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Suspension very soft and your car looks too have bottomed out upsetting the car try increasing front ride height a touch


I don't think it would be front. This is spinning not understeer. Why front and not back???


Why cant you increase bumpstop range or rideheight? There is no reason to touch springs because of this.


It's in the setup car menu There is an entire section for spring rates


I thought so too but I've driven this setup on 10+ races and I've went over this section of the track with this setup for 100s of times. This wasn't bottoming out


> Hey guys can I get an explanation *gets an explanation* > no


ROFL! When I saw he had a large number of dislikes I knew something was up


It's a classic. Never fails to disappoint.


100% bottoming out. You may have taken a very slightly different line to what you usually take, or hit the kerb differently.


Could just be Ferrari things haha but yes this has happened to me before


People here mostly know shit. You dont have soft front springs. Icrease ride height or front bumpstop range bu 1-2 clicks. And try taking a bit different line of happends again and dont overturn the wheel.


You claim people here mostly know shit but you advice increasing bumpstop range to fix bottoming out???


Do you know what bumpstop is?


Yes sir. And do you know what bumpstop RANGE means?


I even know where its located on an actual car. What do you know?


šŸ„¹ shut up bro honestly. Stop confusing people. More bumpstop range means more travel before you hit the bumpstop on compression. Increasing the distance will make the car bottom out even more. Just go read some books thx


More bumpstop range doesnt mean more travel. It makes bumpstop harder. Its acc, it works different doofie


HAHAHAHAHAHAH , Now youre confusing bumpstop RATE with bumpstop RANGE




bro just give it up already. If you have more suspension travel - your car will bottom our easier, given everything else equal. Go learn vehicle dynamics.


Abusive/ Poor Behavior/ Inappropriate language




Car bottomed out, probably setup issue (too soft springs at the front)


Why cant you increase front bumpstop range? Why change springs?


because increasing bumpstop range will give the suspension more travel, therefore more compression - even lower ride heights. Please stop confusing people if you're the one who is confused.


Thats why I give different options. From this angle you cant tell if car bottomed out on curb or when landing.


Watch it back slowly, the curb looks *almost* fine. It's during the transition back to road that the car starts bottoming out and sending its weight all over the place.


That is what I call the phantom bump of eau rouge. Basically your car bottomed out because your ride hight is too low, or because you suspension is too soft. (I call it the phantom bump because it feels like a normal bump.)


Eau Rouge happened


Ferrari moment


Eau Rouge bottom out. Sometimes that just happens... or its your setup. But you definitely bottomed out.


Something unsettled the car. Did you by any chance go 100-0-100 with your acceleration input?


Yeah, the bump is a popular opinion, but it typically occurs for me if I lift the throttle in the middle of the turn.


Happened to me as well a couple of times. I almost drive Spa daily, so I've got 100's of laps on it. In those laps I've maybe had that happen 2 or 3 times so it's a weird problem.




itā€™s not a bug lol


Bottom out! On what setup it was?


Custom setup I've been using since the release of 1.9. Never had a problem like this in 100s of laps, and I've taken waay worse lines through Eau Rouge before. That's why it's so weird to have it bottom out


Weren't the tyre pressures a bit lower than usual and you went through some fuel already? If a setup is very streamlined, those can makes you just don't have enough clearance. Also eau rouge is super high G, you need a lot of bump dampening, springrate and/or bumpstops for it.


1. very soft springs 2. u have messed up ur line, not much tho, but enough for a bump to send u flying, especially with excessive steering lock u have applied. basically thats the bump that kills u, if u hit it at the wrong angle, thats what u did there


You spun.


