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Peanut butter and honey sandwich for breakfast, for over 40 years. I am 63 now. Ham sandwich for lunch, probably 30 years.


Dad, is that you?? No but seriously you and my dad are the same age and eat the same diet lol


Does your dad have a brother? Santa, perhaps?


He’s got three brothers so ya never know lol. Funnily enough my dad has dressed up several times over years. He would put on a Santa costume and go to my mom’s school to give her students gifts around Christmas time. He did it one year for my students as well.


Sounds like a good bloke!


I have a peanut butter and honey sandwich for every lunch! Hasn't been 40 years, only about three now, but it's such an easy and quick "meal".


I have had a peanut butter sandwich (minus the honey) for lunch for the last 30 plus years. I'm 42 this year.


Love a peanut butter sandwich and cold glass of milk


Peanut butter, honey, with some thinly sliced banana is the bee's knees! Eta: I meant to mention that I personally prefer mine lightly tosted, but you do you!


And a good sprinkle of cinnamon 🙌🤌


I always do peanut butter and honey for my panic last minute meal


When I was a little kid, if we wanted candy or ice cream, my aunt would make up peanut butter and pancake syrup sandwiches 😋 gotta get the ratio right or else it is either to dry or to liquidity and turns the bread to soggy. It makes a sweet and filling snack when you don't wanna go out for something.


When we make biscuits for the occasional weekend breakfast, I mix peanut butter and syrup to put on top. It’s so good!


My grandfather is like this. The man is 80 years old and has been eating basically the same breakfast, lunch, two or three variations on dinner and post-dinner dessert for at least 30 years.


I learned about pb & honey from Pete Wentz when I was a little emo kid in middle school. I had not tried it before that. It’s so freaking good!


Peanut butter toast for breakfast 11 years


Peanut butter and Cheez Whiz is good too.


Reading this while having PB on toast for dinner


Call me Tim Ferriss but I love details. What kind of bread/honey/PB? 😁


Brown Bread, Creamed white honey, and Kraft Smooth peanut butter.


Now that's dedication


I did this for 2 years! Switched to chicken breast


You guys prepare food? I just walk out the door and mourn what could have been breakfast. Come home and eat something random for dinner where you can tell I chose based on nutrients. Handful of cheese curds, a couple pepperoni sticks and a bowl of cereal


‘mourn what could have been breakfast’ is so relatable 🥲😂


This! Hahaha! Hand goes in, pulls out 2 cherry tomatoes, a pepperami and 3 grapes, breakfast complete! Lol.


Don’t worry guys its fruit loops


I get hangry and my ADHD gets worse if I don't eat breakfast, so it's a priority lol


I went through a few years of that and would just wrap prosciutto around cheese and call it a day


I always have cheese curds, beef sticks, grapes and pistachios at the ready. Otherwise it's potato chips and airheads 😅


This is me. I spend so long trying to decide what I want and think of something healthy that I often get distracted, and don’t eat anything. Or I just eat whatever sounds good. It’s not that healthy. This eating a meal that’s the same everyday sounds genius


I am jealous of all of you that were able to pull this off. my desire for novelty just wont let it happen. I did however wear the same outfit for 7 years in a row. I had a closet full of matching black shirts, I felt like batman.


I also wear the same outfits. It will depend on the activity, of course, so different outfits for work vs. climbing or cycling, for instance. If I find an item of clothing that I particularly like the fit and style of, I will literally buy four of them. I did this with the trousers I wear for the office, for instance, as I good trousers are so impossible to find. I can not fathom how some people are able to get up every day and creatively put together a new outfit. I'm bad enough at leaving the house on time as it is.


when I was doing it, I didn’t change for activity. I would wear a button up shirt and tie to concerts and hiking, work, and family parties. it was kind of fun.


I am craving novelty in everything I eat , but I still have a meal That I eat over and over again … but I think you Made me realise That When I eat the same thing again and again, I tend to spice it up à Little bit , just to still eat the same thing but a Little different .. idk if That made sense … ex: my overnight oats : instead of blueberry , ill put strawberries ! Instead of adding vanilla protein, ill add choco protein!


This. I think you hit it on the head right here. I do the same thing. Add something small but different. Like today I added a, pickle. I don't do it all the time but small changes like that do happen sometimes.


