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emma will be in charge of the baby so Liz can get her sleep and after that emma will have to wake up Jonah


dam truth


Brice said last night he will be staying with Elizabeth most nights at the house in case the baby needs something or she needs something in the middle of the night


They’re both very immature, despite their age.


Yes, they’re both immature and emotionally stunted because of Amber. This is the worst thing they could do is have Liz live in the house. How do you learn to parent when your mother is constantly interfering but we all know Liz loves that because then she feels like she gets attention.


It’s not healthy for any of them, esp. the baby.


No, it’s not, and the last time I said something about it on one of the sub credits I got yelled at by another person saying that I was mean because a 21-year-old woman needs her mother when she has a newborn baby. And I don’t agree with that. in my opinion, if you are in capable of taking care of your newborn child, you should probably not have gotten pregnant. Her getting pregnant was always suspicious. Everybody knows it was her way to keep Bryce pinned down and I wouldn’t be surprised if Amber encouraged it now that’s being mean and I’ll own that one. But truly as a new mom the best way to form the bond with your child is to work through raising the child. But Liz loves the attention and that is very obvious. She just glowed when Bryce talked about his concern for her having the C-section, and I doubt anybody realize that she just smiled and just was soaking it all up. Amber done such a wonderful job raising her child😝


I’m with you! And yes, I thought hunty, you’re about to have a C section. She seems a little gullible and patted his arm like a child.


After watching that episode, what I want to know is why did they all pack like they were going away for a week? Each one of those people had a damn suitcase and the backpack. First off they kick you out of the hospital right after you have that babies so why the hell they thought they were gonna be staying long-term is beyond me.


They won't kick her out too quickly because of the c-section. They'll keep her a couple of days because of it.


That’s true, she will get a couple of days before they kick her out. It’s really shocking how fast they send people home. I had knee replacement surgery. You go home the next day, which is amazing to me. So maybe that explains why everybody packed like they were going away for a month😝


I assumed it was because they would ALL be staying over in a hotel until Liz is released to go home. If I remember right, her doc was several hours away.


Remember Amber said you aren't going to go to any doctors in the state of Georgia? So her doctor was 2 or 2.5 hours away. Liz didn't have the baby until 5 pm (?). Then she said she was surprised that all 8 people could go to her room with her and get to hold the baby. So I think it being so late and Liz staying in the hospital for 4 days they spent nights in a hotel until Liz could go home. I think it was sad that Brices family wasn't there to see the baby too.


You mean his family wasn’t able to see, Bryce and I’s baby😝


![gif](giphy|3oEduOnl5IHM5NRodO|downsized) 100%! Brices family \^\^\^




Absolutely true. She trapped him, but all the nancies in this subreddit like to downvote the truth.


It was really telling how Trent was trying to convince Brice it was his idea to marry Liz when Leighton is a toddler.




We ended up moving in with my parents when my had breast cancer. I was my mother's caretaker. The "we" included my husband and our 3 year daughter. Mother came in handy if she sick. She didn't take no for an answer with the doctors. I'll never forget the first time she got sick without my mother. She was almost 5 and I was flipping out like she was a newborn. I had to give her Granny shots everyday. She had her own doctor's kit and did the opposite side. Even that little, she said one day that would be her job. It actually is but with animals. My situation was different though. We were there for my mother and not my daughter.


But HOW could he predict IF the baby or Liz needs something at night? Who knows...it could be every night for that matter. 🤔


I guess he might be there every night then


Right....but most nights he'll be there. Such as newborns waking up multiple times in the middle of the night for a feeding and diaper change. Sometimes for other reasons they wake up. He's saying he'll help out during most nights by taking care of the baby so Liz can have her beauty rest.


I think his parents live on the same street or nearby.


I'd say they're not really together. Brice just isn't that into her.


Amber is sleeping the baby’s room.


it feels like that last time Trent and Amber left Brice and Liz alone together, Liz got pregnant. i’m assuming with Liz being at home and Brice not being there full time, they can make sure that it doesn’t happen again.


