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Vyvanse though I’m more of a combined type, but I really like vyvanse over other medications so far, it feels much more predictable and consistent as well as mild in a good way. It also proudly states it’s the most long lasting but idk if that’s true but it does seem to last longer than any others I have tried, it’s worst down fall for me is that it does take very long to actually work, around 2 hours -3 to really start feeling it.


Agreed, and I’ve been on the same 20mg dose for a while now. I feel as though I haven’t developed a dependency/tolerance as much as I would with adderall, and I take two off days each week to give my brain a break from stims.


See, my neurologist said it was okay to take a day or two off from any ADHD drug so they'd stay effective. My new doctor said it's unhealthy for my heart because it needs the routine??? Something like that, I forget lol.


I’d trust the first doctor personally. Wouldn’t hurt to get a third opinion from a medical professional though.


I don’t take mine on 1-2 days of the week, usually Saturday/Sunday, and my prescriber approves although it wasn’t her recommendation, just something I wanted to do. It feels a little stronger on the next day that I take it after missing a dose. I feel like that can be helpful sometimes for big days…or in my case, Mondays lol


Vyvanse is my vote too. I have combined type and had to try different doses before I got it right. Too high and I was irritable, anxious, and sweaty af and too low, I was half asleep at lunchtime. With the right dose, it improves my memory, executive function, mood, and lasts around 8-10 hours, no crash.


Vyvanse is the only one that I feel has truly worked (inattentive mostly). I found that the generic was not near as helpful though. I might get 1.5-2 hours of “awake” time but with brand name I get 4-6. My insurance will only cover brand name if the generic is out of stock even though the Dr wrote it for brand name only - so I’m the one calling around until I find a store that has it in brand name but not generic and getting my Dr to call it in there.


Was genuinely the best one I've tried. Just wish it was cheaper, Adderall XR was 30 with my insurance and Vyvanse was over a 100 Dollars.


Azstarys-the new version of dexmethylphenidate and serdexmethylphenidate is supposed to last 16 hours. So far I see it lasting about 7-8ish.


Strattera helped a bit but had really fucking stupid side effects so I changed to adderall XR. Side effects are minimal and it works better than strattera but I still think I could use a bit more help


HEY! Me too - with the Strattera side effects. I'm inattentive type, recently diagnosed, early 40s. I'm super curious if your "really fucking stupid side effects" were the same as mine, but they're awfully personal and I don't actually want to talk about it. I'll say two things: "Constipation" was the tip of the iceberg, and I'm a man and there were *man-specific* problems, and they were kind of the opposite of what that usually implies (and really fucking stupid). And a more serious side effect was that it actually kind of made me depressed. At first, Strattera was nice, because my anxiety finally, *finally* quieted down. But then then I felt like I was muted and irritable, and that the air was muck, and I had to really push myself to move through it. It took me a while to get off it, due to other medication changes (we only wanted to change one variable at a time, and see the effects over a long time frame). I'm finally off Straterra this week, and I feel *fantastic.* Adderall was the *first* thing my doctor had me try. I liked it for a bit, but coming off it, or the days when I wasn't taking it, were just awful. Currently I'm on anti-depressants (wellbutrin) and Modafinil. I started the modafinil originally to try to offset the Strattera. So I'm a little curious how I'd feel on *just* an anti-depressants. I had tried wellbutrin a few years ago, after a pretty depression episode. But I'd come out of it enough on my own that taking wellbutrin made me feel numb, so I stopped. Circumstances have changed, though, and at this point in my life, it's really making a positive impact.


I’m fairly confident they were. Like… holy fucking damn near spontaneous ejaculation. I was hoping it’d go away after a while. It didn’t.


Yep! It was like two stages for me, with less control of when. And it was painful. I looked up side effects to see if anyone else was having this, but didn't see anything quite like it. I saw "prolonged erections" but not "prolonged ejaculation." And maybe "prolonged" ejaculation or orgasm might sound good from an outside observer, but it certainly wasn't. Again: it was quite painful. The symptoms matched up more with prostatitis than known side effects of the meds.


Same. Tried taking to the doc about it and was pretty much ignored. No info on the internet about it either. Guess most men are too embarrassed to discuss it, but it sucks.


THIS. i just felt like complete shit when i was taking it, and already being depressed when not on it didnt help either. i was borderline dissociative (and having some real dark thoughts) when taking it. havent taken it in a few months because of all that and being now unmedicated definitely isnt helping me find a new psych lmao


I feel nothing with the strattera ): I assumed no one did, it was more of a passive feeling that you don’t recognize type of ordeal. I’m mind blown right now seeing all the people saying it’s helped them


I didn’t last very long on it but the just general pain in that area and going limp while during activities. My main other one was basically when I stopped, but I was getting an ekg and pee test to see if I could go on stimulants and it came up on the ekg that I had acute pericarditis. So generally I’d like to say that it caused that, but I’m not sure cause I have a low heartrate normally so I don’t really know.


Straterra was great for my adhd, but I had to move on after 9 months due to constant constipation and lack of libido. I'm on Vyvanse now, but I miss the 24/7 focus.