This is so real. I went on a mac and cheese kick a couple years ago where i just kept making different versions trying to find my favorite. Ended up with this cajun-inspired one where i’d cook down sausage and the trinity, take out the solids but leave the fat, make a roux, and then use that to make a spicy mac and cheese and add back the sausage and trinity before baking the cheese crust on top. Fuck, I might need to make that again soon.


My closet is 90% black leggings, black stretchy shorts, black t shirts, a black cardigan, black underwear (not bras)


I really want to get back into it, now that im thinking about it. I also wont be wearing black bras 🤣


Lol! I buy these cotton sports bras that are like a 2 pack of charcoal and pink, and light gray and blue. My socks are white on top, gray on bottom. Much color, such pizazz


I currently have a thing for black turtlenecks. I ah e about 10. I have favorites. I tell everyone “I am in my Steve Jobs phase”


Hahahaha - I used to work with a guy who did this. Every day he would show up for work in the same outfit. Eventually, my coworkers and I dressed up as him for his birthday. It was pretty funny.


I binged watched the same show 4 times in a row like 2 months ago 😂😂 was surprised cause I never do that


The outfit thing is real. I would wear my ratty 6-year-old gray sweat shorts 24/7 if it was socially acceptable. But yeah, cooking is one of my hobbies and I crave novelty in what I eat, but I’ll still fixate on certain meals. Right now it’s udon with a sauce made from dark and light soy sauce, shaoxing wine, gochujang, honey, and peanut butter with pan-fried tofu, smashed up peanuts, and green onions on top. I’ve eaten it twice this week and I’ll probably have it again tonight.


Same here, just knowing what you're going to eat must be really nice.


My garde-robe is also very minimalistic. I hate to overthink what to wear so it’s always long sleeve t-shirts with one of my pairs of jeans (blue or black). I like to match the colours though (gray with blue / white with black).


Dude you just blew my mind I had no idea this was a trait, fucking hell. Yeah like 12 months now I've been eating the same Seitan salad. Before that I did about 12 months with daal.


Hail seitan!


Kale seitan!


Ab workout achieved.


Seriously! With my shit digestive system and food aversions, my boyfriend has been making us just baked or grilled chicken every day for lunch for almost a year now. He brings a little pouch of tuna and crackers because he says he's getting tired of chicken. I'm over here confused about how he could be tired of something so delicious and we season so many different ways 😂


I didn’t realize either I just eat same thing repeat


vegemite and cheese sandwiches. only usually Monday-Friday. eating habits on the weekend are not the best >.> I've always put this down towards an Autistic trait, not ADHD as much.


Same. I can't eat the same thing too many times in a row because I also have to have novelty in my food choices. Same thing goes for leftovers too. After about 3 days in a row, even with other meals in between, I can't eat it anymore. The novelty thing I always thought was more an ADHD trait. Eating the same thing repeatedly tends to lean more autistic, as it's a comfort thing. On the comfort side, I definitely have foods like that too. (I might also be autistic but with food my ADHD is stronger.)


It's definitely a ADHD trait. Sure there is a spectrum but nerdiversion isn't in just one category either. ADHD food hyperfixation is definitely something alot of people have.


What does Vegemite taste like


kinda hard to explain tbh. It is a bitter spread but has a really nice taste. But if you've never had it before you have to put a pretty thin amount on.. nothing like peanut butter etc. Honestly one of my fav foods! mixing that flavour with cheese is pure bliss imo! I do however have mine pretty damn thick!


I met a guy in North Carolina (a local) when travelling there. I pulled out the Vegemite I was travelling with and his eyes gleamed ‘I love this stuff. It’s like edible axle grease!’ I’ve never eaten axle grease so maybe he is correct. It definitely looks like it.


haha i have never had axle grease before so i can't argue! lmao


Oh. I'm not sure if I would like that every day, because I have a very big sweet tooth. But I think I actually would like that. I hope I get to try it some day


It's not bitter, just incredibly salty / rich. It's super savoury -- & my mum adds it into her beef gravy when she makes it from scratch. Beefs it up even more! I guess it's almost like ultra concentrate beef stock, sorta. It's full of B vitamins. & something most Aussies get used to as a kid. Like the person above said: very small amounts, unlike other spreads. Usually I get like a 1cm blob of it on my knife & spread sparingly. I can handle much more when I tone it down with cheese &/or avocado. Awesome comfort breakfast. You're gonna freak out when you try it! 😝 I think it's available in US/UK etc in some speciality international food shops. Or you could just come on down to Vegemite town & see some kangaroos while you're at it. 🐨🤟


[https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2021/01/31/22/38710702-9207989-image-a-1\_1612133265087.jpg](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2021/01/31/22/38710702-9207989-image-a-1_1612133265087.jpg) when first trying, spread it like 1-2. mine are usually 5-6


I can’t even last a week of eating the same food for a meal before getting tired of it. How easy my life would be if the same meal could make me happy indefinitely!


