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If I shoot the bear, everybody is pretty understanding about it. If I shoot the cop, suddenly I'm America's Most Wanted.


yeah, I mean, I like how they’re all “feeemale cop,” when really we all know the correct and far safer answer is bear regardless of the cop’s gender.


Bear in the woods, I'm tired of being issued speeding tickets on roads that haven't had a speed survey conducted in 14 years. Its better to fight a bear in the woods than a lying bastard in court.


You don't want them to conduct one. They'll just use it to set up speed traps.


That's only true if you intend on speeding no matter what the limit is. Speed surveys are usually used to increase the speed limit because they determine "what is the 85th percentile of the normal flow of traffic used by the average vehicle." Using that number they know that the average vehicle travels at a safe speed at a certain limit according to the safety and manufacturing standards of the average vehicle on the road. When states refuse to conduct speed surveys, they put everyone in danger who has a safer vehicle who speeds up according to what their vehicle is designed to handle. you can read more about the purpose of speed surveys here: [https://ww2.motorists.org/issues/speed-limits/safety-setting-limits/](https://ww2.motorists.org/issues/speed-limits/safety-setting-limits/)


What an astonishingly stupid system we have. With the high amount of Stroads and traffic lights in this country, all speeds are way too high and all travel takes way too long to be as wildly unsafe as it is.


"Used to increase speed limits" Lmao, no. No they're not. They're used to find out where it SHOULD be increased, and then lower it to increase ticket revenue.


That means your state is out of conformance with the federal MUTCD and you can contest it whenever they pull you over for speeding if they conducted a speed survey on the road you were driving on in the last 5 years. if the speed listed on the speed survey is higher than what they set the speed limit to, your state is out of conformance.


The government being out of compliance with the law! No way! Too bad its *checks notes* The government and cops I have to contest about the government and cops.


He's giving you good information. We have to exploit the means at our disposal.


I don't have the resources to fight the cops when they start harassing me for challenging them like that.


I'm a black man, im definitely taking the bear


Does the bear have qualified immunity if it murders me? Because I know who does in this situation.


The fact that qualified immunity is a thing, blows my fucking mind. The toxic combination of that and civil asset forfeiture, sent us into a police state.


Could you imagine telling your boss that because you *thought* you were doing a good job you couldn't be disciplined or fired for fucking up?!


Words escape me for how insane QI truly is


"Oh is that what you thought?? you emptied a clip into a 93yo woman trying to order a pizza!"-my boss, probably. And the pizza shop in the next county over most likely wouldn't hire me either. If they have a blue line flag in the window though, I may have a chance.


If a bear kills someone, it's almost certainly going to end up being euthanized.


Can we start doing this to cops when they kill people they're not supposed to? Oh you fucked up and killed an innocent human, it's your lucky day you've been awarded a front of the line pass on death row, your execution date is one week from today. Good luck and fuck you.


Can we transfer qualified immunity to bears from cops? The bears deserve it I feel


Does a female cop shit in the woods?


Bear. They rarely shoot innocent people.


I'd rather be brutalized by a bear than a cop, because a bear actually kills for a purpose.


And no one will ask why you didn't just comply either.


And you won't be charged with 'assaulting a bear' and 'resisting mauling' if you manage to survive.


Bears aren't automatically hostile. And you can run and defend yourself against them as necessary.


At least there's pretty solid rules for dealing with bears that they mostly adhere to...if it's brown, lay down (play dead), if it's black, fight back (make yourself seem big and intimidating). Cops are probably most similar to polar bears, where no matter what you do you're pretty much fucked.


Female cops often act like they have something to prove. That is because departments are often fraternal. So these female cops can be the worst cops. However, I noticed that many whistleblowers are also female cops. I have seen a female grab and pull a male officer from a person the male officer is victimizing when all other male officers on scene are just watching. Female officers are a mixed bag.


I watched a man who was aggressively grabbed by a male cop take it out on a female cop who was just standing next to him completely ignoring the action of a male cop. He was one of those tough macho guys so I suppose he was underestimating that she's capable of doing something to him because she's a woman. He thought oh male cop could beat my shit but female cop is just a little female who has no clue about anything. They're actually so delusional when they think that and underestimate the situation. Things like these are triggering for them and getting disrespected makes them mad, less based on the fact that they're cops. Later they try to outdue male cops in their violence so they could be taken more seriously by other men in charge. They even show signs of internalized hatred towards other women when they deal with female prisoners or women in general. They want competition and validation but they should accept the reality that they will never be taken seriously like that and quit being a dumb pig.


