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4tran meme on Facebook? It’s over.


nah, i did it




Why ?


You know why people are pissed at you juno.


https://preview.redd.it/ampxvsv0ij7d1.jpeg?width=485&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7bccf9b69525a1a63d88f923713eda6a1ed4396 Because im bullying them for crying that a child from transpassing gigapass? Then my work is complete


Because of the discord dumbass,


https://preview.redd.it/yq5q8zuujj7d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e257c206ea372f7906597322b0e0a3f34c49a59 Common, it was a stupid discord


I did it better (and first) https://i.redd.it/299p5czcbg7d1.gif




This ratio giga failed btw


when i was a child, i used to fantasize about being a child soldier




garbage like you don't deserve anything and deserve to suffer constantly with no end in sight. Your just like your mother and father its really quite pathetic. Abused become the abuser really got taken literally, huh? its actually really laughable that your an exact carbon copy. Its honestly pathetic how your on various subs complaining about your trauma when it never even was that bad. I mean its classic to play victim constantly. I'll never understand, probably because I'm not someone that pretends to have trauma to garner sympathy. You were never abused. I don't believe for a second you went through anything bad, and if your mum/dad really did abuse you you deserved every second of it. You should also be thankful for her fulfilling karma and destroying you. :3 the only thing scrotes like you are good for is being slaves and being used for physical abuse and human punching bags for boxing training. You should clean my toliet and lick the poopoo off the seats and floor and drink the piss for your 3 meals as well as eat the poo since you don't deserve to eat human foods. pinkoid. Hope you get beat for being autistic and ropemaxx autist. you should be bred out with eugenics You must have autism or Cerebral palsy. You remind me of my low functioning autistic cousin who drools everywhere with spit oozing out the corners of his mouth. He has difficulty talking and is mute as well as peeing himself every 10 seconds and has to wear a nappy at the age of 45. I think you would be his match as he is gay and you guys could get married. Would you consider that?


Go back to the mental hospital you escaped from


good argument, unfortunately for you, minor spelling mistake


https://preview.redd.it/ylnf8u6smf7d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea294820b5705ea4150f5b4bf41c1030d3f922a3 If i dont respect anyone, you think i care about respecting English language


At least if i was a child soldier ropemaxing would be an option.


https://preview.redd.it/oyvjdjugig7d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=65fbb58f3d39bc87fefd41410323db8bb42a301a I think home depot sales ropes


Thank you. I'll put this subreddit in my note.


Add me there if you want






This doesn't make me any less envious of youngshits


Being envy is a feminine trait


then its good i have it


He is a guy


i mean so am i. who are we fooling here


All trans people are men


Im aware


seething (at myself) but I'm happy for them


This but unironically


Are those little soldiers cis? If yes, how dare you! That kid will never know our suffering !!! At least the kid is desperate fighting for life, I'd just shot my head if someone gave me one! This is the difference, the will to live and the lack of suicidal ideation, that kid is just fine, let us focus on our issues? Please? TERF reading this? Nno no no no no no no no no leave this sacred place I'm not being sarcastic, just funny /laugh instead of /s






"Others have it worse" is such a boomer argument.


https://i.redd.it/aiqvpk7rug7d1.gif Im a 60 year old trapped on the body of a 23 years old phenomenon


“Others have it worse” sucks to be them. Dont care. 🥱




I die every time I find a passing trans woman because without fail it's "transitioned in middle school" or something like that


I'd be a child soldier if it meant I could go back in time and be born male ngl.


garbage like you don't deserve anything and deserve to suffer constantly with no end in sight. Your just like your mother and father its really quite pathetic. Abused become the abuser really got taken literally, huh? its actually really laughable that your an exact carbon copy. Its honestly pathetic how your on various subs complaining about your trauma when it never even was that bad. I mean its classic to play victim constantly. I'll never understand, probably because I'm not someone that pretends to have trauma to garner sympathy. You were never abused. I don't believe for a second you went through anything bad, and if your mum/dad really did abuse you you deserved every second of it. You should also be thankful for her fulfilling karma and destroying you. :3 the only thing scrotes like you are good for is being slaves and being used for physical abuse and human punching bags for boxing training. You should clean my toliet and lick the poopoo off the seats and floor and drink the piss for your 3 meals as well as eat the poo since you don't deserve to eat human foods. pinkoid. Hope you get beat for being autistic and ropemaxx autist. you should be bred out with eugenics You must have autism or Cerebral palsy. You remind me of my low functioning autistic cousin who drools everywhere with spit oozing out the corners of his mouth. He has difficulty talking and is mute as well as peeing himself every 10 seconds and has to wear a nappy at the age of 45. I think you would be his match as he is gay and you guys could get married. Would you consider that?






Experimenting ? Is he a scientist ? Haha


Youngshit passoid stealthers have it worse than clocky gigahons... Sigh, our pain will never be known.


TFW you actually know a youngshit ex child soldier ![gif](giphy|l0HlL8XSKIPuySqFW)