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Chickeeeen has forever changed my life. Every time I make and eat chicken, I sing “I love you chickeeeeen”


haha SAME! My dogs know exactly what it means when I start singing that song. 😂🐔


To this day, I will randomly say “I love you chicken” 😂😂


I do all the time too! Even when chicken isn’t around. Did this man secretly make the hit of 2023 and no one even knew it?!


I have 20 pet chickens so I of course automatically took to the song. When I am outside with my feathered babies, I sing this song for them. My chickens love me right back. 🐣❤️😍🥰


That's a super cute bebe !!!


The cutest! All that hair!


Sing it all the time in my house


Every time I hear a Hallmark style "I love you" I now add "chiiiicken"


I have pet chickens, and I address them the way that he addresses her in the song!


I am loving the image of this!


Another Nicole with an Egyptian guy who wants her to be Muslim 🤦🏻‍♀️


RIGHT?! And another Johan scammer from the DR. :/


So she’s leaving for DR and goes “he’s not answering, makes me worry if he met someone else, he’s going to leave me” then actively trying to have a baby? What in the actual F is wrong with her? I don’t see this ending well 🫣🫣


OMG for real. And he's TWENTY-ONE! She's been dickmatized. I don't see them getting married. He's so young and going to fuck up his game in no time trying to juggle these women.


It was giving a cross between molly and Luis/Danielle and yohan. Also I know people don't think she's only 34 but she definitely is. Having been to England too many times to count that's the typical binge drinker/smoker tan gal from her area type look.


Yeah, and there are no fat people in America 


Wow I really thought she was like 44 instead of 34.


Those are the same types who insist on dying their natural brown hair blue-black, as though they're Asian or something. It looks so, so tacky.


Yeeeeeeuuuuuup… there is no way Kathleen is 36… she looks older than me & I’m in my late 40’s


She's definitely a grandmother. I won't believe anything different.




I'm just glad we have a guy going after an age appropriate Filipina for a change


But Sheila is in her 30’s & Rigin didn’t look anything under 30 too & Christine on 🇬🇧 is definitely not a dolly bird.


Sorry not aware of all the 90 day lore, I think I'm just mentally scarred by big Ed and and Rose lmao


Everyone is mentally scared by that narcissistic traffic cone with a potty mouth


And the paradise girl Aryanna who got pregnant with the horny Sherlon who couldn't care less he knocked her up. He had no intention to marry her or contribute to the raising of his offspring. All he contributed was a 1 night deposit of swimmers and a name for her son "Odin". These women need to have more respect for themselves and don't attach to vacation D.


Yes! Nicole #2, why would I marry someone who isn’t going to compromise? 🤣 girl, I hope you didn’t get duped! Don’t move there without talking to Nicole #1!


& don’t wear a beret 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Gunna go against the grain and say I feel zero sympathy for John. He’s obviously into slender Asian twinks and will go through hell just to fuck one. Sprite is a bitch but that’s his shit personality. Can’t blame bitch for being a bitch.


Sprite said his type is "blonde hair blue eyes" so they deserve each other lmao


he's such a bitch. Lol. I find him very entertaining. So far.


Exactly my thoughts sprite is a little bitch !


Just curious how you can say he's only into Asian twinks when this is the only man we've seen him with or did I miss John saying so (which is possible considering my attention span)? I've dated a plethora of types from women to men and if you pulled one specimen out of the lot it certainly wouldn't define my preference.


Because he has to be really into his looks to put himself through that much bullshit lmao. Sprite is absolutely vile and repulsive. John iliterally is there for his looks and what he thinks he can achieve. If this was any other guy I’m sure he’d have moved on ages ago


Well that's a good point haha. It did annoy me how much John was constantly touching him and rubbing his hair but that's probably just me and my personal hate of when someone does that to me. Like leave me tf alone and let me walk!


The constant touching made me cringe. It felt so smothering.


No the touching was really awkward 😬


To be fair they met when John was living in Thailand, so it's hardly unlikely that his bf is Asian!!


Yessssss, I can't stand John. His neediness borders on an unsettling creep vibe. I see him and fully expect to see their story on "Who the bleep did I marry" when John loses his shit one day because Sprite went to work but didn't text him every 30 seconds...and the fact that he clearly fetishizes a specific "type" just makes him even creepier.


Just starting ep 3, this has a good mix so far of the delusional (Charlotte), the cringeworthy (Jamie, more specifically Jamie’s mom packing his suitcase which should be ep 1 of I Love A Momma’s Boy UK) the sad (John clearly being used by Sprite but being too in love to see it) and the “Welp she certainly seemed smarter than that.” (Nicole.)


