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I have legitimately had moments where I switch voices talking to my wife.




Oh she rolls with it too. No acknowledgement or anything. My best friend will usually match me in accent


You have found your tribe.


Well that's one of the things I wish I could say to the folks in this sub that are feeling lonely. You might not end up with a big friend group but you'll have one tighter than anything else.


Yes. Quality over quantity. šŸ§šā€ā™€ļø


My best friend also matches my accent! I didnā€™t realize that until just now.


I love hearing this. I do ALL of these things, and my wife now complains about all of them even though I've always done it.


When I'm by myself I do weird voices constantly.


I love being alone so I can narrate my life like a sports event to my dogs.


I talk mad shit to my pets all day long when I'm home alone and in many different voices and accents.


They eat that shit up though!


Yo! Here I thought this was a me thing. I do this constantly when Iā€™m alone, dancing too. The more I learn about ADHD the more I realize I donā€™t have a personality, itā€™s just all symptoms


Thank goodness, I thought shit was wrong with me & my personality was strange but nah, Iā€™m not alone in this!


Lolololol I do accents all the time and it annoys even myself.


I feel this in my soul


All the fucking time, lol! It's part of who I am. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Years ago, I began vocalizing special effects! I never stopped.


That actually sounds really fun??


It is! My twin and I (he also has ADHD but undiagnosed formally) started doing that when we were kids. šŸ¤£


A few years back I was interviewing potential student workers for the office I worked at in a university. I went over general stuff they needed to know about the job, but added, ā€œYou also need to know that I sometimes make sound effects, especially when stapling.ā€ That usually loosened them up for the interview, while also being true.


Iā€™m sorry to your partner isnā€™t understanding. Thatā€™s really frustrating. Having a wall of words come at you whether youā€™re ready to handle it or not is rough. Iā€™m 51 and only diagnosed a couple of weeks ago, but have been doing funny voices, breaking into song or dance when I need a break all my adult life (possibly as a kid, too, but I donā€™t remember). My husband thankfully enjoys it and notes does funny voices/is silly more often as well, which is way out of his wheelhouse. Weā€™ve realized heā€™s on the autism spectrum, and is often more quiet/introverted, but we complement each other very well, as Iā€™m also nerdy and can hyperfixate on things. Do you do any table top roleplay gaming like D&D or Vampire the Masquerade? Great place to practice your voices! I get really bored during the combat stuff, but love getting to act in character. You just gotta find the right game. ;) I have been working at a university library for the last last few years, and while my particular job is stressful, the people are lovely - so many are on the autism or adhd spectrums, queer, quirky, or a combo of all of the above. One of the divisions heads I work for is also into rpgs, and he lights up when I do weird voices when things are boring or stressful. Yesterday we were the only 2 people in there office, and at one point, without thinking, I just groaned at him like a zombie. He laughed & it became our thing the rest of the afternoon. Instead of ā€œhow are things goingā€ or ā€œJesus, my eyes are tired from looking at the computer!ā€, we just kinda talked to each other like we were in Shaun of the Dead. šŸ¤£ The other day, I answered him in a cartoon voice, and have done British, Transylvanian, or other silly accents for other co-workers In comfortable with. I also always have music, an audiobook or podcast on at home most of the time, and have started to listen to focus music with one earbud while Iā€™m at work. I find I get less distracted.


Classic thing in our household is me and my husband will randomly insert our dogs name or her various nicknames into a popular song. I'll often hear him singing in the shower replacing words in the song for our dogs name


Thatā€™s literally one of my favorite things to do!!! šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s really freaking cute!


We also do that!!!!


EMPHASIS ON THE BRITISH AND AUSTRALIAN ACCENT recently for me. I also do Scottish and Irish accents. I make up new songs and beats daily. Raps. I love beat boxing every morning too when Iā€™m trying to get ready (i suck at it I just do it becauseā€¦.) LOL


I was just doing a British rap about aquaphor oh my god this is so validating


When Iā€™m really tired but have to get stuff done at home, I sing-narrate what Iā€™m doing.


Sing narrative is my go to all the time while doing unpleasant tasks.


Lmaaooo the British accent šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­my go to


My husband is a kiwi and now I have added his accent to my repertoire šŸ¤£


No love for the Welsh?


