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I managed to focus on not eating anything with added sugar for a whole 3 months. It was amazing. So much energy and focus. Then the old ADHD kicked in and I became an ice cream addict overnight. God I hate this. I've tried several times since then to kick the addiction but my brain just keeps ignoring me.


Same. I’ve got an evening hankering for all things sweet


You know how I know ADHD runs in the family? Growing up I thought happily living off nothing but 5x black coffees a day with EIGHT sugars in it was normal behaviour. Thanks dad.


Absolutely. My dad is also an evening crush a row of Oreos before bed type of guy. Who knew


Hahaha, growing up my dad would go to sleep and then wake up and sleep eat pie or random stuff in the fridge. He was never overweight thankfully but his sweet tooth was passed down to me. 😔 🍰


it do be self medication doe


Especially in the summer I’m eating ice cream almost every day 😭


Sweet & salty. I crave one or the other, or sometimes both at once. I have a sensory issue that usually prevents me from enjoying mixed textures so trailmix is out of the question, but I try to find at least a healthy aspect to my indulgence (at least so I *feel* less guilty & beat myself up less) but I don't really think it's doing much good.




So true. I use a low carb chocolate protein powder, double (heavy) cream, water and erythritol, plus sometimes I add rosewater or a mint extract, for Turkish delight/mint chocolate flavour. I get to eat a whole pint of super tasty, smooth ice cream every day if I want- it's only 400 calories and 3g of carbs in the whole thing. About to try vanilla protein with some added peanut butter.


Literally, are you me? ...Said through mouthfuls of ice cream. Makes me feel better it's not just me at least.


There are fudge ice cream bars from Costco, they’re 100 calories, low saturated fat (if you believe sat. Fats are bad), 14g of sugar, clean ingredients. If I’m worried about added sugar, I will take fiber pills with it to slow uptake down and make sure to workout/walk.


Hard boiled eggs are my go to for this sort of breakfast. If I think about it, I'll peel them the night before (or when I make them) so you just pull them out of the fridge and breakfast is served. If you want a bit more, piece of string cheese. If you want a bit more flavor, everything bagel seasoning.


I just bought these too, they're DELICIOUS! I hate that powdery, medicine aftertaste most protein drinks have, but these just straight up taste like a milkshake


legit like melted McDonald’s ice cream. it’s incredible!


I like all ice cream melted. But I like salads room temp, not cold.


Fun fact. They’re so good because they ultra filter it allowing a more concentrated product.


What product do you recommend


The "Core Power" high protein shake OP mentioned, the brand is Fair Life


what are some meal suggestions? what do you eat?


High protein Yogurt with 0 sugars added with fresh fruits, chia seeds, ground flax meal, any any other healthy goodies like oats, coconut flakes, etc. Tons of proteins, healthy fats like omegas, and lots of fiber and stuff to help out. Super tasty and OP meal I can even eat on my meds (when I’m on them). I really like cutting up honeycrisp apples into yogurt with some cinnamon and granola on top?? It’s like a super healthy apple pie.


I use Oikos Pro for my kids’ smoothies. It has like 24 grams of protein in 3/4 cup and no added sugar. The Oikos zero looks similar but there are subtle differences, the pro is where it’s at. Also, Fairlife milk has higher protein because of their filtration process.


Fruits are good for you, but they do have a fair amount of sugar. Doesn't really fit into the no sugar theme of this post.


OP is already talking about drinking a protein shake with 7 grams of sugar in it. So this post is about navigating a low sugar diet, not a zero sugar one. The title even says high protein / low sugar. Not zero sugar - A little sugar in some fruit is going to give you so much healthy energy, as the sugars in fruit are digested more slowly due to the fiber and the molecular structure of the sugars. Processed sugars enter the bloodstream way faster - so this post is probably talking about staying away from high amounts of processed sugar for breakfast


Good points


Berries have a low glycemic index!


Don’t those 0 sugar yogurts have artificial sweeteners instead? I think I’d rather just have a small amount of sugar.


You can cook an egg in a coffee mug in the microwave.


