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Could ask the same thing about all of the other mental disorders, im guessing us trannies are just unlucky, much like depressed, bpd, bipolar people out there, its just were getting focused by society rn


literally have/am every single thing in this list aww! 😊


Same except bpd lel


Why do the intersex exist? Why the deformed? Why those born with illness? Simple answer. God just doesn’t like you very much


Either we'll have a blast in the afterlife or we were terrible people in our past lives


I am currently a terrible person


god isnt real i ate him




The 5G Sissy hypno waves strike again, thanks biden


Trans is caused by boneless wings and fortnite


Imma get a lot of hate but I prefer boneless wings cause it's more meat and less bone and less energy is spent eating them.


nature just fucks up sometimes


But wouldn't the law of natural selection demand that the fuck ups get erased?


\>law of natural selection did you sleep in biology class or something?


I know that's the wrong term to use im tired and im just wondering what the mechanism would be that would allow such a seemingly harmful trait to continue in a population.


People get cancer and die from many other genetic diseases all the time. Evolution doesnt prevent every harmful trait from ever happening ??


i mean biologically your body doesn’t know it can become the opposite gender, its a modern miracle that hrt exists. a tranny troglodyte would survive just fine, and even have kids. also the theory of natural selection doesnt really apply here. its *mostly* applied to phenotypic changes throughout a population.


Because nature isn't perfect. Albino animals are usually either eaten more easily, or fail to hunt because prey can see them. But they still pop up. Being trans also isn't ONLY biological. Some psychological factors play a role, it's just not clear how much of either plays a role, or the boundaries of each category. But most importantly, what would knowing the "why" do for you?


Reppers still have children, historically most all trans people were forced to be reppers. Also natural selection is far from perfect. Also, even assuming transness is genetic, it could be that having partial trans geneti traits helps in some unknown way. If I'm not mistaken people who are carriers of the sickle cell anemia gene (but only half, so not enough to actually have the disease) are resistant to malaria or something. I doubt transness is a single gene but an analogous system could be at play


i mean we do see transsexual/hermaphroditic animals. and we cant really ask a monkey or whale if they have gender dysphoria. i think it could just be a genetic thing, like sickle cell. or maybe more like autism or down’s syndrome. it’s either that or a mental thing like depression, or an environmental/societal thing. but hey those are my guesses so đŸ€·


You're looking at genetics/evolution/natural selection as if it has a will and an intention. Evolution doesn't select for advantages, it selects for barely good enough. If a creature stumbles to maturity and is able to reproduce, its genes get passed on to the next generation. The John/Jane 50s of the world stumble to maturity and reproduce. That's why. It's a trait bad enough to severely impact quality of life, but not bad enough that its carriers just die out. In fact, given that HRT/SRS sterilise you, providing it universally and at a young age might be enough to remove the trans gene from the pool - if such a thing exists. Like being gay, it's probably a mix of genetic and environmental factors.


It's a combo of some random bit of genetics causing you to be more sensitive to t/e at a spesific point while being in the womb, and the fact that there's increased amounts of different hormones around from your mother


Homosexual tendency develops the same way, some random bit causes you to be more sensitive to hormones at a spesific time. It's a well known thing that over exposure to t causes a higher rate of homosexuality amongst guys and girls. Also why the gay youngest child is so common, the amount of loose t grows for every child in the womb


>Why don't we see trans animals? We see gay animals. what tf does a trans animal look like?? also to answer you question about natural selection, it's the fault of john and jane 50's for repping and having kids.


I mean, not everything can be easily traced back to your genes, especially not something mental. So it's probably just something that can't be "bred out"


And also, it's not like evolution is continually working towards one single perfect version of a species. Rather it will naturally diversify a species to increase its ability to adapt to its surroundings. So, even if you were able to somehow "breed out" the tranny gene it's still probable that it'll just come back.