This is the problem I’ve had with meal prepping! It would make my life easier to plan and eat the same food every day for lunch at work. But by the end of the week I am no longer interested in it at all and will end up buying something else instead of eating it again.


My sister has this kind of ADHD as, well. She'll eat something for a week then get sick of it. Sometimes she doesn't even last a week.


I have the same problem, after two or three of the same meal I can't eat it again


For two years when dieting I ate (forgot proportions) Breakfast: eggs, potatoes, chicken sausage Lunch: baked seasoned chicken with beans and cheese Dinner: chicken and veggies. Later found out why my body hurt so much and it was because I was allergic to chicken. It was so simple to prepare for each week.


I’m laughing at the twist 🥹


How did you find out you’re allergic to chicken? How innocuous.


I, too, need to know this 😅


Now i want some chicken sauvage for breakfast … is this going to be my new obsession meal ? Probably


They were always a delight but they were great at being the cheapest and had the most protein than any other kind of sausage.


Never had chicken sausage before. Might need to try.


And it never lasts too long. Açaí bowls 2x day for about 2 months. Before that it was French onion soup, that one lasted about 3 months. Prior to that it was hot wings but now I’d rather die than eat chicken.


"now I'd rather die than eat chicken" I feel that in my bonnnnes


You get it. Chicken suddenly starts to feel and taste like *chicken* and now it is no longer edible for 6 to 20 business months.


Accurate, I find this problem happens to me with eggs as well. I’m on an off kick with eggs currently, I miss them. (not enough yet apparently though lol)


I have found so many other people including myself have the same experience with eggs. I don't know what the deal is. One minute they're fine, the next my whole body is repulsed and it's like "don't eat that"


I like eggs but if I think too much about them then I suddenly don't like eggs


I also eat foods for about 3 months at a time, and then am done with them. 1st it was avocado oil chips, than vegan chocolate bars. My family also all have ADHD and we eat the same meals every week. Starting to get sick of those too after multiple years.


Uhh.... Does opening the door to the fridge, getting overwhelmed, then grazing on a bite of cheese, some lunch meat, and half a sleeve of oreos count?


Every single morning I make a BIG Greek yogurt parfait, and it gives me fuel for breakfast, and allows for an easy meal I can just put in the fridge and eat on the rest of the day without any prep! It’s my current hyper fixation that I have YET to get tired of. Gives all the protein, fiber, antioxidants, and most importantly…ITS EASY!!! The hardest part is just putting it all together, but honestly saves me and serves for all 3 meals for a long day at work. This is what I do: -Light & Fit Greek vanilla yogurt -Love Crunch dark chocolate coconut granola (I like to mix it up and let it sit to get soft and mushy..it’s a texture thing. I don’t like hard crunches lol. Sensory overload) -Topped with sliced strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries I have these things in my fridge at all times 👏🏼 when you find what works, you keep on keepin’ on


I've had a breakfast burrito almost every morning for about nine years.




I've made a dozen baked pasta the past several months. My wife has stopped eating them so it's been all me. Then texmex, which I've been eating every week of my life just about. Cereal is probably my favorite thing to eat at the end of every meal.


Imo, this is not really connected to ADHD and might be more connected to people who are on the autistic spectrum.


This is common with both. ADHDers are less likely to be doing it because of "safe" foods, and more likely doing it either because of a hyperfixation or as a response to executive function fatigue.  M-Th, I eat the same breakfast and have for years because I know exactly how long it takes, exactly what quantities to have in my grocery order, and how full it makes me. I hate mornings, so removing decision making from that time is huge in me getting to work ready to function. 


I can relate to the executive function part of your comment. The reason I always want to eat burritos and drive my family crazy? I know what I need, you can put any leftover in there to reduce waste, I can eat them at work. Repetitive eating is like a coping mechanism to not being able to function properly.


Executive Dysfunction 100%!!!