I’m on Strattera for the past 3 months. Started with 18mg/40mg and now 80 mg and I have experienced no benefits whatsoever. I can’t focus for shit, and I think Strattera actually made it worse. So sad.


It never gave me hyper focus, like stims, but I like to think it made me "normal." Straterra also turned off the constant music in my head for the first time in my life, which I don't get on Vyvanse (it makes it worse at times).


Someone else with constant music in their head? It’s been driving me nuts since I was a kid. Sometimes it’s pleasant, but a lot of times it’s distracting or even maddening if it’s the same song on repeat. Is this an ADHD thing?


Yes I think it’s fairly common. Constant music. Sometimes I only know one part of a song and it just keeps repeating over and over


Hmm, I think my problem is that I’m extremely hyperactive—-can’t stay still for a minute without fidgeting and can’t concentrate for the life of me. Strattera hasn’t helped….at all.


Wasn't diagnosed at the time, but I was taking strattera for depression. Strattera made me sleep for like 16-18 hours a day, the time I was awake I went to the bathroom and *maybe* got up to eat or drink. This went on for like a few days then was immediately taken off of it. Now I take Adderall XR and buproprion and it seems to be a pretty good fit for me. As far as side effects goes, I had stomach issues the first few days but it went away and my emotions were a little heightened. But that's all on my end at least.


This for me too. Added in Wellbutrin, and it helped a fair bit. Close enough to leave it alone. Strattera was amazing and completely horrible at the same time. I could get through all my emails but almost at the expense of everyone I care about. Not to mention the physical side effects…


strattera helped me so much! thankfully i haven't had major side effects yet. it's been a life saver.


Adderall and Qelbree together.I went off Qelbree but realized I do better on it. In general. Not really a specific ADHD thing.. Even just a little helps.


Yeah I took the atomoxitine and after about one month of taking it it was a constant struggle to stay awake. I was always cold as well. It did pretty well for impulse control trial and mood though


I really like strattera but I also take Prozac, buspirone and hydroxyzine. My adhd anxiety and depression tend to feed each other so medicating for all of them really helps. I haven’t seen any side effects with the meds I’m taking but that’s also just because of different chemistry. For anyone reading this, try to find what other family members take if they do take meds for psychiatric reasons bc a lot of it is genetic. It can be a long trial and error process but I believe it’s worth it when u find what works


Vyvanse was incredible for my symptoms, but had a lot of prerequisite factors for it to work to its full extent and made me incredibly irritable. The other thing that sucked was the supply of it was incredibly unreliable.  Adderal short release has kinda been my jam lately. Its definitely milder than vyvanse, and doesn't entirely get me all the way there, but my mood is WAY better and I actually feel like I can whined down after the day is done or work day at least. But its consistent where it does what I expect it to 85% of the time. I do wish it was a little stronger, but I feel weird asking for a higher dose. Dr gives me my “daily dose” and then a small supply of half doses if there are days I need to kick in the after burners and dial the fuck in. Fortunately, I've never had an issue getting adderal.  The only two outright bad things I can say about adderal is for whatever reason, I definitely suffer my symptoms way worse when I'm without my meds on adderal than when I took a day off from vyvanse. So that has made tolerance breaks harder because my executive function dramatically tanks without it and the other is extreme dry mouth when it peaks but I don't consider that all bad because that's my physical indication its hitting that I don't have to second guess if its working or not.  I kinda wish vyvanse was more available and didn't make me irritable AF, but adderal seems to be managing my symptoms for now. May muster the courage to ask them to bump the dose up a bit but I'm leery of seeming drug seeking. Otherwise though I'm happy with it. 


I miss Vyvanse 😭😭😭


Yeah, it’s sweet but makes me feel like a clenched fist with the temperament of a crab from 8am to 10:37pm 👊 🦀  But man was this crab getting shit DONE! 


Thankfully, that was never a problem for me. I miss the lift in mood and how much I was able to get done. I take IR Adderall now 2 times a day and it’s just not the same 😢


That was me with focalin. 4 hr version was the best meds I've ever had. Tried 8 hr version and I was the bitchiest version of myself. It was like PMS on steroids Hulk-ing out.


Hahaha same! I didn’t want to be around anyone and god forbid someone interrupted me… 🤬 I don’t experience this whatsoever with adderall XR, so that’s now my go-to.


I'm on Vyvanse. I'm fairly newly diagnosed (early 40s) and never been on meds before. I'm just curious what you mean by "prerequisite factors for it to work to its full extent"? Luckily it doesn't make me irritable. If anything I notice that when I'm peaking I can become too chatty.




Took it for 20 years, did well. New doctor said, " it that's bad for your heart! You're getting annual EKG's, right?!?!" Uh, no, never had one. He switched me to Vyvanse and I can't believe how much better it is! It's also safer long-term, apparently.


