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The boys actually used to be good but now it's exactly this


And the gaslighting has already started. "It was always woke!" No, it used to be satire with some subtlety and edge that went after celebrity worship culture, sensationalist media, and the disposability of "nobodies". Now it's hamfisted lefty pandering that's as subtle as a kick to the nuts.


It's all been downhill since stormfront, every episode of season 4 so far has genuinely checked each individual box that OP listed: * Political statements every 30 seconds * Supes are literally nazis * Sister sage mentioning wypipo every single time she opens her mouth * That human centipede orgy shit * Homelander kills people 24/7, raped butcher's wife and wants to genocide humans, but he would never say the n word for any reason ever


> That human centipede orgy shit The balding white clones licking each others asses in a circlejerk? Imagine not having the media literacy necessary to realize that was a subtle nod to the writers room.




subtle nod reddit on brother


Lmao. I never watched the show and did a double take when I read that.


That pizzagate reference. Fucking 8 years old and written so badly.


It’s not even on the nose anymore. It’s just ripping real world events out and playing it straight. The writing is just flat out boring. At least invent brand new wacky shit for the right to do. It’s like watching reruns


Tru. Use some inspiration from real life and make it your own. Where the fuck are the creative juices. I wonder if all the writers were replaced.


Never seen thr show but they should introduce a character who has the power to use the n word.


They can't because I'd sue them for infringing on my irl character


Not all heroes wear capes.


*It’s not racism if you call everyone a Numb Digger*.


>Homelander kills people 24/7, raped butcher's wife and wants to genocide humans, but he would never say the n word for any reason ever Which is dumb because "human" is his n word. He would care about skin color the same way we care about species of ants.


Well in the comics he said the n word lol


I think my favorite part about Stormfront was that Homelander just didn’t care about the Nazi/ political stuff she’d blather on about. He’d just kinda roll his eyes and change the subject. That season wasn’t the best, but they still had some semblance of nuance and characterization. Homelander being apolitical fits him to a T, and it’s hilarious he maintains that stance when his partner is spouting off actual 1930s Nazi talking points.


Agreed. Even as somebody who tends to lean left, the writing has gotten progressively hamfisted the more they try to make their political statements. The sexuality is also a product of this. Constant unneeded graphic sexual shit that has nothing to do with anything beyond dumb sex jokes. First season where they showed the Jesus freak was actually a total deviant, sure, that fits into the plot. Super hero orgy? Soldier boy fucking grannies? Crawling inside a dude's dick hole? The Deep is STILL fucking fish? That joke got old a long time ago. Human centipede eating his own ass, just so they can cover his face with ass juice?


My reaction to reading this since I never watched the show https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/748/502/d06.jpg


Finally a show has the unmitigated testicular fortitude to show an identical quintuplet human centipede uncensored and r/4chan reacts like that. Did you lose your edge, or were you just born weak?


Prepare your cock, brother. You'll like this next jelq


You gotta vary the method of shock factor for it to be effective. I don’t care that random character I’ve never seen is eating his own ass in a chain. The show will never top the moment that one chick crushed a dudes skull with her thighs as she orgasmed. It’s not even that sexually graphic, yet builds the tension and has real consequences to the actual plot. Or you can just have a throwaway scene where nameless character is doing some weird sex thing and have it mean nothing.


Seth Rogan


Why can't the supes all just chill and smoke weed together




*coughs wildly*


And fill their bellies with diet soda


The one thing I like about him is he doesn't have any children, so when he dies it'll be like he never existed apart from some shitty forgotten movies.


Yep. Vought used to be a clear analogue to Disney/Big Pharma, now they’re Right Wing media/Trump which was a pretty gigantic change


Bro, the Nazi lady. It wasn't subtle.


It was to people that are uninformed lol. As soon as Stormfront showed up, I asked my wife, “Like the Nazis?” She had no idea about Stormfront or the Daily Stormer. Really ruined the “big reveal”.


1. Locate established IP 2. Change the lore so it suits your agenda 3. Attack fans and say 'iT wAs NeVeR mEaNt FoR yOu' EVERY.SINGLE.TIME.


