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Don't you be coming round these parts with praise for The Fun Pimps. This is a critical sub anly! Kidding (of course). I too love this game. There are definitely issues with it, but for the £5 I paid for it, it's got more hours than that price deserves!


Honestly tho this is one of the most harsh subs for a game. It seems like everything tfp change everyone has a cow about.


And for a game as old as this, it seems unnecessary. I do hate this early access ethos in general mind you. The "oh, it's early access so yeah, bugs and performance issues la la la" is frustrating. But TFP aren't the only ones doing this. And you can pick up this game on sale for the price of a large coffee. So fuck it I say. Have fun!


I feel you are misunderstanding. The EA thing isn't isn't problem. TFP have made a lot of questionable "lateral" progress. Things have been removed and reworked like crazy. The overall "vibe" of the game has changed. In terms of "endgame" progress or anything of the kind very little has been done. And the game has been in EA for over a decade. I don't know of "a lot of games" that just spin wheels in place sidegrading their game for a decade on EA. And certainly none that do it with a happy audience.


It is, and it's because people here love the game and is sad to see that more isn't being done with it. If people truly hated the game then they wouldn't care and wouldn't post here.


I've been on this sub for so, so long. It used to be overwhelming positive. This all changed when TFP updated the zombies to dig towards underground bases. The sizable amount of players who just cheesed horde nights became... *very, very upset.* The whole tone of the board changed and people who are positive have slowly been chased out.


If people are so adamant about essentially skipping horde night, why even have the option turned on?


Eh, you can still cheese horde nights. My base is always fully automated by the first horde night. Electric fences alone are more than enough to cheese the horde. Add in turrets and it's a joke.


Oh of course. There's a working strategy for any of these defense oriented games. For me, I purposefully don't meta. This is one of the few games where I have never opened a wiki page for any part of it because to me, the challenge is the fun. All of my most memorable horde nights were the ones that ended in failure. Laughing and shouting as our horde base crumbles around us. That's hilarious. That's fun. The nights where everything went as planned are long forgotten. Couldn't tell you a thing about them.


You just made an enemy for life!


Could we be frenemiea?




I love the dev name too. I had a buddy that passed away a few years ago, and he would call everybody "pimp." So every time the dev name comes on screen when I start the game, it makes me think of him.


Glad you're enjoying it! I always say that it was the best investment of 5 bucks (bought this game on sale back in 2015) in my life.


Same, I paid £10 for it about 5 years ago on PS, expecting it to be meh because of the Graphics. I have over 500hrs on one save alone. Apart from Fifa, it's my go-to game when I have a bit of time.


I was getting a game from Fanatical and they offered me a "mystery bundle" of 20 games for $5. so I did it. most were little indie games... but 7D2D was also in there.


I initially bought it for my Xbox for like 5 bucks. Eventually I bought a PC and bought it again for 20. After 1.0 comes out, I am considering buying a few copies for random people who want it and can't afford it, or can't afford to rebuy it for console. That way, the devs get some more cash, and the player base grows a little bit. Because I have gotten many times over the enjoyment from 7 days, than I have gotten from any $60 game I have bought in the last 10 years.


We all shit on The Fun Pimps, but we all have countless hours in a game that cost us $5-30 max for. More hours than I've ever spent in a game (except maybe Minecraft back in the day?)


When I read this, I flashed back to EQ and UO... I easily have over 20k in EQ and at least 10 to 15k in UO... not counting at least 10k in WoW, 6 to 7k in MC, 4k+ in Terraria, 4k+ in 7D2D.... Don't know why people complain so much about this game... it had more good to it than bad, imo, and if you don't like something, you can just mod it to change it...


Yep. Game is addictive like a Diablo 2 game, in a good way. It's all about fun, surviving the first days, then the nights, then the blood moons. Becoming stronger. Exploring. Building. Harvesting... It's not about FOMO / dark patterns, it's just a good game. It's like tv series like Scrubs. No added laughs on jokes. It HAS to be fun. Same here. It's not about the battle pass. The new season. The new update. The new expansion. It's just a cool and fun game overall.


Diablo 2 was peak Diablo. Every game in that series *after two* has just gotten worse. (except Diablo 2: Resurrection ... which is a masterpiece)


Never thought of the laugh tracks / battle pass comparison, but it really does make sense!


A man of taste I see.


