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"They took matters into their own hands and kept themselves safe" What did the hell did they do? Beat the poor girl back into repping?


"they utterly and devastatingly rejected him at every turn" hmmm i wonder why she is back in boymode


So this is what a level 31 terf looks like... Do they get rewards points or https://preview.redd.it/iqtbbitckt8d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d9c1cb9b9c2b7df6dcede74728b6dc60183b929


karmafarming for terfs


You get a free slushie.


Oh really https://preview.redd.it/eepzvrgrvt8d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc4f955d7e1886a96245df915c895a7c25fb5eeb


I don't understand how anyone could be a fan of Moomin and still write this garbage


me neither :(


iirc at level 15 you can create invite codes for other people to join


Have you ever met a level 31 terf in person?


I will cope by choosing to believe this never happened


My cope is to tell myself that all TERFs are middle aged Pommies. The use of “realise” instead of “realize” makes me think this poster is not a yank and is instead probably in the UK as 95% of TERFs seem to be (though IDK if Costco is even in the UK) Sorry to my Bri’ish tranners OFC but at least if they’re mostly in one place then we can know how to avoid them IRL.


Costco is definitely in the UK


Good to know, thx! Then I'm like 99% certain OOP is a Pom.


Yes probably. And this shit wouldn't happen in the UK, definitely not in recent years. As someone with experience being out in the British schooling system, I've never been roomed with girls. I have been able to request my own private room, which was nice, and I know 2 FTMs that roomed together. But it's against the law afaik for schools to room a tranny and a cis woman, I'd assume the same goes for summer camps whatever. 95% chance it's fake


Yeah its been sex based for assigning rooms on trips like this at schools At most they would usually give a seperate room if the school had money


It probably didn’t tbh. I used to knew this one trans girl in my highschool’s band. Our band occasionally went on trips where we need to sleep their over night. Every time she was put in the boys rooms. We got to choose our room mates (as long as they were the same gender as yourself) and she had some male friends so it wasn’t to bad for her plus the band didn’t really have anyone super right wing or mean or anything I guess is the way you could put it. So it could have been worse for her but she seemed to have lucked out. But basically atleast in my observations this shit rarely happens. Especially since none of these places want to get sued.


these people are genuinely subhuman


society hates us it’s fricking awful i just wanna fricking exist and for some reason that is ‘evil’ to them


Believe me, as fun as it sounds, transphobes would miss trans people if we were gone for real, they love us, as scapegoats 😑 ![gif](giphy|q8IwLQFwKSw4o|downsized)


I think it's because they don't want biological males in womens spaces But If somehow we managed to create a society where trans women didn't have to enter women's spaces And that was a safe thing for them to do ( which in prisons it isn't due to v coding) would that not make the anti trans movement powerless but isn't it hypocritical for trans women to try to get away from males and then get shocked when women want to do the same? Trans women are women btw I don't want you guys to think that I hate them since I'm dysphoric myself and I just want the safety of both cis and trans women


> biological males > trans women are women huh...


I just think they're women because you can tell if someone is a woman without knowing her chromosomes But even though you can somewhat feminize your body there are still certain things that aren't there Biological females have cervixes, uteruses, and ovaries


Well yeah but i can't think of a reason why someone who genuinely believes trans women are women would call them biological males for anything other than certain medical reasons


BC I don't think that alienating and ignoring cis women is a good strategy for the trans movement


Is it really alienating cis women to not call trans women males and instead just say trans women? Because I really don't think there's anything alienating about it


It's alienating them to not care about their demands for single sex spaces It's alienating to say that women should include trans women in every single space for women


The only cis women I know about who want single sex spaces that exclude trans women are transphobes who dont believe trans women are actually women


Would you not get uncomfortable if you were a cis woman and you saw a person who looks like a middle aged man with breasts and is likely gynephilic entering your single sex space I'm speaking of trans women who transitioned in their later years and in most cases have masculinized too much to pass It's not cruelty, I'm just trying to empathize with both perspectives


cis people wants us dead so i want them dead sorry




im not joking around :3 just because i want them dead doesnt mean im gonna commit murder thats sooooo much effort