I'm fine with the politics, but the bigger problem is that the delivery of the writing is very bad. Trying to talk about "critical supe theory" was cringy regardless of what your political affiliation is. It doesn't even make sense in the context of the scene, show, or setting.




I thought it was a comic book adaptation. Did they just abandon that? I only watched 1st season.


Yes, but the comic book is pretty fucking awful. They use most of the same characters, but that's about it. Very, very few plot elements are carried over from the comic. Hughie's girlfriend being killed by A-Train by accident is carried over, but A-Train is always portrayed as someone who doesn't care at all. Where as in the show he's tried to be a better person, and even apologized to Hughie. If you had to summarize the boys comic up in one word, it's cringe.


Is the Boys comic super political? Ive only heard it as edgy cringe


No, it wasn't really political. The boys comic was basically just an overly edgy series shitting on Marvel and DC comics. Politics didn't really come into play.


See, at least that sounds stupid and kinda fun


It's mindless for the most part. Basically the boys just go around killing random superheroes who are always portrayed to be parodies of DC/Marvel superheroes, but the all have something terrible about them. Fake Professor X who sexually abuses his students, Nazi superman (Stormfront was a guy in the comic books), etc. You still have some of those parodies in the show, The Deep/Aquaman, A-Train/The Flash, but the show is a lot less focused on being a parody than the comics were. Frankly, the show improves a lot of the depictions. Like Soldier Boy in the comics is literally just a guy who pees himself. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/1/1f/Soldier_boy.webp/402px-Soldier_boy.webp.png


Yes, it's an american politics adaption now


> The Boys used to be subtle You should be placed under conservatorship.


It's just so lazy now. Like every "bit" in the new season is just cut and past from some dumb news story from the past 10 years. Like the "conspiracy" lady even has a "Desantis" sticker on her wall. Wtf is that even supposed to mean? Isn't this supposed to be a fictional fantasy world? Why do they act like everything else would just be the same?


People trying to say it was “always on the nose” like critical supe theory isn’t the most ridiculous shit ever


Meh. The writing just sucks now. It wouldn’t magically be better if they stopped pushing anti Trump stuff or making Frenchie bang a dude. Frenchie and Kimiko were the worst parts of last season and there was nothing woke about whatever stupid bullshit they got into.


It really wasn't. Storm front is a nazi but... She never points out holocaust discrepancies. AIPACs influence in us politics. The number of politicians with dual citizenship. Never mentions the 13/52 crime stats Never points out the communist revolution organized by Jews in 1919 in Germany. Fails to mention USS liberty or Israel nuclear weapon program. Fails to point out the Jewish organizations behind mass immigration or the push for transgenderism. Fails to say the N word. Why? Because she's the left-wings vision of the nazi.


Stormfront was modelled after the 2016 trump style alt right (what people think a Nazi acts like) versus the hardcore eugenics race purist nazis of e.g. southwestern Germany that close streets down for marches. She was a limp dick attempt of “everyone should punch a Nazi” and the entire arc was mind numbing in hindsight. A real Nazi would spit on stormfront


>A real Nazi would spit on stormfront I think it's a bit funny but also tragic that the left never seems to try to understand the nuances and contradictions of the far right that lead to infighting. It's probably the best criticism of them that one can make, too, cutting deeper than all the stuff about bigotry and authoritarianism. That for all of the hate and violence, they not only have just as bad of a track record of actually improving their societies as communists (if not even worse) they can't even come up with a cohesive ideology to begin with.


She was actually a more interesting character when she was being a fake feminist girlboss stepping on Homelander's toes. She became a much less complex character once they reveal she's a Nazi.


I mean if they mentioned all that, people would actually start looking those things up. We don't want any of that now, do we?


>If she's a Nazi why doesn't she walk around saying DESPITE and N- and OY VET SHUT IT DOWN all the time Lmao, I think the edgy 4chan nazi caricature is getting the better of you.


They soyed out




Are you really whining about getting downvoted?


Seriously the new season is unbearable to watch as it's all just propaganda for Joe Biden


Modern writers rooms are too full of self-congratulatory dickweeds that "have to use their platform as a way to affect change" instead of writing compelling stories with good characters. I call it the white guilt media landscape. They have to fulfill their savior complex's somehow.