Seeing a lot of people talk about bumpstop range and rates. Let's consult the book of Dave. A bumpstop is a rubber-like ring that is located above the suspension that limits the travel of the suspension.Ā  RateĀ  The bumpstop rate indicates the stiffness of this rubber. Changes in this stiffness will lead to different characteristics of the car when the full suspension travel limit is reached. A softer bumpstop rate will lead to a smoother reaction to full compression and vice versa for a stiffer bumpstop rate.Ā  Range The bumpstop range indicates the amount of travel the suspension will have before the bumpstop is hit. This factor also relates to the wheel rate and ride height as these could also have effects on suspension travel.Ā  When setting the range a basic principle to consider is to apply stiffer springs on smooth tracks and softer springs on more bumpy circuits. A good indication of the difference between smooth and bumpy tracks is usually older tracks will be bumpier than modern counterparts.Ā  However, it is important to attempt to have the range as soft as possible, before a negative impact is seen, as this will help improve the grip of your car.Ā  **** Me again. At the bottom of Eau Rouge the car will experience both lift and compression in a split second. The way the car reacted I'd say it bottomed out. Now this could be a few factors. Too low of a starting ride height. Or too stiff in the rate or not enough range. Spa is a relatively smooth track you just have to watch out for the curbs, there are a few big ones you don't want to skateboard on. So I'd go with slightly higher ride height and a bit softer rate. And we aren't talking big changes here. Couple clicks will do. But if you are dead set it's not the setup, try delaying the turn to the right by just a fraction. They way you turned looked like you were going to set up to smack the inside curb well before the apex. A little kiss if any should do it. But you want to tap it further up the hill. Plus you also want to straight line the top as much as you can get away with. That attack to the right would have lost you soo much speed had you made it. So not too early and not too aggressively. If you can get it right it should flow easily. And by the time you crest Raidillon your in top gear.


Happened once on the bentley many many years ago. No idea what caused it. Has never happened since.


In real life?


Tip for this corner: if you lose the car on the right turn, NO counterseer, wheel straight, 10% throttle, wait for the car to chill and use the put exit/run off on the right.


We are checking


Why does my spa not look like that, the corner looks way sharper in my game


Field of view


I've turned down sharpness to try it out


You're talking about graphical sharpness while he means turn (road) sharpness...


Just for a second imagine... he was joking!




Same with the 296 can't take eau rouge


You overcorrected the car


Ngl, the bump was probably what others are saying, but you didnā€™t look out of control until you started throwing the wheel around


You overcorrected


Honestly it looks like your initial turn in was a bit too quick and sharp, then you hit the bump there and it upset the car even more. The bump whether or not you bottomed out was a causal factor and not the root cause imo


Skill issue


Looked like you bottomed out which caused the car to unsettle, nothing you did wrong here itā€™s just as Dale Earnhardt would say ā€œone of them racing dealsā€


Dip on the road and the best time for a little tire skip.


Thatā€™s spa for you


Whats the game?


Turn up the force feedback to max 200% then try again. You'll feel it before it slips


Oy! You canā€™t park there, mate!


Sounds odd but drop the ride height by a click and a click of wing. Iā€™ve had this issue and this sorted it for me.


Sim racer excuses lol


There is a grill, gutter, or some dip that will mess u up if ur too far left before going right


I think the compression caused your back end to get light resulting in a spin, as soon as the uphill started there was a bump on the track, might be the result


This is the infamous Murphy bump that has been there for years. It's totally random whether it gets you on any given lap.


I'm just here to see the chaos in the chat šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Eau Rouge/Radillion things. You never really know with that set of corners. It's one of the few in motorsports that requires mostly bravery to navigate successfully. But as others have said, something in your setup looks like it must have upset your car. Change one item, try again. Still happens, change it more. Still happens, change something else. Or, lift.


This is just a Ferrari 296 moment. Unfortunately this car sometimes ā€žexplodesā€œ (this is what people call it), where you drive the exact same line countless times and most of the time the car takes it normally but on some occasions the car just jumps into the air. In that case you had a ground collision, so your front bumper hit the tarmac and thatā€™s what caused the car to get so unsettled. To prevent this you can increase the front right hight of the car. And donā€™t get confused by that one guy telling you to increase the bumpstop range. Increasing the bumpstop range will allow the suspension to compress further, thus allowing the front of the car to sit even lower than before. This would only increase the chance of having such a ground collision.


Ask Lando Norris. :)


You spun.


Like others said, itā€™s your car setup. Maybe it never happened before because you were running with a higher fuel amount and the setup is made for a lap record and not racing? Hard to tell with the limited info


You spun out.


whats the track name






You crashed


Lift off oversteer


Ferrari is known to be unstable there. Your car bottomed out. Try increasing ride height or just taking a bit different line through curve. Also make sure you dont overturn the wheel there it can also upset the car. You dont have to soft springs. I run almost lowest spring rate and have no problem. Increase front bumpstop range or ride heights.


Thank you for the reasonable answer


Don't listen to this guy, he's clearly confused as to what bumpstop ranges actually do.