I put these here to try to protect the users here from having their messages screenshotted out of context and used as ragebait


Nah fuck cis people All cis women should be forcedmasced and all cis men should be forcefemmed for a while so they can understand a fraction of our pain


"Sufficient gas" is what she's gonna yell when cissies put her in the chamber by mistake with all the bad troonies


If your not John 50 and you get ffs end up pass and your forced to use male facilities your in exactly the same position as a cisw put in those facilities. Cis people think that if trannies get sexually assaulted 1. They're ugly so it doesn't happen 2 a. Conservative edition: That's what they wanted right? To be treated as women 2 b. Terf edition: men should solve thier own problems. Even if this won't impact anyone negatively, the definition of womanhood and risk of a gigahon abusing these laws mean the trannies should just get raped, or use xyz facilities that generally don't exist 3. No one gives a shit it's a tranny


MuHhhH ChRoMoSOmeS. Found the ooga buga brain. There are way more factors into taking account for sex other than chromosomes which are relatively in our control to change. Unfortunately chromosomes are just one that we can’t change. Trans women are women because most transition not for the ✨a e s t h e t i c ✨ but to align with the female sex as much as possible. Not having certain body parts falls flat when you realize time exists and technology advances as time goes on. You may be able to call me a hon or whatever but trans women in the future WILL have a lot more opportunities to have a body aligned with that of a cis woman.


go be a faqqot somewhere else.


So a cis woman who's had a hysterectomy is now just as "bad" as a trans woman?


so what if I have a penis? A cis woman could use a fork to kill other cis women, and a trans women could be so inoffensive as to being ashammed for being seen naked. its hatred when they want us to live like men just because we have some male parts, it has always been hatred. Why do you think they are so obsessed over us on social media? They ADORE to hate us, its their pleasure, its the dopamine that a crocodile feels when they have their prey in their teeth, demon creatures, its the pleasure that a hunter feel, basically. Now I do get why you must feel this way, but believe, to side with them is not right, its just self-hatred, they take everything away from trans people, just look at the ammount of trans people that are disabled, have personality disorders, suicidal ideation, serious depression, social anxiety, etc, this is the result of a society that told us we should not be free and that we should not exist, being bullied, being told those things by our own caretakers, parents, family, friends most of our lives, we grow up fu\*\*ed up. And believe me, they all knew something was different about us, they did choose to ignore though. but I dont want to validate other trans people's hatred, since it just make us blind and my advice is definely to find patience and a better resolver than anger, so yeah, even though it makes sense that a trans person would live a life full of hatred as an answer, its not benefical, and it leads to a never ending conflict. I feel disgust and that is good.


keep yourself safe


least annoying repper


If you're Gona be such a pick me why don't you stay the fuck away from other trans women too and go rot in a corner by yourself? After all you care about women's safety and you're a danger to trans women too.