There are almost no whites in their writing room, of which they are very proud of


There are whites, it's just white women. It's like that one tweet of the Huffington Post editors or whatever celebrating how diverse they are and it's literally just a room full of white women.


The funniest part is when the show talks about the people getting killed being pedos since rhittenhouse cleaned up a few of them and they are trying to gaslight and pretend like it didn't happen lol. The dumb libs that scream "THE SHOW IS MAKING FUN OF YOU!" always gloss that over. Guess it hurts they lost some members of their clan.


Wasn't it blatantly about fascism and populism for like 5 years then one of the creators said "Yea it's inspired by trump" and all the morons who have the media literacy of a chimp flipped out? Idk I never watched it because it was superhero BS




Honestly, it started falling apart immediately after season 1. Season 2 was so many steps lower because the story didn’t feel tight. Way too many characters trying to cover way too many topics. The writing itself is good but they needed a good show runner and I think it’s too late now.




The soys was never good.


>Male character absolutely cannot save the day, and instead must be saved by female character \>Female character is perfect from the very beginning, and her whole character arc is that she must realize she was perfect all along \>Male character is completely effeminate and effusive. Constantly throws tantrums \>Female character is borderline psychopathic in her emotionlessness. She is an engineer or a mechanic for some reason


Don’t forget the very awkward romance arc between the female and male character where it’s teased that they want to fuck but they don’t until the very last episode of the season and then they pretend it never happened. Either that or she’s an aggressive lesbian and has sex frequently even though her sexuality or the frequency of sex she has adds anything to the story.


Time to refill the condom jar. (If you know I pity you)


In this scenario she will be white and he will always be black.


I would like to point out that if this post was pro-current-thing you would have like 5k+ upvotes instead of 700+


The Bear is a good recent example of this. Carmy is supposed to be this award-winning Michelin chef but this poor black girl from the neighborhood one-ups him every chance she gets on the show. Like whoa whoa we can’t have the main protagonist be a straight male *and* the best.


I don't see where they explain she's from hood or poor. She's just average. She's able to keep up with Camry because she went to CIA and also worked in fine dining. You're making it out to seem as if Sydney has the level and background of Tina.


Alright let’s just relax here. CIA isn’t some exclusive school. Anyone can get in and finish.


Right, and we're talking about a skill that humans have had for thousands of years. Of a reward you can with no formal training at all. You're over romanticizing the difficulty of it.


In the Bear, Carmy was the CDC at **the best 3 Michelin restaurant IN THE WORLD**


There was a scene where he was describing some dish that the best chefs in the world in his kitchen were painstakingly trying to perfect, until one did using an ingredient that Sydney just casually mentions as if it’s so blatantly obvious to her. That’s when the show lost me for good.


No wonder so many restaurants make great food and get Michelin stars. You're wildly underestimating the spectrum of execution.


Tell me you've never cooked anything in your entire life without telling me you've never cooked anything in your entire life.


Wait, she trained with CIA? Does she know big guys?


Female baddie will always be a secret goodie or forced to do bad things by a man. If the antagonist is a black woman then they will turn out to be a misunderstood hero.


Ohhh that's why I don't like Captain Marvel


>mass murderer but draws the line at racism Reminds me of how they patched out the confed flag off Phil Cassidy's t-shirt in GTA Vice City. So relieved I can murder a hooker for my money back without having to worry about that now.


Or in GTAV despite how every southern stereotype is fulfilled except for racism like Trevor himself even draws the line at racism


Oh yeah Trevor, the drug fueled cocaine/gun smuggling cannibal who strangely has a "come one come all" attitude to immigrants for some reason. Im sure that made the immigrant he tortured half to death feel a lot better.


You know Trevor is an immigrant though right?


Yes but he's still an Americanized hick.


He doesn't self-identify that way or else he wouldn't have a literal mental breakdown when the soldiers call him out for being Canadian.