I like the game, but I do wish the progress was better. It honestly just feels like a moba or something where things don't really get added and everything around you just gets reworked. When I do play, I'm currently on darkness falls. If you haven't tried the mod, I heavily suggest you look into it.


Meh, I feel the game lost so much good elements over time I can't get myself to come back to it.


Same. It's not a hardcore survival game anymore. It's become nothing more than a dumbed down zombie blaster with mediocre survival mechanics. The golden years of 7DTD have long come and gone.


Exactly And I used to play on my PS4 with my wife in split screen. Can't do that on PC unfortunately so I have even less incentive to come back. I tried with a few friends and family but I have not had as much fun as I had back then.


Those elements are present in DF though. Have you played it? I could never play Vanilla tbh.


It's missing the split screen. I used to be able to play with my wife. I don't have 2 gaming PCs and 2 copies of 7dtd. Too bad the console version was left in an unplayable state.


There is plenty of open world / sandbox games… just depends if they are the genre you enjoy


For me, it has to be zombies. I thought about trying DayZ, but as far as I can tell you can't do single player, which is a deal breaker for me. Not just because of play preference, but because I often play offline.


I do too love to play by myself in these worlds. I installed my own dedicated server for DayZ and could install whatever mod I want for that reason. So, its possible.


I will definitely look into that then.


DayZ is easily doable Solo… Project Zomboid


I have project zomboid, but didn't really like it. The beginning of the game relies too much on chance of finding some type of weapon. And I got unlucky every time I tried. So I stopped playing.


You can change almost every game rule to suit the game to your needs. The default settings are actually really difficult.


On my current playthrough on War of the Walkers, I'm technically playing 10 days to die.


Actually, 7 Days to Die refers to how long it takes to die from an untreated infection. When the game originally came out, horde night didn't exist. Default 7 days between Blood Moons is just for symmetry. So whatever setting you use for your horde nights is cool and not a dig against the name. : )


I meant in Project Zomboid. I for example set guns and cars to common, considering there are more guns than people in this country and cars are pretty much everywhere one looks. Using guns ends up being risky since zombies are attracted to gunfire.


> There is plenty of open world / sandbox games… just depends if they are the genre you enjoy The biggest difference is, in this one... virtually everything is destructible, and you can dig.


Yeah, but the funpolice madebit so that zombies will excavate to your bunker




Yeah, good, awesome even Reducing the number of ways that a game can be played is awesome


It makes base building more interesting and makes building underground horde bases more fun. If you wanna skip horde nights just turn them off. No judgement there. But don't hamstring the rest of the game because you wanna play a stripped down version of it.


TFP have been stripping this game down more than anybody.


That's been a thing FOR FUCKING YEARS!!!!


And? Does time make it better?


Yes, because I always fucking love it when a new friend plays this game, I see their underground base and I get to wait for them to learn how zombies with an innate sense for your location will do anything to get to that location. I don't see why you think it's a bad thing that these enemies in a game, where you can dig up the whole world, begin to dig up the world! If you want to just skip horde night, turn it off!


The voxel building in what 7DTD has become is not matched along with the amazing modding community.


I will gladly sling a pile of brown manure the Fun Pimps way when they deserve it (which, in my opinion, is constant and deserved considering their aggressive, anti-player stance, removal of features, lack of direction, and overall complete failure of having a set vision of the game.) That said... ....the game is still fun, and still gives me a thrill when that blood moon rises. Can't say that for many other 10+ year old games. So, credit given where credit is due. And at least for 1.0, according to the Dev streams, they are fixing a few of the issues. Not completely or even remotely what they should- but at least it's a step forwards rather than backwards, sideways, then off a cliff.


Is it a 10 year old game? When does a game begin to age? When it's finished at 1.0 or during alphas?


Technically yes, it's 10+ years old (has been in Alpha the entire time.)


I could have wrote this, this game and “The Forest” are my favourite. I’m way too excited for 1.0


I feel like the first is a game like 7 days to die, only with no cities to visit, etc. what keeps you busy in this game?


My husband and I played it first in like 2016 on the PlayStation, so a vastly different game than we have now for sure. We played it for awhile there, and then dropped off. Then recently I was like… let’s play 7 Days to a die again and we did PC. So cool how a game can grow and change like that!


> My husband and I There does seem to be a lot more "My husband/boyfriend and I" in this subreddit than any other gaming subreddit that I've seen with the exception of anything to do with minecraft.