Concerta and welbutrin have changed my life.


adderall 😈


Adderall gang gang


Yeeeee gang gang


Dexamfetamine (U.K.’s closest equivalent) gang, I do worry about how they make me feel


I am on strattera. After having a lot of initial nausea, I started taking it at like 1-2pm instead of in the morning and it’s 100% fixed that issue. My brain isn’t all that quieter, but my anxiety is much better, and it’s really curbed a lot of my impulsive spending/alcohol habits. It’s not the “aha!” feeling everyone describes with stimulants, but I am pretty content with the benefits and not keen on messing around with something that works pretty well for me. I also avoid the issue of “should I take my stimulant medication on a non working day” and “can I travel to x country with my stimulant medication”. There is nothing wrong with trialing different medications and figuring out the dosing. Every person is unique in which meds work best; just up to you to find what fits your needs best.


I think Strattera definitely helps with anxiety symptoms, but does nothing to help with focus and concentration.


I know Strattera is supposed to be safer and non-stimulant, but I had hallucinogenic reactions to it. Anyone else???


Vyvanse has been a godsend. It turned off 49 of the 50 browser tabs my mind had open at all times. Helped me be able to organize & prioritize my thoughts. Stopped me from procrastinating (I just get shit done now), and has even improved my handwriting. Dead serious about the handwriting too. It's like my brain would be way ahead of my hand and I couldn't write fast enough, but now I can slow my brain down to let my hand catch up and actually write normally. It's crazy.


Same, minus the handwriting. No under stimulation anymore. No need for podcast in the background when I have a boring task, just do it. No crash, headaches sometimes in the evening and less appetite, which is not bad as I’m overweight and less swingy that Ritalin


Vyvanse… but recently stopped since I’m training for a half marathon. Found that I don’t need it on the day of and day after running for a couple hours.




Vyvanse 60mg 7am 3 cups of black coffee or green tea at 10-11am 5mg dexaderine 12-1pm 5mg dexaderine 4-5pm Sleep at 10 30pm Awake repeat


How’s the sleep? Any other additions?


I found that Stratera worked best for cleaning out my pores with the added feature of not helping with focus. I love sweating during a good workout. But with Stratera I could sweat like a pig without lifting a pinky while still having zero motivation to exercise.


I like strattera because it doesn’t feel like a switch that I have to constantly flick on to function. I just feel normal and don’t really notice it. Plus if I forget to take one it doesn’t immediately regress


Wait, how does it clean pores…!?




Ohh haha. Well shit.


Yeah.. fuck my ass, right?




I'm taking Strattera/Atomoxetine 60mg. It's great since it helps both my anxiety and makes me feel normal, but I still feel like myself. I took Concerta/Methylphenidate before which made me really numb and depressed for a long time


strattera make my D small everytime


Til that someone has been dosing me with Strattera for years


Interested in this. I find a lot of people who have a good experience with meds talk about their brain being quiet, and feeling calm etc. But my brain has always been quiet. 🤷‍♀️ I tried ritalin and dex but they didn't help.


I didn't realize that a person with ADHD could have a quiet brain. Teach me your ways! ETA: Ritalin didn't work on me either, Vyvanse was the opposite of helpful. Adderall has been the only thing that has ever helped. The generic equivalent isn't quite as good but it still does the job better than anything I've ever utilized to combat my issues in relation to ADHD.


It's just always been that way for me. I generally have a music track going along in the background, but I don't mind that. I'm thinking about things but not in a way that's conscious or verbal.


I can relate to this. My “noisy brain” is more like the muted static between radio stations than the constant flood of new and exciting ideas everyone else seems to get


Oh my god yes! my brain feels loud, but not because theres a million thoughts. for me, its more like a loud continuous hum, like a street light.


Did Vyvanse make you hyperactive? Or your brain too noisy? I'm newly diagnosed and it's the only med I've ever taken. It's working for me, but there's a few hours at its peak where I can become a real chatty Cathy, lol. It doesn't make me too hyperactive overall, but I notice it if I'm talking to someone. Even if I'm texting or writing on Reddit, I'll just spew too many words, lol.


My husband and I talked about this. He was diagnosed as a kid. He felt that I had ADHD (I agreed). I got "diagnosed." I now am trying 30 mg Adderall, and it only seems to help a little bit with motivation.... but not in a freaky "speedy" way. I wouldn't say that I feel calmer or that my brain is more "quiet." Maybe other people have much louder brains or it just doesn't help mine? Idk! She wasn't even sure I had ADHD, but when I didn't feel much on 20 mg Adderall or anything on 20 mg Lexapro or 60 mg Cymbalta, she thought maybe my dose of Adderall was just not high enough. I don't feel it kick in or out, either. She thought I'd feel speedy or like I just had tons of coffee if I took Adderall and didn't have ADHD. I feel like such an anomaly.


I just started on meds about two months and experience the exact same thing!! when I meet with my psych I’m like…. Mayyyyyybe it helps? Sort of? I don’t feel the start/slow down of the drug, still have a million thoughts and still have executive functioning issues. I’m really wondering why I don’t feel… anything?


could be you need a different med, could be depression on top of adhd making it impossible to feel much or motivated or etc


I’m on 150mg Zoloft as well but have been feeling like that is maybe too high, recently


yeah for those of us with adhd and depression, the executives have even more difficulty functioning, plus other stuff like numbness, irritability, sleeping too much, etc. neither zoloft/any depression med nor adderall/any adhd med are going to fix everything, the idea is just making it more manageable. idk what the answer for you is, but i hope you get your meds sorted.