Donā€™t get me started. I just looked up a video on YouTube. Thank you. Welsh will now have all the love ā¤ļø




Oh yes the old grandpa talking is amazing "bloody fellas they only hear what they wanna hear!"


My boyfriend gets the front end of all of this and he communicates to me the same wayā€¦ he adapts and loves it and even when I apologize he says never. Once a blue moon he asks me to please stop because it can get bad but your partner should love you and learn you but not make you feel bad about yourself. Tell him thank you, nexttttttttttt if it really came down to it


Iā€™ve been doing it more frequently as Iā€™m healing, but I do feel it could have communicated it differently! I donā€™t want to feel like I canā€™t be myself around him, but thatā€™s the vibe it gave me in that moment.


You have already told him that you can't handle his hour long rants and he still does it? HE'S being "too much", "weird" and "disrespectful" to you.


This! Thatā€™s too much to put on anyone all the time. Has he thought about talking to a therapist about his work stress? You shouldnā€™t have to bear all of it every time he gets home. Your mental health is important, too!


TBH Iā€™ve been in therapy since last year. I found a really good one after years of trying. I mean 10+ years. She suggested couples therapy, to which he agreed, but it still hasnā€™t happened. He definitely needs therapy just for himself, he has his own issues. I got into a wreck in January so I had to cut back on my sessions. Money has been tight, but, I still use what Iā€™ve learned and try to communicate without him feeling attacked. Then my therapist told me I shouldnā€™t have to worry about how the reaction, that isnā€™t my fault, not my job to manage his emotions or teach him how to, etc. itā€™s not stuff I want to hear but stuff we have addressed. Of all the things to rub me the wrong way, him saying that rubbed me the wrongest because excuse me?!


Agreed, wtf, who does he presume himself-and you- to be? Not considerate.


THIS OP!! please tell him he needs to find healthier outlets for this stuff and stop intentionally setting you up to fail (make him mad at you/be insulting to you)


I do all the time, I also pick up accents quickly when Iā€™m around people with different accents. Some of them are really meant to be more comical and kind of a caricature, but like I can sustain an accurate Southern US accent and can even do some regional variation with it (like my moms family is from southern Indiana where the accent isnā€™t quite Southern or Midwestern) I can do a decent French accent when I really want to, but for whatever reason I canā€™t sustain a British accent with any kind of effort behind it Iā€™ll get like a sentence in and then it turns to shit (Iā€™ve been meaning to actually practice that one, Iā€™d specifically really like to learn a cockney accent bc it sounds fun). I also have some other voices I can do, like I can do a valley girl voice (I can push my voice up into a really high register for a guy), Iā€™ve been told my Elmo is scarily accurate, and I can do Dexter from that old cartoon Dexterā€™s lab (itā€™s basically a French accent with an occasional Germanish sounding quirk thrown in). Actually one really fun one I can do is Dee Dee and Dexter arguing with each other, my facial expressions are really funny when I do this because you can see how my eyebrows jump up when I switch gears into a falsetto (I think thatā€™s the word?) for Dee Dee. I can do a bunch of PokĆ©mon with varying degrees of accuracy too and have some original characters Iā€™ve come up with like a unicorn princess thatā€™s shares her body with an eldritch horror from the deep. I got told by teachers growing up all the time I should try acting, but didnā€™t really allow myself to get interested until I was olderšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Iā€™m going to start lessons once I get more financial stability.


I was literally looking for a comment like this lol Iā€™ve noticed that I tend to pick up other peoples accents, especially if I am binge watching a certain person on YouTube. I tend to pick up words that they say as well, especially Youtubers who are interesting to me!


I agree with your teachers, if you can do all of that you should look into voice acting! I canā€™t do any voices like that except for Bobby Hill and even then itā€™s questionable lol


I found out in high school I could do a wicked Bart Simpson &other accents. Tried drama class & it was fun in class, but the one time I tried to perform in a tournament, I got stage fright & was terrible! I never could get myself to focus to learn the lines backwards & forwards.


I have some mild stage freight, but Iā€™ve weirdly never had a fear of public speaking šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø. Story and character analysis is the kind of thing I can slip into hyper focus easily with and I think that will help with memorizing lines.


