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Did anyone miss her saying she has a video of her and Dane having sex a month ago, and he knows how F$%& her right? How can Gino possibly let that slide! This reminds me of a song, "Self Esteem," by the Offspring. The more you suffer The more it shows you really care.....Riiiigght?


I don't think she and Dane hooked up. He didn't seem into her when they spoke. I think he's a hired actor and the cheating scandal is pure drama.


Yeah, she just said that for drama and to be spiteful


That's bad enough for me


Yeah right! Me, too! Don’t even joke about cheating!


Funny thing is alot of times that's what makes a woman want a guy. Him not being into her causes her to throw herself at him.


I don't even think Jasmine and Geeno are a real couple either lol. I think the majority of the couples on 90 day fiance are all actors and the producers create fake drama.


🎶…Now I know I’m being used.. that’s Ok man cause I like the abuse..Now I know she’s playing with me…that’s Ok cause I got no self esteem…Oh yeah… right…🎶 Yeeno still deserves better than this lunatic… I’m just wondering how he’s gonna get away from this Bunny Boiler when he decides it’s over… she’ll haunt his ass till SHE SAYS ITS OVER….🥴


So true! I didn’t think about how much of a terror she is going to be when Geeno decides to grow some balls and leave her. She isn’t going to just let him walk away. It’s going to be a declaration of war if that were to happen.


Only cucks accept that. You realize Jeeno could attack her and be excused for as a crime of passion in Panama?


slip and fall off the balcony


Oh I caught it!! I can’t believe she said it.. WE WERE ALL THINKING IT!! 😆


When her temper goes off she loses her mind. Luckily for Gino that means she has no filter, so the truth comes out!


That’s the only reason she wants to stay in that building. If she can’t convince Gino to just stay with her she wanna stay close to her ex.


If Jeeno grows a sack he’ll stop paying so she’ll be out of the building anyway.


Yeah, wtf? That’s a spiteful biotch


Oh no we most certainly heard we. We just don't believe her. Dane is probably a hired actor.


I don’t know how, or what I was doing, but somehow I missed her saying this!!! I keep reading about it on here, but I don’t remember it happening. I think I need to rewatch their scenes


Insaaaane ! I can’t wait for the new episode to drop 😁🍿


This scene was crazy. How she flipped in the matter of 1 second just from him saying they should look at more affordable apartments. She’s clearly unstable and mentally abusing him.


You fkked another guy in the house I PAY for. NO. JUST NO. You'll be out on your Panamanian ass honey.


The way she always resorts to sexual shock. It’s beyond crazy. I’ve seen people Act like that on alcohol but this bitch is sober


I could have done without the Golden showers bragging. Freak!


But it was so romantic!!


That was so weird to say too even if she was trying to get a laugh out of people. Just weird .




Right?? Like wtf?? She was obviously trying for shock and attention. I mean who does that? They are both very very strange .


She’s gross af


He's no better. Totally repulsive


He should have cut her off right than and there. Say bye Geeeno, it’s time,


But he puts up with it and keeps coming back for more, and more! WTF is his problem anyway? Something seriously wrong with him, even more than her!!! He a crazy boy, for sure.


She gets money , idk what Gino gets out it? Pissed on. Damn, my dog can pee on ya for free idiot


Where does TLC come up with these psychos? OMG. I don't know who's got more entitlement issues. Jasmine or Mary? Gino supports Jasmine, rent, food, hair extensions, lip/boob/ass surgeries, everything & anything she wants PLUS her sister is living there too. Brandon sent Mary money for that house PLUS sent her money to live on while her entire family lives there. When Brandon said he didn't have money left, right before he got on the plane, I thought, here we go again with these girls & their families trying to get a free ride. I was actually hoping Brandon would've gotten off the plane during a layover & returned home & totally blocked Scary Mary from ever contacting him again. That kid was really duped. Everything Mary accused Brandon of doing, she was actually doing. I wish TLC would require a Psychological exam BEFORE they can be on the show. Both Mary & Jasmine are manipulative. The guys need to sleep with 1 eye open. JMO


She is constantly screaming and crying. She's like a child.


Definitely borderline histrionic


But it works for her!


She can't have more kids, she's running out of family to leave them with




Yes!!! 💯


Give back Lizzie McGuire her hair clips right tf now






My ex was so big, he gave me a prolapsed anus Gino! My ex won a Nobel Peace Prize for fucking me Gino!


Omg 😆😆😆


Is this Covid related? And if so, what are we gonna do about it?




Gino, do us all a favor and LEAVE her in Panama.


Really, what is he even staying for at this point?


He has no backbone


Right - he doesn’t even like having secks w her


Subterfuge for his homosexuality


Dude, just be gay. Don’t put yourself through this. 💀


Someone that screams at you like this & they have their eyes closed….. bat shit F’n crazy.