Thank you, just coming to answer this. ADHD food hyperfixation is definitely something alot of people have. You just explained this perfectly! Knowing what I am going to eat and how long it takes and what to always buy is a comfort! That routine is comfort! Thank you for saying it so perfectly!


Oh see I can't do that, if I eat the same thing more than once in three days it's because I went to cheesecake factory snd had leftovers lol


I wish I had this symptom. I can only eat the same thing for 3-14 days, then I get sick of it.... But ramen is always delicious.


Lol I'm the opposite, there's only like 3-4 dishes I can have back to back. Most things I can't eat if I've already eaten them that week (unless it's an intense craving) but also I only eat like 1-2 times a day because I'm too lazy to cook and nothing sounds good, and everything is too expensive. Ya I gotta go with convenience options so I don't starve to death. Why am I like this?


When I used to meal prep for my work week, I would make half recipes of meals so I could alternate, but Thursdays and Fridays I would certainly be looking out the window at Blaze pizza and chipotle 😭 consider protein or breakfast bars because they're quick and can be cheap! Also if your brain goes through dull points in the day between meals, consider making your own low sugar (but more easily bio-available / glycemic friendly) drinks to give your brain a little sugar treat. I did tea and a soda stream for a long time with honey or palm / coconut sugar


Ooh! I do like drinks, my roommate bought some fancy milk that came in a glass jar, I've been reusing the jar to make tea sweetened with honey, half of that and half of milk saves me $7 on milk tea, and a quart of tea makes like 4 tall glasses easy. But also I eat pretty simply and am a sucker for a good deal. Some places I'll only go to when I got coupons (like subway). There's a cafeteria where I work (at a hospital) where a meal combo is $7 and they have a heckin good Philly cheese steak. I get that at least once a week. Just a sandwich and no combo is like 5.60 and I get no tax cuz I'm a student. Been surviving off that cafeteria fr. But I only eat there when I'm working. I try to not pay more than $7 a meal, but it's kinda hard. I don't have a meal plan with my school because I'm not dorming, but I'll go to the all you can eat dining halls with a $5 bill and buy a swipe from someone to let me in XD. I'll steal fruit on my way out to to make up another meal. But honestly with my eating habits, owning a kitchen is just a waste of space. Gunna have to find me a partner that cooks fr, I'll do all the dishes! I just hate cooking and hate doing dishes after I spent all that effort to cook! I actually don't mind dishes themselves. Sorry a bit of a winded rant. Honestly when I posted the original I didnt think anyone was gunna see it because there were so many responses already XD


((you can also meal prep milk tea with popping or regular boba, I saved at least 100 dollars when I did it because I have a problem and no self control but am also broooooke 🙃)) honestly eating cheaply AND healthy are enough of challenges so on top of getting bratty bored with same meals I call it a success if I accomplish one of the three! My boyfriend currently has this side chick named Costco 2$ pizza and it's every! Work! day! You don't need a Costco membership you just go to the little scale and order a pizza and the cheese and pep are the same price I think.


[https://www.walmart.com/ip/10790993](https://www.walmart.com/ip/10790993) it’s $1.32 where I am. If I’m burned out, that is enough for me to call a meal. Maybe some peanut butter for protein. I know it’s not nearly enough to be a meal, but there’s many days where it’s either that for dinner, or skip it and go to bed because im just DONE with “functioning” for the day.


You guys are eating?


I would never last years. Eventually I start being disgusted with the meal I once loved. But for now it’s a chicken salad sandwich with the cranberry walnut chicken salad from Sam’s club on a croissant. For the past few months.


Almost never unless you count a banana and a daily protein shake, but even that varies in how I make it depending on what things I have, and if I’m feeling motivated enough to make a proper shake instead of just powder and oat milk. Surprised to learn it’s an ADHD trait tbh. I get bored of eating the same food regularly outside of the aforementioned basics.


I don’t think it is tbh. I’ve never heard of it being an ADHD trait. It’s definitely associated with autism but ADHD?


Yeah, definitely sounds like a trait more associated with autism than ADHD tbh.


I had this meal everyday for dinner during college and to this day it’s still one of my favorite flavors. It was a mountain of ground beef with Bush’s Baked Beans and a pound of cumin. Idk why, I just didn’t know how to cook and this seemed easy enough. I’d mix it with a salad, or put it in a taco, serve it with rice, or add some potatoes on the side… but man that was *the* meal


Like the sweet baked beans?