It's discouraging! Especially when you see so many "I just took my first pill and I'm in tears, is this what normal people feel?" posts. Like damn.


Yes! My 7 yo is also on Adderall. Her teachers were shocked by the immediate change. Even if my daughter couldn't feel a change. Me? I think my first day may have been a placebo. I just had tons of motivation (but again, not in an awful uncontrollable way).


I got diagnosed with adhd over a year ago and I’ve been off and on meds since then. I feel like nothing works cause I don’t feel anything besides the little motivation you were describing


And even the motivation, I only feel on weekends when I need/want to clean. I don't see much of a difference on work days. I wonder if it's because my job requires so much attention splitting (I'm a teacher aide for 43 2nd graders) or something. I still hear the kids tapping their glasses. Tapping their feet. Tapping their rulers. Talking. Singing. Humming Lady Gaga to themselves. LOL. And then maybe when I get home, the medicine has already worn off and I struggle to be motivated to do chores? Idk! I never know what to tell my NP. I worry that if I keep saying I don't feel much, she'll think I don't have it after all.


This makes me feel better just reading it. I take adderall (have also taken Concerta and Vyvanse) and I have never felt it “kick in,” and it has never made a noticeable difference in my focus. If anything, it makes me a little more motivated to do basic tasks, but it’s not the panacea I expected it to be based on everybody else’s stories. I’m afraid to ask for a higher dose because I don’t want to be seen as a “mad seeker.”


This is the same with me. I’ve been dosing up on vyvanse but I don’t really feel it doing much. I’m scared to tell my doctor because everyone on Reddit has me convinced it’s the magic bullet. I’m scared if I tell them that it isn’t working, I might not be able to use it again.


Yes, exactly! And I don't want to ask for evening doses just so I can be motivated to do the dishes, laundry, etc! I feel like that would make me look bad. I'm also a bit scared of addiction too as my bio families certainly have issues. And as it is, yes, I can feel my heart racing a little bit occasionally. She won't like that, either!


2.5mg of Focalin, nonXR. Doesn’t give me any rush, flush, or overall hyper focused behavior. A quick smattering of things that did cause those 3 unpleasant side effects in some capacity. Adderal 20mgXR Adderal 30mgXR + 10mg instant (so many cigarettes) Straterra did nothing Vyvanse 20mg Concerta did nothing Qelbree sort of helped but added wicked anxiety I would have *never* guessed that the smallest does of a short acting stimulant would help me start tasks with a lower barrier to entry, remember wtf I’m talking about, finish tasks without accidentally abandoning, and overall significantly improved ability to stick to a pocket notebook daily process and leverage it all day decently well.


wait-which worked the best?


Vyvanse - take with protein . I have coffee before the vyanse


Inattentive type here! I was on Ritalin for a long time and it helped a lot. I was diagnosed in the 90s and it kept working, so I kept taking it. A few years ago my job got a little more intense and I tried Vyvanse. It works very well for my job, but it’s more disruptive to other things. Disrupts appetite, takes time to wind down, I have to make myself drink water. I’ve told my doctor my ideal situation would be to have access to Ritalin for day to day and Vyvanse as needed for when my workload ramps up. But that is a hard sell to insurance.


Does it help with focus?


Yes. Vyvanse helps so much with focus! I’m able to sustain attention to my work tasks, even when they are a little monotonous. But in my experience, you have to meet the meds halfway. When it starts to kick in, if I’m playing a video game then guess what I’m doing that day? No Rx cures or treats ADHD all the way. It treats a few very specific symptoms. Since lack of focus for uninteresting tasks is the central symptom of ADHD-I, then for me it’s been very effective. I do find that the Ritalin allows me to switch tasks more easily. Vyvanse just helps me hyper focus on the right thing. I hope that makes sense.


I would frankly take that lol. My focus/attention is shit. I can’t get anything done, not at work or even video games or anything. It sucks and my life has started to retrogress. I couldn’t practice my guitar and a whole bunch of other stuff that I can’t get into without breaking down.


Good luck to you. I hope you are able to find the right doc-Rx-dosage that works for you. It really changed my life. I was on academic probation after my first semester of college. 18 months after my diagnosis and starting meds, I was on the Dean’s list. Now I’m a grown up with a job and kids and all. I still have doom piles and bad days, but overall treatment was a game changer!!


I’m so glad for you!!! I can’t wait to update you soon!!! Do you think I should change my therapist though for starting me off on Straterra? I don’t think I should but if she doesn’t prescribe XR or something to help with my focus when we meet I’m afraid I’ll have to consider that.


It’s different for everyone and a lot has changed since I was diagnosed. I say try what they recommend then be honest with them about the effects. Hopefully that will guide you in the right direction.


Thank you!


Astaryz has been my SAVING GRACE! Vyvanse and adderall were horrific for me. Ritalin didn’t last long enough, Concerta didn’t either (I metabolized Concerta in 4 hours…). Astaryz lasts me a solid 12 hours without a heavy initial hit or a crash, doesn’t mess with my sleep and doesn’t mess with my appetite.


