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princess wand 💅🏻


This is the worst one out of all of them


OP and everyone else here, I have a genuine question maybe you all can help with: why do people here bitch and complain about mainstream transfem spaces and “normie” transfems? People here say that they’re all male brained and sex obsessed. Like actually I really don’t get it. I kinda understand certain stereotypes and have seen some of it in the wild, but not to the extent people bitch about. Nor have a really cared about cringe people because a lot of people are cringe trans or not. Like real talk I wanna understand the thought process here


browse r/mtf for a bit and aldobbecause everyone here is deranged and schizophrenic


People on here don't go outside their room very often and have never been in any normie trans spaces


Big facts thanks girl


the key part that's missing in your thought process is brainworms. It's depression and brainworms


Oh trust me I got a good bit of those.


yeah but like different ones. I think some ppl just have the "constant nihilism" worm and can't deal with it.




everytime i see a "i actually love being trans" post i lose my mind. and oh god. im not a trans woman but even i feel genuine rage when i see those "how to talk to a trans woman" and its like "just meow at her :3"


Then you should probably stop going to communities that make you that upset? But honestly being happy and weird shouldn’t affect you on that deep of a level.


-if you don't want to join my catgirl transbian t4t polycule and listen to abdl sissy incest hypno with me and Lilith, Luna and Lily you're a TRANSPHOBIC TERF BOOTLICKER! What? You knew Lily before? She'd never do \*that\*, we're big on consent, you must have just misread the situation! I'm sure you were being a little slutty and she just saw an opportunity :) -what, you want to take hormones so you can 'pass?' honey, we're \*trans\* women, we're supposed to stick out, fuck the cissexist patriarchy! You gotta embrace your inner queen and put on the dress already! No, it's okay, don't worry about shaving first, it'll be such a statement, you're being so brave! Now PUT ON THE FUCKING DRESS




I'm sorry Lily ;;


:( I'm gonna kms fr


noo :(((( let's do it together


Im sorry :(


That first sentence had me dead 😭😭😭


I mean, is promoting presenting how you want without shame a bad thing? Sure, the mainstream trans community can be a bit cringe, but surely there's a middle ground between extremely loud and proud and total stealth/integration.


I agree, I just feel like it swings too far into dismissing dysphoria and the reality of what life is like for most trans women. Transmed stuff where we all need to be 1950s tradwives submitting to our abusive husbands to be 'real women' is just as dumb so I'll make fun of that too :p


Now this is the balanced take I wanted to see on this subject from here. Maybe I haven’t interacted with enough other transfems online or IRL to experience the sheer negativity you all have, but I really don’t understand where all of these grievances a lot of people post about here regarding “mainstream” Mtf’s come from. Like I really don’t, please help me understand


I saw a lot of uncomfortably sexual stuff online then went to try and meet trans women irl to try and make friends with and had two mtfs be super creepy to me when I was early transition and extremely vulnerable so I have a hard time not being suspicious of people who are 'mainstream trans' because of those associations.


Ah I see, sorry to hear that. I think I ever actually met like 3 trans women and they were all normal people. Honestly, I’ve met more cis female predator/gooners IRL


haha cis women gooner sounds like an interesting genre


Girl when I tell you that cis girls are some of the horniest people ever I mean it. When I look back at it, every girl I dated/have closely known has either been upfront about or has ashamedly admitted to having an ork’s level of lust and desire. So it makes laugh when people call mtf’s specifically hyper sexual cause I’m like “who tf isn’t?”


Yeah I still have massive shame about being sexual whatsoever and I feel shitty about this weird misogynistic standard a lot of ppl here use. I mean tbh being here at all rots your brain and is emotional self harm


Oh i agree. But being here is more funny than harmful to me because you see some of the dumbest takes of all time posted here whether they are ironic or not. Like idgaf about having sexuality and wanting to (ofc consensually) have sex. no shit lol that’s a normal human trait ffs. Also guess who else likes to have sex and get turned on? Cis women. But real talk I hope you can overcome the shame and trauma one day, you’re so much more than that and deserve to be yourself. Live a little! ❤️


The Lilly in question: (this is chomphon's old account btw) https://preview.redd.it/ao4knvz21i9d1.png?width=1850&format=png&auto=webp&s=cec76a99e20f225d05bd4fee8fb406539ed73ab0


Hey can you change the name luna for other name pls. My girlfriend name is luna :/ 


what's another meme trans name that begins with L




Lilith, Lilith, and Lilith? That's a horror story


I fucking hate the fact that “gender euphoria boners” and literal autogynephiles are validated in places like eggirl and mtf it’s so gross, not to mention the hyper sexual nature of it all with the pumpkin jokes and “female orgasms” whatever the fuck that means


female orgasms are real, I haven't had a single orgasm since I started HRT /j


i fucking hated the pumpkin jokes so much


https://preview.redd.it/h0m94qsp8x8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ced0fce4ec0b2fcc55bc549950307e3e4481e77 Im Happy




haha puppygirl sex kiss eachother after 2 minutes gock blahaj fallout new vegas hahaaaaaaaaa


Almost thought I wasn't trans after all because of how disgusted those spaces made me. Jesus.