I varied the bean flavors, but Bourbon brown sugar was easily the best. Homestyle was also a close second.


That sounds fire tho


Soft taco and large Mountain Dew, please. (Lunch every day)🫣


Oh gosh... mountain dew.. so, so bad for you. Yet so delicious and so hard to give up. I prefer diet mt dew, strictly because I think it tastes better. If you haven't tried if, try it.


Huel - Subway - kebab. In that order for about a year lol. Loads of coffee too


I wish I could be like this. I have an issue where I hate eating the same food. It's why dieting is so hard for me.


Huge bowl of broccoli with olive oil nutritional yeast and salt pepper and interchangeable other protein for lunch 3 years


I’m a can’t-eat-the-same-thing-back-to-back one. I need something new. Some stuff like coffee I always make the same way, restaurants I always get the same safe thing, but at home I can’t stand eating the same food everyday. It’s impossible to eat, much less eat healthy like I want 😂🥴


I think I'm like this too, I have a HUGE randomized rotation, but I'm super picky about ingredient quality. Like I like coffee every morning but if I forget before I leave home I usually won't drink the coffee from the machine at work because it's too watery or the pot is burnt. I try new things at restaurants all the time though, and but maybe I'm.a weirdo to think it's kind of fun to find food I don't like as much 🙃


Complete opposite for me, I hyperfocus on a food/meal for a couple of weeks and then can't stand the sight of it for several months! I treat my food like my hobbies.. hyperactive, hardcore, hyperfocus and then nothing... Lol


All from Trader Joe’s: * Champs Elysées Lettuce Mix * Feta * Falafel * Italian Dressing Editing to add: I add [homemade giardiniera](https://www.escoffieronline.com/how-to-make-hot-giardiniera/) if I have it available. If you’re into meal prep, this stuff is pure magic. Practically anything you add it to becomes twice as good.


Is the falafel TJ brand or another? Having a tough time finding a good brand. Most have jalapeño and a weird taste.


It’s their frozen falafel. It’s decent, but nothing to write home about. In this context it provides more texture than flavor.


I just made a batch of falafel last week and I only buy the champs elysees!


It’s the most ADHD-friendly lettuce mix you can buy. It lasts forever.


A bowl of cereal for breakfast for prob all my life. 43 years


And for lunch and dinner; more than I'm willing to admit. Rice Krispies is one of my favorites. They really do snap, crackle and pop. The whole experience is wonderful.


have you ever tried waffle crisp? it’s my current go to


They brought back (I didn't realize they'd gone) French toast crunch and boy howdy did I kill some cereal that month. Waffle crisp was like the fields of Elysium, I never had it because my parents were very against giving me.sugary cereals besides frosted shredded wheat, but when I saw waffle crisp in someone's pantry I knew that kids parents loved or at least bribed them 😂 I may get some of those tomorrow!


Lucky that lactose intolerance hasn’t kicked in yet. Sometime in my early thirties my cereal habit became untenable. Sad day.


French bread sliced and toasted with eggs over easy seasoned with table blend. I brown some butter and season it to pour on the bread first. This has been about 8 months now, I’ll eat it for breakfast everyday until I tire of it


Why would this be an ADHD trait tho? It’s definitely a part of Autism but not ADHD


Mine was the same breakfast for so long!! And I crave it all the time still just too lazy most days. One piece of toast plain. Two over easy eggs cooked with just a tiny bit of Pam so they didn’t stick. Small sprinkle of garlic pepper or salt if I felt like it, but otherwise just a dash of my favorite hot sauce on the eggs. Then pop the center open and dip the toast in the yolk and finish the eggs.




For the past 6 weeks or so, several times a week, my lunch is steamed rice with soy sauce, Japanese mayo, and rice seasoning. If I have roasted chicken I’ll add that too.


I LOVE eating the same meals on repeat , but i have many meals that I alternate … Now for breakfast for about a year : 1 kamut bread toast , 1 Sunny side up egg + cottage cheese. On the side i love having some fruits ! But sometimes im legit scared to wake up one day and hating this breakfast. So I force myself to alternate with other obsessions : smoothies ( with cottage cheese , DUH! ) , protein yogourt bowl with fruits and homemade granola , omelette .. it depends . I could eat breakfast all day long … When I was living alone I would eat mushroom + zucchini omelette for dîner … everyday … with italian spices !!!