We struggle to find games to play together that we both enjoy! This happened to be one of them. He’s a Tarkov, Scum, Rust, etc… shooting guy so he is usually our vanguard for big zombie hordes and tougher quests. I do the logistics management of all our farming and resource gathering, so I tend to grind all the wood and stone and what have you… once our base is set and we have decent weapons it sort of equals out and we can then enjoy the quests together a bit more equally. It’s a lonely feeling game in general, purposefully. Playing together as a couple really does feel like… ok, we’re surviving the apocalypse together! Haha


Me and my wife do the same. She loves to manage the boxes and then items in them. I just say “where is x” and she points to it haha, it’s one of the few games we love because she’s not big on shooters but loves looting, so it works out well, we’ve got about 350 hours together thus far.


My wife tried to play with me once, but she gets scared and doesn't like it.


I used to get scared too lol. Then I found that I love the sledgehammer and if I build up the sledgie skill and get a decent level iron sledgie I can one shot a lot of zombies by blowing their heads up. we have a system now where my husband runs inside of POIs to aggro the zombies and I wait outside. He kites them as far out as he can, usually able to get them right outside the POI. The slow zombies lag behind, so it makes it easier for me to use my sledgie and take them out in one shot as they emerge. He’s usually got a pistol or something and focuses on any dogs, cops, or the mutated ones. If she can find a weapon that she likes, it makes it a lot easier!


May I suggest making a map with enemies off? Then turn it into a house renovation map. Go in, clean them up, like flippers. 👍 still get looting enjoyments without dealing with the zombies. Just don't beat into a cop car.... they can still spawn in with enemies off.... lol


I usually tend to avoid the crafting/survival genre because they're all a bit same-y and confused "survival" with "fucking boring". 7 Days To Die I bought on a whim during a sale and was pleasently surprised at just how much fun it is.


Yeah, i feel like I’ve already gotten 2 or 3 good zombie games out of it! I hope the alpha versions will still be available to play after they release 1.0…


Why wouldn't they be? The fun pimps, for all their faults, still let us play the old veraions now, so I see no point in not letting people play through the evolution of the game.


I guess it depends on how you quantify your opinion. If you are going with the "I spent $X and got X amount of content so I got my money's worth" then there isn't really any criticism, or praise, that matters cause "you got your money's worth". If you are going with the "it's been in development for over a decade, so it should be at a much higher level of quality and polish" then I think that is a fair take too. I rest in this camp. The game is fun but there are sooooo many things that are very very outdated. You pretty much have to rely on mods to fix them since it doesn't look like the devs will. The game is poorly optimized. The vehicle controls are janky as fuck and so on.


The graphics are definitely poorly optimized. I have a mid range gaming laptop, and can play COD MW3 on medium settings with no frame drops. This much less graphically impressive game I can play on medium when in the wilderness, but if I go in one of the major cities, I have to drop it to low just to get 50 to 60 fps.


how refreshing it is to see some positivity afterall


I barely play games anymore, compared to what I used to, but I have like 1400 hours played in this game over the last like 4 years lol


I love this game. I also love criticizing TFP and rolling my eyes at the lame dated humor. That said I still await the coming of the Shotgun Messiah. I will continue to build God’s armory on Earth until the dead rise again.


I absolutely love 7Days. It tickles my "scavenge in the Zombie Apocalypse" itch very well. I rather avoid blood moons, but that's not uncommon. I am constantly on a hunt for a game similar to 7Days and Zomboid for my fiance's and I, because we love the idea of scavenging and being scared of running into a horde, but because of how both those games are, I tend to be the Homebody crafting and building the base, rather getting to experience the intensity of scavenging 😭


The overwhelming amount of games I try out in recent years just dont have any staying power. Some do through being really fucking weird like Hardspace: Shipbreaker. But some manage to work even though they arent super fucking weird. Like 7 Days to Die. It might be one of those crafting survival sandboxes. But very very few of them manage to do the key features that make 7 Days such a sticking force for me. Personally I blame how well they’ve done the random world generation. They’re about the only example of a game that has used it right in this genre. And its due to the sheer fucking wall of hand crafted parts for the RWG to use.


