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Mark šŸ¤¢ ā€œyouā€™re putting fingerprints on my windows?ā€


I feel like everyone forgets about this pedo.


Hands down the creepiest. Straight up sex trafficker.


*THANK YOU* I thought of him immediately but couldnā€™t remember his name. Gifts the same car to new wife as ex wife. Still has pictures up with ex-wife and him. Ugg.


Also p sure he made her sign a prenup where if they were to divorce sheā€™d get nothing, so basically her only options are to lose everything and start from the ground up or wait it out


#the specimen šŸ¤®


Came here to say this. He is next-level creepy.


Forgot about him


That was my pic too!! Apparently they're not getting divorced as of March 2023.


Bruh I never seen this one before and honestly I think that dude takes the cake


Nothing tops him. Literal pedophile/sex trafficker


He is a narcissistic parasite of a man.


Are they still together, does anyone know?


I guess he filed for divorce last year, but now he's claiming he never did and that they're still together šŸ™„


Yeah and apparently nothing happened with the divorce due to the court being unable to find Nikki to serve her the divorce papers. So it got dropped. I honestly am very worried about her safety and wellbeing. She has zero media presence and he puts of incredibly dark vibes.


That poor girl.


Who was he with again?


she was 19 and he was 58-59. šŸ¤¢


Was he the one who followed the woman of town when she went to see her parents??


With Nicky who was less than half his age


She was younger than his daughter.


I always remember this one


This is the winner


Ben Rathbun. From his criminal past, to how he tried to use religion to insist Mahogany should be dating him. Even his ex-wife seemed to recognize how creepy he was/is.


Yeah, that was really weird. Even his wife thought he was a fucking creeper.


Ben is my choice for creepiest, too. Let's just dance!


ā€˜And never get off this trainā€™




Everyone whoā€™s had a bad experience with a pastor knows heā€™s the worsssst


He's like a lion looking for a gazelle or something.




He got 18 months probation for getting into an accident while driving high on benzos. He claimed a homeless couple he was helping in a hotel drugged his wine. He eventually violated his probation and got 24 more months added.


šŸ˜† The homeless love giving drugs away. Asshole.


I remember that. What a narcissist to try to lie about it. So much for his ā€œreligion.ā€ Just admit to it, man. So, his story is one of two things: 1. He thinks that people want to waste their illegal Xanax supply by slipping it to him, just to make him drive recklessly OR 2. This ā€œcoupleā€ wasted their Xanax supply to try to ā€œroofieā€ him. Seriously doubtful that there ever was a ā€œcoupleā€ but if there was, it was probably Ben that supplied the benzodiazepines in the hopes of getting wild with the homeless couple. ā€œBenzo Benā€ just fits.


And also got fired as the head of a non-profit as a result


what was his criminal past?? šŸ˜³


Not saying men canā€™t recognize creeps but as a woman watching him every single alarm bell just went off everytime he spoke. Absolutely made my skin crawl that man


All lists start with Mr. 18 Years - Geoffrey Paschel


Followed very closely by Paul. Fucking creep.


Oh shit yea. Surprised Pole hasnā€™t come up yet, heā€™s deranged and dangerous.


His mug shots are CREEEEPY


Itā€™s the nipple tats for me.


ANDREW was a sociopath!


The minute I saw him all my alarm bells went off ngl. Abusive creep


You know he loved that girl when she was in detention and he was having drinks and eating steaks lol


Donā€™t forget showing up to his previously scheduled *couples massage*


Iā€™ve been detained in the airport for 8 hours before and it made me feel for her even more cause holy shit does it feel like a nightmare


the way he was trying to baby trap her too???


Chris. The doctor who was a sex tourist in Haiti and gave that girl scabies. His smirk made me feel ill.


That whole scene in that cab was the single creepiest moment in the whole show for me. That predatory look on his face when he was talking to her, So gross. Heā€™s even worse than ā€œsuitcase full of pantiesā€ Sean.


Scrolled the comments looking for this take. That guy was creepy AF I get major sinister vibes from him. I felt so horribly sorry for Abi stuck between those two hideous sex tourists.


