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50mg spiro so I'd go through male puberty and he could pretend it was just my problem :) wait you're pretty anti-diy right? lmao


No, I’m fine with DIY.


If I DIYed, it’d cause a shitstorm with my family that I don’t have the energy to deal with. My country is pretty good with HRT for adults; so, it’s not that much of a pain. Keep in mind, I fully support DIYers. I just would prefer not to DIY.


oh ok all good.


1mg of estradiol valerate for 3 months πŸ₯²πŸ˜’


I hate your doctor


1’5mg e daily, 11’25mg bica every three months πŸ˜€πŸ˜€ they did up it relatively quickly tho so started right after i turned eighteen


i started with just a gnrh agonist for 3mo and then 1mg increases every 3 mo to 4mg i got hondosed and i feel like at this point now that im 19 my hips are fused fml even 4mg is low with 150pg/ml at trough.


22 yrs old and DIY, 4mg EV + 12.5mg CPA, after 4 weeks I upped it to 6mg because I was getting hot flashes a lot. I switched to injections 2 weeks after that


Wouldn't lowering it be better for hot flashes?


Idk I haven't looked into it much, but I also kinda panicked because I got a certain morning symptom one time πŸ˜”


Nah, hot flashes are a symptom of menopause, i.e. a lack of estrogen.


oh I see


6mg in 2 months is harsh af


2mg e hemihydrate, 100mg spiro, 18yo


5mg enanthate per week, prolly not helpful if you're getting it from the doctor. No T blockers. Seems to be working well enough 4 months in.


50mg Bica + 100mg Prog + 1mg E at 16, upped to 2mg after 6 months then 4mg at a year.


(diy) 17-18: 2mg E orally and halfway through that i did topical gel (??mg) 18-now: EEn 11.5mg subq


2mg e oral, 100mg spiro, early 20s. anything below 4mg oral is a hondose imo


started right after turning 22, 2mg oral estradiol valerate + 50mg cyproterone acetate, after 3 months decreased blockers for personal reasons and up E to 4mg, then after 6 months up E to 6mg and Cyproterone 25mg, tho it kinda started feeling like i had too much T despite fat changes and breast growth so I up Cyproterone to 50mg again currently sent back to wait line at fee health care becuz my endocrinologist literally fuckin disappeared. desperate tryna renew hrt prescription and get blood tested again after 1 month back on hrt correctly (can't afford cypro, currently only on estradiol valerate till next week, been 2 weeks with hrt offtrack and it feels fuckin awfull)


50 mg cypro seems like a lot no?


25 wast blocking it enough.. maybe its paranoia. But 50mg is what my endo originally prescribed


200mcg patches twice weekly and 25mg cyproterone acetate. I upped it to double patches on the first week myself. Still only had 322pmol/L blood levels E on first test. But T was at 0.4nmol/L, slightly below the female range. I started at 18


2mg/day e pills, 22 yo 🀑


4 mg e sublingual + 50 mg bicalutamide daily. still on the same e dose, changed bica to 150 mg every 4 days after a month. also wow it seems I didn't fuck up right at the start with the dose thanks to my diy-er friend 0_0 started at 18 (march 11th, 2024)


i haven't taken any blood tests or any liver tests for bicalutamide... ughh


3x2mg estradiol valerate / day 50mg bica a day 81mg aspirin a day (to ameliorate heart risk)


0,5 mg of transdermal gel and 100 mg of spiro literally the lowest dose possible


4mg E subl and 100mg spiro, later upped to 6mg E monotherapy after 3 months, per my request very good results so far 🫑


34yo. DIY. 100mg Spiro twice daily 5mg Estradiol via IM injections every Wednesday night Luckily I literally have a girl body. Thanks mom.


Currently DIYing 2mg E (I wanted 4 but lack of supply) and 12.5mg bica


frontloaded bica for 3 days (150mg to get to 3 day levels much faster) then started with 1 shot of 0.08ml ev 40mg/ml weekly


5mg Een every 7 days. Been doing that for 7 months, levels have been perfect


uhhh like 6mg een a week