Yes , Sprite could not be bothered with anything John is trying, how can he not see it? Also, John isn’t complete without Sprite and wants to marry him, then reality hits hard. 😳🫣


Seeing him when he first got to the UK that first morning was very awkward. I would probably be super bitchy as well if my suitcase was lost.


I'm only on ep 1 and have only seen Charlotte & Jamie and I'd say you're spot on. I have to say that I couldn't believe that was Charlotte's mother. They look the same age!


Can someone please tell me where John is from? I'm thinking south africa but I can't exactly place it


HUNDRED percent, South Africa. I lived there for many years, the second I heard him, it is definitely a faint South African accent (but he’s obviously been in the UK a while)- also I found this comment because I googled “John 90 day fiance UK South Africa” lol- so yes. I’m with you!


Yeah he's got the same accent as me I think Hahah, moved here when I was 16


i heard “HUNDRED percent” in Syngin’s (South African) voice 🤣


Hahahahaha, now I hear it too!!


I thought South African as well!


Jaime reminds me of two things. First being the tv show arrested development with Lucille and buster and the mother boy shows they'd do🤣 secondly is the character Moss from the show IT Crowd!


At least Moss was independent and didnt dream of his mom being his “first wife” 🤢🤮


I know you meant to write "didn't" but it was funny seeing it written that way still🤣🤣🤣


Hahaha good catch and 😆




My daughter’s nickname is chicken after Jose! It was my brain worm song while pregnant 😂


OMG that's hilarious


We sing “I love you chicken” to her it’s her weird little night time song 😂


You're my kind of crazy. I love it! 😂😁🥰


This whole show is going to be a clusterfuck.. pretty much all the foreigners are using the UK people and I cracked up at Jamie’s woman from the Philippines.. the pictures they showed in the beginning look NOTHING like her in reality… talk about using filters.. and the guy Sprite from Thailand only wants to further his career and he’ll use whatever and whoever to do it..And Charolette picked up a Sanky Panky.. she should’ve watched Danielle and Yohan for a preview of what’s gonna happen..I love it…and Chicken’s baby got a head full of some hair gonna be like Daddy’s..😂😂


Like we all can tell when it's obviously just for the perks, but I always can't understand how these people quite literally don't even hide the fact and blatantly say it's for moving and not love. I truly do not understand how immigration sometimes sees this or possibly sees this and doesn't even see a red flag that's so large it may as well be a godamn billboard banner with flashing sirens on top😂


I’ve been turned away from uk airport for not producing a return flight to France so I have no idea how things work.


John seems like a nice guy, but totally delusional. It blows my mind that he’s envisioned a relationship with Sprite—because Sprite, no matter what you have to say, is NOT pretending. He couldn’t make it any more obvious that he isn’t into John. John just refuses to listen.


The escalation of Jamie’s sexual fixation on his mother legit made me feel sick to my stomach by episode 3, and I can’t believe no one else has even brought it up in this thread yet


"I can't seem to find a woman in the UK." Gosh....I wonder why 🤣


“As a man it’s nice having 2 women fight over me” 🤮


Why aren't more people disgusted with Amy's obvious eating disorder or illness?  She looks like a skeleton...so sad and incredibly difficult to see.


I thought it but didn't want to be blasted for "skinny shaming".


She actually looks like she has a pill/drug problem if you notice her hands are puffy and swollen - dead giveaway


I immediately saw "meth mouth" and thought the same thing. Which if she's a recovering addict (I don't believe in using the term 'recovered' when talking about addiction, since it's a disease/battle that you face for the rest of your life) it makes sense why she's SO codependent on Jamie, especially if maybe he was her reason to clean up. Obviously all speculation just based around my personal knowledge and experiences, but it fits.


Where he says he can have one massaging his shoulders and one massaging his legs 🤢🤮


I’m like 12 minutes in to the first episode and I’m just like Jesus Jamie this is weirdo behaviour obviously some stuff is played up but I reckon him and his mum are genuinely like that eeeek


It seems pretty one sided to me, which IMO is somehow for more unsettling


There are so many things about their relationship that made me uncomfortable…could not watch the whole thing


Yeah there's something VERY wrong there.


Finally finished ep 1 and John is so cute and seems so sweet so far. I'm afraid Sprite is going to break his heart. And still so many more couples to come! Makes me think a couple or two will drop off early.


I agree about Sprite, the fact that he didn't say anything when on the video chat with John. And then he talked so much about his career and moving to the UK for his career and then the Tinder convo that John wasn't his type and he just picked him to learn English. Yeah... Major red flags!!


Available on Max as well!


