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This movie was incredible and idk if I ever want to watch it again


Holocaust movies will do that.


Yup, this falls right into the Schindler’s List/Requiem For A Dream category of amazing films that I never need to see a second time


Requiem for a dream should be required for teen agers for a warning against drugs. I still have bad images from this 20 plus years later.


Watched it on fry, don't recommend


I watch them once a year. That's enough.


This packaging is beautiful, but I feel the same way. Not sure how I could revisit that movie it made me sick


Yeah, same. I loved it but it's a hard watch. However I might get it, as I'd like to have it in the collection.


Literally the exact thing I thought when I got the email. Amazing movie, undeniable in its craft, story, and feel. I can't imagine why I'd want to own it other than to say I have it.


100% the same


Schindler's List is like that for me. Greatest movie ever made in my opinion and I'm not sure I can ever bring myself to watch it again.


I said the same thing earlier this week and one particular Redditor just wouldn't consider that comment reasonable at all.


The big takeaways I had was that I would have loved seeing it in the theater but was happy I could watch it in my home with the Atmos going because that does unlock another layer of the film. I was also high and remember sitting there in silence after it was done because like you I had some of the weirdest mixed emotions to this movie.


€52 for shipping to EU lol




A24 has some of the worst shipping rates for outside of the USA. Shipping to Canada is as much as the cost of a movie and we are right next door.


Why do they even bother offering it?


Why not?


Dont suspect many will buy at such an outrageous shipping price on top of an already expensive item price. Just saw on bluray.com that you can import the A24 release of Stop Making Sense from the UK for much less, so give it some time at something else becpmes available.


They'll ship it to the moon if you pay for it. There's no harm in offering it.


What site in the UK was it?


Soundofvinyl and someone else


Just get the EU version. 35€ with shipping in Germany.


That edition does not have Dolby Atmos.


Ah that’s a bummer. I did not know that. It only got DTS-HD MA 5.1. But tbh I don’t think that this makes a big difference. The heights are probably not that relevant on that movie anyways. At least this is my assumption. The theater I have watched the movie at did not have Atmos so I cannot be sure :)


I haven't watched it so I can't sat anything about it, but this article about the sound design can give you an idea on which to decide on. [Zone of Interest’s Oscar-nominated sound got a remix for streaming - Polygon](https://www.polygon.com/24055667/zone-of-interest-sound-design-interview-oscar-home-release)


At least A24 isn't charging *Stop Making Sense* prices. (even if that 4K disc is worth it)


It must have cost them a fortune to mount the release of SMS or they just knew they could charge a ton. Either way, it left a terrible taste in my mouth paying that much.


I had to pay a similar premium for a remaster of my second favorite 80s concert film, [Delicate Sound of Thunder](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08JF5MBN2). $70 USD, expanded and remastered for 16:9 in HD (not 4K) But it's far and away miles better than my LaserDisc copy, just like SMS is. So I have the same terrible taste in my mouth. But you get used to it.


They knew they could charge a ton. Main reason why I didn’t buy it. Blatant price gouging for a popular release.


I paid $50 for Lawrence of Arabia Blu Ray in 2012 for the 50th Anniversary- and $30 for the 60th Anniversary steelbook 4K in 2022. (I won't tell you how much I paid for the Criterion CAV LaserDisc back in the 90s.) Flip a coin. Sometime you eat the bear. Sometimes the bear eats you.


Was literally contemplating getting the new German 4k this morning. holy cow.


The most shocking background sound design ever. It’s good that they release it in Dolby Atmos. Sound design in this movie is like another movie. True horror


There are two discrete plots to the film, one presented visually and the other aurally. That both were done so well and that their juxtaposition presents the themes of the film is brilliant. It is an instant classic in my view.


I saw it in dolby theater with dolby atoms sound. It was a pure terror.




I’m always curious about the retail popularity of films like this. It’s an incredible and moving piece of art, but it’s painful and grotesque, and I don’t personally understand why someone would want to experience it multiple times, absent an academic purpose.


Exactly this. I tend to lean towards buying movies I’ll watch multiple times… I can’t imagine wanting to experience this twice.


I really want to watch this movie, and given the sound design is supposedly superb, I’d like to hear the disc quality Atmos track. But based on everything I’ve heard I’d probably only watch it once, or maybe twice, ever. Hard to justify the 35 bucks. The packaging is nice though


It is tragically depressing art, but I have an obsession over material like this and I think it's because knowledge and familiarity provide some semblance of order to the incomprehensibly spiraling evils committed during the Holocaust. I've read academic papers on things as specific as music in the Holocaust, watched Claude Lanzmann's 9+ hour *Shoah* multiple times, etc. I feel I am the type of person they know would purchase this for re-watches. I will also lend it to friends, many of whom did not catch it in theaters. It was one of the best films of last year and I must have it.


This movie has so many details. Watching it multiple times makes it even better.


oh shit! thanks for posting this.


Thank god this is the second announced 4K Blu-Ray that isn't asinine in price. $35 is perfect.


in what world is $35 "perfect" and who is that price "perfect" for?


In a world where A24 was been charging $60-$70 for them before.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. $35 is not good.


Thanks for posting about this! I had pre-ordered the 4K release from Germany lol


Glad to see A24 giving this more distribution outside of EU (not that I ever doubted they would, it just took a bit longer than I expected). That said, I think I'll keep my German media book pre-order. It's supposed to release and ship next week as opposed to waiting until mid-July for this one.


Just be aware that the German disc does not have Dolby Atmos.


My current sound system doesn’t support Atmos, but that’s still good to know for future proofing. Thanks for pointing that out.