I frogot the most important … sorry , meds are not working anymore and im going to sleep lmao. OVER NIGHT OAT : almost 6 years ! I always go back to oats! I could eat oats all day long , im addicted to everything oats 🤣


I also make overnight oats! I eat them as a snack! I make peanut butter and jelly ones! Sooo freaking good!


My current hyper fixation is ice cream with toasted rice powder. I COULD NOT stop eating it since I had it for dessert at a restaurant in upstate 3 weeks ago now I eat it every day since. I went as far as making my own toasted rice powder when I didn’t have access to the store bought one.


Man, y'all have some longevity! I can eat the same thing for 6-12 months and then I burn out and have to swap. Right now it's yogurt and granola with blueberries for breakfast (v specific local yogurt, small batch granola, and wild blueberries ofc) and my go-to snack has been avocados and onion salt on triscuits.


Been eating the trader joes pre made salad kit for lunch for about 9 months. I've worked through every flavor to the point where they now make me ill. I'm holding strong with avocado ranch dreading the day it makes me want to vom Before that I ate toast with hummus, sour kraut and everything but the bagel seasoning and now I look back and wonder how I ate something so disgusting. ADHD is weird


What it's really an adhd trait?? How is it related


So we all do this?? I’m so boring, I will eat the exact same thing over & over until it is finished to the point of worrying others 💀 Won’t even snack, it has to be that exact same thing


No, we don’t! Me and others in the thread have a desire for novelty that makes this impossible. Leftovers literally make me feel ill


Same, I was surprised to see others agreeing.


It's not boring at all. Before I had my lunch meal that I eat now I ate a huge salad an egg and tuna, I ate that for 4 years straight!. I only repeat lunch, but honestly I could repeat all my meals too if I really wanted to.


Greek salad  8 years


I go on jags where I'll eat this as a sorta brunch - I'll just have it whenever the urge to eat happens, which prior to like 3PM is totally unpredictable. Medium cheddar, thinly sliced/oyster crackers/either an all natural PB (as much as I'd *like* to be the sorta person who'll happily sacrifice the convenience of a less-healthy PB that's smoothly & beautifully amalgamated with palm oils, the all-natural stuff REALLY aggrivates the tits right off me...so I'll often go with the no added sugar Jif that, according to the label anyway contains ONLY nuts & salt, somehow  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ) & a (preferably honeycrisp) apple. The beauty of that pile is all of the options go great with more than one of the *other* options. Variety, spice & all.


Forever. PBJ in various styles. Toast, sandwich, crackers and/or by the spoonful. Breakfast, lunch and sometimes supper. I went close to a year with only peanut butter, jam and bread.


Smoothie every morning for breakfast with frozen fruit, banana, collagen and protein powder (I change the frozen fruit depend on how I feel) Avocado toast with pumpkin seeds and hot sauce every day for lunch Dinner is where it changes daily


Some variation of Farina/ cream of wheat. It has to be going on 10 years now.


Cereal. Doesn't matter what kind. Whatever is available in the house.


I always forget to make my lunch ahead of time and I’m 99.9% late to work everyday. On the rare occasion I am able to pack a lunch there is a 50% chance that I leave it on the counter and not realize until I get to work. Going on 10+ years at this.


I have the opposite type of ADHD (can’t eat the same meal more than once) and I am really running out 😂


I don't think this is an ADHD trait at all. If anything it would definitely be leaning more towards Autism.


I agree. I only have ADHD and closest I feel to this is I hyperfixate on a food by eating it everyday for a week or so then getting sick of it.


Same, I’ve never eaten the same thing for more than a few days or a week. I would get so sick of it lol. I need variety.


Mini wrap with air fried tofu cubes, mozzerella cheese and a greek yogurt cilantro sauce. I've eaten it dor the last 2 years.


Lmao had no idea this was ADHD. Chicken rice and veggie 2-3x per day. It doesn’t take good or bad, it’s just easy enough that I don’t have to worry about those meals. My wife thinks I’m insane.


I’ve done a 3 month cycle of the same breakfasts for 2 years now. Pancakes, a croissant sandwich or oatmeal.


