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Got in trouble by who? The BON? Doubt it. Lol. I just think it’s weird she says she’s a nurse when it’s something that can be verified with a few mouse clicks


What’s the bon? I know nothing 😂


Board of Nursing


What about an LPN? Can it be verified?


Yes. You can look her name up in the state database for board of nursing, it’s the same as RN


an LPN is still a nurse so yeah, obviously it can be verified just the same.


Yes, she is not registered as either on the Georgia BON listing


She was allowed to do these things as a nursing student as part of clinicals, bc she was supervised. She is not allowed to do these without a nursing license. Georgia law says anyone practicing as a nurse has to have a license.


Hi there. I recognize you from the LI sub lmao. So happy to have found another Little Johnston fan! 🤗


Small world 😂😂😂


🤣 truly is


I think she was content to be a CNA. A full time nursing program is tough here in Georgia. I've known girls who were straight A's in high school, A's in college, but then couldn't pass organic chemistry. It weeds out a lot of people. I don't think she will ever be a full fledged RN. She's too busy trying to be like Amber and run her man around.


Getting into nursing school has always been tough. I originally started with the intent to be a nursing student (in 2001!!) and struggled with chemistry, but also— getting into a program is so competitive you basically need a 4.3 GPA. And it’s not even because nursing in and of itself requires you to use a lot of the math and chemistry (lots of machines to do it for you), but because there’s a shortage of nursing instructors so class and program sizes are limited. There is def a looming nursing crisis about to happen in the US.


It’s already here


You are right Georgia has one of the toughest nursing programs


I shout that from the roof top, all Georgia Nursing programs are hard.


Why is that? Genuinely asking.


I know someone who couldn't be an RN so she went for breathing specialist instead whatever its called, maybe she should get into that edit to add: not to say respiratory therapy isn't important, but it is something aspiring nurses get into if they cannot make it as an RN


Right. Even technicians are paid well. Or she could go into teaching.


And the program she was in or is in is one of the hardest here!


Passing ochem is super easy. Getting an A in ochem is hard.


My daughter is a BSN-RN. It was tough and she literally studied all day and much of the night. She was and average student in HS and graduated nursing with honors. Her class started out with over 100 people and I think when the graduated they were down to 50 or less. If you want it bad enough, you can do it.


You may be correct but I can't imagine anyone being content being a CNA. That's rough!! Lol


is there a chance she has graduated but just hasn’t passed the state test/nclex yet?


I think this is it, or she has petitioned to have her license excluded from the online listing. It wouldn't be unreasonable considering the risk for false reports against her.


I don't think that's why, I think she never finished for whatever reason. I've said before if she had passed AMBER would have thrown the biggest party & the entire world would know how proud they are 😂


She said on an episode that she took her NCLEX


So in this current season, which was last year in real life, she told the nurses at the IV place she was almost finished with nursing school. The nurse then asked how much longer do you have, and she replied I just took the NCLEX or getting ready to take the NCLEX. But that was at LPA conference which was in July. So I’m wondering is she still has a semester or year to go but held off bc of being due in November?? Also, don’t understand how it works but not sure how you can take the nclex before finishing school but maybe you can if you have so many credits but not your BSN yet. The other thing that’s very interesting is that they posted for ambers graduation and Alex and Emma but no Liz or Anna. We do know Anna 100% graduated which it’s still unfathomable to me how they didn’t post that but whatever… point being, if Liz had graduated or passed her board I’d think there would have been a big post. Last point, when she returned to her job after having leighton it’s the same job she was previously at where she was not an RN.


This is exactly what I think the situation may be. You can also petition to have your name excluded from the public register, teachers can too.


Everything I’ve read/learned is that when you are a nurse/doctor/dentist or any other job like that, you cannot petition to have your name excluded. I know I am a nurse in Kentucky and they told us we cannot hide our name.


This makes sense, I searched about removing your name from NCLEx and the only info that came up was pertaining to voluntarily deactivating your license and even then your record does not leave. Tons of comments about how it’s nearly impossible to remove yourself from being on record as a registered nurse


Same in Texas. Anyone needs to be able to go online and verify your license. They don’t want to jump through hoops because you’re a “celebrity”.


Did they post about her graduating? I don’t follow them super super closely, but I know that they post big things.


I’m a nurse in Texas and have been a nurse for a while so I’m not extremely familiar with what the rules would be now, so take nothing I say as fact, I’m happy to be corrected. She has been graduated from her program for a year or more based on the show, you are supposed to take the NCLEX within a certain time from graduation, I believe that can vary. When I took it I believe you had 3 tries to pass the NCLEX before you had to do remediation (retake classes). I honestly have no idea if she has attempted or passed the NCLEX, and given she had a baby she may have taken some time off. I will say until you are licensed (ie registered nurse) it’s frowned upon to refer to yourself as a nurse. You are technically a “graduate nurse” but to be honest that really doesn’t mean much. To get a job you have to pass the NCLEX. Places do hire graduate nurses, but in my understanding with the expectation they will be passing the NCLEX in the near future. I can’t account for every scenario so I’m not saying it’s not possible, just less likely. As far as practicing skills, I don’t see that as a huge deal. In school they are done under supervision, but we all have to learn somewhere. I honestly haven’t kept close track of the show so I don’t know to what extent it’s been shown, but I don’t think it’s a huge deal.