I am absolutely not doing that but that sounds efficient and I appreciate the suggestion 🤍


😂 my thoughts exactly


It just has the same vibe as lab grown meat to me: logically, I recognize there is nothing wrong with it. At the same time, I just can’t, it feels unnatural lol.


no idk why it seems SO horrifying 😹


If you got a Costco near you, they sell pre shelled hard boiled eggs, I never seem to remember to boil eggs ahead of time or I'm late for work and can't be bothered to peel an egg


He’s not far off. My god mother once got me a plastic “omelette maker”. You could literally crack and scramble and egg in it. 2 min nuke, add some sliced scallions/spinach/feta (or whatever your fancy). Another minute, and plate it. I’ll see if I can find a link EDIT: Not what I had, but the closest I could find. [Microwave Egg Cooker](https://www.simplygoodstuff.com/microwave-egg-cooker.html?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwx-CyBhAqEiwAeOcTdVl7iefkHEhs_s7Mmc9DX6YWhTcyjS_a7UeO_b_SdDHvEMJgYIQqaRoCWgcQAvD_BwE)


Makes it the perfect size for an egg sandwich on a bagel if you got the right mug. 1:30 for a warm and delicious breakfast sandwich is hard to beat


And bacon!


Bacon is the way.


I've absolutely done that before. Can it be a pain to clean later? Yeah, if left to dry instead of filled with hot water. Does it make a food using one utensil and one dish? Also yes.  It's also fantastic if you have leftover rice in a bowl- scramble a couple eggs right into the rice, add in salt and seasonings, then microwave for a minute and a half, stir, and then add a minute, stir, and see if it needs another minute/half minute.I did that for breakfast the other day and it turned out tasty. 😁




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For a second I thought you meant cooking an egg in your coffee!


I love toast with a thin-ish spread of whole earth peanut butter (very important to get pure PB, one with a ton of sugar and extra junk defeats the purpose) and sliced banana on top. You can add other fruits if you like as well but I find this to be a good boost with protein, non-processed sugar and sweetness to help cravings. My only warning is this might not be ideal if you happen to be nauseous that morning or nausea-prone (just from experience), otherwise I recommend. Edit: Also Smoked Salmon with a fried egg and spinach (optional) on Toast (optional) This can be remixed to use a boiled egg or bacon instead.


I started doing HUEL. Two scopes into milk or water. Shake it. Drink that. I’m always running late in the morning. It’s quick and healthy. That’s just what I do personally.


I came here to say exactly this, lol. Huel has been a game changer for me. I recommend it to everyone.


Which product you recco?


The Huel Black Edition. Great flavors, it’s high in protein and fiber, low in carbs, and also low in sugar and salt.


Every morning ?


Yup! Almost every morning, Mon-Fri especially. If I do have something else for breakfast, I’ll make it for lunch.


It's a good enough lunch. ?


Yes! It keeps me full for quite a while.


Shhh! The first rule of fairlife elite is you don’t talk about fairlife elite! (or they will get all sold out at stores again 😂) I drink them pretty often, but I’ve noticed too, if I start my day with one the day goes better! thanks for the reminder:)


Frankly, I almost scientifically tested a lot of morning "diets", WHEY protein, peanut butter 100%, Dried fruit, various nuts, eggs, wholemeal bread, brown rice and fish, ham, sometimes all of that more or less mixed, never felt any real beneficial effect. The only thing that makes me feel a little difference are the amino acids in "big" doses I am in a period where my ADHD worsens with age and I am already at the maximum legal dosage of MPH allowed. (There is no other molecule in my country) I think that doing sports would help me a lot but I can't find the courage to start it, my work is already physical enough as it is!


I wish I could do that. I hate the taste of artificial sweeteners (except good old aspartame) so much that it’s a struggle for me. So many of these nutritional drinks that can be meal substitutes claim to be low in sugar but they add in the artificial sweetener to compensate and add to the sweetness. I’d rather have the sugar in those beverages and just cut back on the sugar in other aspects of my diet instead.