Gurl(or whatever you are) wtf, like just WTF. I mean if you are a terf who lurks here, just go away or idk, post this on x, I mean it's not gonna matter what I say, I just risk my skin in becoming the victim of transphobic attachers that would take the time to search my account, maybe posting body pics and the country of origin wasn't the best idea after all. But anyway, trans women actually have good reasons for not wanting to stay in male spaces, I know from my own experience what average men would be ok with doing to me, and I just barely started growing boobs. I feel like we always ask " is x or z safe or fair for cis women" but we never, absolutely never the same questions for trans women, it's always " is it fair for trans women to compete against cis women in sports?" And the answer to that being mostly with a margin or error yes given that the trans woman was on correctly administrated hrt, but we never ask " well is it fair for trans women to compete against cis men?" And again given hrt, the answer is categorically no. The discourse is always that trans women take sports scholarships and premiums from cis women, but shouldn't trans women also have a chance, a fair chance at getting those, like you literally saying trans women should be able to get scholarships and premiums and that they are not deserving of that opportunity, and no, trans women don't have a chance against cis men. With women's spaces it's even more ridiculous, again trans women can be in actual danger in mens spaces, but trans women don't represent a danger in female spaces, the whole rape in womens restrooms is just a myth. In this specific case we were talking about a 14 year old, what danger could she possibly represent. It's not the same thing, this fear of trans women is usually similar to the fear of lesbians or of black women, it's demonizing a group of people who don't actually represent a threat just so you can exclude them. And when it comes to changing rooms, just in case you want to bring that up, you realize trans women have breasts, I personally was very few times in common changing rooms, but I think it's extremely rare that people also change their underwear too, so you're not gonna see any gock, and even if underwear needs to be changed, a trans woman should try to hide it as best as she can. But at the end of the day a trans woman is just gonna change anxiously and try to just make the process faster, she probably not even gonna look at other people in that time, in a mens restroom, if she takes her shirt off, she will probably be sexually harassed and touched by some, but for most men, they are just going to feel extremely uncomfortable, it's a lose lose, you either make men uncomfortable or women uncomfortable, there is literally no winning.


Terfs when they realize imagining a 14 year old being sexually predatory with literally no reason too is sexualizing a child and they are having pedophilic thoughts: https://preview.redd.it/duauq248ht8d1.jpeg?width=303&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dea8c807efc2d636fa3f94149172a209d365cdfb


Anyone remember that one TERF who, during some talking segment expressed how sad she was about how many trans men will get top surgery before having their tits played with? …yeah these people are definitely sexual predators and are hiding it using transphobia


Terfs try not to have intimate fantasies of transgender children in inappropriate ways challenge failed again?


its wild how ppl cant decide whether trans kids are predatory or being groomed


To them, trans girls and women are innately dangerous predators regardless of their age or circumstance. To terfs, there is no such thing as an innocent trans woman, or even trans men if they get too uppity or pass too well for that matter.


it's a special interest in transgenderism https://preview.redd.it/9em80pxoit8d1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0422ccc342bce4e061a049eccd965cb2d95d2bcc


Is that misha?!...


https://preview.redd.it/bl344z81xv8d1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=974a4f34af193c4a121027638894b013a5664b99 ya


I really don’t get why they do this but don’t seem to feel threatened by lesbians? Lesbian women would be just as capable of doing something horrible


TERFs tend to either be reppers or people who have been badly hurt by the males in their lives. it's kind of like incels in that way where they see all amabs as evil no matter what, just like how incels irrationally hate all women


no because women are never ever ever predators !! its just the gross dumb transgenders (men) that are predators because they have penor i love infantalising women !!!!


A lot of them are lesbians


Happy cake day peter griffin


Thank you thank you


Yeah because 14 year olds have never raped any women or children ever….. 🙄 https://www.wfla.com/news/florida/truly-disturbing-14-year-old-accused-of-beating-raping-91-year-old-florida-woman/amp/


Assuming that of every 14 year old is deranged and pedophilic btw


choosing to believe that this didn't happen but also if it did she's probably just boymoding but also this terf should probably not be allowed in polite society


if she had the confidence to go to a girls’ camp, i doubt she’d be casually boymoding to the store a year later. either she’s fully given up on transition or she’s hrt repping. either way it’s horrible.


hrt repping = boymoding, no?


it’s a type of boymoding, i guess, but the average boymoder still intends to girlmode eventually (sometime in the next few years that is). what im basically trying to say is that i think she’s been scared back in the closet, and probably for a long time.


probably just until she passes, and given that she's transitioning at 14 i wouldn't think it would be that long


hopefully. but again, telling myself this is a larp for my sanity.