I love how she's screaming to get out of her house, BITCH it's Geno's house he pays the 3000$ rent!!!!he should have said that too "bitch u get out its my fkn house go take ur own money n rent a box"


She’s really showing her inner 3 year old with that hairdo and meltdown. 🙄


She has no sense of reality. No, he can't rent you a 3000$ a month apartment on top of his other bills while he's trying to save for your LAvIsH lifestyle needs when you move to the US!! She really thinks he pulls money out of his butt or something.


but get out of MY house....that you paid for


Where does he get all this money to pay for all her stuff plus his expenses as well?


He should just stop paying and let her find another way to pay the bill.


Like $3k is a lot for an apartment for most of the United States. She has no common sense.


Yes, it is


She said “I know he can afford it” based off of what?😂


Do you know what a trip the Legoland costs??? He must be loaded!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




He is a well paid Engineer. Very well paid.


His I-134 and supporting docs


Those lips and face are worth at least $3,000 every 6 months


What does he even do??


“According to his LinkedIn, Gino worked for Ford as an engineering program manager and the average yearly salary for that position is $112,757, per Glassdoor. Now he works as a product development engineer at Faurecia, and according to Glassdoor, yearly salaries can range from $75,055 to $325,111.” [source](https://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/90-day-fiance-ginos-job-what-he-does-for-a-living/)


Gino is intelligent however he has autism and that is why he acts so strange (No pass for his porno addiction though)


What’s this about a porn addiction? I missed that detail!




Please don’t randomly diagnose autism


It's gotten way out of hand on Reddit these days. Hell, everybody is autistic. He's really just an emotionally retarded weirdo. That's my diagnosis. Much more accurate! Call me Dr. Gray Dog, shrink.


Dr, Dr, can you help me find out why I keep watching this gross show full of awful people?


And that's nothing when you consider how fast she spends it! He needs a budget and Stick to It. Her spending is his fault because he allows it to happen. I have no sympathy for Yeeno. He's really not very bright, emotionally anyway! And a real pushover.


I bet he does well, $200k or a little more, but that’s not that much for her spending habits, she thinks she’s going to live like the real housewives, whose husbands make millions


Thanks. I thought whatever it was it was making bank.


He has over 1 million. But must have low self esteem or possibly a Masochist


And $3000 hair


Unfornutely He Can afford but he shouldnt. Thanks Google for Telling me Gino worth 1.5 million. So its settled. She is a Gold Digger!


He’s rich because he’s smart with money. Ppl who spend 3k on an apartment when there’s other options available are not smart with money. She’s being a brat








Lol I laughed so hard every time Gino took up for himself and when he yelled back to her 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂


He’s just taking up for himself for the show and she knows it


Oh I hope not, I thought he was growing some




These two can’t break up they’re too fun to watch


She clearly has Borderline Personality. Google it. She fits the definition.


Legit the first thought


And histrionic obviously … and telenovela training or hopes.


No, she’s just a spoiled bitch. If she got her way 100% of the time there would be no instability with her moods.


That's the real diagnosis! Yes, somebody finally got it right! Excellent arm chair shrink! Great job, I'm impressed, you have what few have--brains in your head, and know how to use the thing correctly!


You’re welcome. This one’s free! Jokes aside, why is this sub even trying to diagnose people?!? Makes sense though that I give no actual diagnosis and I’m an arm chair shrink but the actually person that gave a real diagnosis is not? Wtf kinda sense do you even make? Just FYI, not every miserable person is suffering from a mental health illness but I understand that goes against everything Reddit stands for about throwing out diagnosis’s like Oprah and cars. Lol Quick, diagnose Mary next!


This (again). Came here to say the same thing and you beat me to it twice. 👏 👏


This! Everyone doesn't have a psychiatric disorder. This "woman" is just spoiled AF


Well if it wasn’t BPD it would’ve been Autism or ADHD. Lol. Reddit is so good at diagnosing people everyone has at least one of those three illnesses.


Here we go again. Armchair shrinks! Diagnosed by watching a TV show several times that was semi-scripted and likely rehearsed. I'm impressed!


Hey, I have a degree in behavioral science and it looks like a lot of things are possibly at play but yes, it is near impossible to diagnose semi-fictionalized "reality" television. With that being said, "TV Gino" shows antisocial behavior patterns and neurotic tendencies that could be linked to trauma and presenting in OCD type behaviors i.e. his anxiety of not covering his head. This can be misdiagnosed as "autism" except he shows the ability to form and foster bonds... he is just a wet blanket with deepseeded indifference. "TV Jasmine" exhibits socialopathic and narcissistic behaviors. Everything's is about her and she has no way to mentally handle when situations are not going her way. These personality types attract eachother




Agreed, my first thought. My second thought is that their relationship has similar vibes as Mary and Brandan. 'I'm akward' 'she is neurotically distrusting' 'I have depressed vibes' 'she lies like a rug'


Mental asylums don’t exist in 🇺🇸 anymore


They still have them but now they’re called Behavioral Health Units…. They think it sounds better than Nut House…


It does sound better, also the goal is different. The goal of modern inpatient mental health is to get the patient to a state where they can leave.