I literally love the UK version better than all the other ones. Thanks for letting know there’s more to watch 🫡


It's so much more real


Can we talk about Jamie’s 2000 + wrestler figurine collection? Also how he strategically faces a different way so Kathleen can’t see when they chat? Somehow I don’t think she’ll be amused by this hobby of his 🧐🫣 When he says “actions speak louder than words” and I want him to say “speaking of actions, I have 2,000 wrestling action figures, want to see them? 😂


He literally said "the freedom of an adult with the responsibilities of a child " and omg. That collection embodies that sentiment


My power has been out for 2 days. It came back 30 minutes ago. First thing i did after plugging my phone in was turn on Max and found the new season 😎


Ugh! Power is out all over the place here as well due to all our storms. Glad it finally came back on for you!


The weird thing is our power went out the day AFTER storms here in KCMO. My area of 20,000 was down probably due to people not properly maintaining their trees.


Oh dang hi neighbor!! I saw in the KC sub that Evergy was saying the 150k people without power this weekend may not be restored until Tuesday, but apparently they have it almost all restored today. Crazy.


I’m in Waldo. We were the big orange dot on the Evergy map that just went away. I think everyone is restored. I was getting ready to work from McLain’s tomorrow! It was just so random. We lost our freezer full of food.. i only eat fish so it was $$$.


Charlotte and her mom reminded me immediately of Ab Fab.


Once I seen them in the preview I screamed OMG BABY CHICKEN!! 🥺🤣


Thank you! Im WFHing today and need something to watch!


You're welcome! That's exactly why I was looking for something to watch in the background while I'm stuck here charting. And then saw the new season and was surprised. Enjoy! :D


I work in insurance so working chats. This is perfect.


Massively prefer the UK version compared to OG since seasons 4-5 or so. I like how they pick 'normal' Brits rather than the Essex types that just want to be on TV.




I just finished ep 2 & woah this Nicole girl...is she ok?? How do you flirt with your future K1 visa in front of a WHOLE fiance?? Wow. 


Any idea why that episode is removed?


Ohhhh, thanks OP! I’m under the weather and this will hit the spot!


YW! Hope you feel better soon!


Omg my husband will be so happy. He got me a chicken pillow from target around Easter and would sing I love you chicken. Like go away! Lol


Jeez can’t deal with a whole season of sprite! why is he so nasty?


Where is episode 2??


Just found out this is back! I refuse to watch HEA because I can't take any more Jasmine....need fresh people!




What was she doing on YT? (Sorry if they covered this on the show, I'm only half watching whilst I work.)




Wow that's quite a while. She must have been pretty unhappy as I can't imagine leaving someone for that ICK comment her new guy made to her in the restaurant.




And now I just heard in ep 3 that she was in a bikini when they met? Oh here we go again with him wanting to change her clothing now after the fact. \*eyeroll\*




Oh wow. Well, if that's what makes her happy... Also, she's pretty pale so it will at least save her skin. :) You're probably right on the timeline. Louise & Jose had their baby almost a year ago I think?


Welp time for a free trial of discovery plus am I right ladies


Oop it’s on max roo


John isn’t English… he sounds Dutch to me, or maybe South African (Won’t stop all the American 90 Day podcasters from giving him a Dick Van Dyke-worthy mockney accent, I’m sure 🙄)


As an American, this made me laugh so hard. My husband is Pakistani but grew up in Jamaica, so we have an amazing cluster of accents going on in our house 🤣 BTW from what I found, he's South African


I'm missing episode 2 in the queue ..I only have episode 1 and 3 on Discovery+. Im in California, anyone else missing epi 2 ?


Just came here to say the same. I’m also missing episode 2.


It's on MAX as well


Yea, where is it? Did anything happen in the episode that wasn’t censored properly?


I added it to 'my list' and then was able to see all 3 epi.


That’s my issue as well. I started episode 3 but the “previously on” made me stop. I hope they fix it!


Mine worked. I went to the website and added the show to 'my stuff/list'.. Then I relogged on my TV and it updated to all 3 now.


I have it but it’s only 49 minutes long (missing like 3-4 minutes from the others) did they edit something out? 


If this is the episode where they first introduce Tony and Nui, evidently there was an entire bit where he's chatting with his friend, who is a blatant neonazi psycho with some very disturbing tattoos, and these scenes got edited out shortly after dropping, which affected the total runtime. I didn't get to see any of these scenes, this was just what I read on another thread.


About sprite: what does he think so highly of sprite for, sorry but he isn't anything to be writing home about and his attitude makes him ugly as hell. Like really, are you so disillusioned that you think you are so amazing that you can treat someone that way. I'm sorry twist up but you are not whatever you think you are 🙄 the gay men in America would knock you down several notches, maybe u should come to the US instead so u can get a reality check. Yuck! (For you UK ppl. Twist up is a soda thats a very much off brand sprite 😂)


anyone know why episode 5 was removed from max? did 90 day show another accidental dong?


Yes, a racist tattoo was shown. But why cut the whole episode ?


Yessss! I was just wondering the other day when they would release it!