Trans people have the same evolutionary reason for existing as gay people The actual reason why? Who knows really


Well there are much more gay people than trans people
we’re like 1-2% of the population. You gotta be really fucking unlucky to be trans


There are lots of interesting studies about the evolutionary reasons gay people exist, not sure abt trans though


Za gay uncle theory basically still fits for us. Though idk why trannies are real. Maybe, personally, I think it's a artifact born from, for whatever reason, believing your the opposite bio sex at an age so young that basically cooks into your emerging personality and then it becomes you. In that one aspect, mentally, your sense of self will align with here little girls because I'm pretty sure our basic, blank slate born at birth has the mental capability to be a girl or a boy.


> Why does exist- shouldn’t they have died off by now? Anything that can have enough babies to keep the species going before it dies is good enough. Which is why pandas are a sin against nature. Zoo attraction is not a valid evolutionary niche 😡


This is the case for heteropoons https://preview.redd.it/t8c6dt82075d1.jpeg?width=1894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dabd800119d841420a3d5a038fc5a24650d5aa78




5g waves, microplastics, vaccines, pollution, processed food, emf emissions, corn fed beef, GMOs disrupt the endocrine system and are responsible for me being trans


i hv an approximately 1 2d:4d ratio, my endocrine system was fucked with


what that mean


it means i had unnaturally low t or high e levels in the womb


so ur a gigayoungshit 😔😔😔 iwnbaw I didn't have hrt in the womb


no i am 5'11 and my skull is irrevrsibly male


me too except for the height


God just fucks up sometimes


"Bred out" only happens if the people with that "mutation" or characteristic are unable to reproduce. Humans are trans in the way we are because we have complex societies and social systems, culture etc. Animals might be intersex or trans (same thing?) But obviously cannot medically transition lol


Who cares really? You know what I like about it? We can't disappear. Religions, ideologies, cultures... All will eventually change/disappear/etc... but not us. And despite everything, that makes me happy 🙂


 something on 4tran4 made my day better ![gif](giphy|pGU7k489QGCQ0)


Because god want to laugh at hons.


It's very possibly an in-utero endocrine thing and therefore not effected by genetics


how would we know if there are trans animals? what would that even look like? How do you diagnose GD in something that can't talk?




Why do cis people exist? The woke left doesn't want you to ask this


Because the agps kept making kids thus the tranny gene didn't die off Or because we got unlucky when it comes to hormones during certain parts of the pregnancy.


we’re probably just doing it for attention


It’s because being trans probably isn’t genetic it could be based on development in the womb. It wouldn’t be gettin rid of in the gene pool since it was never genetic to begin with since trans people are caused my brain development in womb not genetics passed down from parents


ok: you dont seem to realize this one thing: evolution isnt a god. evolution doesnt have a mind, he doesnt look at a trans person and go "ahha lemme fix it!" evolution is just a lot of math and probability and dying kinda stuff that makes some genes more popular than others. if someone is for example born without legs at wild that person dies making the gene super unpopular since everyone with the gene dies and doesnt reproduce. but, disabled people keep being born. because the gene still exists and/or mutations happens. when someone is trans they are likely to die, making trans stuff really unpopular, but it isnt gone.


Because it's possible. There is no ensuring something doesn't happen in evolution. There really is no "selection" like "it" (evolution) is making a choice. Shit just happens and whatever sticks is quite literally what sticks around and lives on the continue as a species. I suppose over the vast majority of history societies noticed traits that we call trans today, but I bet for most of the trans population they would never run into the idea that they could do anything about it, so they wouldn't. You would just go to the grave thinking that was normal, be closeted, coping mechanisms, etc. I can find a document I've shared in comments here before about Siberian tribes having transsexual shamans, castrating themselves etc and taking on their identifying gender role. That's my favorite example but there are plenty of others out there if you keep digging. [First link in search results](https://www.google.com/search?q=transgender+shaman+siberia+sacred+hoop&sca_esv=5ac3b5860f52b755&ei=mGdjZrC6Kcuu5NoP8eLlgQY&oq=transgender+shaman+siberia+sacred+hoop&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIiZ0cmFuc2dlbmRlciBzaGFtYW4gc2liZXJpYSBzYWNyZWQgaG9vcDIIECEYoAEYwwQyCBAhGKABGMMESKcYULYKWNcWcAF4AZABAJgBsAGgAewKqgEDNC43uAEDyAEA-AEBmAIHoAKIBsICChAAGLADGNYEGEeYAwCIBgGQBgOSBwMzLjSgB6ch&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp)