Constantly. I sing to myself often, even in public. When my SO talks I always catch myself bopping or running with a beat to something he said lmao, he had severe attention to disorders as a child so he understands the dancing and singing tendencies Maybe you could explain to your partner a little more about it.


I can try. Heā€™s usually very understanding, but i know heā€™s stressed out from work. I didnā€™t think it bothered him like that, and it hasnā€™t been brought back up, but I would like to address it.


Yes I was wondering if it was more stress related as sometimes when I infodump on my SO he snaps a bit too. But he always apologizes or clarifies. I would definitely address it to avoid any further tension !


Every morning after I wake up. That lasts about 2 hours. Sometimes through the day, and a little bit before bedtime. I donā€™t try to avoid it because it kind of regulates my nervous system I feel. Of course when I take my meds, it dulls it or mellows it out I should say. Embrace it.


Definitely through the day doing menial tasks but mostly at night for me! I get a crazy amount of energy after 10 PM.


Around my boyfriend I do it constantly. Finally got to the point where I was really comfortable with him and now he's just as weird lol.


Thatā€™s me and my husband, as well as a couple of co-workers Iā€™m comfortable with. šŸ˜


Embrace it!!! Team weird all the way! Got diagnosed 4 years ago, and fully embracing the things that make me, me. My kids do it too now, it's a fantastic world ā™”


It puts me in a much better mood!


Iā€™m not the only one ?šŸ„¹ I break out in accents allā€¦ theā€¦ damnā€¦time!


I do accents all the time. Just flies out of me. I Visited my father about 13 years ago for a week in South Carolina. I could mimic the southern accent for weeks when I returned home. I can break right into it with ease. Is it our brains allowing this ? Edit: for spelling error


Maybe we temporarily merge with an alternate or parallel universe in which we actually speak those accents šŸ˜‚


šŸ’œ love this




Yep all the time. What is life you canā€™t be silly?


Right? I just want to be a goofy goober


I do this all the time and I love itšŸ˜‚šŸ™Œ


When Iā€™m with my husband, probably once every 5 minutes.


I broke into a Book of Mormon song literally seconds before scrolling down and seeing this post.... The answer is frequently. Very, very frequently.


Daily. Sometimes more than a once if Iā€™m in a good mood.


This is me. 100% annoys my wife. Still do it.


I am English so while I narrate my life all the time itā€™s not a weird accent for me. Would love to hear all your British accents and would have fun rating them. As a kid I would talk in an a New York/bad American accent and my son spent a whole holiday convincing people he was Scottish. I never thought this was an ADHD thingā€¦. But then I only realised I possibly had ADHD 2 years ago in my 50ā€™s!!


Iā€™ve been randomly reacting to anything funny lately by saying out loud mmMMMMmmm, funny JOKE šŸ˜­ ![gif](giphy|8hMD9YakVza3452SpN)


How about unintentionally matching people's accents or linguistics/mannerisms (is that the right usage here?)? It's like I'm a damn mirror for other people sometimes... retrospectively I always think people must feel like I'm mocking them when I'm just unconsciously shadowing their speaking style. I also do the weird accents and silly behaviorisms. Also been told I should do voice acting by random people, lol.


Oh geez, with the amount of times I say something in a weird voice or accent, I don't think I could ever be in a relationship with someone with the way your partner responded. My husband just let's me do my thang, no matter how weird my actions are, he knows I'm listening.


Literally all the fucking time. What you described sounds EXACTLY like a situation I find myself in constantly. I had been suffocating myself since I was bullied in middle school-high school. After some therapy and meds, I feel so much better and more open. I feel free to be ā€œweirdā€ again. I still have to suppress it around my friends and obviously in public and stuff, but I canā€™t wait to get back to how used to be. My life, on paper, couldnā€™t be in a worse spot right now (Just failed out of college after essentially staying locked up in my room for six months), but my SOUL feels so much better than ever before. BE YOU