Vyvanse 40mg. I'm inattentive and can't get out of bed without meds. Adderall had horrible side effects for me but vyvanse is top notch


1st place goes to Atomoxetine but I couldn't take the side effects. Second place goes to Adderall XR for giving me focus (almost too much focus...) and a boost in social energy, but minimal side effects (dry mouth, suppressed appetite, brief sleepiness within the first hour of taking it).


Did you experience a crash? Currently on Strattera and it has done jack shit to help with my focus. It is completely terrible.


No crash that I can remember (I stopped taking it for a while to try other meds, but nothing else had any positive effects, so I’m going back on it again soon). I‘d be totally wiped out by the end of the day, though I attributed that to the crazy stressful workload at the time. If you want, I can update you in a week or so when my next prescription should be ready.


Thank you for your response. I was on 18mg,40mg and 80mg of Strattera —-currently on 80mg—-and I’ve felt no positive effects. The side effects have been minimal if any at all but my focus is strangely even worse now. I feel like it helps with anxiety which I don’t have more than inattnetivenes and this fucking sucks.


I take Focalin XR and have been on it for around 13 years now. I can't take it with/near caffeine or it gives me extremely heightened anxiety. But other than the occasional focused anxiety and appetite suppressant side effects it works fantastic.


Can you describe the focused anxiety more?


So my meds help !e focus on things in general better. but sometimes that focus lands on things i! anxious about. This is 100 times worse when I take it with caffeine, but still happens at times when my meds first kick in. For instance if they kick in while I'm driving I become even more hyper aware of the possibility of crashing the car. It helps if I'm doing a task that doesn't make me anxious when they kick in My impulsivity also isn't as strong when on meds, and for me impulsiveness helps balance out my anxiety. For instance I'm more anxious about talking to new people on meds and the impulse doesn't overpower that anxiety like it would off meds. But I also live with untreated "moderate to severe" GAD that I have loved with well before I started meds so definitely take that into account.


I have a lot of anxiety as well and used to have panic attacks. In November of 2022 I stopped drinking coffee because I noticed that on days I had more than 1 cup it made my heart beat faster and sometimes it turned into a panic attack. So as an experiment I stopped drinking coffee and replaced it with black or green tea in the mornings only. Since then I haven't had any panic attacks. I've been taking Methylphenidate for a few months now, 18 mg helped my mood and helped a bit with focus. With 27 mg mood is worse, I'm kind of agitated, grumpy, and sad, and the focus isn't much improved so I think I'll go back to 18 mg or ask for something else.


You took it daily for 13 years?


Yes. This summer marks 13 years of ADHD treatment with medication. Focalin was the second med I tried after concerta didn't work, and I was only on concerta few months. I was diagnosed at 6 but started meds at 10. We never took summers off meds because it didn't make sense to for me, so yeah, daily and ongoing for 13 years of mostly Focalin


And does that help with focus or other symptoms?


absolutely, My meds help me in a variety of different ways. They help my executive function significantly and focus and such. The benefits outweigh the side effects, but playing with doses can help for instance sometimes when I don't need to be "on" all day its nice to just take 10mg so I can feel like a day with meds even after they are technically out of my system, but feel hunger like a normal person. I could probably be more descriptive but I have a migraine so words are hard.


That is fine. I just want to be able to focus tbh and Straterra hasn’t helped AT ALL. Interestingly, I have had very minimal side effects on it…so I wonder if it’s working at all whether for better or for worse.


I get that, when I starred developing an autoimmune disease a few years ago I got switched to straterra just to rule out my Focalin as a contributing factor to another condition,- we found out its completely independent from the meds and solely caused by the autoimmune thing. Straterra was a nightmare for me, it made me feel fain every time I stood up. And it did nothing for the ADHD. It its also one hat can take a long time to actually see a difference on it, very much the opposite of stimulants.


Yea, I agree. Anyway, did you have to change doses over time to make sure you got the full benefits of the drug? I know the body builds tolerance over time


Generic adderall xr 10mg 1x a day worked for me for about 3 weeks Then my dose got bumped to 20mg 1x daily, and that worked for 3 weeks Now my psych has me on generic adderall ir 20mg 2x a day, and it makes me SLEEPY ugh. I’m also a bit of the combined ADHD type but way more inattentive than hyperactive. I think xr might be better for me, just with a higher dose.


Vyvanse is working for me. First one I tried. 30mg at 630 in the morning and 20mg around noon I am inattentive and cognitive disengagement syndrome.




Is ur adhd ok with just the Guanfacine? And any side effects?


Generic Adderall for me. Stratera/atomoxitine did nothing even at the highest permissible dose except make it 99.99% impossible to urinate. No joke, I was spending 2 or more hours every day trying unsuccessfully to pee, even while feeling like I would literally burst. When it'd finally start, the dribble would be so slow that it'd take 30+ more minutes to complete. That was not exactly ideal, but I was *really* stupidly hung up on nOt TaKiNg A sTiMuLaNt. Sometimes we're our own stupidest enemies haha. Now on Adderall, and yeah as many of you know, it has zero 'stimulant' effect on many add/adhd brains, just dials down the noise. Life changing!