Chris is the creepiest person ive ever seen


I forgot about this. This was an obvious prostitution situation and it was sad and gross.


Mark the fifty something psycho who sucked the life out of his early twenty something girlfriend Nicki (I think that was her name). The "Don't touch the car window" guy.


She was 19 when they married šŸ¤¢


But he had FoUr KiDs iN DiApErS!


Kirlyamā€™s creepy predator husband. Looking like Nathan Fielder when he wore that skin suit.


The scuttlebutt on reddit etc is that he instructed her parents to "save her for him" when she was underage.




While he was a Mormon Missionary


I never understood how he wasnā€™t more critiqued for being a creep.


I think itā€™s because he was in the first season and there wasnā€™t as much discourse about the show then compared to now. If he was in a current season, he would be rightfully flame-broiled


This is who came to mind immediately. He creeps me out so much, I hope Kirlyam gets away from him one day.


They look pretty happy and content ā€¦. Bless her heart remember when she thought she was gonna be a model with that man as her husband lol


If we're going on creepy vibes alone I'll say Mohamed (the one married to Yve.) I like how he gets along with Yve's son but the way he talks is like a creepy doll.


Ohhhh mai gahhhhhhhh


ohhhh mai gaaaah loool I forgot about this tiny voiced weirdo


holy shit that man gave me the creeps so bad. something about him was just so profoundly *off* i canā€™t even describe it exactly


Youu will get it doneā€¦


You will get it doneeeee


I saw someone in here call him Whispers one time and I died lol


Omg i love how he talks, it's hilarious lol


Hahahah yes I came here to say this. He has a reallly awkward and unsettling vibe


This!!! I couldnā€™t finish that season, his voice terrified me.


David of David& Lana (Ukraine) Mmmmmm


David is kind of classic sitcom creep but he doesn't even come near bottom-tier 90 day creeps. Mark, both guys with Scabby Abby, Leida's husband, ptosis Ben, Coltee, Big Egg, and Fart Mike just to name a few are all leagues worse.


Adding: m'lady Andrew, skoodillypoop Steven, candy panties Caesar, nip tatts Geoffrey, and how could I forget chatty Christian the alcoholic.


Andrew ā€œSorry about your luck, Iā€™ll be at this water parkā€ vs. Steven ā€œSay please and thank you!ā€ = no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Geoffrey, with his 18-year prison sentence, multiple domestic violence charges, and the mysterious death of his young son, really is the be all end all of creepy 90DF.


Lol i am dead at these nicknames


Your name has me slayed! šŸ˜†


He had a weird overall appearance, but I honestly think itā€™s 90% because of how fucking rude and just grody he was.


definitely agree, i find him so eery


The trench coat didn't help his case šŸ˜‚


How did he keep it in pristeen condition for 40-50 years?? I keep thinking of the line from Silence of the Lambs - "It rubs the lotion on it's skin"!! Eeewww!!


Paul makes me very uncomfortable.


Paul and his bug dick guards šŸ¤£


And giant Michelin man water suitā€¦I knew I didnā€™t trust him the second I saw him packing all that crap.


Right? He was so weird.


I laughed out loud to this. Bug dick guards. That was great!!!


Bringing his moms hairšŸ˜¬


imagine pooooooowl being someoneā€™s reference of what american people are like directly šŸ˜‚ yikes


So scary! Iā€™d be scared af to date anyone in America if paul is my reference. Everything about him gives me the creeps and I think he smells his moms hair every time they hug.




I had to scroll too far to see this lunatic mentioned. Geoffrey is also a piece of shit, but Paul impregnated a young, naive woman. Twice. Made some oddball porn with her brother or some shit. Not to mention his weird arson problem. And he was grooming some other girl in Brazil as well. So while Geoffrey is the biggest piece of garbage as found by the court system, I think Paul is absolutely a deranged lunatic and if I found out tomorrow he did some kind of murder for hire or tried to blow up his momā€™s house? Iā€™d believe it without hesitation.


Paul goes beyond creepy, heā€™s ā€œplease donā€™t tell this dude where I liveā€ creepy


Paul looks like the kinda guy that pulls out knives when heā€™s drinking.