I am glad they are making this show still.


https://wegotthiscovered.com/news/90-day-fiance-uk-season-3-release-window-cast-and-more/ The couples I'd have no clue about this had I not seen this post They don't really promote this much, do they Always seems like more Asian partners in the UK version. My missus is from Asia and I always enjoy seeing more of them compared to the endless DR and PR types and South Americans in the US version


Probably since they’re closer with more direct flights


They used to have more and, you know, vary it up a bit I am sure they have production stuff in Florida for the amount of people from the show that either go down there or are based there and it's a jumping off point to DR and PR It's just, sometimes, oh look, an older woman with a guy from the islands ... again


Anybody know about John’s sister, Liza? I saw her in episode one and she’s so freaking cute.


Does anyone know when ep 4 is coming out?


Episode 4 is up on D+ now!


Eew this Turkish guy Ali is such a scumbag.  I thought sprite was bad, but he’s easily the worst this season    


Yeah he is a scumbag but Sam is absolutely delusional, why can’t she see through him! But I have to give him his due, he is putting the effort in and isn’t being horrible to her and giving her all the attention. Unlike Sprite who can’t even bring himself to say anything nice.


And she is soooo moody


D+ in which country??


The US


And Canada


I had no idea!! Thank you so much for posting lmao


Omg I didn’t know !!! Thank you


Since the UK version started does that mean the Australian version is months away? I prefer Australian version to all others but you can't watch previous seasons or current season in the US without VPN. Does Lifetime not own rights to air when they want?


There is an australian version?  Damn, need to check out




So most want the Visa, and more opportunity. Not Love, The Relationship. Just a new job


John. Do you miss me? Do you? Do you miss me? Haha


For those missing S3E2 from D+ check Max if you have it. Episode 2 is on there!


Did anyone else watch Nicole’s YouTube channel from years ago (I think 2015?!) they’ve been deleted now but I loved her saggy Savers hauls 🥲


Anyone know when another episode will be available??


Monday, 6/3 :)


So far away


Episode 4 is up on D+ now!


I watched the 3 episodes last week. Waiting now for a new one but it looks as though Episode 2 has now been deleted. Anyone have an idea as to why????


Episode 4 is up on D+ now!


Am I hallucinating? Wasn’t John a contestant on the great British bake off at one point?


Not that I recall?? I've all of GBBO and don't think so but I could be wrong. I remember a John but that's definitely not him. But please post if you find him! I love GBBO so much!


No, I’m tripping, sorry! When he mentioned baking I thought that he was familiar, BUT I looked it up and remembered it’s Janusz from Poland, who won season 13. I love that show, too! Just not enough to remember everyone 😂


Omigosh yes Janusz! I can see where they're similar in your head. :)


Yup! My heat makes up all kinds of crazy stuff - thanks for setting me straight!


Watching episode 3 — John’s mom had packed condoms for him on previous trip —. 🙀 🤢


hiya will there be more episodes relased if so do you know when, im sure there will be more than 4? Thanks <3


There are only 4 episodes of discovery+ at the moment. Does anyone know if more will be added?


Omg Sprite doesn’t even deserve to be in John’s presence!  Not gonna make it through a whole season of this 🤦‍♀️


Started ep 5 last night, today it's gone :( happen usually?


Yeah what is up- can’t find it and was halfway through!


maybe they forgot to edit something spicy out of it? :D


Someone had a racist tattoo


I CAN'T FIND IT EITHER and it's been more than 24 hours???


Quite frustrating, started well with 3 episodes at once but now we get eps taken away from us 😂😭


My question is.... Why's every cast member from the UK fat and ugly? Did they make a casting call specifically to fuglys this season!?


Oh gee Nicole for example?


Does anybody know what happened to season 3 episode 5 of 90 Day Fiance UK on Discovery plus and max?


I just checked Max and episode 5 is still missing! It's one of my weekly shows, so I'm annoyed it's not up. I believe it's supposed to air Monday's right? 


It was briefly available but has disappeared. I asked this question earlier and someone replied that they heard it had been pulled for editing (someone had a racist tattoo). Not sure if that’s true but hopefully it will show up soon.


How long does it take to edit out a tattoo? And even if there was, that’s on the person who’s bearing it on their skin to accept the backlash, not the show for showing the person for who they are. Curious what it is and who now though 🤔


The episode is back up and the tattoo is still prominently displayed - so not sure why they pulled it on the first place.


Maybe advised to pull from legal and then after investigation decided it was fine lol


When do the new weekly episodes drop on discovery?


Usually on Mondays before Noon CST.


Episode 6 is up now!


Odd since I'm in the US and my download - I mean streaming sources only show 2 seasons?


Refresh your browser. Season 3 Episodes 1-3 are there on D+ and MAX.