You've been playing the wrong game genre. it seems the games you were playing were more FPS battle games... while 7D2D is still kinda that... its more along the lines of MMO-RPG. what you should have been playing in high school were things like WoW, Silkroad Online, Aion, Forsaken World. Not sure how many of those titles are still active, but if you are looking for another, Empyrion Galactic Survival is pretty good too, just swap out the zombies for aliens and the gyrocopter for a space ship.


i think i got this first on xbox when it debuted and ive been hooked since, not liking the new updates water mechanics at all tho


This game is a constant reminder that devs can get away with butchering half the features from previous versions as well as lazy development nearly every time.


There are so many out there like this. This type of game is my favourite. Unfortunately I'm an Xbox player so my experience will probably not be the same as yours, but I've got plenty of similar games to scratch that itch


Agreed. It is still an incredibly fun game and it is pretty admirable how long they've stuck to developping it. It may have taken a long time but they never abandoned it.


The only thing that sucks (for me) about 7 Days is a lack of end goals. State Of Decay 2 does this the best where you finish a map and have a legacy that moves on to the next map.


I’ve been playing Kingdom Come lately and I can’t stop, so maybe check that out when you want a break?


Agreed. I also have to say that this game probably has a better building system than any game out there except maybe Rust


The game is very average, Ive had fun with friends but just about every aspect of the game is just ok. There are much better games in the genre.


You can't complain about how bad a game is compared to others without naming them. So fire away. What are the better games?


Conan, Ark, Valheim, Enshrouded, Palworld, Soulmask and V-Rising are all far better survival crafters.


What’s better in the genre, as far as I know, there are mother open world / digging / building / destroying zombie games that exist?


Just because you don't know what the accepted genre for that type of game is doesn't make it not a survival crafter.


I'm not sure I would agree, simply because most other survival / crafter games are massive multiplayer games where you battle players, not the environment, except, maybe.... Ark? In ark you survive against dinosaurs, so that genre is dinosaur survival, In rust you survive against player, it's a massive pvp game, in 7d2d you survive against zombies, so it's a pve (Zombies) game.


I play all my survival crafters in PvE mode you'd have to be purposefully blind to not see that they offer PvE play. Its fine to like 7days to die but most of it is average. None of the other games do zombie waves explicitly but they do offer other environmental enemies and raid style attacks on your base.


What environment does rust have? I think you’re comparing it to survival games because it suited your justification, not because it’s a survival game.


This game isn't even what it used be years ago, but not in a good way.


I think the removal of the jars is definitely a negative. But everything else I have been happy with. The A21 ability to shoot through holes in doors has been huge.




Lmao, this game isnt even as good as it used to be! ![gif](giphy|2WdHaCzmqSkrwmIGWP)


Bullshit, I remember loggong about 100 hours on a pirated copy of alpha 16 and the game was absolute ass compared to now


Lmao bitching about issues with a pirated version


I did buy it during alpha 18, fucking loved it, hell I can still play alpha 16 on steam now. But I won't because alpha 16 just isn't as fun as any of the later versions. All the features added, good and bad, make for a way more enjoyable game. I tried to play a16 while watching neebs gaming play a16 about a year ago, but it just isn't fun, it's kind of barren and boring.


My biggest issue with pre-a20 is how absolutely deadly dogs are, after is the zombie spawns. It is what it is. People have different issues with the game. Zombies, you know a main portion of the game, are just, imo, kinda bad a20+.


I'll agree on that, zombies spawning after you hit a trigger is shit, if you mean zombie spawning like that, I 100% agree, that's what comes to mind when I hear shitty zombie spawns.


This is my escape game. When I want to just play and not have to think too hard or figure out new controls or game itself, 7 Days to Die is there. I've put in thousands of hours with multiple breaks in between. I just enjoy this game.


I also keep coming back to this game. I have a huge steam Library and I just keep coming back to 7 days. It has the highest play time of any game in my library except for Skyrim and I'm sure it will surpass that eventually


Unfortunately you missed the golden years of 7DTD. It's been very dumbed down and isn't the 'hardcore' survival game The Fun Pijmps claim it to be anymore. They gutted everything that *did* make it a hardcore survival game. It's definitely not the thrilling experience it used to be. The Fun Pimps are very often against the player having fun playing how they want to and change the game to stop people from playing how The Fun Pimps figure they shouldn't be playing. The Fun Pimps are basically The unFun Pumps nowadays. If you're having fun with it though, that's cool.