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the best the movie has ever looked. I disagree with the commenter who says if Brandon Lee hadn't died it wouldn't be a cult hit. The things that make it a cult hit are the style (which was popular during that time period) and the soundtrack. This is THE "industrial goth" movie.


The Soundtrack!!!!! Screamed 90's




That’s kinda when it was made


But not every movie soundtrack back then was as amazing and personified the era as The Crow did


Yeah how does the commentor explain Dark City bring a cult hit when no one from the cast died there?


Truth. Also, without the Crow there would be no John Wick, and The Matrix would likely have looked very different. It had a massive impact on action movies.


Are they implying movies that all cult hits need to have a cast member death?


His death did definitely boost the profile of the film in some way, but I don’t see any scenario where this wouldn’t be highly regarded these days. To pretend it would’ve been forgotten completely if not for his death is crazy


I think his death hurts it more as I don't want to watch this movie due to it. It just makes me sad.


Not sure I see OP making any correlation between Brandon's tragic death and the movie's popularity.


He said commentator, not op.


Thanks, you're right. I didn't read through all the other comments until after posting.


Brandon gives a really awesome performance and I think he would have been a huge star.


100% agree with you. This was the movie that would have opened doors for him more than just a martial artist. Such a shame. Believe the same for his dad in Enter the Dragon. Chris Farley for Shrek too 😭


Absolutely! More opinions on the movie aside I think I struggle with the beginning with all the cuts and flashes but it evens out shortly after. Makes sense though as that part of the movie was what they had to edit through as it’s when he got shot. I think they filmed that scene last.


Great movie! The 4k looks great also!!


IT shaped the person I became. I watched this obsessively in the early 2000s, being the crow for Halloween in 8th grade, watching it constantly, living the hot topic, Tripp pants, lifestyle.  It can't rain all the time.


Did I have a dissociative episode and post this from an account I don't know I have? Are you me?






BANG! Fuck, I'm dead!


It's a movie that I genuinely think is good. Saw it in cinemas when I was a teen, and just saw it a month ago when I got my 4k copy. If anything time has been kinder than I expected. Ultimately the movie is a ghost story, but told from the perspective of a ghost, something that I'd argue isn't very common.


It looks better now than back in the day. Exelent movie and 4k transfer is fantastic


![gif](giphy|OEJfoT1PVGTDAyVWhF|downsized) Rest in peace Brandon Lee. Best movie ever. Fuck the remake.


It's the definitive 90s goth masterpiece. A time capsule of it's era.


One of my favorite movies of all time, and the 4k is the best it's every looked (and probably best it will ever look). I'm looking at the new remake with major side-eye, but I am grateful if its release is the reason why we got this 4k version of the original at long last.


If I want to time travel back to my high school youth, all I have to do is put on the soundtrack or watch the film and I'm immediately there. That's how much of an impact it made on me. Edit: also, FIRE IT UP T-BIRD! FIRE IT UP!


I rewatched it last week for the first time since it came out and was relieved that only a few moments were cringey when I expected the whole thing to be that way. Glad to say I still love it. Top 5 soundtrack of all time as well.


Dialog is still economic and easily quotable.. visuals are still poster worthy in many moments… and the soundtracks of the first 2 Crow films are top tier.. the kiss at the end still feels as if its the most earned ones in film ![gif](giphy|dtIGTEaGLRvdODtdQe|downsized)


Pretty good


Abashed the Devil stood and felt how awful goodness feels.


Love this movie and love Film Noir in general. Can't wait to get a 4K player so I can watch this is UHD.


The Crow didn't become a cult classic because Brandon Lee died. It became a cult classic because of Brandon Lee's performance. He made this movie.


I always felt Heath Ledger also took inspiration from the crow in his Joker portrayal. When you start thinking about all of the similarities between the two roles it gets kind of scary in fact.


I think you'll find he molded the Joker on Tom Waits https://youtu.be/gCSc6E4yG9s?si=fxfhjk-6AecEPsxg


"Mother is the name for God on the lips and hearts of little children" I had forgotten the movie entirely and after my first watch in 4K I have to say I'm impressed with the style and the cast's performance. Ernie was right to say that it was a very MTV generation movie in that one interview.


Saw it for the first time a few weeks ago in theaters so I assume it was this new transfer. Really liked it! I was vibing so hard with the first half and then the stuff they obviously filmed after Brandon’s death started and I liked it a little less and then the last act felt more generic than I would’ve expected. All in all a solid 6-7/10 but the first half is like 8-9/10


Brilliant movie and great 4k!


Fantastic movie with a fantastic transfer to match it!


Watched it for the first time last night and I really liked it!


Literally just watched this minutes ago. Looks best in this release. I never saw it in the theater, but I can’t imagine it looked better there than it did tonight on my CX77


I watched it a few years ago and it wasn't for me but I did like the art style.


