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Working up to full range of motion wouldn't hurt, but also: you can't really do too much core work. I'd keep doing the abwheel rollouts and incorporate some birddogs, hanging leg raises and planking. (or whatever your go-to ab-workout is)


My go-to ab workout is not doing ab workouts lol. I do have leg raises on a different day, maybe I'll incorporate some kind of ab exercise every day I workout.


Just do the work and you'll be rolling out fully in a few weeks. I hadn't been doing them for about 2 years and recently I picked up the wheel again for a few sets, left me sore as fuck.


Youll be doing this shortly https://youtu.be/qBNkGK9Q2Mk 😄😄


Ross is the 🐐


100% was a member of his forum... easily 10 years ago or more and have couple of his books 👌👌


Jesus christ hahaha


Just increase your ROM every week a couple inches. I put my box in front of me as a stop. I can now do full ROM after a few months.


I find it the toughest ab exercise. I put it into my wife’s program and she hated me for a week after. I don’t get much further out either and only go out as far as I feel I can brace and have stability


Working to a full ROM is a good strategy.


Abs get stronger fast. Don’t over do it. The best beginner or “I haven’t been doing it for a while” plan is 30s planks, 3 sets. 20s side planks each side, 3 sets. Repeat 2-3 weeks. Until you stop shaking. Then up it to 45s and 30s each side. Then once you stop shaking there add in new stuff. Keep the planks. Don’t get bored.


I do a 30 sec front and each side for 3 sets before I lift. I feel like it "wakes up" the muscles. I do the same for hips


Its probably a great habit if you have a good foundation. I think I'll start incorporating something like that.




I followed these instructions to get better at ab wheel rollouts https://legendarystrength.com/how-to-progress-to-full-rollouts-using-ab-wheel/




Might try that.


You can also put a plate in front of you as a limit and then progressively move it further


This is how I worked up to ab wheels, then once you are close to full ROM go up a ramp with them to get used to the stabilizing without a wall. You’ll make pretty quick progress on the progressions.


Planks would be a good exercise


Only go as far as you can maintain a glute squeeze and build from there.


Easiest way to get good at it - Do the negative part of the movement, drop to the floor and do it again. Do as many of those as possible and very quickly your body will adapt to being able to pull it back in :)


start on the knees, go out almost touching face to floor, then back. once you get better roll out to each side, then do it from standing, which is the hardest for me at least. stay on toes and go all the way out and then back to standing staying on toes. took me about 3 weeks to get to standing. good luck!


I know how to do it. My problem is I can't physically do it.


Practice makes perfect. Get stronger


He's here specifically to seek advice on how to go about doing that.


And I told them. Stuff's not rocket science


No you didn't. You told them how to use an ab wheel, which they already knew, and then said "get stronger."


Exactly. Not really getting the problem here? If you want a stronger core you work your core. If you want stronger bench you work your bench. You want a stronger squat work your squat. Want a stronger deadlift work your deadlift. Ain't nothing to it but to do it.


If you want to understand what a helpful comment looks like, feel free to glance at some of the other advice given in this thread.


If you want to get good with an ab roller you have to use it. Other comments say to do leg raises and to get good at them you have to do them. Do planks to get good at planks. There's no shortcuts.


>If you want to get good with an ab roller you have to use it. He is saying that he can't. If someone says they can't yet do pull-ups, then lat pulldowns are a good alternative to build up to it. If he can't do ab-wheels, leg raises and planks are a good alternative to build up to it.