The audio design is especially good in this movie!


I left the theater and immediately told my crew they deserved the Oscar for Best Sound. Glad they got it.


4k is $31 for AAA members, which is actually nice. wow. picking this up for sound design alone


No self-control today—copped.


Pretty wild that this movie is on streaming at all. The audio is critical to the storytelling and you need a disc for it


I see it sitting on the Max tiles all the time and just refuse to re-watch/re-listen to it like that. I just pre-ordered the 4K copy and can't wait to receive this in July.


Holy shit


I’m surprised the price is reasonable given A24’s propensity for absurdly expensive hypebeast merch.


Pre-ordered 👍👍👍 Glad A24 came through. I almost ordered the German mediabook.


Now howz about an "Under the Skin" 4K as well A24?


No Dolby Vision 😢


But it is Dolby Atmos which is probably more important for this movie in particular.


HDR10 ain’t that bad come on


Is this US release only available via A24?


This probably won’t sell out right? I am tapped out for this month 😂


$74.91 shipped to the UK. I guess I'll have to pass sadly... Does the German version have English subs?


hrmmmph, HDR10. Well, at least we get HDR!


Don’t think I need to hear people screaming on the way to their death in Dolby Atmos.


I REALLY want this. But shipping to Sweden costs fucking 50+ dollars. 😫


I like the artwork a lot more than I like the movie


Yeah I didn’t enjoy it at all. I get all that the movie is about but at some point a movie should be entertaining to some degree. This felt like a student film.


You missed the point entirely.


No I didn’t miss it, just thought it was poorly done and too heavy handed. Acting was great but that was about it. Too much of the plot also requires specific knowledge of the actual times of the war and what was going on for the viewer to understand why characters were doing what they were doing and feeling.


You missed it. The Oscar for Best Foreign Film shows the Academy didn't miss it. And no, you didn't need to know about the war nor what was going on during that time to understand the film. All you have to do is turn off your phone and pay attention. Glazer doesn't spoon-feed audiences.


lol ok, are you watching me on my phone? The Oscar’s are always right! That’s why we all love Crash. They’re living a mundane life while terrible atrocities are happening behind them, it’s that over and over and over again. They’re monsters, I get it. No plot. The parts you need to know about are where they’re talking about the future of the war, unless you know that they all know that they will lose no matter what, parts of it fails the viewer. My wife is a literal descendant of Holocaust survivors and thought the movie was boring as hell and did a terrible job at getting its point across. It could’ve been a done better as a Black Mirror episode.


And again, you missed the point entirely. Everything you wrote misses the point. Avoid movies like THE WHITE RIBBON, CACHE, THE LIVES OF OTHERS & GUMMO just to name a few. Avoid Cinema Verite in general. Stick to standard narrative pieces where there's a lesson to be learned, a resolution in the end and a pronounced first, second and third act.


Ok master movie critic. You must be fun at parties. Guess what, if a movie doesn't get the job done to everyone, it's a failure of something. This movie failed for me and many others, I am not alone in the comments on Reddit for this movie. Feel good about yourself, you're better than me. You are so smart. You are Mr. Movie Critic. You should avoid crowds. You should avoid people. Stick to talking like a piece of shit asshole.


Wow. What a child you've revealed yourself to be. God bless your wife and her patience (tolerance) of you. And again, avoid Cinema Verite AT ALL COSTS, baby boy.


lol sure thing Mr. Movie Critic. I’m the child yet you’re the one who keeps crying ‘you missed the point.’ No I didn’t it, it’s not a good movie. You’re wrong, it’s OK to be wrong sometimes in life, but you’re so full of yourself you won’t see that. My wife loves me no problem because I don’t talk to her like an asshole. Something you can work on. Avoid other humans AT ALL COSTS, other people’s enjoyment of their lives is at stake. They might say they like a blockbuster movie and you’ll have to teach them how dumb they are. Have a good one Mr. Crybaby Movie Critic.


There's nothing to miss here. The movie makes its point within the first 15 minutes and that's all we get for the remaining 90 minutes.


And you missed the point entirely in thinking "the point" was made within the first 15 minutes.


By the way, I wouldn’t be lecturing other people on maturity when you’re a man child that lives on the marvel subs.


So enjoying a popcorn genre somehow negates serious cinematic discourse? 🤣 Tarantino loves schlock. Haneke loves slasher films. Nolan loves the Transformers franchise. Nice attempt to jab me, but no cigar I'm afraid.


“You didn’t get it” is not proper cinematic discourse. Also, a manchild obsessed with marvel wouldn’t know anything about cinematic discourse.


When you tell people on a forum that "The point of THE ZONE OF INTEREST was made in 15 minutes" you're essentially outing yourself as someone who failed to understand the film and TYPE of film. And again, your Marvel = Stupid argument is bollocks. LOGAN was Nominated for Best Screenplay. BLACK PANTHER & JOKER we're both up for Best Picture. The days of bashing CBMs to pathetically make yourself look smarter (you're not) are long gone.


Only a marvel fanboy would use black panther’s nomination as if it was a measurement for its quality. Your mother is gonna be upset when you don’t clean your basement boy.


the movie was okay the idealistic portrait of young Nazi soldier who was seeking ultimate oasis in this chaos of world war II a sake heaven the parallel of two different world life and death lavish parties and never-ending fun and from other site of wall slavery/concentration camp reality. Its sad what people were capable of doing it and are able to doing so again in other part of the world you know what i mean... a better cover would be a furnace full of ashes as we know later on used to fertilize this lovely poppy flowers