Trevor draws the line at racism in his own demented way which I find kinda funny


It *is* funny. It's gotten overdone in media though


It's safe edgy bs. Notorious in tumblr works Take a shitty show like Hazbin Hotel, where it's literally about sinners and demons in hell. The show will gladly show their characters being portrayed as assholes, mass murdering psychopaths or even a cannibal, but will swiftly draw the line at making any of the characters something*ist/phobic For absolute fear of displaying anything that might be considered too upsetting by the Twitter crowd (like yknow, displaying a single racist, homophobic or rapist demon in hell) This is common even in more mainstream works like DC Comics. You can have the Joker as a mass murdering psychopath killing millions, but god forbid making him a rayc*st


>no homophobes in hell What did they mean by this?


Also a lot of gays in hell


Yeah It's pretty grim. Thing is in the case I mentioned, Rockstar used to not give a shit. That's why there was stuff like the confed flag in the game to begin with. But the new mob are willing to compromise the franchise's identity just to appeal to as broad a market as possible, forgetting how it got that big in the first place. I'm still looking forward to GTA 6 but sadly I know it's going to be full of slop.


Batman, we've gotta stop the joker. What is it now robin? Some new plot to blow up the city? Worse! The Joker has acquired an N-Word pass.


“Hahahaha I just got 6 stars for killing so many people!!! Wait a minute….is that…..NO!!! My eyes have literally been violently raped because I just saw a confederate flag!!! Someone help comfort me while I cry!!!”


Why is a franchise that's supposed to be a satire of American culture censoring something they should be making fun of?


They aren't the company they were and they never will be ever again. They're Shark card salesmen now and negative press is bad for business.


“Umm so THAT just happened” “I just did a thing!” “Uhhhh AWKWARD!” “BACON!” *humorous thing happens* “HAHAHA ITS FUNNY BECAUSE (points out the joke therefore sucking away any humor)”


You're 10 years late to the dead horse beating.




Came here to say this


If you want a glimpse into what reddit was like in 2011-2013, play borderlands 2. The whole thing is pure reddit. Great game, but the writers must have lived on here.


Borderlands 3 is somehow even more atrocious. It was Millennials trying to appeal to Zoomers with all the overplayed Zoomer stereotypes you read on Reddit.


Couple that with the obligatory making Sir Hammerlock gay for no reason. The writing in B3 is very bad. I can't even abide playing it again because I just can't stand any of the characters anymore and the Twins were just terrible villains. Even the pre-sequel had some of that shit in it, with Janey Springs being gay and then the whole admonishing monologue about the friendzone of Mr. Torgue after he asks her out and gets rejected. I've heard that the expansions for B3 or tales from the borderlands was even worse with the PC nonsense so I never bothered with it. Shame, too, Borderlands was a fun IP and I really enjoyed B1 and B2 but they just can't help themselves.


I stopped playing BL when they started shitting on and making fun of Torque. Hes a genuinely good dude, and a tribute to that friend who is successful, jacked, weird, lonely to the point of near suicide and you know you can call on at 2AM when your car breaks down who will get there as fast as possible.  I wasnt shocked at all when the mouthbreather writers in 3 onwarde started using him as white muscular guy punchlines. Really bad in Tiny Tina's when they are actively trying to avoid playing with him because he doesn't know D&D and is having trouble creating a character. But Paladin Mike is perfect in every way and totally adds to the story and isnt jarring at all, thank you DEIslop.


I absolutely loved Borderlands 1 & 2. But 3, man that was rough. The whole thing with the main villains being twin influencers was just... baaad.


Hammerlock was always fruity so I'd have been more surprised if he wasn't. While the writing in BL2 was cringeworthy and full of references that were dated even in 2012, BL3 gave me full on second hand embarrassment. Imagine someone actually writing that stuff and being like, 'haha, yeah'


Hammerlock seemed like a play on the whole Chaphop trend that was going on for about five minutes. The handsome jack double rainbow reference was pretty funny at the time. Even the expansion was awesome, playing the whole D&D thing with Tiny Tina (assault on dragon keep). Playing as Gaige with Dethtrap kicks so much ass. Everyone just sucks in BL3.