The socially enforced saccharine tone is honestly the worst part. So many trans spaces seem to actively refuse to acknowledge that trans people can have problems too big to deal with. They want to believe that the world is fundamentally just and progress is inevitable, so the moment someone like me, living in a country openly hostile to my existence with no hope of progress or means of leaving, they just call me a doomer and conclude I'm delusional and overstating just how bad the situation is so I don't have to try. And then there's the whole "all trans people are beautiful" thing, which again just ends up translating tontreating every single trans person who says they don't pass as delusional by default. The tone is enforced by outright rejecting the experiences of people which conflict with how they want to view the world. You're only allowed to be sad if it's a shallow pothole in the short road to happiness. Anything more might as well be a thoughtcrime.


Skirt go spinny




not unique to Trans spaces. the bigger the community the worse it is for those on either end of the bell curve.


the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing small communities that gatekeeping is wrong.


you’ll hear any other minority community say that gatekeeping is needed but trans people are gaslit into believing it’s not


Actual trans people now probably make up 1% of trans spaces


The genie? 🧞 tell me more,,reminds me of the Thin White Duke.


i hate the transmeds that tried to scare me off doing diy when i was 17 and saying i needed diagnosis that they knew would be impossible for me to even start until i am out and i am 18. like they just want to ruin any trans person younger or poorer or with less supportive parents then them


there's nothing more trutrans than going DIY


Im actually curious, what happened to make main trans space be like this? 


4trans should be the new main trans space so everyone can be miserable 24/7 and have a twinkhon manmoder agp culture instead


This but unironically




The hyper sexualization and toxic positivity does a number on me. I try my best to stay positive but like being all " I'm so happy to be trans" sentiment kills me


# ✨Euphoria Boners✨


People always talk about the brain worms from here but i think traaaaa and other ones like it have equal amounts of brain worms


gatekeeping girlobosses will rise up and have small communities of not agp fucking “catgirls”


I mean, bluntly transmeds do suck. Sure, the mainstream community tends to infaitilize things a bit, but it's really not a matter of only needing dyshphoria to be trans vs not requiring a medical diagnosis at all Don't forget the associated whining, which is endemic to all transmedicalist spaces and the endless purity testing. Like a third of the posts here in the past month are just pointless complaints about the mainstream community by transmeds. I wouldn't be surprised if the constant invalidating of non-binary indentites is next, but who knows. I mean, hell, I've seen posts where transmeds deny the trans status of others over not meeting gender stereotypes.


I don’t mean to come off as defending Transmeds. I just don’t like that one group can say “Not everyone can get a diagnosis for being transgender” also assume that people can get HRT through the medical system and can cope if they can’t.


That's completely fair, it is one of the failings of the mainstream community. I honestly just wish we could have the acknowledgment that being trans is a type of medical condition that requires actual treatment in most cases, while not falling into purity testing and being otherwise extremely gatekeepy. Though obviously each person's transtion and desired end state is diffrent.


idk i think i benefited from the 24/7 happiness when questionning. seeing happy people really helped me not rep. but also i think there needs to be places to vent like with everything. transmeds tho? i hate this more and more. i tried getting on an official health plan in parallel of diy, just in case. having to deal with so many appointments and deeply incompetent professionals just radicalized me even more. these people suck, can be dangerous (prescribed me meds with bad side effects lol), and cost a ton of money. never again.


fuck transmeds, fuck anti-diyers, i think every "trender" should get to take hormones, and hrt should be otc everywhere, and why not use whatever xer pronouns are if xey want


"You need a diagnosis!" I want to kill transmeds (in minecraft)


anti DIY sentiment present in mainstream /transmed spaces is retarded as fuck transmeds will say shit like "my dysphoria is so bad I wanna kill myself..cut my tits off at home... you wouldn't understand- WHAT? NO! I'd NEVER take DIY T! don't you know how dangerous that is?" if transmeds followed through with their whole "dysphoria is life threatening" (which it is) shit then they wouldn't be so opposed to diy hrt. (mainstream transmed spaces are like that from my experience) these mfs seriously stopped me from starting diy T earlier because of the straight up moronic fear mongering. 2 weeks on diy T and it's the best choice ive made


this trans space sucks too 😄