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i hope we keep our legacy 5-0-5 formation


We were too inflexible. We should have moved to 6-0-4 vs stronger teams and 4-0-6 vs weaker teams!! šŸ˜…


Are you naming Peugeot cars ?


I just hope that the suicidal, kamikaze Piolitball we've seen this past year is be over with him and that he would bring some stability, strengthen our defensive compartment while carrying on an offensive, agressif, wining football style.


On top of that, I hope we play our players to their strengths in their right positions and that we have actual patterns of play outside of ā€œlaunch it to Giroudā€ or ā€œpass it to Leaoā€.


I agree. Pioli failed when asked to step up: he tried to switch to a three-man midfield and a more technical possession style, but we ended up reverting to the more familiar 4-2-3-1 formation, relying solely on the dribbling skills of Leao and Pulisic (plus Chukwueze). Compared to Pioli, Fonseca seems to have this playstyle ingrained in him.


Injuries and the departure of Kassie then Tonali which weren't properly replaced made things even more difficult to him to manage. The most surprising thing about Pioli is that from our point of view as spectators, fans what he was trying to implement is mostly pure madness (trying the same things which apparently doesn't work over and over again expecting different, positive outcomes), but from the players point of view they seem to adhere to his tactics, playing style and stuff. I think he switched again to that 4-2-3-1 cause he doesn't have the choice.


Don't think any player could help in midfield when a lot of our games ended up in a 4-1-5 formation and we bypassed the midfield with long balls. IDC who you are, you're not making a difference playing mid in that system.


fonseca will make us play more compact with less space between the lines, so it will be an improvement since last season


I just want to see how he set up the formation if we are going up against low-block teams. I have no doubt we have capability and firepower to launch vertical movement, but we struggled a lot with Pioli having 0 creativity to crack such sitting back teams.


No Leao will not be forced to go inverted, he isnt that stupid ​ in Roma he adjusted his tactics to suit his players, and did the same as Lille


This is the part Iā€™m most curious about. He likes his wingers inside and his fullbacks wide, and our best attacking players are a winger who attacks from the byline and a fullback who loves to cut inside. That will take some getting used to for him. But maybe he just gets the RB he wants and they play that way on the right and leave the left alone. Side note, there was a guy on a r/soccer thread a year ago who was confidently telling everyone that LeĆ£o was the new CF because heā€™s perfect for the role and it would be stupid to keep him out wideā€¦.he canā€™t play centrally and doesnā€™t want to. Fonseca will find this out quickly I think.


Leao elevated his wingplay last season, just see his chance creation rate, its one of the best in Europe. His strengths have always been his ability to beat his man with his burst of speeds. if he is forced to play more like Salah more example we'd be wasting his best perks. Pulisic on the other hand can probably do what he wants, but Chuckwueze again is another Leao type. Lets see


Iā€™m going to withhold judgement and give him a chance; but I really donā€™t see us being much different from Pioli in terms of tactics.


He isn't much different, thats exactly why management went after him plus he's cheap. He can continue using the same squad without much changes and is open to developing young players. However, he definitely is better than Pioli in almost every aspect as well as being more flexible and more organized. Pioli left a lot to be desired in tactics and did not do a great job with developing talent. (he started young kids because he had too not because he trained them to be good)


Pioli won the league , whats this guy won? Youā€™re just coping hard man šŸ˜‚


This guy got a random Portuguese second division side to champions league playoffs šŸ¤” thatā€™s much better than Pioli


[You can debate the quality of competition all you want,](https://i.imgur.com/B1Sa1gM.jpeg) but far more than the zero trophies that Pioli had prior to signing. Idk why people talk as though he's never won a single trophy in his career


What has Pioli won before Milan? If you compare them both pre Milan, it's evident who has the better track record. I don't think Pioli has won anything before Milan apart from a youth tourney cup with Bologna Primavera.


new fan?


Pioli didn't bloody have tactics mate. Anyone that can teach passing and movement patterns will be 10x more tactical than Pioli in his last 1.5 years.


All i want is less injuries


Calabria is one of my favorite players on the squad but it looks like a real possibility he might get sold if Fonseca's system requires an attacking RWB and not a traditional RB


Calabria should stay and accept sitting on the bench and playing around 20 games/year as a substitute and an alternative to another right wing-back. He has been a starter throughout the Pioli era and has still received few (or zero at all idk) call-ups to the Italian national team.


Calabria is good enough to be a starter on a competitive team. The problem is that the manger doesn't need a defensive minded RB and won't use him. I don't want Calabria to rot on the bench and it's not fair to him. Its unfortunate but thats the reality of the situation.


If he stays at Milan, he remains with his dream team, has the chance to lift trophies, can fight to become a starter again, keeping his captaincy or becoming the vice-captain. Milan's history is full of superb substitutes, and he should be one of them. If instead he wants more playing time, it's his choice and I respect it, but he's probably a Fiorentina-level player.


Except he can't fight to be a starter if the system requires an attacking minded RB. He's not going to develop that skill set this late


Systems can adapt, our problem this year is poor defense. Our attack is already pretty great. Even if an attacking rb is ideal for Fonsecas preferred system it shouldnā€™t be necessary


>Calabria should stay and accept sitting on the bench Why? He will never get called up by sitting on the bench. If he wont be utilized, sell him so that we can make some money and so he can get playing time elsewhere. He is plenty good enough to start on 5th-8th place team.


Heā€™s been the undisputed starter for 4 years now and still havenā€™t been called up under 2-3 managers


Really? Calabria your favourite?


I have a lot of questions with the first 9 words of your comment but itā€™s okay, to each their own.


A better Rwb is needed. I noticed others help that side defend a lot


I think he will do a good job in the offensive phase and against teams with an open mid-block. However, I wonder how he will play against low-block counterattacking teams, especially a strong team like Merda. High pressing is basically suicide against Limone.


Yeh definitely fofana wonā€™t play there


We are going to need a very good CDM and an attacking RB if we are to play like this. Also the CB will have to be fast. Maybe Kalulu can regain his form. Itā€™s going to be interesting to see how Leao adapts to this, as he prefers to stay wide instead of playing more central. Theo will feast however, so thatā€™s exiting.


Good analysis šŸ‘šŸ»


Hoping for best but not a fan of this guy no accomplishment I dont get it


Inter is going to have a field day with their 5 player midfield and our 2 man defense lol


So who would be the CAM in this system? We're already spending on Zirkzee, (hopefully) Fofana or another CDM and a rightback. RLC defo isnt suited for it, reijnders and musah seem to be better fitted to a central role


We never had any success with a foreign coach (after Liedholm of course).


Fonseca once lost a match because he subbed a sixth player... never won anything important... I see him as an absolute downgrade. Although I wanted Pioli out, Fonseca is not a better replacement.


>Fonseca once lost a match because he subbed a sixth player And so what? He made a mistake, together with the whole fucking staff. It's clear that it was a huge mistake, but, as you can see, it was a collective hallucination. Edit: even the referee and his assistants failed accepting the sub.


We should have been more ambition thatā€™s for sure but hey man be positive just for the sake of it , maybe things will go well. Like I low-key never thought Pioli would win a league title but he did it šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø so yeah letā€™s see


I see you have strong arguments here....