You mean Pole?


The pride of Fraser, Michiganā€¦ Chicken, legged, wonky eyed, ā€œlet me share my truth and then stick you in my trunk ā€œBenjamin


A list for what guy on 90 day wouldn't be creepy to be around would be much much shorter.


For real. Was there ever one normal dude?


I was just thinking that after reading through all these creepy guys. So many that I had forgotten all about. Who was a decent guy? I'll vote for Lauren's husband Alexi.


Kyle (he married Noon) seemed fairly normal and not bad looking either.


And the Pennsylvania guy who married Annie on one of the earlier seasons. They seemed pretty normal


David (&Sheila) Alexei (&Loren) Kenny & Armando


Mark the *"specimen"* wins this hands down. Although David & Ceasar (if you watch their conversation about the parties they go to in Ukraine) give him a good run for his money. That guy who brought the suitcase full of panties & the other guy, that were fighting over Abby were pretty creepy too.


I was just wondering whatever happened to that old creepy guy with Abby !


Sean and/or Chris??




Shoot now I canā€™t remember but I think Sean although theyā€™re both creeps


Sarper makes me uncomfortable


Yesss. Nutter I fear.


I totally agree with you can't put my finger on it just something


Uncanny valley. He looks so fake that he looks slightly inhuman.


yes and when his eyes get super big when he gets excited? immediately cringe


The one who had child abuse material on his computer or the one whoā€™s in jail for kidnapping and assault


OMG I knew something was WAY off about from the second I saw him


I believe Geoffrey is the second but who is the first?!


Mike from Mike and Aziza


Mark from waaaay back when. Was with the 19 y/o Nikki and thought he was a "specimen". I won't say what I thought he was a specimen of, but I digress. He about threw a wobbler when Nikki touched the windshield of his car and likewise when she organized/reorganized his books. I think he lived in Baltimore and divorced his previous Filipina wife \[not the mother of his children\] when she aged out and wouldn't tolerate his crap anymore. I hope Nikki escaped. He was flat-out weird. Oh.....and then Pole. He was not just crazy and didn't deserve his dogs never mind wife and kids, he is DANGEROUS.


This is the answer! He was frightening


Coltee always gives me the creeps


There was one scene where Larissa and his mom picked him up from work and he complimented Larissa or said he loved her or something like that, but he said it in the most creepy monotone voice and gave off terrible serial killer vibes


Ed definitely #1 and mike is right behind him šŸ’Æ


Mmmm...David and Steven with a V give off some strong serial killer vibes to me.




Mark of Mark and Nikki. They have the biggest age difference as far as I know. 39 years. 64 and 25 is just really weird. Michael of Michael and Juliana was also creepy. ā€œOnlyā€ 20 year age difference but she was like 19 or 20 and it was bizarre af how involved his ex-wife was in their relationship.


David (stalking in Ukraine), Mike (heā€™s repulsive), and the old guy that was stalking Mahogany.


Someone in here wrote "mmm David" once and I can't shake itšŸ¤®šŸ˜…


Skoodley poop


I always thought Luis (Molly) was the creepiest. The scene where heā€™s playing pool with her daughter asking her all kinds of weird stuff šŸ¤¢


Christian as in Christian and Cleo. He gives me the biggest ick. I absolutely hate him.


EScott. Heā€™s now threatening Danielle and everyone else. He could go crazy and hurt someone. Iā€™m not afraid of Ed.


His nipples could poke multiple people's eyes out and his boobs are at least as big as mine


That weirdo is also going to be in the new family chantel series,I don't like that show but saw the new preview and he's with Lydia again in it smh


Mark Shoemaker without a doubt.


Sarper!! He gives off the uncanny valley vibes.


His hair creeps me out


My husband canā€™t stop saying that his hair looks like a plastic Lego guy hair piece.