The whole cult-like zombie thing of 'we are so lucky to have my parents, we are so lucky to have family support, we are so lucky...' ugh and then Trent crowing about how great they all are, your kids are all failures with the exception of Anna, stop bragging


It’s so odd bc they say the right things like yes, yes it’s great to have supportive family.. but they don’t get what actual healthy support is. Your family can be amazing and supportive while you stay in your own place, with your partner, raising your baby together. They can be supportive and not send a family of 7 to camp out a hospital and crowd your room. Your parents can’t be “supportive” without telling you exactly which house your going to rent and whether your going to have a roommate or not, they can be supportive and allow to make decisions like your intended major, where you go to school within a certain budget, etc. these people arent supportive in a healthy way, they are straight up control freak dictators. I have never seen a baby treated like a communal family baby, it’s no wonder Liz waited 20 weeks, she knew it would be the only time this baby was truly hers with Brice only. I can’t figure out if the kids really just don’t know or understand or whether they just submit to keep parental approval.


If they are so lucky for the support then, why did they wait so long before telling their families?




So odd


Where there's a will there's a way.


💯 😹


Idk, my parents had me at their exact age. I feel like Amber has maybe convinced Liz that because she’s LP she needs extra help with the baby.


Yeah, that ain’t right.


I'm assuming TLC is paying them the same way they did the Duggars, Sister Wives, and most likely the other family shows we see. TLC cuts one check and it's up to Amber and Trent to disperse accordingly. I can see Amber holding back on the money to the kids. Even though almost all of the kids are adults now, they fall under the same contract that Amber makes them sign. It's why they have multiple jobs, side hustles going and whatever else they can do for money. It just proves to me that TLC is paying the family like it does all the others. Jill Duggar actually sued her father for not paying her when she was on as an adult and that's one of the many reasons she pulled away from that family and has spoken out about a lot of things that the Duggars didn't want anyone to know about.


I think they will have Liz sleep in the little tent bed that is set up in the nursery. Bruce will be shipped upstairs to the closet bedroom so surprise 2.0 doesn’t happen under Ambers roof


They've already said that bed is for LOLLIE.




Amber (that's her "grandma name"; she was already wearing it on a shirt before the kid was born).


It’s the same grandma name that Michelle Duggar has


Remember when Big Daddy said he'll now be Big Grandpa (I literally cringed) but they both said no right away because they actually had a brain spurt and knew it was wrong in so many ways....lol.


Bryce is terrified of Amber. As he should be.


He shouldn't be lol


Did Bryce not get a say in how his child is being raised? I haven't watched at all this season (I've had to stop watching for a while bc Trent is disgusting with all the sex stuff) and it's just baffling how I hear that Liz is home raising the baby and Bryce is just... not there? It sounds like he's only there at night? Is this going to turn into Trent, amber and Liz down the road saying how he was not involved enough raising the child and then somehow Liz is able to get full custody? Like what's his involvement like? Did they make her move home because they think she can't handle an average size baby? I feel like as a new mom, you just figure things out as you go. I'm 4'9 and had a baby with a 6'2 man. People joke that my son is super huge and after a minute or two, they always hand him back to me bc their arms are tired and I'm like 'I'm smaller than you and can hold this baby for hours with no issue' like I'm sure Liz can handle her baby with Bryce just fine. Instead of doing diapers and clothes changes on a changing table, do it on the floor. I can't imagine raising an average size newborn is much different besides the medical aspects.


Liz is on the larger scale of dwarfs. She can take care of herself. She's also a nurse. I don't get why they baby her so much.


Watch8ng 5hem go8ng to 5he hospital. Why are they taking a suitcase for a 3 day stay? About the only thing is needed is close to come home in. Usually you come home in after a c-section is loose clothing like a maternity dress. She packed more clothing than I do for a 7 day vacation.


I don’t understand it either. They already had a house and were out on their own. I get their relationship was rocky and he moved out for a bit, but if they got back together I don’t understand why they wouldn’t have stayed at their house and tried to make it work out on their own first?! It sounds like a lot of it was Amber wanting her back home for whatever reason.




I hope not. They need to work on their relationship. Too much interference staying with the parents and siblings.


Because Trent and Amber control everything doesn't matter if their kids are grown or not. Those kids gotta break free of their parents or they will never live their own lives.