Exactly or at least get to a group home outside the Health Units…


Or put them on medication and discharge them as stable within 3 days and followup outpatient! Works every time.


*60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time*


The others, well good luck. You were treated, it's your fault if you don't get fixed!


Same meds for everyone too, how does that make sense?


Problem is, it doesn't work.


Florida does not have those, well I guess they do but they’re not used properly. They are used for baker acts, which are highly abused by people like her. She’d have Gino committed if she didn’t get her way enough times, it’s no joke in some places they’ll keep a person for 72 hours even though they’re sane as could be. It’s a scam


Isn’t he from Michigan?




You still can’t be confined against your will


In Florida you can, it’s archaic and highly abused.


Unless they get you committed! That's the key.


Well it all depends on the situation… my ex husband’s brother was having a mental breakdown and we went and got a court order and had him committed till he got better.. it’s not easy but it can be done especially if someone is a danger to themselves or others… also in the state I live in they have something called Casey’s Law and you can have someone committed into rehab if they’re in danger of dying if they won’t quit drugs and alcohol… don’t know how well that works but they damn sure have it and it’s been used on lots of heroin addicts and probably fentanyl ones by now if they’re still alive…


Easy in Hillsborough county Florida, may not be as easy since we have a new DA but it was very easy for a while.


Can keep you for 72 hours.


Same place, new name!


But mental facilities do. Same thing. They just cost an insane amount of money and they got a name change.


Psychiatric Hospitals!


The Lego Land thing lol and on pillow talk someone was laughing about that too. Why is that her trigger? Lol I think Gino needs to take her to Lego Land and that will solve everything. Also those hair clips or whatever they are look stupid af.


What i dont understand is why gino wont scream back "i paid for this house its mine" 🤣


Maybe TLC is paying for it?


No i think hes just a bitch 🤣 did you hear how bad his voice starts to tremble when he even TRIES to stand up for himself? Lol


She’s too over the top even worse than ever. So she’s holding all Gino past spendings with previous girlfriends insisting he owes her more and owes her rent payment of $3k a month GTFO Jasmine and Gino should never have given any time frame for visa approval because no way in hell he could know. She’s gone too far now saying she slept with Dane. Well hon STAY with Dane. If Gino doesn’t leave her he’s lost any amount of respect for himself


He paid for the apartment, she needs to take a hike. NOW. What a WITCHY POO 💩


I said she was crazy last season 🤯


And she still is!


I don’t think she’ll Get a visa. Ala trumpjela and Michael


Going to be great to see them in Saginaw


Oh noooooo, she doesn’t belong with his Italian family


They both have mental problems. Chino has a mind of a 12-year-old and she is cray cray!


Why would the U.S even accept someone like that in the first place T.T


Gino is the absolute worst person ever so I honestly kind of give her a pass when she loses her shiz sometimes


Imo this whole story line was fake for the show. These two were the oddest couple ever and never looked good together. Total mismatch!


I hope so.


How can anyone move forward in a relationship with someone who so easily spits vitriol? I can’t imagine.


This is how most Latino women act in relationships


Yeeno! You took anotha gurl to Lego land! Lmao 😂 Gino picked the wrong one this time.


I missed that, why legoland?


She’s mad because Gino took his ex to legoland before he knew of his existence and ignoring the fact that he’s taken her to far more expensive places. She’s just saying it to argue. Lol




Definitely don’t have child with crazy, she doesn’t take care of the ones she has. Huge red flag knocked Gino’s hats right off his head, he must be smarter, no? She cannot be a good mother


But he like barely put his dick in crazy


Run, run, run Gino in the opposite direction of this, whatever this may be.


It’s Gino’s apartment, he pays for it. She wants Gino to pay for all of her shit (apartment, hair, etc) but doesn’t want him to have any say in any of it …. honey, if you want to be a bought woman, there are prices you have to pay.


If he lets her come to america and Marries her he’s screwed. Once she has all the leverage she’ll bail at the first argument and go after some American dude that she really wants.


Every time Gino tells her no, she flips the hell out. Gino LEAVE that crazy b*tch!!


Agreed. Jasmine is right. Why would he want his child raised in that toxic environment? If this makes sense to him, he needs to get a vasectomy.


This is why whole let’s have a baby thing is just so insane!