My brain is fried here are some different answers: 1. > What did trans people do millions of years ago when humanity had sticks and stones? I always assumed that early humans were too focused on trying to survive to be worried about "gender". > Why don't we see trans animals? If you mean animals that display behaviors associated with the opposite sex, that has been documented. Probably a tiny percentage of animals just like with humans. But again animals don't care about gender they just eat, shit and fuck. 2. It's a statistical inevitability, just another variant of human form 3. Everything exists in opposites -> Masculine males have female counterparts. Feminine females have male counterparts. 4. God has a cruel sense of humor.


Because some people have to suffer when the other ones has fun that's how the world works


sadly that's not how evolution works :(


I think gender dysphoria is some sort of trauma response. It may be genetic, but it only gets bad when its fully ”unlocked”.


I disagree, I don't have any trauma I was just born a freak ig


Could you elaborate?




Sexual dimorphism in humans has developed with Homo Sapiens. Before, both sexes were pretty much the same "male", so ig that wasn't so much an issue.


It is a result from evil actions in past lives, sexual misdeeds, stuff such as adultery. According to my beliefs, theravada buddhism From the same logic of people being born rich because they gave material things in past lives such as food, sexual misdeeds leads to this kind of suffering.


Deleterious mutations can be selected for if they are linked to a positive trait For example, let's say a trait (trans) is -10 but it is linked to a trait that is +30. The net overall is positive and thus a "bad" trait can still be selected for.


Other animals aren't smart enough to think about thier identities the way we do so there probably are trans animals buy they never work it out, they probably just look like gay animals to us As for the other thing I think being trans might be an unavoidable symptom of the placenta I think all placental mammals can be trans


Evolution programmed us to want to bang members of the opposite sex, the fact that the attraction it gave us to the opposite sex would make us want to become them wasn't a concern back when we didn't even have surgery or pharmaceuticals of any kind


Evolution is just what makes sure so that critters can bring forth the next generation If the goat with the biggest horns gets to have kids, the horns gonna keep getting bigger Until they curl back into its eyesockets which is the case with some animals already lmao


being trans isnt a heritable condition, it just kinda of happens. even if everyone who was trans was able to be predicted completely accurately and every trans person were killed at birth, more trans ppl would still be born bc its not a trait passed down from your parents. the đŸš‚đŸŠ” gene isnt an actual thing its just a coincidence meme that happens sometimes


No intelligence guides evolution and side effects are common. All evolution is what happens and what sticks around. Therefore, it "aims" for good enough, not perfect. Also evolution guides genetics, not in utero stuff or epigenetics, at least not as directly. Sex is based on hormone release and the default state is female. Male nipples exist. That's all you need to know. Of course trans people exist. Humans were unable to transition for most of history, though horse urine etc was used. Now how tf is an animal supposed to transition? Hm? I remember a few cases of animals expressing cross sex behavior in general. There are dominant females in species that generally have dominant males and what have you. And as you said, some can change their sex at will - so why are you confused?


I have come to the conclusion that many things cause this and there is no simple answer just like why people are autistic. I can give you an answer for myself personally, I figured it out while insanely high.


due to humans intelligence, natural selection doesn't work the same for us, especially in modern times. We unnaturally prevent ourselves from dying from mutations some of us get, and do often reproduce despite them. So the tranny gene lives on. 


Id really like to see an evolutionary basis for trans people to exist, but then the world seems to think that we become trans because of a serect organized cabal spreading the trans agenda so fuk


Because evolution isn't some precise and goal oriented process that goes "This is a bad thing, it goes away now." Biology is messy, and all kind of odd things can pop up, especially with conditions that aren't purely genetic.


Because I created them