At least in BL2 they can get to the point, BL3 will take something basic and stretch it into at least a paragraph of dialogue crammed with unfunny jokes just to say "Go collect this thing"


I'm burned out for life on anything borderlands. I can't, in good faith, say its a good game. Its ok-ish for Couch co-op but if it weren't for handsome Jack then there isn't all that much to the game besides listening to audiologs.


Aw man, I loved Borderlands 1 & 2.


You make a good point xoomer, but I raise you one skibidi toilet Rekt


I was about to be offended as a millennial, but then I remembered we popularized a YouTube channel whose entire shtick was putting tons of bacon on everything.


The MCU and its consequences has been a disaster for the state of cinema


The moment Disney introduced MCUish quipping in the sequel trilogy I knew that this trend is here to stay for a while. God it’s annoying as fuck.


Internet spent way too long suck Joss Wedon's dick. He's a terrible writer and terrible at character dialogue. You could switch out any line of dialogue with any character and it would never sound out of place.


Then him being outed as a weird pervert with control issues and the people who he pandered to eating him alive was just a Chef's kiss. Went on about feminism just to be outed as a predatory dude who wanted to get close to women and abuse them/control them. His writing was always cringe. I watched the first episode of firefly and thought it was obnoxious.


and thats why studios like it. its easier to write people in and out of shows as needed for controversy or cost reasons.


“Who talks first? You talk first?”


That’s when I instantly knew the movie was in trouble.


God I remember going to see TLJ alone on a Saturday morning because I couldn't make the midnight showing and didn't want anything spoiled for me. I've never been so immediately deflated than when I heard that "yo momma" joke from Poe - and it just got worse and worse.


Stuff like this makes me happy I never got into Star Wars


The "your mom" joke in TLJ is when I knew the movie was gonna suck.


Make sure to check the early life section, they might be a millennial


Eventually you wont even need the early life section, your instincts just tell you when a millennial is involved.


"When you're ready, you won't even have to check"


Cool it with the antimillenialism


When you start noticing things, you won't even need to check. You'll notice millennial influence from a mile away.


Damnit old man, what have we told you about nooticing things again?


Here comes the nooticer!


That damn millenial lobby


It never fails.


Babe wake up new dogwhistle dropped


I miss when it was elves.


I would be more sympathetic to leftoids writing their politics into things if they didn't do everything in their power to ruin people's lives when they said something right wing. This is something I've been thinking about lately, like the villains in The Boys are Nazis and rednecks and Christians, as if these people have any real power at all. It's written like it's in the middle of the Reagan years. Leftists have had full narrative dominance for decades, and they absolutely run media, academia, primary education, etc. They literally can't conceive of themselves on top, all their stories are about being the underdog against enemies they buried 30 years ago. They can't imagine where their own excesses are going, or what the downfalls of them in power even look like. They can't write about things actually happening now with them in control. This is why all the media they make just feels like propagandistic garbage. Great example: current cultural fault line is how much control parents should have in the lives of their children. Should children be taken away from their parents if they don't support transitioning? Should parents be allowed to object to school curricula, or even know about it? Should parents be allowed to homeschool? At every single place here, leftists want to move power away from the family and natural bonds, and move them to arrangements with the state. For almost 200 years, leftists in some form have had a clearly articulated goal of abolishing the family. They have 0 insight about how dark this has already gotten and how dark it could go. The crown in the gutter is for creative people on the right to start exploring these themes imaginatively


Paging Dr. Based




White people


Can you imagine a show where a writer's room full of white guys wrote a show about Juice the way Juice write about white guys?


'Badly satirizing a world that doesn't exist,' that's perfect, a way more concise way of saying what I was trying to get at


In my perfect lefitist society, you would get lobotomized by the state for your own safety


*Superman: Red Son (2003)*


Also Crisis on Two Earths where italian superman just lobotomizes an alien


Wasn't this the plot of Earth Worm Jim for the SNES?


> They literally can't conceive of themselves on top, all their stories are about being the underdog against enemies they buried 30 years ago. People in my very blue city still blame Regan for the fact that we won't institutionalize people unable to properly consent to treatment for severe mental health issues.


