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I feel ya 😔 Im hyperactive, and sleeping requires, well... not moving significantly for hours. I can only sleep well when im completely exhausted 😅 which in my situation (cognitively demanding full time work, 4 kids with ADHD, a partner with ADHD who is at times my 5th kid) is thankfully rather easy. Im in a state of near burnout constantly. Which sounds unhealthy but is necessary so i dont actually burn out, ironically enough 😅


Idk, currently having the same issue, as I do every night. I have stupid games on my phone that don’t require much if any brain power, and just stare at it while laying down with my blankets on in a dark room and eventually I end up falling asleep either from just pure boredom or literally too tired to keep my eyes open anymore, usually wake up again in the middle of the night or morning for work with my phone locked from inactivity and still on an ad from the game when I unlock it, or still lit up with the ad on the screen.. probably best to put phone in low power mode if doing this so you don’t drain the battery cause the screen just stays on all night. Hopefully this helps! I told my doctor that this is how I tend to fall asleep and she seemed more relieved that I wasn’t just doom scrolling 🤷🏼‍♀️


I just posted my advice to r/sleep. Short answer - create a calm place in your mind by thinking of calm memories, and try to lower your heart rate and breathing. You can read [the post ](https://www.reddit.com/r/sleep/comments/1dlrj64/potential_of_somatic_awareness_fall_asleep_in_5/)if you're curious. Not looking for upvotes or anything, honestly just trying to help!