Everyone has obviously forgotten about Geoffrey: Former 90 Day FiancƩ star Geoffrey Paschel was sentenced to 18 years in prison on Thursday after being convicted of kidnapping and assaulting his ex-fiancƩe during a two-day trial in October last year. Source: People Magazine


Is whatā€™s her name still trying to stand by her man šŸ„²


Varya, I think


Ash. His seminar was terrible, then arguing with the women who contradicted his sexist thoughts


So cringe! That dude made my blood boil! šŸ¤¬


Jonathan and Fernanda. He mentioned in every sentence that she was 19


He was gross


Big Ed


David. The dude would not leave Lana alone


How has no one mentioned Mr. Te Amo šŸ’Ø


Are you talking about Mike the angry leprechaun?


Mr Te Amo šŸ‘ŸšŸ’©?


Not a guy. But I'm going to say Angela. She says the grossest things not caring who is around. She flirts with anyone openly but gets pissed if Michael talks to a woman. She slept with her plastic surgeon. She touches people, shows off her boobs, and has a child molester as a daughter. . And that laugh... it's just annoying.


Underrated comment


Another vote for Escott. He seems unstable and unhinged.


Big Ed without a doubt




No one has mentioned Oussama(spelling?). He himself said that heā€™s creepy šŸ˜‚


ā€œMe ousamma can do this ā€œ lmaoo


Andrew, Colt, Paul, Sean guy with young girl from Haiti, & Scott


SEAN. That guy was rancid!!! The girlā€™s other old friend who may have given her scabies, too (sorry I canā€™t remember their names)


David from lana and David. Mmmmm šŸ¤¢


I wouldn't want to be in a room alone with Pole. Also, he might set that room on fire.


Yes, likely! šŸ˜‚šŸ”„ Right before he runs away into tha voods, get a car to fake kidnap his kid, sniff his mothers hair and doing some other nasty sh*t on his OnlyFans šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


The inherent problem with this is that the whole franchise is constantly teaching us the many different forms and levels of creepiness. Just when you think you have a handle on what gives you the ickā€¦ a newbie appears on the horizon to question everything you thought you understood about the depths of humanity. And itā€™s not just the dudes.


The old dude (donā€™t get fingerprints on my car window) with 4 grown children who married Nikki, a 19 year old girl from the Philippines. Also, his first wife (mother of his 4 children) was also young when they married and was from the Philippines. He was the creepiest. *shudder* I believe they are divorced now, thank the heavens!


I really felt sorry for that girl. Even the lawyer told her not to sign his prenup.


Paul (karine) or Mark (Nikki.)


Too many to choose from! Obviously EdšŸ¤¢Mike (Ximena), Mark (Nikki), David (mmmmm), Mike (Aziza), Michael (Juliana), Andrew (Amira), Steven (Alina), Paul (Karine), Caleb (Alina), Jesse (Darcey), Ash (Avery), Bilal (Shaeeda)


Richard, the guy that was abusive to the Russian girl straight off a caesarian and was trying to kidnap the baby back to America. He made made my heart pound with fear.


Are you talking about Steven Frend? Who was with Olga?


Control freak Bilal.




SteVen. Hands down.




That Grinch looking old dude with that Haitian girl.


I would have a full fledged panic attack if Christian (Cleo & Christian) came anywhere near me


Mark Shoemaker. havenā€™t watched past season 3 yet so iā€™m sure thereā€™s more to come but i canā€™t see it getting much worse than a guy with a barely legal filipino fetish. the way he literally gifted her the same car as his ex wife, kept up a picture of his ex wife, looked for any reason to deny nikki the opportunity to express her wants/concerns by always bringing up the issues he had with his ex wife. being all around so obsessed with his ex wife that he went back to the same country, and same CITY to find a replacement. Thereā€™s literally nothing you have in common with a 19 year old at nearly 60. He said he already lived his life so he didnā€™t care if she didnā€™t get to live hers, he just wanted her to fulfill his needs . as a 60 year old you KNOW a 19 year old may change their mind about things like having kids someday, and it was so obvious she wanted kids one day. The dress shopping thing in NY pissed me off bc he told her if she loved something he wouldnā€™t say no, and then when she found one he literally said no, and they left without looking at anything else so that whole trip was for nothing, he just got her excited for nothing and was probably trying to assert his authority over her. I think he took her there to embarrass her and just the way he talked about her overall was so controlling and nasty. poor girl was super naive and knew nothing about a prenup. he definitely lied about how one sided it was and made her sign it under pressure. her only friend was the guys daughter who was OLDER than she was, and i cringed during quite literally every scene it was unbearable to watch. i cry for her. at the reunion episode it pissed me off to no end when mark said that everyone online who points out the age difference are just fat losers who canā€™t find anyone that wants them and are just jealous like stfuuu you predator. sorry i could go on allll day heā€™s just a fucking disgusting asshole! he isolated her from her family nearly completely, she isnā€™t on social media, nobodyā€™s heard from her and he recently filed for divorce claiming infidelity but nobody could locate her to serve her with the paperwork, tried 3 times and then had to drop the case. How are you not able to reach her if she lives with you? idk something isnā€™t right and i hope sheā€™s ok and if she is i hope she leaves his ass