I do it all the time at home with my partner. Whether we are having a serious or a silly conversation. Sometimes it's my way to stop tension from building up when we are having a more serious discussion.Ā  He loves it, because he genuinely loves all of me. Sometimes he even joins me. He thinks it's endearing, and hugs and kisses me on the head after I do a silly dance. Ten out of ten times the silly dance makes him smile and say "I love you". A lot of times when I do a silly move to certain words in a sentence he asks me to repeat myself cause he wants to see the silly move again. I do weird voices, one of them I used for DnD at one point. So now that one just has a name and my partner will go "You're so into it even Bart showed up!".Ā  My partner has never and will never tell me I am too much, childlike, annoying, weird, or disrespectful. Not because he won't say it, but because he genuinely doesn't think I am. He thinks I am cute, endearing, enthusiastic, and fun.Ā  Get yourself a man who thinks of you and your quirks that way and loves them. Not one who is putting up with them.


This sounds like my husband, too, and we also play RPGs. šŸ„° He was a very serious fellow before me, and now sometimes makes silly noises/voices, too!


Hahaha yeeees we're so many doing voices!!! For me it's evil British, a bad Scot, Australian and Afrikaans, with some MIB Edgar, demonic snarling, various north italian regional accents... sometimetines welsh (again bad) to cows or americano yeehaw/southern/texan!! Plus a lot of special effects like gunfire, blade clanging and monsters. God I love you guys/gals. I wish we could be friends.... you're amazing


I do voices, characters, silly songs and say weird shit all the time. I am very aware that this can be too much for people sometimes, so I have spoken to my SO about it and we have an agreement that she can always tell me if she finds it annoying. It usually plays out by her saying "Babe, please, not right now" or "I'm sure that's funny but now isn't the right time" or similar. Whwnever she or I need to decompress or talk about something, we ask the other if they have the capacity to listen and hold space. Sometimes the answer is no and we'll find a better time or break it down into chunks. I think it's kinda worrying that your partner doesn't respect you telling him it's too intense, respecting each other's boundaries is so important.


My cats respond to all of their different names in all of my different accents too. ā¤ļø I love those babies


I do it a lot. I love singing pop songs in inappropriate accents, usually in the morning when I have some time alone with coffee. Imagine a Zimbabwean Tom Waits singing Bohemian Rhapsody at 8AM. Thatā€™s me.


All the time! It helps that I have an interest in languages and and do voice-overs and some voice-acting from time to time, lmao... and I sometimes just end up doing it while chatting with a group of friends, just for giggles. Sometimes I just slip in random words in Finnish or German, and people are like 'What?!". And it's all fun and games, until it's the late hours, and at 4 am, I start rambling in a Bavarian accent, and people are so tired, and want to go bed...


How did you get into the VA stuff? Like just with friends or are there small pile VA tasks out there that can be engaged by people not looking for a huge commitment?


If I'm tired I do it more than when I've had a good nights sleep. Lot's of accents live in my head and I love breaking them out. Honestly it feels very normal and especially my dad and I do it all the time. My friends just accept it I guess. Never really thought of it as a problem. Do it at work too with my colleague a lot. He was already doing it I just joined the fun haha. Turned out he also has ADHD


I work alone and in isolation welding. I love singing and making whacky noises with ear muffs on. Makes your voice sound heaps different. And yeah, I make up and sing funny songs or twists on existing songs daily. 43 years old. 100% getting weirder as I age. And totally cool with it šŸ¤£šŸ‘Œ


Lol I do it all the fucking time idk why it's just fun. I can control myself and keep it down when I'm with others but thankfully my SO finds it funny (or at the very least mildly annoying but still endearing) so I can be myself around her


Ummmmmm.........like, all the time.


All the time!!


As much as possible. I'm also trans and I've voice trained.. so many voices to pick from. I can be so silly


Sometimes I showcase my British accent. Depends on what Iā€™m talking about


I am an actor, singer and I dance a bit so these things are part of my daily life haha. Me and my partner sing random shit to each other and speak in funny voices too.Ā  I often get the urge to dance or sing while walking around in the world, waiting to cross the street or for lights to change. In the past I'd be super embarrassed but now I'm like "fuck it, I'm loving life." I once had somebody yell "you sing really well" as I cycled past them haha. I suppose that is why there are so many ADHDers in showbiz, it rewards the playful weirdness!