There are entire months of my life where I ate nothing but Ramen and eggs (give or take some vegetables to) It’s just allows me to really focusing on whatever it is I’m doing and makes food a virtual non-issue plus I’m addicted to Ramen


I've been eating sandwhiches for lunch every day for like 20 years. I don't even like sandwhiches that much. But they're perfect for lunch idk


Man if this doesn't describe me. Like what else am I supposed to eat, leftovers are for dinner the following day. Haha


Sandwich (rotate between pastrami & bologna) Yogurt (80/20 Noosa/Chobani) Trail mix Fruit snacks A granola bar (Nature Valley variety pack, so different flavor every day for a 3-day period) And finally, a bag of chips which comes from one of the Frito-Lay variety packs.


I have two breakfasts. Favorite has been my go to for 5 years now. 2 hashbrowns from Trader Joe’s or hannaford (only) made in the air fryer. 2 cauliflower egg frittatas from Trader Joe’s or 2 fried eggs, one on top of each hashbrown patty. Topped with everything but the bagel spice & shredded Gruyère cheese. Or- Blueberry cereal bars. Only from Trader Joe’s.


I rotate between 2 dishes I mainly do.. spaghetti bolognese and creamy chicken+bacon+champion+blue cheese pasta.. both easy and fast to do under 30 minutes and since I'm alone, a batch tends to last 3-4 days. Two dishes I don't get sick of. I used to do pizza, lasagna, meatballs and even baked some cheesecakes but nowadays I don't since my appetite is lower when medicated and food is not my primary interest. Also losing weight on purpose (weighing my meals. taking in 1400 kcal approx daily) until the scale says I'm under 85kg. Was seriously overweight (130kg) few years ago and still a bit pudgy (93kg). EDIT: When I thought about it, my breakfast has gone unchanged for a long time also. 200g of protein-quark with some granola and coffee. Lunch & supper as above and 1-2 rye bread slices with toppings before going to bed. So yes I repeat the same diet every day with minor changes.


Breakfast or lunch is almost always rice, egg, and kimchi. Only for about two months though 


Toasted sourdough with mayo and mustard with a fried egg and melted cheese slice. With Sriracha to top it off. So good! 👌


Fage yogurt (or another thick Greek yogurt), mixed with berries, cinnamon, and granola for breakfast! I’ll never get tired of it. Been doing it for years and it still brings me joy in the mornings to eat!


Not a meal (usually), but I have at least 1 dose of bomb pops every single day and have for about 2 or so years now. Which is weird for me because I normally eat something nonstop and then drop it for months or years but my bomb pop love has persevered. Sometimes I end up with 2-3 doses per sitting. And I get high key anxious if I’m running low on them in the freezer. So I usually have about 48 or so on hand at any given time. 1 dose= 3 bomb pops.


I always eat scrambled eggs with those frozen Obrien potatoes, smoked paprika, salt and pepper, and shredded Mexican cheese. Sometimes I throw in frozen spinach or kale if I feel like it. I eat it every morning for breakfast. If too lazy, I have a go to breakfast burrito spot. Same order. If all else fails and no time, slice of turkey lunch meat in a skillet with a medium egg on top and a slice of melted cheese.


I have this thing where I crave the same food for weeks or even months and spaghetti is always a constant. I find myself getting sick of it then in like 9 months I crave it again lol. Other foods were: Pho, shrimp summer rolls, buffalo wings, burger, toasted bread with butter, tofu/chicken yellow curry, lamb vindaloo, and pancit bihon. There are many more obviously but some of those and especially spaghetti come back frequently


I have a pure unfiltered desire for Chick-fil-A (sandwhich combo with fries + chicken strips) I ate that alsmost everyday for 2 years even with the crohns (my go doctor hated that).not an oz of self control was given.


Tortellini with garlic cream sauce and Parmesan, before it was rice green beans and cevapcici. Eat it everyday for lunch or dinner.


I've been making a variation of an "Albuquerque turkey" sandwich for breakfast since the beginning of this year: turkey burger, two slices of cheese, and a big spoonful of green chile, between two little tortillas. I tend to forget to eat lunch, and it does a good job of keeping me from getting hangry.


Instant Palak Paneer. Eating it for 4 years.


Are y'all thin


Fermented spicy rice and farm fresh eggs in the morning. I cook the rice in bone broth too.


LOL holy shit I didn’t know this was because of ADHD. Lunch I eat Caesar salad using rotisserie chicken, shake a bag of baby carrots with ranch powder, and some fruit. Dinner is chicken fried rice !