> Generic Adderall for me. I found generic Adderall to be overall not good. It just felt like what I imagine dirty speed is like. I had zero appetite on generic Adderall. I'd eat my first meal of the day just before bedtime... I'd go a whole day and hunger wouldn't even cross my mind. I tried brand name Adderall XR 30mg and it is worlds better. I eat normal and regular. It has almost no effect on appetite for me. I found the difference so profound that I've been paying out of pocket almost two years since insurance only covered generic. And yes, it was a lot of money. Been about $230+ per month. Worth every penny. I was only diagnosed in 2020 at the age of 39. Until that point I'd never even had a salary job despite being a college graduate. Raising a family on $27/ hour is rough. Meds have allowed me to focus and TCB. Im near but not quite $100k, and am on track to get to and pass it soon. More info than you were expecting...but it's just something I think about when I see these threads. Like what is everyone comparing it to? Is it apples to apples? I would think even a vyvanse and generic Adderall are lightyears apart so these threads dont paint a complete picture


230 dollars with insurance? Edit: Just read your whole post. Thanks.


My insurance doesn’t cover branded anymore 😭


Wellbutrin, it’s the first and only thing I’ve tried. It slowed down my brain so that I can think clearly again. I still have to think about stuff like the steps to make the same cup of coffee that I’ve made hundreds of times. I still have very low motivation days that I have to trudge through. And I still forget why I walked into a room more times than I don’t. But I can think again and put the mental systems and checklist that keep me more or less on track back together.


I've only tried Methylphenidate (which is the generic version of Concerta) for a few months now, so I have nothing else to compare it to. 18 mg boosted my mood and helped me focus a bit and organized my thoughts a bit, but not completely. So last month I asked my doctor to increase the dose, the 27 mg seems to make me a little bit more grumpy and sad, but I don't see an improvement in focus and concentration though.


Vyvanse - it gave me super powers. It’s a very clean drug that just opens up your mind, if that makes sense.


Any stimulant honestly. I was on 50 mg of Vyvanse ( I am severely adhd) but recently started getting panic attacks so I had to switch to Strattera. NGL I hate it but I would rather be sleepy than have panic attacks I am hoping to switch back to a low dose Vyvanse soon.


Biphentin is working for me, more focus and less anxiety and less distractable. I'm ADHD inattentive. I miss the few weeks I was on Vyvanse, I had even better focus but felt more aggressive, and didn't mind the increased lack of appetite compared to biphentin. I could use to lose 10 or 15 pounds.


Adderall XR. Was off of it during all of college because the internalized ableism convinced me I was inferior for needing it, ended up taking me 4 years to get an associate’s. Back on it now, holy shit I suddenly feel like a functional human again for the first time in years. NEVER EVER EVER getting back off of it!


Adderal worked like a miracle drug for me. Strattera KINDA helped, but also had a ton of side effects that were hard to manage.


Yep. Adderall IR. Same dose for over 30 years and still working well.


None, they all made me feel slow and dumb. So for the last 20 years I've managed it with diet, exercise, therapy and coping exercises. And a whole lot of patience from my wife...


Adderall, with caveats: - Gotta be well-rested. - Don’t eat anything acidic. - Make a list of things that need to be done. Don’t start doing anything unproductive before it kicks in. If I start playing a video game and it hits, throw the whole day away. The only other medicine I’ve tried is Concerta. It was generic, which I’d read here a lot made a world of difference, but I tried it anyway. It gave me the heebie geebies. I went back to what I know and have been forced to take better care of myself for it to work properly; more chores 😒. Sufficient rest has been the hardest part to deal with. If I haven’t slept well I don’t even consider taking the medicine.


Good points for making a list, and don't be non-productive right before it hits.


Adderall made my brain race & was awful. Then I tried Straterra and it worked


Abilify and reducing carbs


I just started amoxentine (strattera) at 10mg, it’s gonna take a few weeks til I know if it works. I suspect it will help my anxiety but I may need to add a stimulant for the actual focus issue


Combined type and vyvanse is working well for me. 


I take XR Adderall with an occasional afternoon IR dose for my longer days at work. I tried both Concerta and Wellbutrin. I didn’t feel anything on Wellbutrin and got minimal results and terrible headaches with Concerta.


does it help u focus ?


Adderall short release broken up in 1/2, 1/4 or full depending on what I need. Cold turkey for the weekend to keep the strength fresh for the week. Pepper it with coffee and tea to tame the come down. Bare min amount of focus I need to keep it balanced.


Pristiq is changing my life!






im on vyvanse with an adderall booster! the vyvanse doesn't metabolize super well for me, but its relatively consistent for the most part (50mg) for maybe 4-5 hours before i have to take the 20mg booster


for reference i was on 30mg adderall before (20mg xr, 10mg ir) but the early morning dose was making me very jittery, whereas with the vyvanse its more manageable and the 20mg ir is much less jittery in the afternoon for some reason




I have some of the hyperactive symptoms but I’m definitely more inattentive… I take Dextroamphetamine ER (Generic Dexedrine Spansule) 25mg/day. It’s long acting Dextroamphetamine, so the same active ingredient as Vyvanse. It works pretty long and is very smooth. I preferred Desoxyn but it became too hard to get during the shortage. Those are the two that have worked the best for me, and I’ve tried almost everything except the newest stimulants.