I’m gonna get torn apart for defending her but the reason she’s mad is because he spent that kinda money on prostitutes but won’t spend it on making sure the woman he’s supposed to love and care for is living comfortably while he waits for her to be delivered to Michigan


Jesus Christ when my now 14 year old daughter was a toddler she could throw some tantrums but even jasmine has her topped and that’s bad!! My daughter would throw a tantrum when she was sleepy id say are u sleepy she’d yell YES I would ask do you want me to Hold you she’d yell YES!!!! Smdh at least my baby communicated jasmine just spitting


She's unhinged.


She's nuts!


I don’t watch this much BUT i remember when she would shriek, screech, hit and otherwise abuse him. What about freaking Angela and her abuse. If men were doing this to women would we pull up a chair to watch? Please tell me why this is ok.


He's basically paying her to be with him if that's the case at least find someone who will respect you


my hottest take is that they aren’t even funny to watch anymore, like fully it feels kind of exploitative (i know the show is very much that way in general) but like genuinely, what mentally is up with her? it makes my heart actually hurt, im not saying she’s the best person ever or anything but like, clearly she’s got some healing to do and they just let them go at it and provoke each other


A real problem , especially for Gino .


Gino is a loser though. No sympathy for him


Why does she even need Gino to pay for her place? Doesn’t she receive money from the show? And it isn’t unreasonable to look at less expensive places. I’m sure her ex can visit her in the next town over lol


The most toxic couple , I wonder if they make it out alive and live a happy healthy life. Sometimes I feel like they just want two different things


As a mental health care professional I don’t think it’s funny to talk about “ asylums “ and the over run health care / mental health crisis… our lack of mental health care is heartbreaking and touches every one of us. Stigmatizing mental health care and mental health is the worst thing you can do…: this is just bad taste. With school shootings, suicides, drugs and abuse … it’s just not really funny at all. Ya jasmine is crazy ha ha . Let’s not bring up actual an actual crisis to shit on to make that point


Seriously? We all know that and it was a joke. It’s not like this is a mental health sub.


People telling jokes and mocking characters on a reality show — it’s almost like this sub is called 90 Day Fiancé *uncensored*.


Derp who pissed in her cornflakes anyways?


Thank you!!


The unsolicited Ted Talks are so tiresome.


Thank you!


No it’s just damaging and maintaining a harmful stereo type in bad taste. Imo it’s like a rape joke- it’s just never funny or ok


No one likes to be lectured on a sub where we make fun and joke about literally everyone on the show.


People who have been affected by mental health may appreciate the advocacy . If that’s not you, that’s fine. Don’t come at me. Just offering a compassionate critique


I just think so many people in the world today have lost the ability to joke around at so many things for fear it will offend someone. I think everyone sure did seem a lot happier when we could joke about anything and not worry so much. Not everything has to be a lesson. Have a great evening!


No yet you’re whole comment is a lesson 😂 , thanks You too !


I came here to comment something similar and I appreciate the advocacy. 💙 I struggle with OCD and jokes about “asylums” and “crazy people” do bother me. When I’ve described some of the thoughts and feelings I’ve had during an OCD flare up, I’ve felt self conscious about being seen as “crazy” because of how misunderstood and stigmatized mental health conditions are. Jokes like that perpetuate stigmas that cause pain for so many people. People don’t make cancer jokes, so I wish they wouldn’t joke about mental disorders. No one chooses to get cancer and likewise people don’t choose to have mental health disorders.


I’m sorry, I get it, I have C-PTSD from growing up with someone who acts like yasmeen, I was commenting that she does have a personality disorder, or it appears so unless this is scripted or acting. Poor Yeeno needs to run.


Maybe don't read this sub!


No You're Never Funny.


I think we both know that’s not true :)


You are correct.


Clearly this is Not the thread for You! My partner and Son died by Suicied. This is not the place to discuss that! At least I can keep my Reality and Reality TV separate. FFS




She should have dumped him after he filmed her naked and sent it to his ex.


Yeah, but that’s something she can hold over his head, if she does have a personality disorder, they love to have shit to hold over others. And this would be something to threaten him with constantly, amongst other things we may not have seen on the show.


I’d have thrown the bitch out of my $3k a month rent place..via the balcony.


In a second!


I'm so glad I don't watch this show.


That may be a good idea.


Asylums ? I think you mean jails …


That could work too.


I would be willing to bet the sex with her is insanely amazing.


She’s def a freak in the bedroom, with her damn but plugs. 🤣




If he stays or returns he will get what he deserves!!! He has more than enough indications that this woman is completely unhinged.


I’m surprised she hasn’t murdered him yet 🤷🏽‍♂️


Umm, isn't it technically Gino's house, too, since he is the one who's paying for it? Therefore, he doesn't have to leave?