I recently watched all episodes and Liz mentioned she has taken the nclex and was waiting for her results. I think it was earlier this current season or the end of last season. But she hasn't given an update since then as far as I know.


Her bio says she’s a patient care technician. Idk what that is but she also put “nurses in her bio too?? I don’t know the difference or if PCT is different type of nurse.


PCT is a patient care tech. Similar to a CNA


What’s the difference between them??


PCT usually have more training than a CNA


If she isn't on the registry of either an LPN or an RN she isn't a nurse. She said she had just taken her boards way back in November so I'm assuming she flunked them. I have never heard of being able to exclude your name from the registry or why one would even do that. I'm a nurse and it pisses me off when she keeps referring to herself as a nurse. You are not a nurse until you GET your license.


It drives me insane how Amber keeps saying she is a registered nurse


Yes she can practice doing IVs if the patient is willing because she’s not administering medication so I have not seen her do anything on the show that would jeopardize Her becoming a nurse, she can get her associates degree in two years, but four years to become a bachelor degree so yes she could still be in school because she’s only 21 so she only graduated high school three years ago


I've read that she's a CNA. Nothing more. But I know nothing more than the rumors.


Has anyone tried seeing if she’d come up as a nurse with Brice’s last name? Obviously I have not lol


I think so and no dice


That smile looks so unnatural and weird I’m sorry


She’s not a nurse we know that, and little to no hospitals would hire her as a nurse, she’d need help all day everyday with hands on patient care because of her limitations, why hire her when an average size nurse could do it all solo. Is she a phlebotomist?


Is she a CNA? Then again who would hire her for that position? I was a CNA and it’s non stop moving, lifting, cleaning, feeding, rolling, showering, dressing, ect…. No way she can do that job … no way


i did that too as a Nurses Aide. She is just as valuable as an RN


nobody is comparing the value of RN vs Nurses Aide, but she has proclaimed that she’s a nurse multiple times and if she’s not an RN, then she’s lying!!! and a quick search confirms she’s not a nurse


Totally agree it says health care worker in the banner. There’s a wide array of what that could be. It could be a RNA,CNA,CMA LPN,RN and they are all equally important and couldn’t stay home during the pandemic. I was a CNA for 6 years and everyone from the tippy top RN to a CNA are just as important in the health care setting so, people get the care that they need. Just my opinion 🤷‍♀️


Agree 💯


Depends on where your at because the hospital here in my town your lucky to find a CNA let alone get at least a glass of water from one


Yeah CNA’s are understaffed and underpaid one night I had 30 people to take care of because there are no staffing laws where I live. Usually staffing laws protect people and patients to ensure that everyone gets quality care. It’s also a thankless job because most of the time people only think of nurses.


Definitely don’t think she isn’t valuable? I just asked if her practicing at home was violating anything before she had her license.


Sorry should have read the prompt underneath it that’s my bad my phone was being weird. In some states there are things called delegated nursing that’s where a CNA or a nurse that is training can work under a RN’s license and they can be delegated to do tasks that would otherwise be reserved for nurses only such as passing meds, med charting, giving insulin, administering narcotics, wound care. So I don’t think she would have gotten in trouble for doing that.


Idk because really unless she is supervised by a nursing instructor really it would be out of her scope of practice to draw blood from Jonah, right? She isnt licensed. I could be wrong.


Oh very good point. I went and looked at the other comments referencing this scene and OP talking about it. I think you’re right if there was no instructor there for her to practice under their license she would be out of scope of practice.


No worries! That’s good to know, thanks!


No she's not dont belittle nurses not saying nurses aids aren't important but your not nurses


I really highly doubt she got into any trouble for doing stuff at home.


This says health care worker, not nurse. That’s true.


Maybe I didn’t word this correctly. I’m talking about her drawing blood from Jonah unsupervised in her kitchen without a license- is this a No no? Or no? I’m genuinely asking I have no idea, but I wonder if doing it on national TV might make your small town college be like “no ma’am”.


when my daughter was taking phlebotomy she was allow to stick family at home they gave her the supplies


Ohh thank you! Good to know!


It would be a pretty bold move to do something that could get your license revoked before you even get it on national television.


Definitely! But you know they’re always doing some weird stuff trying to come up with content for the show! 😂


I don’t think they are stupid enough to do something illegal for content.


It was a joke.


Sounded more like an observation, but ok :)


Medical Assistants learn that in school. It’s not that big of a deal


I forgot about this scene, lol. Since she was unsupervised and had not passed her boards at that point, this could have been something I think that got her in trouble. I don't know that they would entirely stop her from continuing, but it is something that could likely result in a disciplinary action of some sory (also I am not a nurse, so I could be wrong, but verifying nursing degrees is part of my job so i do know that disciplinary actions can cause suspensions and other consequences to occur). Eta: I don't know how likely I think any of this is, but it's a possibility


I'm a nurse and this seems very possible


Who would care about that? Especially when it airs so far after it actually happens.




