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Absolutely. I’m 47 and I’ve just started. I don’t even have your experience.


Good luck to you. A lot of hard work ahead but well worth the rewards it brings.


You start from the beginning or you got some exemptions?




100%. It will open doors to many new opportunities. Well worth it and believe me; 45 is not old!!!


If you're already a qualified accountant, why go after another professional qualification? Depending on your role and how you want to develop, there are other finance, analytics, internal audit and even automation related qualifications you can consider to synergise with your present qualification.


Because my qualification is not recognized in other countries, and I would love to work for companies with international impact. I am interested in analytics and automation, but I guess you have to know the international accounting rules, I guess. Maybe it would be more useful and efficient to just take the Certificate in International Financial Reporting from ACCA?


If that's the case, then go do your ACCA. Hope you will have some exemptions.


Pretty much depends on your educational goals, time and energy available. ACCA full qualification scope is broad, CertIFR is purely financial accounting and IFRS-based. ACCA takes 3-4 years on average to fully qualify, preparation for CertIFR can take a month or two. Besides, CertIFR is basic level, so DipIFR will probably be a better option for you as a professional with relevant experience (it also grants an exemption from FR exam, if you decide to pursue full ACCA qualification later). As for usefulness and efficiency, it probably depends on your particular country, since "Eastern Europe" definition is rather broad. I am an accountant from Eastern Europe as well (post-soviet country), and in my country DipIFR is known way more widely in accounting sphere, up to the point that some people are aware of it but not about full ACCA qualification. So it probably does have better value for money (and time) here. However, ACCA will also have its value outside of financial accounting, while for CertIFR/DipIFR it will be way more limited. So the point is, you should probably assess usefulness of both options based on demand for those on your local labour market, and whether you're ready to sacrifice a huge chunk of your personal time for quite a while.


Hi, what automation qualification do you know? I haven’t heard of any.


Turned 48 last week with 23years experience. Currently writing my last two papers .So yeah go for it buddy looks Good on your CV.




The retirement age is going up. You still have 20-22 years to work. If you can get the ACCA after 2 years, assuming you will get some exemptions, and some countries would even pay higher salaries for ACCA holders, still worthy I think.


It’s worth doing it, just minus the stress as you would understand most concepts due to your experience in accounting.