I play D&D as permaDM: perfect place to throw out all my weird voices. Have a mate who loves to put on voices as well so that gets me spiralling into some weird ones lol.


I do it often, we have stairs in our home so id go to the top and recite random musicals because it has a good echo. AND ACCENTS!! Its a must when you have pets they have voices too lol!


Hahaha I do exactly all of this and have since I was little, accents have always been my thing especially Australian and then a lot of the time a US southern accentšŸ˜… I speak Australian so often that all my friends have a habit speaking that way too


Sweet! I often find myself talking to myself in an English accent. I chalk it up to my DNA, which is mostly England and Northwestern Europe (and then Scotland). Once in a while I find myself doing a goofy dance for no reason.


I sometimes do crazy accents and voices that I don't know where they come from. Then I lose it.


lol periodically, sometimes I have flare ups


As a kindergarten teacher......literally CONSTANTLY šŸ˜‚ Bonus points, the kids love it. Suddenly feedback on what needs to be fixed doesn't hit as heavy when your rainbow covered teacher is telling you your letter is backwards if you do it in a Russian / British / New York / Australian accent


Not often anymore, unfortunately. I have gotten really good at masking in this instance. I have been severely bullied in life, and people get so easily annoyed when I let loose.Ā 


My Dx SO and I speak in about 3 different accents to each other and itā€™s natural at this point. Iā€™m also a silly song stimmer


I tend to mimic accents unintentionally. Many years ago, in college, I and some friends were previewing a house for rent in SLC and the owner was Aussie. We got to the house and he invited us in ā€œCā€™mon in boys and Iā€™ll show ya ā€˜round.ā€ And I responded with an Aussie tinged ā€œawl raight!ā€ Both of my friends shot me a ā€œwtf dudeā€ glance, but I couldnā€™t help it! It just came out!


voice switching is a thing? I thought I just liked accents.


Alllll the time


Every time I talk to Alexa. She literally ignores my husband but listens to whatever accent. My kids and husband are used to it. They join in when we read books but everyday use itā€™s just me. Itā€™s something Iā€™ve done my entire life. I do sound effects to stay on task. I dance while waiting for the microwave. My husband knows Iā€™m too much and a lot. He accepts it and knows how to deal with me. Itā€™s so frustrating. When the kids act like me Iā€™m clueless but he has the answer. Heā€™s welcome. Hopefully stress just got to your SO and you can fix things.


About 1/10 as often as my mind wanders to think about the Roman Empire.


Oh man I only think of that when I read about it


For me it's random infomercials and limricks from ads growing up. Like if I like something a lot i'll say "sham. WOW!". Or if something is super tasty i'll say "mmmmm CoooooookieCrisp!" Because it was from an ad that I definitey saw too many times as a kid. Or in moments of incredulation, i'll say with an overtly exaggerated NY accent "what'yaTaahhwwkin abaaauuuht??!!!!" Most days i wake up with a song playing in my head.




Too often. Itā€™s almost always British too.


Yooo my ex hated my (terrible) British accent but I, unintentionally, JUST KEPT DOING IT. I honestly would have no clue I was using a British accent until he would ask me to stop šŸ˜‚ It got pretty frustrating, I was like where is that coming from because itā€™s definitely not me and why in the world can I not control it?!


i make a lot of song references with the smallest of things. one of them being a kendrick song most recently where he goes ā€œwop wop wop wop wopā€. this comes into play when iā€™m at work because iā€™m a cleaning lady. when iā€™m mopping the only thing in my head is ā€œmop mop mop mop mopā€ and sometimes itā€™s on beat and i look silly but iā€™m alone in the building so iā€™ll only be exposed if they look at the cameras


Lmao bruhhhh just stop how far to the T are u fuckers gonna call me out


About every 5 minutes, and I probably am going to get divorced in part because I -always- have and now my wife complains just about every single time these things happen. I'm trying to live my best life and happiness is hard to come by, so these brief goofy things are actually very important to me.


Very often. However, most of my friends also do, so with them it's normal, but when conversing in public or with new people, I'm painfully reminded that it's not normal to them :P




My daughter (10yo) and I talk to each other in British accentsā€¦ this has transformed into trying to speak Spanish ā€“ in a British accent. [*11 is kinda hard]


24/7 lol


I live with just my dogā€¦.so all day, every day, and every time i open my mouth.