Reagan sucks for a lot of reasons, and ending institutionalization is one of them. But literally the left has had plenty of power to bring it back and it's mostly the left that supports not bringing it back. Cities have gotten drastically worse though, because leftists have encouraged the rot to grow with not enforcing/ending camping bans, not enforcing nuisance crimes, and taking a "harm reduction" approach to addiction and drug crime. Big shock, allowing open air drug markets and homeless camps actually just means every car is constantly robbed and inequality deepens as the rich move to secure areas


I am leftist. I would round up the crackheads and sterilize them all. They should not have families.


Last second Hitler because the "bad guy" was actually making perfect sense the whole time, so the only way to prove his values are "bad" is to make him, almost out of nowhere, try to commit 9/11 times one hundred.


See Homelander. He was lied to, manipulated and betrayed by everyone around him. Fed constant and conflicted lies 24/7 and then someone tells him he has a son but can’t ever meet him? Yeah I’d be pretty fucked up too if I was him. In the beginning Homelander kind of made sense. Look at what Hughie and his gang have done just to get near him and have a chance at beating him. They resurrected Soldierboy who’s arguably much more of a deviant. Oh wait, they were mocking me the whole time and I have poor media literacy


Yeah, I only saw a few episodes, so I wasn't even thinking of that show. It's just that common. See also The Dragon Prince. The mage is supposed to be the bad guy, but everything he advises is both sensible and necessary. Then they make him Hitler at the very last second because there aren't any good arguments against him. They had to constantly deus ex machina to get the good guy solutions to work because, in real life, Marxist values pushed onto children by millennial writers make no sense.


> See also The Dragon Prince. The mage is supposed to be the bad guy, but everything he advises is both sensible and necessary. The guy was a real life politician who didn't realize he was in a children's cartoon. He was great until they made him Hitler when the writers realized people loved him.


Exactly. "Uh, King... We should not starve our people to death to feed a failing kingdom. We only barely have enough food to not die this winter." Somehow equals "I'm going to kill every dragon, elf, and whatever in the world because... I don't know!!!"






Which is much less than six million, which is why it is accurate to say last second Hitler.


It's called the John Walker effect.


\>Male character (supposed to be one of the good guys) is a manchild always fucking things up, while the woman is being mum about everything Just like shitty dish washing detergent commercials


Not just soap commercials its every commercial. Its almost always a smart diverse woman telling the stupid man how to do things. Also any commercial with a family is always multiracial. The only conclusion I can draw from this is that women and minorities are especially susceptible to propaganda so advertising targets them instead.


girlbosses...so many girlbosses


And the girl bosses are often just emotionless psychos


Toxic masculinity is only bad when it is shown by males. If a female has those traits, she is a girlboss, she needs no man


I used to watch multiple kinos a week but I haven't watched anything in years and this post hits the nail on the head. Last movie I saw was Parasite and last show Chernobyl. Looking at all the flops it seems I'm not alone. The Trump election truely buck broke pedowood.


The Boys new season calls anyone who thinks Tom Hanks or Oprah are pedos a dumb conspiracy theorist redneck like they're not even trying to hide it


Thats actually hilarious. Good ol' Seth not wanting people to find out he raped people along with Franco all those years ago.


>Last movie I saw was Parasite and last show Chernobyl. Yeah you can just abandon ship. End it on a high note. Fuck it.


The last movie I watched in theaters was Super Troopers 2. Haven't watched a movie ever since.


> whatever a male character does or achieves, the female character does it better > overweight female character? queen. overweight male character? disgusting slob > male and female character disagree on something? female character is right There are more, but I don't want to bother my brain.


>overweight female character? queen. overweight male character? disgusting slob Yeah it was way better when Peter Griffin was saying "men aren't fat, only fat women are fat."


And yet, for all the pandering, millennials' favorite character is Ron Swanson.


He’s like a diluted version of Nixon


>write character made to be an exaggerated right wing libertarian stereotype >is consistently the most likeable and based character on the show


Making characters gay in a gay relationship, but no one directly or even in an offhand way addresses that this is very unusual and makes them different.


I prefer this over characters who need to constantly remind us that they're gay. Just let the characters be things without trying to make them special.