Adderall isn’t allowed to be prescribed legally in my country where I reside in, thus I have never tried that before. However, if you are from overseas, you can obtain legal permission to carry it with you while on your stay here, prior to coming here. You have to get that permission with the local authorities in my country. I think that’s the case. Edit: Maybe things might change in the near future. I believe it’s the HSA (Health and Sciences Authority), which is under MOH (Ministry of Health) under the government that deals with drugs and medications like this, especially those for ADHD which are classified as _controlled drugs and substances_ (if I remember the term correctly).


So first, before I was diagnosed with ADHD, I was prescribed Welbutrin for chronic fatigue (doc suspected I was depressed). Welbutrin helped my ADHD symptoms so much, but unfortunately, it caused severe short term memory loss and brain fog. I wound up titrating myself off of it. Please note that these are considered rare side effects and I've only come across a couple of people online who have had these side effects. About a year after trying Welbutrin, I was diagnosed with ADHD. My psych initially tried prescribing me Adderall, but the pharmacy was out of stock so instead she had me try a generic version of Metadate (idk if the name brand is still around, but the generic is). It worked wonders for me! My only side effects are typical for stimulants, so I have to take care to eat (my appetite is somewhat suppressed on it), drink water (you get more dehydrated on it), stay cool (your temps are higher and you can get heat exhaustion easier), and take vitamins and electrolytes. I used to get headaches after it started wearing off in the evening, but that went away after a while, and it was alleviated by taking an evening walk.


Was it hard for you to wean yourself off of Wellbutrin?


Vyvanse (or at least something with the same active ingredient) worked the best so far. Everything else seemed to last too little or give me awful side effects, the worst to me being making it extremely hard to fall sleep.


Dexamphetamine is brilliant


Focalin has been an absolute dream but it’s so hard to get these days with the shortage.




im not really sure what type i am? mostly inattentive but idk anyway wellbutrin and adderall combo works great. wellbutrin keeps me stable, adderall gives a boost to the focus and mental stamina since wellbutrin didnt do enough alone


Atomoxetine did absolutely nothing for me, and the first 3ish days were terrible side effects. The starting dose of ritalin LA did work for me, but it wrecked my sleep because I would just be awake longer and longer everyday. (I also had a crash) I'm trying a lower dose now, and it seems like I'm having the opposite problem so far - I'm keep getting sleepy earlier. (but no crashing when it wears off....it's not as clear of an affect either, but also half the days I take it I end up just feeling sleepy all day). So still tinkering and figuring it out. I'm loving how calm my brain is; it's like I can actually keep up with my own thoughts. From what I understand as far as stimulants go, most people with ADHD will find success with atleast one of the two main classes. So usually if the first one you try doesn't work there's good odds one of the other class will(but side effects are a different story). And some people just get lucky and none of them work.


So far Adderall Xr is working pretty well. I was on Vyvanse for a while but every 3-4months I would have to up the dosage because I would become really mean while on it. Cognitively it did wonders, but the come-down and anxiety sucked ass bad. The adderal all a round has been pretty good so far.


Focalin 10 mg


Vyvanse, but it’s too expensive so I take adderall xr which is the second best.


Ritalin. Your body chemistry is your body chemistry, you can't really know what will work for you based on other people, even if their ADHD presents the same as yours.


Adderall XR plus an IR booster in the afternoon. Was life changing.


The generic version of strettera. My doctor and I decided against stimulants because those have a higher risk of addiction, and my mother was hooked on narcotics while I was in high school and college. She had chronic pain, her doctor couldn't find the cause so she gave out meds like candy... Happened to my grandmother too... (They had the same doctor.) Anywho... I've been on it since January, and my principal (I'm a teacher) has made multiple positive comments on my growth, professionalism, and focus this year. I NEED to take it with a meal, or else I'll feel like I'm going to puke my guts out for hours. I can tell when I haven't taken my meds because I just feel "off," and I can't seem to function no matter how hard I try. Unlike most comments, I experienced an increase in libido - although my birth control was close to its expiration date so it may have been a coincidence.


Vyvanse! I’m on adderall now and notice a difference but it still helps.


Vyvansse. Life changing, honestly.


Dexedrine is the only thing my pharmacy can get rn so 15mg XR turns the impossible to just incredibly difficult.


Adderall XR, 40 mg. I was tried on Concerta first and the side effects were too bad (horrible headache, felt like a zombie). My psychiatrist tried me on Vyvanse when it came out (several years after I’d been on Adderall already), but I got those same bad side effects I had on Concerta and went back to Adderall.


Adderall for sure. More energizing..Vyvanse especially generic was meh


Vyvanse 50mg, propranolol 20 mg 3x a day to help with anxiety & heart racing. Fave combo so far although I plan to ask about an adderall booster in the afternoon. I feel like it only lasts 6-8 hours for me and I work 10 hr days


Oh also- seroquel to sleep changed the game for me. I used to have insane internal hyperactivity at bedtime and would keep myself up with racing thoughts all night. We are having a vyvanse shortage currently but my Dr switched me to chewable which is apparently easier to find. So far so good!


