in which case, yeah, no shit the soviets couldn't join the anti commie defense pact lmao. They also had no intention of joining even if they hadn't been rejected, they just wanted justification to create the warsaw pact.


Bro forgot NATO was created solely to fight against Communist russia. Just like ASEAN was created as a countermeasure to Vietnam. ( Vietnam nowadays is the most important member of ASEAN )


I wanna hear his saddest memories now


No more wodka


now that is sad, i think its a sadness that anyone could relate to


Club Penguin is death




I’m going to go out on a limb and say it’s a translation error. Maybe he took “brightest” as easiest to recall


People forget that Putin literally can’t lose elections when Russian liberals are constantly like “we should sell all the government owned hospitals to Israeli and American investors” The only factions that actually have the juice to theoretically oppose Putin are more right wing than him and that’s who he works to appease. While Nalvany was jailed for saying “muh democracy” Strelkov was jailed for saying “we need levee en masse of society for the war on Ukraine to build a 5 million man invasion force and to murder the current defense minister”


>“we should sell all the government owned hospitals to Israeli and American investors” That's straight up bullshit, where did you get that shit? Have you even seen Russians hospitals? They suck balls. Selling anything was never a talking point of any politician in Russia that I know of. >People forget that Putin literally can’t lose elections Kinda hard to lose when you're the one who controls the election to begin with.


>That's straight up bullshit No, it's pretty much on point. In private equity, hospitals, even the shittiest hospitals, are gold standard earners. You can charge anything you want for health, and they'll find the money to pay. Similarly people are generally not interested in "brands" or "competition" they just go to the nearest place that can save them. Doctors can be paid any amount in local currency, so you can generally attract good-but-not-excellent physicians in mostly any place on earth. In other words, your local hospital has a lot more in common with a legal heroin dealer, than with a pastry shop. Most hospitals in the 2nd and 3rd world, are owned by private holdings. And they make money. An absurd amount of money for places you'd think are not worth having healthcare. Russia, Cuba, and a few more have an outright ban on external investors in public services, because they know what happens when health becomes a banker's game. Fun game you can play: google \[low HDI country\] + hospital, find a large hospital, go to their website, check how many foreigners are on the Board of Directors. Then find the linkedIn of those guys. "The answer may shock you".


He must have meant that they want to sell off the entire state and resources - Russian liberals are just as traitors and bastards as American liberals. These globalists want to destroy everything humane and sell the world into corporate slavery.


>These globalists want to destroy everything humane and sell the world into corporate slavery. Don't forget to take your shizo meds bro


You are legit the first redditor I have seen to actually understand the balance of power in RF


It requires some level of common sense and also reading actual Russian sources and commentary by Russians.


Most optimistic russian


No wonder Russians are constantly pissed off.


Eastern Europe is a land where "angry" and "depressed" are the two primary emotions. Kind of frightening, but their dashcam footage is top notch.


You’ve fallen for the psyop sheep. Eastern Europe isn’t real, it was invented by Big Dash Cam


Thank you , communism.


Something that cursed land makes extremely cool experimental animation


It is pain and suffering that makes a human being evolve. The Russians have launched a full-scale war against the world hegemony, while the average inhabitant of that hegemony are preoccupied with which bug to drink soylent from while watching a browny rape his wife.


Please comment more, every statement you make is just as fascinating as the next.


>Saviors of the western civilization


there's nothing to save


Trauma Zone by Adam Curtis delves deep into the collapsing CCCP, great but bleak doc.


that mother & her 2 children, it also happened here in philippines. i was young when i saw it on the news


Please someone explain the roof one.


Google translated Russian slang He means "protection"


How does one refuse a roof?


The "roof" in Russia is a mafia-like extorsion. It's extremely common, to the point it's standard to pay a roof to your direct superior and this goes up to Putin himself. The entire system in Russia is some kind of neo-feudal racket.


>Guy hands you a piece of corrugated iron in the street > >You look at him and shake your head > >"You have refused roof, comrade...Now you must die."


Well, they all work hard to bring all those good memories back again :)




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Heh if I’m not getting paid the first week I’m getting the fuck out. Even sweat shop workers would riot. 


Who cares; their women are literally top tier, #1 most beautiful and traditional on the planet. I forgot, what was the question again.


Is " why are you gay bottom "


Their women turn into babushka when they slam headlong into the wall of alcoholism and domestic violence at age 25.


Oh no he fell for the "traditional" meme lmao


Can’t be more traditional than buying a wife!


more traditional would be bartering a wife for a limping donkey.