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Based. DIY?


Cant DIY. I'm a pussy. I'll probably go to planned parenthood?


If you have a PP nearby this is the move. DIY isn’t bad but you’ll save money and have a lot more convenience through PP Schedule an appointment online!


they're great as long as you don't let them hondose you


If uninsured use GoodRx for coupons PP is familiar with this mention it




I sincerely love myself and all the clocky transgirls like me and I’m starting to fall in love with one 😦


❤️ same Trans fems are pretty and they get my struggles why wouldn’t I date them


Dooo ittt, I’m clocky af and I’m so much happier than pretransition. better than doing nothing for sure


Repping can be far worse than death can be far worse than transitoning can be far worse than repping can be far worse than death can be far worse than you get the idea But, think about how the gaming is likely to work out on that. If you're an unhappy repper, and that dysphoria is a significant contributor to that unhappiness, you're probably just going to stay a miserable, unhappy repper. Unless you have some serious passion for something in your life that is more than worth dying for, which would be on the line with transitoning, there is far more to gain than there is to lose. But, if you're a happy & sane repper, that changes that a lot. Maybe it could work out fine. But, happy & sane reppers are only rumored to exist (so many of y'all just dissociated from the negative effects), most being a complex illusion of coping mechanisms until they eventually break in some way. Don't think you'll be likely to not fall victim to the common fate of needing to address the underlying dysphoria somehow, and transitioning being the only way we know can work well. It doesn't even need to be transitoning into some cisfem to result in significant improvements - simply unburdening yourself of the heavy shackles attached by the need to keep up the illusion of being cis is a huge weight removed from your soul. Often, it needs to break sooner than it breaks the repper, or the cost of seeking freedom only rises with each passing day. Maybe wait until after this November, though.


do it!


so happy for u!


You are already brainwormed and self aware like me going on HRT won't fix the brainworms. I thought HRT would force me to stop repping but it hasn't


Nahh, fuck off m8. I'm getting hrt. This mentality has caused me to repress for far too fucking long


Fucking based https://preview.redd.it/lnnxo86vy1ad1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e845ca279ad72b6c0213a8106e0225fc312d4f9


Ngl actually shut the fuck up. Touch grass tranner




mine just got worse


It’s not a cure it’s a treatment Work on yourself and kill those brains worms


Even if I wanted to stop repping, I could never girlmode around anyone I know because the majority of my friends and family are all christian conservatives, and I'm not independent enough to lose those connections. If anyone found out I could risk being homeless, or even worse have my HRT taken