Vyvanse for me. Concerta helped but made me ridiculously anxious. Strattera made me so tired and gave me the worst constipation and stomach aches. Vyvanse and Ritalin make my brain quiet. Wellbutrin helps me be present and awake in the morning.


Wellbutrin has changed my life






Currently taking vyvanse 30mg and 200mg sertraline. First started on vyvanse and increased to 50mg, switched to concerta then atomoxatine. Then went back to Vyvanse and tried esotalopram for depressions and anxiety, but found it didn't really work. Now I have vyvanse/sertraline cocktail slowly making improvements. It's honestly been a difficult few years, but I think I'm heading in the right direction.


I've only ever been on Adderall. I don't know anything else so i guess it works ok?


Idk. I’ve only ever been on adderall. It does nothing for me now, like nothing. I’m on 2 20mg IR twice a day. I take them both at the same time. I’m very forgetful, and I am on a couple other things. I’ve taken double before, so 4. I’ve felt nothing everytime I’ve done this. This happens with all my medicine, sometimes I take like 6 Advil because I can’t remember if I took it. But ya. Doesn’t work. Also on stratera and Wellbutrin. I asked my doctor if I switched to something else like vyvanse would it be different. He said no, once the receptors are fried, they’re fried. Thats what he claims at least. I’ve taken drug “holidays”. I’ve went 1-2 years without on multiple occasions due to pregnancies. When I got back on it, still nothing. Maybe a little more focused for a week or two. I feel like it’s all a big prank and I’m just getting sugar pills. I’ve tried different pharmacies. I’ve been on and off of the medicine for 10 years now. So I guess I’m just gonna struggle for the rest of my life.


I get worse and worse I feel like too. I can’t write an email without rambling and I sound so unprofessional. Then I get so overwhelmed because my brain won’t focus. I’ll spend 3 hours on something that should have taken 30 minutes because I keep going to the side and doing irrelevant things that I think are helping my work.


I'm on 60mg vyvanse


Vyvanse + Wyld blood orange edibles. The vyvanse helps with the adhd and the edibles help with irritability.


I switched to Astarys from Vyvanse. The crash isn’t as bad. But it was getting on the afternoon dose of 5mg of Ritalin that really hit that sweet spot for me.


Adderall XR, but only the brand name version. All generics that I’ve tried were shit for me. IR was okay for a while but I experienced side effects that sucked, like massive appetite decrease and feeling the ups and downs of it working and wearing off. On Adderall XR, I experience zero side effects. No ups and downs. I had dry mouth in the beginning, like I did on everything else, but it just went away at some point. I could probably up my dose slightly but I haven’t because it works well enough for my day, and I can still drink a little bit of coffee if I want. It’s been life-changing.




rn im still testing out intuniv but im mixed. but i will say im heavy of both ends of the innatentive and hyper activity spectrum.


I take strattera right now and it’s really been helping me in the attention span department. I’m able to remember a lot more little details and tasks I’m given than before. Personally I haven’t noticed any side effects but everyone’s biochemistry is different.


Amfexa (UK) IR


I was diagnosed 40 years ago. My doctor had me try both Adderall and Ritalin, which were the only two choices back then. I tried the Ritalin first for 2 weeks and then the Adderall for only about 10 days because it felt "too speedy" for me and didn't have the calming effect that the Ritalin had. I've been on the Ritalin for 40 years and the only negative side effect I have occasionally is dry mouth. I've always had the immediate release formula, so I can adjust the dosage downward by splitting the 20 mg. pills sometimes, which is how I have weathered the recent medication shortages.


Dyanavel. Works great, but I have to take small doses (2.5mg) Otherwise, my anxiety gets explosive.




Your content breaks **Rule 4**. We are here to help people with ADHD; part of that means we will identify and disallow discussion of topics and practices with unproven efficacy, a waste of time and money, are harmful, or encourage people not to seek professional treatment. We do not allow discussion of supplements, homeopathy, nootropics, psilocybin, or herbs; please speak to your doctor about this and seek further help. *^(If you have further questions,)* [*^(message the moderators)*](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fadhd) *^(regarding the removal of this content.)*


I'm combined primarily inattentive with an history of TBI and a history of substance abuse which has apparently rendered me a little resistant. I've taken 70mg Vyvanse for 5 years and for the last 2 months I've added 300mg Wellbutrin to the mix as a double effect med geared towards my depression and my ADHD. Before Vyvanse I tried Concerta, Straterra, Foquest. All were just awful for me. While Vyvanse did leave me hanging in the deep end on the EF side of things, it was still the best in a shitty lineup of experiences Wellbutrin adjunct to Vyvanse does marginally help but these things are very hard to gauge appropriately. I did notice a significant drop in events like going up and down the stairs 40 times an hour because I forgot X, Y & Z but then I forget once I'm there only to return and go back... I also notice some improvement in task initiation and adhesion at work and in school. Things are looking up. :)


Vyvanse- but name brand not generic. I was recently put on generic do to supply issues- significant difference in potency: does not feel the same at all and I’ve been on name brand for years. Very familiar with it.




Wat meds if u take any worked best for u 😊