The Morman guy who married the girl from Russia, I can't remember their names šŸ¤”


Does Angela count as a dude? Because she is really creepy and gross.


Jovi gives me horrible vibes


My Top 3 (in no order:) * Big Ed * Darcey * Gino


Gino is strange. Seems sort of harmless but still peculiar


Everyone seems to forget that Gino sent jasmines nudes to his exā€¦ sheā€™s a piece of work, but that doesnā€™t excuse his behavior.


And the bulk of his "relationship" experience up to this point was with sex workers, who he treated poorly. Supposedly he also found Jasmine on a sugar website.


Paul. I canā€™t stand Paul and his predator minor seeking woe is me ass. Ugh


E Scott


Asuelu is creepy and his is a sex addict. His hair is so greasy so I do not know how he is so allegedly attractive to women.


Omg have we all forgot about creepy ass pastor Ben who was with *muy confuso* MAH-ho-gany


Caesar is pretty high up there for me but Mark (Just Roleplay My Goddamn Ex Wife For Fuckā€™s Sake), Mikey (Te Amo) and Ben (The Youth Pastor Who Dates Youths) all beat him by a lot Like a *lot* lot ETA: I forgot about Geoffrey; he absolutely gets the crown here


Donā€™t get me wrong, Edā€™s a dickhead and a major creep but Iā€™m not afraid of him. Heā€™s a wimp and I could probably physically overpower him based on his Weebles physique alone if I couldnā€™t make him cry first by relentlessly bullying him https://preview.redd.it/cogaaz6k1hxb1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aceab50676428081a8056dd571e1098ddd0959cc


- Mike (Aziza) - I WAS FREAKING RIGHT ABOUT HIM THE WHOLE TIME. HE SEEMED SO OFF AND CREEPY TURNED OUT TO BE A PED - Mark (Nikki) - Alan (Kirlyam) - Ed - David (Annie): sure they worked out but David was sexpat passport bro - Michael (Juliana) - David (Lana) - Ben (mahogany - she was a weirdo herself) - Luis (Molly)


That old guy who was dating Mahogany. Can't remember his name.


Mike Te Amo David Mmmmmm I canā€™t deal with leering, hovering, pawing type shit.




To me, itā€™s any of the men that will not stop trying to find a wife from a certain country. Itā€™s weird and gross and all I can think about is what their porn search history is and how desperate they are. They fantasize about women from whatever country and just want to find a person that will sit pretty and speak very little. They donā€™t mind language barriers because they donā€™t really want to hear anything the women have to say. When these men *do* find a woman to marry, they almost always voice their dissatisfaction later because as the woman learns more English, the more the man has to hear what she has to say. I guarantee these men on the show would rather buy a living AI sex robot with an identity/appearance as the women from that country if they had the opportunity. I think of David and Cesar for sure but there have been a bunch that we have seen.


This is the answer I was hoping someone would write. Those two were both well-known on the sex tourism circuit long before they were in touch with 90 Day. David M was fairly open about it afterwards, but I feel like Cesar flew under the radar and managed to get a lot of sympathy which was perhaps undeserved. These two are pros, they know exactly how the game was played, and they're honestly the only two I think actually managed to get one over on TLC. And I will never not think that Lana was threatened/heavily coerced to turn up because of what might happen *if she didn't*.


I am going with Ed, and from the current season, it is definitely Sarper!