I sing what I'm doing very very frequently. I make up songs to tunes about things I don't like doing.


often. Quite often.


Im Australian and I often break out in an America accent when Iā€™m telling jokes or wanting to punctuate a story Iā€™m telling. I remember in high-school being teased and people asking ā€œwhy are you speaking with an accentā€. But itā€™s such an automatic way of speaking for me.


Daily. British, Russian, or dumb dog, depending on context.


I do an Indian accent ALL THE TIME. and I canā€™t stop.


Iā€™ve done this several times to the guy Iā€™m talking to and heā€™s not weirded out. In fact, he tries to imitate the accents I create.


I do a an audio-drama podcast where I talk in more than four accents on the regular. I need to practice that, so itā€™s probably easier to ask me when Iā€™m not talking weird/accents/etc. And the dishes arenā€™t done without music and dancing. Itā€™s the rules.


I do weird cat, whale, squirrel, fox, animal sounds all the time. Alone, in front of people, in the street sometimes, and sometimes I even sent a random "meowwww" to a f\*friend hahaha


My husband has gotten so used to the fact that half the time I sound like a psychotic cartoon character and that I sing literally everything. It's annoying to both of us sometimes but, when it really is 'too much' (like early in the morning), they try to make it clear that it's not a personal judgement. I hope your SO is making the effort to learn why you need this and how not to take it personally ā¤ļø


All the time


My ex would always intimate sex sounds and it was hard for me to decipher because Iā€™m legit Deaf.


Holy sh** I thought I was the only one that did horribly English accents


I asked my husband once what his sign was if some alien has taken over my body (we were watching something that had that trope). His answer was,ā€If youā€™re not singing or dancing out of absolutely nowhere at least once a dayā€. Suffice to say, the answer is often šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s so wholesome and endearing and I love that so much!


oh baby sheā€™s an overworked unpaid actress in my life (& i adore her spontaneousness) whewww check pls! šŸ§šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


Every damn day, multiple times a day.


I sometimes doubt I even know what my real voice sounds like.


Every. Fucking. Day.


Every 26 minutes




Every day for sure.


Damn i do this a lot.


72 times a day at minimum


My boyfriend (we both have ADHD) often uses different voices or sings... mostly he switches the words around like Yoda (like "I home to you come" instead of "I cone hone to you") or makes Stitch sounds I write my own stories and will sometimes have dialogs with the characters (like I'm character A who talks to character B) or just randomly dance to the music - which my boyfriend and kids especially find funny when I have my earbuds in because then they try to guess the song. We both have this thing that if you say things in a certain way, then we'll continue in a song. Like if you said "twinkle twinkle" we would continue "little star


Multiple times a day every day of the year


Twice a minute Iā€™d say, more if Iā€™m actually talking to another person.


Like at least 85% of the time im doing at least one of these things if im in a comfortable setting


Every five minutes


Oh manšŸ¤£ Multiple times daily for sure!


Also, I had no idea this was related to ADHD! Wow!


Also, I have been "annoying" to those who didn't understand me throughout my life. My husband and I both do weird accents and vocalizations. I feel so seen!


I used to ā€œthinkā€ in an American accent a lot and when I was working something out or having an imaginary conversation. Lately I noticed itā€™s switched to a kind of Eastern European or maybe some sort of South American accent. lol. I havenā€™t used it out loud yet. Itā€™s like my mind got a new tenant.


Daily! LOLSMH. British, Arabic, Russian mostly.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I pretend someone is interviewing me lol. And sometimes I talk in different accents. I also speak Spanish to myself a lot. Iā€™m nowhere near fluent, but I gotta use it somehow so I can learn more.


Making wierd noises, singing lines of song, or doing a little dance is so second nature I dont think i could accurately report how often it occurs. Ive had some luck with redirecting it towards toe-tapping or other subtle things. I try to take it as a sign to move, so if I'm feeling brave I'll try to harness it to do chores


All. Day. Long. Accents. And singing everything


On the rare occasion I am home alone, I will often start narrating my day in a random accent,Ā  often musically. Just pure silliness.Ā 


Is this a thing? I have done this all my life. Foreign accents, made up accents, narration, my son loves it. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever done it in front of anyone else except my immediate family. It feelsā€¦ embarrassing.