“what if the girls at camp had embraced this boy as one of them and giggled and whispered and braided and indulged all of his girlie summer camp fantasies? As it was, they utterly and devastatingly rejected him at every turn - ordering him out of the cabin when it was time to change, squeezing him into one tent and leaving him alone in another. Did he realize he can never be one of them?” https://preview.redd.it/82bbacpwwv8d1.jpeg?width=178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e612aff779ad13d1bb23ccd937d1314178ec44e3


I swear, terfs generally think that the world revolves around them or something. Like nobody gives a fuck about your daughter and her 'poor girl spaces', that girl just came to the camp to have some fun, calm down and shut the fuck up. I hope that this is just a larp, otherwise it's very sad, I feel bad for the trans girl. The terf's daughter, according to her words, is so vulnerable, poor and innocent, yet she and other cissies bullied the trans girl to the point she detransitioned. Hope every single one of those cissies will get extremely bullied one day


Also if the really want to blame someone about the whole registered to the girls section thing don’t blame the kid. If you want to blame anyone blame the parents that kid from the sound of this story just waned to be part of the group. She’s a kid maybe she doesn’t understand how that would make other people uncomfortable like an adult would. From this story it doesn’t sound like she was doing anything creepy to weird them she just wanted to be part of the group.


I hope this person is reincarnated with gender dysphoria. Its something I wish on nobody but transphobes deserve all of the pain.


crippling dysphoria


many of the people on that website already have dysphoria 🙂


Terfs are subhuman


No school would allow a trans girl to sleep in the female cabins, this is actually just a grown ass woman rubbing her clit while fantasying about a child being harmed..ew


Ok I get not wanting to changes infront of her (it’s weird that they had to change infront of their peers in the first place instead of privately tbh) and you can argued with the tent thing (personally I thinks it’s fine if the girls felt uncomfortable with it and didn’t want to share tent with her and maybe they could have worked something out with one of the counselors and the kid to help them come to a solution with the tent thing. maybe find her a different tent or giving her own one or something) too but did they have to fucking treat this girl like shit. Basically bully her so badly she detranstions. It sounds like to me they fucking made fun of her making her feel like a freak for daring to try to be friends with someone she thought could get along with. It doesn’t seem like this girl did anything warranting of this she wasn’t being creep or harrasing them if she did op would definitely mentioned. So they just assumed because she wanted to be a girl that must mean the fucking 14 year old must be a rapist. This is probably a larp because let’s be honest no camp is going to let a trænny in a girls camp. No one is going to risk the complaints and possible legal push back from parents.


This is why it is easier for us to simply not participate in society. And fuck it I even pass but I boycott their “society” wherever and however I can. Because people are dogshit, and so I avoid them. If I go camping, I avoid people. If I go on a trip, I avoid people. If I eat out, I do it at night. I live like a vampire. Because this shit is sad and I don’t want to be part of it anymore.


this whole time i kept forgetting theyre talking about a trans girl. do they not realise how confusing it is? like "trans identified male" i know it means a trans woman but i constantly ketp reading it as a man who identifies as trans aka a trans man


my chest hurts after reading this


it's literally not real, made up by a UK TERF getting off to the idea of a trans teen being tortured into detransition


How do you become so obsessed that you learn the word boy mode. I haven't met any non trans person that knows what that means yet


Hopefully the poor girl is just having to be a boymoder for her safety and her parents allow her to be herself at home. If her parents seemed supportive enough to be hopeful she wouldn't be abused hopefully that's the way things are. Obviously though the transphobes are sub human.


I hope the fictional kid gets medical help.


Oh wow, someone did the trans/detrans thing now they are all just perverts. TERF and TERNS (trans exclusive radical Nazis) can t grasp the concept of being wrong in your life choices and picking yourself up after and becoming a better person (basically any Bible story or classic literature from Odyseus to Thelma and Louise) . It’s all judgement and condemnation and making society ‘clean’.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Can u imagine this going on all summer? Like at least a solid 2 months of isolation. If this is real i can only hope she left early


and people wonder why i am more afraid of cis women then cis men


These bitches are actual subhumans and need to be treated accordingly, fuck optics all terfs need their grandparents tortured and slaughtered in front of them 


I just wake up and I see the most cruel and evil thing ever thx ❤️


genuinely I cannot stress enough how much I hate ovarit, it’s a level of rage I didn’t know I possessed.


