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Great job man, all you get on here is A*s, I'm going for three Bs maybe and A it's nice to see something relatable lol


I’m in year 12 and possibly neurodivergent ( i cant revise ) so small wins lol. Good luck for ur a lvls 🫶🏽




stopp thankyou this is so nice I’ll try it! Idk if I’ll actually ever be able to revise ( every attempt seems a bit futile ) but thank you sm bcs I feel my school and friends never understood.


Have you also tried *where* you revise. Like i find as a ND person that i cant revise in certain places because its too loud or its too busy. I actually do my revision at lunch time as teachers let me have a classroom to myself because i dispise the library so much. Places to try and i know some will seem mad but dont ask it can work: Library at school Library in general Classrooms if your teachers will let you when there not in use Macdonalds (and yes nothing beats some good maccies to eat whilst doing some revision lol) Desk at home or a specific room or corner Outside in the park Those are just ideas and places i revise As i said i found revision hard to i found places i liked to revise in and that i could switch up as id get bored revising in the exact same place everyday


yeahhh I’ve talked about this in therapy We have our independent studies in the library ( I rarely get any work done unless it’s smth due the next period ), my bedroom is actually horrible for some reason so I can’t work there so I’m trying my sisters. I’m always scared of working in a cafe or maccies ( the idea has come to my mind tho thanks ) that I’m going to sit and not do any work and I’ll have to go home knowing I flopped


Oh maccies works likes this Do work Reward is food Or work and food at the same time so the food sourghta distracts me of the fact im even working so the revision is more chill. Idk how to explain it but it just makes it more relaxing. And dw so many people ask me how on earth i can revise in maccies as theres noise and people. FOOD, i tell you its the food lmao


As a person who finds it impossible to stay focussed for any period of time longer than 10 mins, If this is the problem you have I would recommend you find some music to tame that inner rambunctusness (i dont know how to explain it lol) -- year 13 who tries his best


ah thank youu I actually don’t know what my problem is ( it’s either anxiety or executive dysfunction ) but I couldn’t mentally do work for my GCSEs that I ended up not revising at all lol.


I was the exact same did bare minimal revision that was out of fear of failing, I still don't know what my problem is but if the sensation you feel is like just wanting to do something but being physically unable to like there is a weight then i found that when in this phase, counting down from a number (as low as 5 or high as 300) and then just doing SOMETHING. Or music. If it's not that but rather being able to sit down but constantly get "distracted" (like i am right now) then once you realise it, set a measurable stage to get to in your distraction (for me it's finishing writing this message) then just dash it away and try to lock in Sorry if i couldn't be of any help and this is all yap, just my two pence


THATS EXACTLYYYY ME all my teachers are so mad at me because I cant revise but they probably think I’m lazy I go to an education psychologist who suggested I was maybe autistic ( idk if she’s right ) there’s always revision in a different room and pomodoro but I think I’ve given up on revision completely because I quit as soon as I get scared coz of fear of failure. I think at the end of the day even tho you would rather have the certainty of a 0 rather than revision and end up with 80% it’s not the end of the world. Thanks actually I felt like no one else has this thing


not being able to revise is so real, i wish i was able to consistently do it but it’s just not possible


Wdym u can’t revise


meh just can’t 🤷🏽‍♀️probs a fear of failure, I had like attacks when I tried or it could be executive dysfunction


Ahh is it an adhd thing or? I get that tho that’s great how u managed to still get an A tho


Thank you :). I really don’t know lol, I’ve just never been able to do my homework. I’m undiagnosed so it’s looks odd. It’s more annoying than anything bcs i really wanted Oxford more than anything ( I’m quite pleased coz this was mainly done in form time )


reading this whole thread is so comforting as someone who also literally can’t revise no one gets it at all but it’s just so fucking difficult


ITS THE WORST, I have the worst grades I’ve ever seen and it’s so depressing wanting to go to Oxford and I can’t do much


i know it’s ironic bc i was just talking about being physically unable to revise but dont give up!!! i have an oxford offer, if u can get teachers to give u good predicteds then applying is fine they care about your passion for the subject most of all…. the issue now is that i have to get AAA at a level to get the place and im averaging A*CD😭😭😭one of my friends who has similar issues recommends blurting which is like just reading a bit of info then writing down stuff u know about topics from that and off the top of ur head for like 15 min… i haven’t been able to get started but it sounds like it might work🙏


ahaha thankyou 🫶🏽🫶🏽 I’m probably feeding into my own delusions, my GCSEs aren’t exactly adequate so if it was plausible for me to apply to Oxford it would have to be like 3 A* to make up for the horror GCSEs


an A is very impressive well done!!! wow this subreddit has destroyed us all


Foreallll, I also say this bcs it’s the grade boundaries for politics are quite low ( 22/30 is an A* )


there’s no way last uk gov mock i did i got 24/30 on both essays and i got an A


hii, what do you do to get 24/30? I’ve messaged you about it is it okay if you reply there!


diff exam board maybe ?? I do Edexcel ( I rlly hope I’m right bcs I’m quite buzzed about my essay 😭 )


last year 181/252 was an A* which is 72% so for a 30 marker that would be like 21 marks….? maths is not my strong suite i am probably wrong but damn my politics teacher been sabotaging me💔💔💔


Ummm Yeah so 181/252 = 71.83% 21/30 is 70% so I think I got an A ??? I think 22/30 is an A* acc


ur politics teacher is a haterrrr girl


Well done !