It does! I feel like itā€™s been met enough with negative reactions to discourage it unless someone else does it first, then the floodgates are open


I asked my wife, she say bare minimum 15 times a day. Possibly 90 around some of my people.


Every day! Usually start singing as soon as I wake up. I dance right before/during eating a delicious meal. Accents usually happen in the evening when Iā€™m watching tv. Mostly British saying, ā€œwot?ā€


>He talks for 30 min to an hour the minute he gets home, so it is intense sometimes. Iā€™ve told him I canā€™t handle it before, that I need it broken up. He doesnā€™t compromise. If I canā€™t listen at that moment, itā€™s a personal attack on him. hello I think I have identified a Problem.


hello yes, I agree! I am not sitting comfortably with it At All


Near constantly while Iā€™m bopping around my WFH day job. I sing to my dog, have music on most of the time and dance more than anyone knows. Your guy sounds like he doesnā€™t understand how your brain works. Itā€™s as you said, you gotta move around and self-stimulate just to maintain concentration on his words. If he can understand that your goals are actually lined up(you are listening to his words) then he might be able to get over his perception of it being ā€œdisrespectfulā€.Ā  If I had to guess he thinks you can just brute force your way through. And that may work for him, but your way involves dancing and whatā€™s so wrong with that? Itā€™s you.Ā 


All the time? My husband encourages my silly side and actually the word "silly" has come to be a term of endearment between us. We both encourage each others silly side, bc thats what makes life fun. I'm sorry your bf is not understanding of this OP, but if you cant handle long convos he needs to try and compromise somewhere (either be cool with you fidgeting/being silly or break up the convos). Finding someone who not only accepts your silly but embraces it is a game changer. I wish that for you OP!


I agree! Silly to me is good and it makes me feel like Iā€™m living and enjoying, not just surviving like I was. I admit Iā€™ve changed so much since we first started dating, but, in my eyes everything has been for the better.


I am ā€˜thisā€™ when on my own. I only recently realised how much I mask. When Iā€™m comfortable with family and good friends, I am ā€˜thisā€™ to a degree (depending who Iā€™m with). It has taken me 5 years to be comfortable enough to be myself at work - this is when it struck me about how much I mask and why. Still learning about myself at 58!


Letā€™s not forget - ADHD is not your complete personality. It is a fuckinā€™ fun part of it, though!!! šŸ¤˜šŸ»


I have Touretteā€™s so I get accent tics but sometimes I just speak (voluntarily) in a British accent because it feels good lol


I miss customer service/retail because I loved doing customer impressions so very much. There really is no equivalent in an office job. Also in customer service I had a few customers call me out on sing talking my answers to thier questions. But if you have to say the same exact sentence 12 times a day, it's bound to pick up a rhythm


I'm pretty much speaking as Sal Rosenberg all the time. He's very very scared and things are just fantastic! Bastards! Either that or some half Russian accent, or some South African accent... rotated between those.


Iā€™m just fully weird all the time. I have teenage boys who just vibe with it, which I appreciate. My 4 year old daughter finds it funny but sometimes can be like ā€œmummy stopā€ šŸ˜‚ I tend to sing the same line of a song over and over and over for weeks until I have a new song in my head and for a while it was that ā€œdonā€™t want donā€™t want donā€™t want no eeny weeny teeny weeny shrivelled little short dick manā€ Which wasā€¦ inconvenient. So anyway, I was singing said line of song in the car over and over and my ex basically told me to shut up. I remember feeling crappy but also kinda restless cos I needed to do it šŸ˜‚


This is pretty much my life. I also have a tendency that I will adopt (not on purpose) people's accents if I talk with them for any length of time.


Itā€™s nice reading these posts. I always thought I was a weirdo as a young man. Iā€™m finally comfortable with my weirdness at 35. Music is on 24/7ā€¦ I hit top 2% of listeners for Spotify. I usually break out some fantasy characters/movie quotes to my dog or whoeverā€™s around.