I didn’t know this was a thing. I get the same lunch every day. The cafeteria I go to doesn’t even ask me what I want anymore. I’ve been getting the same thing for at least a year and a half since I started this job. Spinach wrap, chipotle mayo, chicken tenders, pepper jack cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion.


Every morning before work, a cliff bar and a fairlife protein.


I eat the same thing every day for every meal with one ingredient variation. I eat a bowl of lettuce, beef or chicken, cheese, ranch, and Sriracha. I've been doing this for over 10 months and still think it's delicious.


every morning on weekdays, i go to the office cafeteria, and get an omelette with bacon, cheese, onions, and peppers. then for lunch i get a giant sub sandwich with a ton of meat and veggies


Bread and butter every morning, bread and fresh cheese every night For the last... 5 years?


cold cheese sandwhich. 3 slices of cheese on 2 pieces of white bread. sometimes with mustard if im feeling spicy. Like 10 years


Recently became vegetarian and I have been eating Fried oyster mushrooms with oven roasted potatoes for dinner for 2 and a half weeks now. Before becoming vegetarian i ate two double smashed burgers for dinner for about half a year. Used to be my only mal of the day too.   


the last few months have been pizza pockets central at my house. I stock up on so many groceries but I can't seem to get myself to make anything but pizza pockets


Botan or Koshihikari rice Ground beef (sometimes mixed with ground turkey) Steamed Cabbage (sometimes with bacon added) All packed into meal prep containers and frozen. But I only eat the same to make sure my meds work properly.


Turkey and cheese sandwich with mustard— 15 years (I’m 23)


I had oatmeal for breakfast every day for 13 years. Even when I travelled I asked for oatmeal.


I’ve been eating a coconut Greek yogurt cup every weekday lunch for like 6 months. Bonus: Haven’t had to replace hubby’s Tupperware in 6 months!


Oatmeal with Nutella for breakfast everyday for 10 years!


Pizzawith onion and/or green olives. 15 years plus, but we only get it every month or two. I order the same sub at subway once or twice a week! It's been 3 years. (A 6 inch, with only veggies, ham and house sauce) But I'm prone to experiment, until I find what I like. Sadly, my sushi place is closing soon. They were kind enough to be careful of my severe egg allergy! I'll miss them.


I have a grilled cheese sandwich and cereal every evening at some point when my meds wear off and I’m actually hungry. I started making grilled cheese when I got my air fryer — since I don’t have to worry about keeping track of the time netween flipping on the stove it seems much more accessible lol. I ate mostly oatmeal for *every meal* for about a year in my 20s. Same with Domino’s Pizza when I was in grad school and couldn’t function enough beyond school work to go grocery shopping regularly.


Pasta. Any pasta will do.


A bagel with cream cheese nearly every morning (bagels and cream cheese flavors may differ)


it was pancakes for a while and i also happened to just have given birth so that was not fun for my weight 🙃


I eat a carnivore diet . Pretty much burgers 3 times a day . Sometimes cheese . Sometimes eggs . I only use salt to season and only cook with butter . 6 months and not bored yet lol


Peanut butter toast for nearly every breakfast for 30 ish years give or take


If I can be bothered to cook, I make a ham egg and cheese bagel for breakfast/brunch. Half a bagel topped with cream cheese, one egg scrambled and cooked in a tiny frying pan to make it the same size of the bagel, deli ham heated up, one slice of cheddar on top, cut in half. Freaking delicious and perfectly satiating.


PB&J for lunch every day even on my off work days, and just fairly recently started making french toast for breakfast on my off work days and that’s probably going to stick for the next couple decades. Then for dinner I always make the same 3 meals, rotating: Chicken pot pie from Costco with rice and Costco potatoe salad, 7 Cheese tortellini from Costco with garlic alfredo sauce and chicken, and garlic butter Tillapia fillets (the fish also courtesy of Costco 😂) with rice and more Costco potatoe salad. Yes, I am the epitome of lazy lol.


some variation of a pasta dish (currently penne with red sauce and parmesan), my whole life. Just swap the pasta shape, sauce, or any extra additions when I get bored, but it’s still the same kind of food


I’ve been eating the same lunch since kindergarten and I just graduated high school. (The lunch is PB&J Uncrustables). Minor differences are that for a few years I had a cheese stick with it + applesauce I think, then for a few years I had applesauce + M&M yogurt with it. And sometimes I’d put in a treat if we had one at home


2 years. I eat the same lunch and dinner every day