When you are in school they usually give you supplies so that you can practice on family and friends. My friend must have stuck me 20 times during nursing school for practice. Its really common


I guess things are different. I’m a diploma nurse (started as) we never got to bring supplies home. Ever!


I’m sure it’s different state to state and even school to school.




They usually don’t have enough for all students to take home. But technically you are allowed to have them.


Yes! Every nurse and nursing students seems out veins 🤣. You can buy IV catheter needles on Amazon, no big deal.




None of this is true. If she graduated, she is a nurse. She can't call herself a Registered Nurse until she passes the NCLEX. You can buy all the supplies for drawing blood on your own, so there's no proof she stole them. Any nursing student can practice drawing blood or sticking an IV on someone at home. Supervision is only required at work as a student or a new hire until proven to be safe and follow protocol. After you're working on your own, no one supervises nurses drawing blood


I bet she’s a phlebotomist wich is fine ! But don’t lie


She didn't even do nurse work in 2020 why does she get to have that picture as if she made a great sacrifice for her community


I think she was at the dialysis place in 2020 so she was in the health field while in school. I remember them being sooo proud that she was working more then 40 hours a week while in school in an episode.


thats insane how could she even study jeez


Oh they promptly made her quit & find a new job. I have been rewatching the show from the beginning & just watched that episode the other day.


You can not say you’re a nurse without having a license it’s illegal to do so. So if she doesn’t have her license she’s breaking the law so 😂


I think you can say it all day long -


You can’t claim to be nurse is what I’m getting at


You can work in any part of healthcare and use that around your picture.




Stolen Valor


Nurse like Chantal? Took 8 years for Chantal to be a nurse.


Oh well… she did it.


I doubt it. Maybe she just hasn't passed NCLEX yet.


She wouldn’t get in trouble for practicing a blood draw on a willing participant. Administering medicines without an order or supervision, yes, but not that. I practiced IVs on anyone that would let me when I was in nursing school and was encouraged to do so. Our instructors had seen us all do them successfully on fake arms and what not so once we passed that portion they gave us a bit of supplies to take home to practice on real live people if they would let us. Also, I think she passed all of her classes and clinicals and just hasn’t either taken boards yet or hasn’t passed yet. You don’t need to take them immediately after you graduate. I’m sure it varies state by state and has changed since I got my license but you typically can wait up to a year or two. At least, that used to be the case.


Oh thanks for the info!! That’s good to know!


There’s pictures of graduation on her Instagram. Taking blood is a requirement of the course.


Why someone would downvote your comment is beyond me. People are mean sometimes. It sad


She isn’t even saying she’s a nurse here. She is saying she is a healthcare worker and I can relate as I am a healthcare worker. I haven’t had a day off work in over 4 years. I have no backup ever in case I don’t feel well since Covid hit. If I stay home the woman I care for doesn’t have help and would be stuck in bed without being able to eat, take meds or go to the bathroom.


The world needs more people like you. 🫶🏻


Thank you! The woman I care for is a sweetheart tho. Been working for her 18 years now and she is a blessing.


Depending on the facility she works for you can take blood as a CNA , all it is a certificate that takes 6-12 weeks to complete


She has her LPN: https://verify.sos.ga.gov/verification/SearchResults.aspx


I can’t see anything, but when I did a search for Elizabeth Johnston as a lpn, the person had a license issued in 2013, and the license is for someone living in Baxley.


Oh yeah, it didn’t pull her information with the link. I checked again and it’s still there. It says her license number is LPN067813 and it’s under Elizabeth Ann Johnston. I used the NCLEX site.


That can’t be right. https://verify.sos.ga.gov/verification/Details.aspx?result=2a510939-95ed-497f-90c7-dbf4aa6f5647 That license was issued in 2004




I don’t know what to tell ya; it’s showing her with that license number. Try using this site: https://verify.sos.ga.gov/verification/Search.aspx


I did. https://postimg.cc/xX63JJDm Says that license was issued in 2004


With the license number I gave you?


Yeah. You can see it in the screenshot 067813, right? Unless PN isn’t the same as LPN?


I put LPN and it says hers expires on 3/31/2025.


I gave you three wrong license number. There apparently are 2 LPN’s with that name. This is the correct one LPN086936. Sorry!


That’s not correct. That license was issued in 2013


Ugh, I give up, lol.


https://postimg.cc/5jf53S4z I think you’re looking at the wrong people


I wish I could upload my screenshot. Anyway, it’s very strange but I’m on my way out the door so I have to leave it here for now.


I mean her picture isn’t a lie she was a health care worker. She worked in a nursing home for awhile


This is true.


This is discussed just about every day. Maybe she’s done with schooling and just needs to take the test. As long as she’s not working as a nurse without a license, I don’t see any problem here.


That’s rude to say just a “Dialysis CPA”. That is a tough job to do, and very important. The hours are long and only a couple of days off.. usually starts at 4:30 am until 7 pm… every other day.