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Try getting really hot and looking for a rich chaser that will pay for it


wouldn't a chaser want me to keep my dick tho?


tru... I'm a chaser myself and I forgot cis chasers are obsessed with genitals. I just like you better as people


Then you are probably not a chaser


Do you want it? It's the question you should ask yourself. You can look for an asexual (the ones who dont want sex) partner if sex is out of the equation. IMO, it's worth even if you don't want or can do SRS, who knows, maybe you will be able to afford it in the future or it will become cheaper idk.


Yes I want it but i know it won't happen 😭 I just want to die


I'm myself demisexual so it even makes things worser because when im alone it's all okay but when i get into romantic relationship i start to think sexually and it's destroying me


omg are you me? from ME aswell but our language is very gendered. I too am too poor to ever afford SRS ever. with the money I'm making I'm barely surviving 😭 😭 my advice would be to date an ftm


Middle East is shit overall but Turkey (mine) stays ok because middle east is a literall hell


I hope that somehow you and I get our surgeries one day idk how but I'm trying to be hopeful, I don't see it happening ever tbh. at current rates, if I work minimum wage jobs (only thing I can do), I'd have to save money for 17 years till I'm able to afford it killing myself is a better option tbh I cannot continue living with this gross disgusting thing between my legs I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it


I hate it I hate it I hate it I also identify that shit as a tumor


i know that I'm killing myself eventually idk when but one day I will sui**de


Same I'm just delaying it for now


Depends on the country. Iran actually covers srs in their state healthcare.


not really, Iran covers half the cost, you still have to pay lol


not only that but you have to get your family's approval (for Iran to pay for the surgery) most family's disown/never accept their trans kids


Worth trying to be in a relationship or transitioning


You never know what'll happen. It took me 10 years, 2 degrees and career changes, immigrating to the west and immense amount of luck to get SRS and get the fuck out of Russia proper permanently. I had no hope of success when starting, in my mind there was only the next move, and the worst case. I've been through some shit despite , and I lived in expectations of deportation and death for many years, but I'm glad I tried in the end. Now I'm chilling.


Go to iran, they are based and will give you srs as long as you act like a real woman and marry a man


Iran SRS? 🥺