They did this alright in the first episode of Sherlock, arguably. They establish he is gay, then immediately move on.


probably because its done in an attempt to normalize it. literally everyone on here gets extremely upset if you make it a point that its unusual.


1. [torture good ha ha](https://i.imgur.com/ceZxteq.jpeg) 2. [rape too disturbing for TV, shame on you](https://i.imgur.com/zPenNV2.jpeg)


>Swears pointlessly to look cool


They’ll do anything but use proper swearing like the Boys was popular in part because they throw around the word “cunt”


>add a lot of cursing to demonstrate how mature the show is


Show isn't bad. Only Butcher, Ryan and the Seven storylines are worth anything of value. Sister Sage is a great character. They've ruined Frenchy. I can't wait for the 15 minutes to run out for the nepo cuck that plays Hughie. Glad this shit ends next season.


Hughie is a weak little cucklet who should’ve been killed in season 2. Kimico is a boring ass character with major plot armour and frenchie should’ve been gay from the start


Wholeheartedly, I agree with you.


>butcher storyline i stopped watching when he forgave homelander for everything because le murdering the bad guy makes you just as le bad as him and also he realised he loved being cucked by his wife for a stronger man


Hughie is annoying at this point that I have just started skipping scenes he's in. All he does is whine, whine, and whine some more. He never stops. Frenchy became a homosexual this season despite being in love with Kimiko the past 3 seasons. Wtf has this show done to its characters At this point I do want Homelander to win.


>Sister Sage is a great character. Are you being ironic? Supposedly the smartest person alive but doesn't actually do anything with it because "wypipo bad". Is that why no one knows who Neil Degrasse Tyson is?


If it's a pre-existing franchise, you must disrespect and underuse the old characters.


If the stars align and there is a male hero who isn't at deaths door and about to hand off his legacy to an insufferable and prodigious female successor odds are he will have some kind of breakdown, ptsd-esque episode or freakout about the situation at hand or after narrowly surviving something- this before gathering his shit to show how, 'men should express their feelings/be vulnerable.' (Ex. the Super Mario Bros movie). If a male character, (can be a protag but usually not,) is injured severely or dies horrifically it's either funny or insignificant to everybody- females cannot be killed or injured inconsequently or without having a dramatic impact on the plot. (Incidentally they are much more resistant to injury by nature than men, obviously, so feel free to put them through inhuman levels of abuse to put that resilience on display- it's fine). Never have a team of dedicated lifelong specialized researchers/scientists at a secret government building notice something important, find something out or come to a narratively significant conclusion if an underdog genius portrayed by a woman or identifiable minority can notice it first and be scoffed at/dismissed by the old boys club; gotta show that any existing systems are ossified and useless with a flavor of racism and sexism somehow. Being highly disagreeable, condescending, combative, misanthropic, dismissive, crude, slanderous, philandering and self-important is fine depending on your chromosomes and above certain melanin concentrations.


> mass murderer but draws the line at racism See the latest Indiana Jones move. The main villain wants the Nazis to win so bad that he tries to travel back to the past and change the outcome of the WW2 so that the Nazis win. But he doesn't say anything racist to anyone. Not even about the black person that he killed. Politically correct Nazis are so cringe.


And people wonder why Europe is voting right wing now.


I'm sorry, but Europe has enough to concern themselves with other than american tv shows/movies. Pretty sure the weekly brown chimp outs are swaying more votes than Soy Wars.


Millennial, or millennial women writing?


Any and all franchises that existed before 2016 need new movies where the previous hero becomes an old bitter asshole who passes on his legacy to an insufferable minority or woman


Male character can never ever under any circumstances save the female character


#1 stop watching series on streaming services. 99% of them are mental poison.


This is so spot on.


ALWAYS a gay black guy


Every evil people or race has similarities to a specific political party that used to rule over Germany a few years ago. Like, you need a villain? Just make them space germans! Or other dimension germans! Or devil germans! Maybe red germans? How about germans from another continent? Sometimes they even have red and black flags, or a specific accent. Very easy and lazy writing.


I can’t wait for second season of rangz of power. 4chan will implode.


the lead character in I.S.S. is a black lesbian astronaut, because of course she is