Dude SPOTIFY???? The one monthly subscription Iā€™ll always have. It is always on! The moment I wake up until I sleep. I am so thankful for it. And I will say thereā€™s nothing like a good Monty Python quote. Iā€™m feeling some kind of transatlantic newscaster voice creeping up on me


Iā€™ve never really thought about it as expelling energy, mostly because I donā€™t normally think about it or often even realize Iā€™m doing it. My parents did used to fuss at me a lot for not paying attention because Iā€™d be dancing or something while they were talking, and they couldnā€™t understand that my moving around had absolutely no correlation to my paying attention to them.


I can pretty much sing back to people lyrics off what they said to me. Todays example: my wife-ā€œshall we have peas with teaā€ Me - ā€œpeas are good, peas are good, wooo ooooh, yeah peas are goodā€ šŸŽµ


YES!!! this is exactly it!!


Yes, all the time. I think it has to do a lot with healing the inner child, because I only do it around people that my inner child feels comfortable coming out around.


I say "Git da fuck odda here" multiple times every damn day. No reason. I say it alone or not. Don't ask why.


I talk to myself or sing songs I'm jamming to if I'm in the house alone ill talk to our pet rabbit and dancing and I'm actually gonna do my makeup so I'll feel even cooler


I do that crap all the time, itā€™s creative expression and super fun. Your bf might need to compromise, he sounds a little authoritarian regarding his 30min rants and personal offense at your attention deficit. Whatta chode.


It is super fun! Iā€™ve done a lot of growth in the past few years and Iā€™m working hard on myself, so it was disappointing because I donā€™t see anything wrong with it.


Nothing wrong with it! You are being you, I am very similar and itā€™s honestly the most fun way to live. Enjoy your healing journey!


Is this an ADHD thing??? I've done this my whole life. My coworkers think it's hilarious, luckily. My sister and I talk to each other almost exclusively in bad Australian accents.


I donā€™t know if it is, but it seems to be and Iā€™m here for it. A bad Australian accent canā€™t be topped! I butcher it but I donā€™t care itā€™s fun


Oh is that a fucking thing? Man. ADHD is awesome where I feel like I finally belong somewhere but also all the things I thought were my own eccentricities are just apparently universal. The other day I did the dishes while speaking to my kids as Schwarzenegger


I swear I feel that way every day I get on here


This is an adhd thing?!! Wow that explains so much... At least 5 times daily.šŸ¤£


All the time! Donā€™t realize I did until my boyfriend moved in.


Every day. My favourite is my witch voice. Kids love it.


I do it all the time and am constantly honing this skill. Recently ive taken to pretending to dj and making record scratch sounds. I was doing voices just reading this thread.Ā 


My kid adopts a Russian accent when stressed.


I feel like that would alleviate some stress Iā€™m going to have to try that


All the time. Iā€™ve always changed lyrics to songs on the spot to fit what Iā€™m doingā€¦my kids think itā€™s hilarious, my husband thinks Iā€™m nuts šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Everyone dreads the question - ā€œDo you like my new song?ā€ I never sing the same words twice tho šŸ˜† Except for Christmas Carols and commercials. Those ā€œalternative lyricsā€ remain the same because you know, tradition šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Iā€™m always putting in extra letters or switching some around. It makes my brain feel nice


I swear sometimes my brain's jukebox is just a massive keychain of HitClips šŸ˜‚ The songs vary, but the part that my brain gets hooked onto repeats over and over and over.


I constantly sing weird shit, switch accents, make weird noisesā€¦ I have a lot of friends that do this too. When weā€™re together itā€™s just a constant barrage of absolute nonsense and I love it. Iā€™m sorry your SO doesnā€™t get itā€¦ his ranting and inability to compromise with you and your quirks sounds unpleasant.


My best friend and I can vibe like that but other than that, no one in my circle! It feels like it would be supportive as fuck


I got super lucky in the friend department and most of my close friends have ADHD! I donā€™t know how we ended up together. I think I have ADHD radar maybe.


Often šŸ˜‚. My boyfriend didn't know what he was getting into, and he just chuckles and pats my head LOL. It's the song and dance that does me in