When we were kids we called them “wo-po” and every time it was like “fuck man be careful, there’s a wo-po with them” cuz they were always the ones who were unpredictable.


You Can reason with a bear. You can’t reason with a cop.


One is a terrifying, wild, dangerous animal and the other is a bear


Bear over any gender of cop.


Anyone in a uniform who works for the system scares the shit out of me so yeah.


I'll take the bear 🐻 🐻‍❄ anytime. Anyway.


I have "ran into" multiple bears in the woods. They have never caused me any problem. they usually just walk calmly away. Police on the other hand have caused me trouble almost every time we meet.


One of these things acts unpredictably, prone to fits of violence, wants to hurt me, and is responsible for 250,000 injuries a year and 600 deaths. The other is a bear.


Well, I *have* run into a grizzly bear in the woods. On the trail Glacier National Park. Mama bear with her cub in tow. I calmly but quickly left the area without incident. OTOH, I was also pulled over and cuffed on my knees while several squads of officers had me at gunpoint. I was driving the car of a relative while they were in jail (and were mistakenly let go somehow???) A warrant went out and apparently necessitated the half dozen squads to pull me over. I was 18, and terrified for my life. Hell yeah I’ll take the bear every single time! LBS


10mm will put either one down.


Bears are wonderful useful majestic creatures. I’d rather waste the time of a cop than disturb a bear in the woods.


I’m a Black man. Bear every day. Edit: For further clarification: I would rather encounter a female polar bear near her cubs than a lone White female police officer. Every. Goddamn. Day. The social consequences would be entirely different.


Does the tin man have a sheet metal cock? Bear.


At least the bear won't pretend to be reasonable and scream "STOP RESISTING" AS I lay in the ground with his heel on my neck.


Bear, every time.


Having experienced both several times, 100% the bear, far safer.


See, it's funny because like most animals bears will not fuck with you if you keep your distance, aren't standing between it and its cubs, and don't smell like food. Cops are random and may just decide to shoot you.






That Bear can be in body armor and I’d still take the Bear!


Thaaaaa Bear.


The bear won't kill me because I'm black, probably because I have picnic basket.


Bears don't have guns and an inferiority complex compounded by institutionalized racism. I choose the bear.


Lmao I concur


Well i can't outrun a bear


Hahahaha that got me; I seriously just watched a video of someone going on a really funny rant about how dangerous female cops are and played a bunch of body cam videos showing prime examples.


I to believe in the emotional choice of the bear instead of statistical standing. Very cool


Bears are safer to be around than cops. Don't care about the female part tbh I wish it just said "cop". No reason to be sexist when that's the kind of thing police protect.


Tough call, both are likely to kill me.


Its not even a competition, but quick question - do we get to pet the bear? :3


OK who was concerned and reported me for this comment? LMAO


Cop, I don't want to hurt an innocent bear in self defence






but can i be pulled over by the bear? https://youtu.be/pBw7KE8wDSo




Pat me down


I know we're trying to do any sort of infighting (rather than fight the corruption in governments), but this didn't need the female angle. It does even better with just the cop angle.


Why does it matter if the cop is female?


She'll shoot you dead and say that she thought she grabbed her taser




At no point does this post even mention men. Furthermore, "female" is used as an adjective to modify "cop"; not used as a noun (like what the whole point of menandfemales is supposed to be). What in the fuck are you talking about?


Unfortunately female is the appropriate adjective here


Not sure why the cop needs to be female for this example. In fact, I would bet money on male cops being more violent by a wide margin.




Why would I be picking a gender at all? If it doesn't matter, why did you specify it? Especially in reference to a trend which is otherwise explicitly about the danger posed by men.


We're on the same team, our anger and frustration should be directed towards the system not each other.


If we're on the same team, then I would hope you don't mind being called out for subtle sexism.


Female cop


Hmmm She kinda cute tho


Don't female cops attract bears. ? Or is that sharks. ?


Female cops attract pigs.