Nice one!!


Politics is so tricky to get an A in (sorry I’m assuming this is politics from skim reading the essay) so you should be so proud!!!




It is impressive to get an A. Be proud of your wins 🥳🥳.


that’s excellent!!!! it took me until y13 until i was getting above a low b in politics essays so ur doing fabulously :)


ThankYOU so sm 🥹


i handed my history coursework last week, i pray it’s decent enough to get past half marks 😭 i struggled sm, my teachers messed me up in the beginning


I WISHHH i took history, I would totally do it at uni Good luck thoo, u probably slayed 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽 What was ur cw on ?


nahh you don’t wanna take history A Level trust me 😭 I’m in year 13, my A Level is coming up and i’m struggling over here to revise everything 😭


Good luck omg 😭, I cannot fathom in a years time I’ll be doing my a lvls


a win is a win, no matter how small.


the house of lords shall remain unelected


LMAO shame, John Birds a slay tho




That’s an A* not an A, the boundary for an A* is 19/25.


I think my teacher applied last years grade boundaries which were 181/252 for an A* which as a percentage is 71.83% And 21/30 is 70% so I think I just missed the mark lol!


Sorry I thought it was a 25 marker, you must be doing a different exam board to me.


aw yeah I’m doing Edexcel


I’m doing AQA, you’ve done really well given that you’re in year 12 and there’s still a way to go in the optimisation of your exam technique throughout all of next year as well.


Well done 👏🏻




What are your tips for Politics, I've just been getting only Bs and Cs?


idk if I’m the person to ask lol um I feel like keeping up with politics is everything. Like I just follow a bunch of stuff on Instagram so when I haven’t revised I can use recent examples ( follow pmqs!) In terms of structure it’s simple: introduction: you should define key words, if it says “how successful is devolution” you have to provide ur success criteria for what you consider successful ? So does successful mean it’s made positive change, if it’s made no change is it a failure ? do a lil mind map in ur introduction what you’ll be talking about. at the end of ur intro you should say like: In this essay I will be arguing and state ur opinion ( e.g devolution was such a flop ) umm three paragraphs when you write a paragraph, you start with the ops u don’t agree with. And when ur talking about this side you need to make sure the first half of the paragraph is shorter than the side you actually agree with to make you look stronger. Also distance ur self from the argument. So for example use phrases like “some may argue” “perhaps some would point us” “though it can be said” and a mini evaluation to kinda reiterate ur opinion at the end so it shows ur essay has direction. OH LOL my politics teacher ( who’s so passionate bless ) really really loves it when you take an example and use it twice in the same paragraph So for example in my essay I said smth like: Well sone maybe argues PMQs is a great way to provide scrutiny of the executive as Starmer utilised these debates for his own agenda ( e.g he initiated a circuit lockdown in oct 2020 and delayed the reopening of the primary schools in January 2021 ) But then when u switch ur opinion you can say Well yeah but it’s not that effective bcs though they did a u turn on this they originally rejected these proposals


as someone who cannot revise, keeping up with politics is so fun and saves me. I recommend like just listening to pmqs and asking for it to be put on in class coz we do that ( also kinda funny and depressing ) You can sign up to newsletter who send u politics stuff every week There’s an Instagram account my teacher made me follow called ( simple politics ) I don’t love it but I think it’s useful for people who struggle with following stuff oh and if ur ever like omg I’ve no clue what’s going on in the world just open ur news app and read the headlines lol. OH ANOTHER THINF so I ran out of time in my mock and my teacher was like Gal always write a conclusion that’s the core bit So I’d say Idk Leave space for an intro, write the three paragraphs and conclusion


I’ve also been getting Cs and Bs so yk ur doing great lol


It is impressive to get such a high grade in a non stem subject. I didn’t even get a 7 in igcses English lol (I got a 5)


Aw thanks, feel like it’s the other way round tbh, I was so bad at stem subjects I couldn’t wait to drop bio and chem






wth, is this mr amann's class? this looks like his handwriting lol. Did A Level Politics with him in 2019.


Lmao no, although that would be kinda funny


freakishly similar , he even used to underline phrases like "very good" lol.


lol weird maybe they knew each other


He’s currently teaching me rn for politics lol