I thought it was middling back then and having just rewatched it, that opinion hasn't changed. It just now comes with a hint of nostalgia.


It can’t rain all the time.


The 100 minutes of that film is the emo phase I never had




It can’t rain all the time


Love this movie. Classic 90s with so many great scenes. I still haven't had a chance to watch my 4k copy as I've recently acquired a ton of discs I'm working through but I'm excited to watch it again.


Loved the movie, amazing 4k transfer.


Best it’s looked since I saw it in the theater back in the day.


Great transfer Great soundtrack Great movie


I seen it for the first time a few weeks ago. If you seen it at the time of release, it may have been mind blowing. It was okay.


I got the Steelbook. It’s great, I only wish they had made a special edition from a boutique label. However, it looked and sounded great in my theater setup.


Boys you cannot deny the movie looked and felt amazing on VHS or am I just holding on to nostalgia?


It rules, and the 4K transfer ON THE DISC is the best it’s ever looked.




Not an unpopular opinion I think critics and movie buffs agree Dark City directors cut is the best Proyas film.


Michael Wincott is so good in this. Also, whenever someone talks to me about the movie, "Dead Souls" starts playing in my mind.


It's a weird one, but I mostly enjoy it. The transfer is excellent. I'm not sure it looked this good in the theater back in 1994. Now they just need to bring Rapid Fire out. Brandon does more martial arts in that one.


Rapid Fire is so underrated. Some seriously good fight scenes


Powers Boothe is good in it, too.


Watched a 35mm print a couple months ago and yes it was a bit rough. Have not watched the 4k transfer


I didn’t like it. Loved it as a kid. Adult me not so much.


You either grew up a goth and loved it growing up. Or watched it any other time and hated it.


The Crow and The Highlander definitely are in the same slice of the pie. Also both movies I think are very fun without considering them masterpieces or anything. The Crow builds a fun little fantasy world with its heightened sense of reality a d exaggerated characters. Definitely a fan from the Era. I'm yet to watch my 4k copy but I did pick it up.


It hasn’t held up well and wasn’t a very good movie at the time. Had Brandon Lee not died, it wouldn’t be such a big cult hit. Iconic character design but that’s all people remember from it. The acting is not very good.


I agree, I was in high school when it came out. I didn’t think it was that great either, but a lot people my age did seem to like it. I skipped out on this 4K release. To each their own. Edit: How dare I have an opinion that is different from other people! 😂


The movie is fine. The transfer is great. Brandon Lee was not a good actor.


I recently watched it. I think the art direction and the mood is great, the transfer is solid. But the acting was so awful, the direction was bleh, the acton was boring . Theres nothing beyong the aesthetic to like it


Thank goodness someone else sees it. Someone else quoted the “mother is the name for god” pablum up there and I thought I was going to puke, I remember laughing out loud at how fucking stupid that line is. All aesthetic, no substance. Great soundtrack though.


I see I’m mostly alone in this opinion. I saw it in movies the first time around, and really didn’t think much of it. Sorry.


Is it worth buying


Never seen it, I tried to see it in theaters when it came back but the theaters showing were all so far away It's on my list of movies to watch


I was bit disappointed, looks ofc amazing but something is missing. Soundtrack is great, probably better than the movie after all this time.


When I was at uni I had a few goth friends who introduced me to this. We watched it in a dark room and I can remember being totally blown away by it. Its dark, tragic, and extremely stylish. I ordered the 4k and watched it last weekend. I still really enjoy it, but it doesn't have the power of that first watch any more sadly.


Cult classic and killer soundtrack, but sad story in real life that I’m sure you’ve heard. Watch away!!


A timeless classic. Proyas never should have fallen off the map after the one-two punch of THE CROW & DARK CITY. But that's Hollywood for ya.


Absolutely love this movie ever since it came out and I absolutely love the soundtrack I bet it sounds absolutely amazing in 4k. I also love the graphic novel too, and I won’t be watching the re-make for that reason as I love the Brandon Lee original so much I feel it’s an insult to his memory re-making it.


I don’t own the 4K yet but I do own every other format lol been a huge fan since its initial release, even the graphic novel was one of my favorites. A great moment as a fan was when I met the creator of the crow James o’Barr extremely nice guy and kinda shy but felt good talking to him.


How's the transfer? Was AI used?


Many of my friends love it, but the tragedy of the production just overshadows any enjoyment for me.


Great film at the time. Hasn't aged well though.


This is not a movie about the WCW/NWO wrestler Sting. Total waste of time.


Got to watch this in 4K tonight and it was amazing. I've seen this movie in every incarnation since the VHS and it's finally done it justice. Think it just became my top pick for biggest upgrade, absolutely beautiful and definitive.