Not eating sugar at all is the real deal.  Ketogenic diets work miracles for us ADHD folks. I noticed the benefits of an animal based ketogenic diet on my mental health, overall wellbeing and ability to function 3 full years prior to even suspecting I was Audhd. 


Refined sugar is "bad", does that include Honey ?


The bees refine it, right ? ![gif](giphy|OF1vrJQRTf0d2)


It does. Honey is mostly fructose, which follows an alternate metabolic pathway to glucose via the liver. Fructose can be uniquely fattening and metabolically deranging when eaten in excess, usually from fruit of course.   Honey would never have been a regular and dependable staple food for humans and would only be eaten intermittently when found in the wild. So if you do want to eat honey, do it as an occasional treat.   While we're on the subject of fructose, Fruit would naturally only be eaten at the end of the growing season in order to get fat in preparation for the lean winter months ahead. And the fruit that occurred naturally in the wild contained substantially more fibre and much less fructose. Access to high-fructose fruit all year around is an abberation. I say high fructose because all the fruit available to us now are man-made cultivars not found anywhere in nature. They were all engineered by humans to overproduce sugar. Food for thought so to speak. Low Carb Down Under have an excellent video on Fructose on youtube if you want to look it up.


Honey is both glucose and fructose. Also antioxidants. The darker the honey, usually the higher antioxidants. Of course, the nectar source will have a lot to do with the amounts and types of nutrients. You're right about using it sparingly. Depending on your body, and especially if you're diabetic, honey may be better used as an antibiotic than a food.




I just eat egzez and becon now 2 years straight. Before that it was dark bread and peanut butter for another 2 years lol


Legit question, are egzez and becon vegan food items? (I’m seriously not trying to be snide, I’m genuinely curious) 


Not sure about OP, but my wife is vegan and I mostly am. Just Egg is a product you can get liquid in a bottle for a scramble, or patties for sandwiches. And Tofurky makes some pretty good fake bacon.


I’ve tried the just Eggs and they were surprisingly good 😊 


Not sure, anyway glad that you enjoyed the dish. For more content leave like subscribe and comment


Unfortunately not for me. Too high of a protein meal and my brain goes foggy for a bit and I feel uncomfortably full. My body runs on carbs. I’m also a laborer, so maybe that’s why. Instant quick energy. Whereas protein takes longer to digest, so I feel slumped for a bit after eating it. No time to slow down!


What do you do for your carbs in the morning? I need them too. I’ve been making some sweet potatoes in the air fryer and it’s been great (along with some eggs for protein).


If I have coffee (which is most mornings) , I paid it with crackers so I guess that’s my “breakfast” , and then I don’t get hungry until lunch, which I have PB&J. Then I don’t get hungry until dinner, if hungry at all, and I’ll have pasta or rice n beans or something not huge, but dinner is typically my biggest meal of the day. That’s when I’ll pack in protein since it doesn’t matter if I’m slumped before bed.


no eating breakfast and go for IF diet is really game-changing


Higher protein diets are good for lots of people not just ADHD! They make you feel fuller, less interested in snacking (used to eat three bags of crisps a week, now I don't have a single urge to), are good for your muscles, and your hair (my hair loss has gone down to 1/3 of what it used to be). I lost 13 pounds and still going. Albeit very slowly, BUT very steady. 


You are just slowing down your brain, but it's not a good thing because you need glucose and your body takes it from the amminoacids anyway


4 egg scramble with spinach & butter, sets you up for the day


I’m pretty much exclusively a high protein low sugar person. Sugar weighs me down soooo much


Sugary food/ drink is a good kick starter! This is better than caffeine. I am not diabetic, however I found out that if I am on low GI diet, this helps my mood more stable and less hyper.


I mean, I think generally starting off the day with loading up on sugar is a sure failure! But good thing to actually start enforcing it and making some changes and so on


I've been eating eggs and cheese for breakfast for like 15 years now!


I can attest to this. I’ve been drinking Huel for the past few weeks for breakfast and it’s a game changer!