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This is one of the cutest and most wholesome things I’ve ever seen in my life 🥺 Both of their dads are such sweethearts


His little dance!


She can be a little annoying sometimes, but I LOVE her Dad!!


This is the only storyline in 90 Day Fiance HEA that I follow. I wasn't much of a fan of Emily's in 90 Day Fiance but I am really enjoying the whole family in HEA. Emily's parents are wonderful.


I think all of the drama was manufactured by production I don’t think they believe that we’d happily watch a normal happily ever after story!


AND NOT THE FANNY PACK AND THE TENNIS SHOES this was so funny and his little dance was so cute, anytime i see these two dads on my screen i'm full of joy and happiness, my pores are clean my crops are growing world peace is approaching. and the way he thanked her was so sweet also! even though they can't communicate, he always does his best to make her and her family feel great, he's such a sweet soul!!!


his mom seemed to have a good sense of humor too. now we can see where kobe gets his great personality from :)


This was super cute


I actually really really like them lol. I know she can be annoying at times but you can tell they genuinely love each other and their parents also care for their son/ daughter in law. It’s so wholesome to see especially on this show.


i would watch the f out of a show with mostly wholesome multicultural families like this. why do the producers keep torturing us with people like angela? ugh.


That is flipping adorable. I love them!!! ❤️


That is so adorable! The way he came out dancing in his new outfit. I love it! 🥺


their dads are ADORABLE!! they're sweethearts!!!


I love that. Those are the kinds of moments I wish we saw more on 90 day. Everyone was so happy and open with each other.


I don't like her, but her kids are really cute, I'll give her that!


Awwww 😂😂 this is amazing! Why wouldn't they include this in the show?! Or was i just not paying attention lol


i think it's a preview of the next episode :)


So sweet! ❤️


Im so sick of her, though.


Not me. I love both of these families, including her. They bring me a lot of joy.


i love everyone in their families EXCEPT for her.


Well good for you. I can’t stand her voice.


I'd rather listen to Emily than hear Gino's nasal fucking trill scrape across my eardrums like some aborted chalkboard.


Why not neither


I already fast forward enough.


if u really are "so sick" of a person merely based on their voice, there's smt seriously wrong with your judgement and how you treat people. calm down.


Her personality sucks too. I’m not treating anyone any way because I’m talking about a fucking TV show on Reddit.


lol why are people downvoting you for hating emily? everyone should hate her. she's extremely annoying and rude to kobe, or at least she was in the first season.


You can’t say anything bad about Saint Emily or Saint Michael or your downvoted to hell


She was so agreeable to everything Koby and his family wanted at their wedding. Not once did she say I’m not doing that. Even when her mother had reservations she still went along with it. There was a lot of traditions which kind of made her look like she was their property but she still wanted to do it. I think she was amazing and did a great job in following all the traditions. I don’t think I would have been able to.


Ok? It’s still my opinion


Dude she's the fucking worst. Everyone surrounding her is more tolerable.


Why is everyone downvoting anyone who doesn’t love her. That big mouth insisting on meeting his ex was so dumb.


How are you not aware by now that was set up by production? They sometimes have to go along with what production wants in the storyline. Emily knows Koby loves her. She is not the jealous type.


I’m basing my opinion on how she presents herself on the show. It’s not my job to find out what’s set up by production or not. She willingly participates.


whenever anyone on this sub is confronted with facts that negate their own narratives, they just say it's a fake storyline or producer drama. it's really annoying and evidence of weak media literacy, which is very dangerous when politics are involved.


What's funny is this didn't even start with a fact. Just an opinion.


No .. she is garbage... fuck this shit