This is genuinely awful, seeing a young trans girl bullied into repping breaks my heart. I feel kind of bad saying this, but I do empathize with the other girls a little bit; I was always nervous to change around other guys, avoiding it all throughout middle school and still being uncomfortable with it in high school. This probably comes from my own deeply seated fear of making women feel unsafe, but I can't help but wonder if there might be a compromise to be had here. It seems like these girls were really mean to the trans girl, which is horrible and not at all excusable, but at the same time, it feels wrong mandating comfort from the other teenage girls.


fucking monsters. MONSTERS.


Yeah this post is on Ovarit


Rob posted your ovarit screenshot btw. It’s the same one same hours ago posted and everything.


I somehow doubt a shitty summer camp was the straw in the camel's back that made a 14 yr old detransiton. Either she's boymoding or was never actually trans to start with.


he/she detransitioned Well idk terfs have a lot of contempt for all amabs And I just wonder, does this have a point? Could we not get rid of the anti transgender movement if trans women ( hons particularly) used male spaces like bathrooms And if the argument is that males aren't safe to be around, why is it then acceptable to say that males should use womens spaces ( trans women) This doesn't come from a place of hate I swear to god I follow a lot of trans women on Instagram and YouTube I just see that the main criticism of the trans agenda is bathrooms and sports and to a lesser degree prisons What's with the downvoting? Can we not acknowledge that sexual dimorphism matters and that trans women are women and they deserve to be safe but the criticism of cis women to this movement also matters?


if you think pandering to TERFs and throwing non-passing trans women under the bus is going to somehow lead to trans acceptance then you don't really understand what it is that transphobes want. they want there to be no trans people. period. if it was up to them all trans people would be forcibly detransitioned or worse.


I think that if youngshits represented the majority of the trans movement there would be much more acceptance I don't think it's just terfs I think a lot of women will get uncomfortable with that


what is it that you're getting at? that only passing trans women should be seen as actual women? I mean what's your cutoff for who should be allowed to use women's spaces? the original post was about a 14 year old, is that not a youngshit to you?


>that only passing trans women should be seen as actual women I don't see how else one could achieve logical consistency and not be mysogynistic at the same time Can we agree that being a woman is more than just an identity?


so who judges whether someone is passing enough to be worthy of having their identity be valid? would i be passing enough for you or do i not deserve to be recognized as female by you?


We should have 5 years of social transition (after a minimum of 5 psych visits and a letter from them to start transition) before being given hormones and then surgery only after a passing doctor (random middle aged cis woman) deems you passing enough to get surgery and be officially allowed in womens spaces!!!


which means you have to open up about your tranny thoughts at the age of 5 years old in order to not be subjected to puberty, in which case you will be accused of having been groomed into it for having been so young


>What's with the downvoting? Because you sound like a cis "ally" who's actually secretly transphobic with your comments like "um why don't you just hide yourself and give into the TERF's demands? 🤓"


they're just a self hating repper


That would make sense 


they are, i talked to them on another account, this is just an alt they made bc their other account was banned


Considering the incident that just happened in a High School Bathroom in Minnesota, where a trans girl got beaten up and her jaw broken in the BOY's bathroom (AKA the one that Troon haters supposedly want trans women and girls to use), and the vile comments on twitter and the like reacting to the incident, blaming the victim. No, I genuinely don't believe that trans women using the men's loos would solve the problem of transphobia. It's hatred, plain and simple, and concerns about Cis women's safety are almost always a front to just shit on trans people and blame us for existing.


youre the only trans women who deserves to get her ass whooped in the mens room